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Jim in CT 11-05-2021 08:33 AM

Liberalism in 2021
2 Attachment(s)
Liberals say the person on the left is an inspiring, glass-ceiling shattering woman.

The woman on the right, they say, was elected by white supremacists and is a foot soldier of white supremacy.

If that all makes perfect sense to you, you're a democrat. If you think that's bonkers, you're a republican.

To be settled in 2022. I'm liking our chances.

Pete F. 11-05-2021 08:54 AM

Don’t worry Jim, Marco Rubio is begging for money, claiming that Val Deming is a radical.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217183)
Don’t worry Jim, Marco Rubio is begging for money, claiming that Val Deming is a radical.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

your best, most effective response to my post, the best comeback you could think of, is that a republican politician is asking for money. That’s the best you could do?

democrats don’t solicit donations or smear their opponents, thanks for reminding us of that. Attaching a link to Val Demings saying that Rubio has no backbone, and another link to where she is asking for money.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 09:31 AM

Well he has proved he has no backbone, before America met Val Demings when she was a House impeachment manager, FL knew her as Orlando's first female police chief

As a senator, she would be a major upgrade to trump lackey Marco Rubio
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-05-2021 09:37 AM

just read this in the local paper....good grief....

the solution apparently is mental health counselors specializing in "climate stress issues"..

what tf is being done to these poor people...?

"Sixteen-year-old Ben Doyle often feels "pervasive guilt." It creeps up when he leaves the water running a little too long while brushing his teeth, or when he drinks from a single-use plastic bottle.

In those moments, he says, "I really feel like I’m only hurting myself and acting against my interests and the interests of everybody around me."

Doyle, a student at Portsmouth High School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, said he experienced "hopelessness" when the U.S. withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement in 2020.

Ben Doyle, 16, of Greenland, New Hampshire, struggles with the feeling of emotional distress stemming from the environmental crisis.
The term "climate anxiety" immediately strikes a chord with him – the phenomenon of emotional distress stemming from the planet's environmental crisis. Around the world, members of Generation Z – currently 9-24 years old – are experiencing it acutely, according to new data. And many people in their child-bearing years are torn between the future that awaits and their personal desire to have kids."

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217188)
Well he has proved he has no backbone, before America met Val Demings when she was a House impeachment manager, FL knew her as Orlando's first female police chief

As a senator, she would be a major upgrade to trump lackey Marco Rubio
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

your previous post, way back 5 minutes ago, suggests you don’t like politicians who solicit donations or who insult their opponents.

you must have evolved in the last 5 minutes or so, because now you’re supporting a democrat who solicits donations and who insults her opponent.

please stop making this so easy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217190)
your previous post, way back 5 minutes ago, suggests you don’t like politicians who solicit donations or who insult their opponents.

you must have evolved in the last 5 minutes or so, because now you’re supporting a democrat who solicits donations and who insults her opponent.

please stop making this so easy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Obviously you think Val Demings is a typical radical police chief
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Jim in CT 11-05-2021 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217193)
Obviously you think Val Demings is a typical radical police chief
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i don’t know anything about her. What i do know, is that you criticized Rubio for asking for money and for smearing his opponent. I also know that you don’t care that his opponent did both of those things.

it’s ok when democrats do it, only problematic when republicans do it. Right?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217196)
i don’t know anything about her. What i do know, is that you criticized Rubio for asking for money and for smearing his opponent. I also know that you don’t care that his opponent did both of those things.

it’s ok when democrats do it, only problematic when republicans do it. Right?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pretty simply I find it comical that Little Marco called former police chief Val Deming a radical.
You’re the one with the consistent tribal labels
By the way
You and Republicans have repeatedly said the Biden Administration is a failure. So when we see the economy growing at the rate it is and the off the chart job growth, remember the you and the Republicans were opposed to the Biden agenda.

US added 531,000 jobs in October, above expectations. August and September figures revised up as well. Unemployment rate down to 4.6%.

You want a job -- Dems deliver. You don't want to die of Covid. -- Dems deliver. Don't want your kids to die from climate change -- Dems will deliver. You want universal pre-k, lower drug prices, affordable day care and paid leave -- Dems will deliver. GOP???
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-05-2021 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217180)
Liberals say the person on the left is an inspiring, glass-ceiling shattering woman.

The woman on the right, they say, was elected by white supremacists and is a foot soldier of white supremacy.

If that all makes perfect sense to you, you're a democrat. If you think that's bonkers, you're a republican.

To be settled in 2022. I'm liking our chances.

What liberals said that Jim. ONE

Jemele Hill a sports writer . who’s also black .
who cares what she thinks.? the right cares . Alot

Her tweet was about both the VA races .. this is her tweet

It’s not the messaging, folks,” Hill tweeted. “This country simply loves white supremacy.”

Your examples are so disingenuous

Just like CRT it’s everywhere !
And you’ve been told to be outraged . And you don’t disappoint

Cleaned up for Scott and his OCD
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-05-2021 11:23 AM

Jim...let me know if you manage to figure this out^^^^ :spin:

scottw 11-05-2021 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217201)

You’re the one with the consistent tribal labels

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I need to start keeping track of these gems....

wdmso 11-05-2021 11:26 AM

It funny how the news and information about Tucker Carlson show is less outrageous then what 1 sports writer Tweeted .. with 1.4 million followers over Tuckers 4.7 million followers.. must be a lot of agreement with his position
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 11-05-2021 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217205)
It funny how the news and information about Tucker Carlson show is less outrageous then what 1 sports writer Tweeted .. with 1.4 million followers over Tuckers 4.7 million followers.. must be a lot of agreement with his position
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

probably racism at work...

wdmso 11-05-2021 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1217207)
probably racism at work...

White is right ! Isn’t that how it goes
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 11-05-2021 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217209)
White is right ! Isn’t that how it goes
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Not that I know of. CRT says White is wrong.

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217209)
White is right ! Isn’t that how it goes
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

virginia republicans elected a white guy, a black woman, and a latino.

white power!!’
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 12:20 PM

a black republican wins in VA. MSNBC host and guest who is a professor at georgetown, claim she’s a white supremacist. Of course they offer zero proof, maybe Michael Steele can put together a dossier on her for MSNBC.

these people hate every single
person in the right. this is a jamaican immigrant who served in the marine corps. but she’s a republican, so they have a seething hatred of her, and they will say anything to attack her.

This is a tv host, and. Georgetown professor. Think of how hate-filled and sick an ideology has to be, for influential people to think this way.

She’s can’t really be a good black unless she’s a liberal.

It’s not possible that democrats lost fair and square. The winners MUST be evil, otherwise they’d have to admit the left is not flawless.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 01:12 PM

Poor victim
Not only hatred, but seething
Bet you were told that by Fox.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217218)
Poor victim
Not only hatred, but seething
Bet you were told that by Fox.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

you’re ok with saying she’s a foot soldier of white supremacy? Good for you.

Sears challenged Joy Reid to invite her on her show. Reid won’t do that, and instead calls her a white supremacist without giving Sears the chance to defend herself.

you don’t have any problem
with that? then you shouldn’t complain about foxnews.

as always with you, liberals can do anything, but it’s wrong when conservatives do it.

were you a victim of trump? because you lost about him. an awful lot, to the point where you were barred from starting threads. Did that ever give you pause to ask why you behaved this way?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217220)
you’re ok with saying she’s a foot soldier of white supremacy? Good for you.

Sears challenges Joy Reid to invite her in her show. Reid won’t do that, and instead calls her a white suoremacist without giving Sears the chance to defend herself.

you don’t have any problem
with that? then you shouldn’t complain about foxnews.

as always with you, bitch slapped boy, liberals can do anything, but it’s wrong when conservatives do it.

were you a victim of trump? because you lost about him. an awful lot, to the point where you were barred from starting threads. Did that ever give you pause to ask why you behaved this way?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Poor victim,
Trying to be a man but acting like a teen-age girl
Whining again
You heard on Fox that what, oh my god.
Don't worry, I'm sure she gets plenty of mentions on Fox.
If you want to make your campaign ad a picture with a firearm, you are a little off. Just what does a gun have to do with legislation?

Meanwhile in the real world

Dow is over 36,000, unemployment has dropped from 6.3 in Jan. to 4.8. Over 5 million jobs added, a record. 220m vaccines in 10 months.

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217224)
Poor victim,
Trying to be a man but acting like a teen-age girl
Whining again
You heard on Fox that what, oh my god.
Don't worry, I'm sure she gets plenty of mentions on Fox.
If you want to make your campaign ad a picture with a firearm, you are a little off. Just what does a gun have to do with legislation?

Meanwhile in the real world

Dow is over 36,000, unemployment has dropped from 6.3 in Jan. to 4.8. Over 5 million jobs added, a record. 220m vaccines in 10 months.

how about you stop deflecting, and tell us what you think of what MSNBC is doing to this woman?

posing with a firearm has plenty to do with legislation ( i wouldnt do it, i think it’s a bit much), it conveys you’re a second ammendment supporter.

stock market is in a terrific place. and biden deserves some credit for that. fair enough?

but i moved half my positions to cash and have stop loss orders on my remaining positions, because a correction is coming. i’d be saying that if trump had won as well.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-05-2021 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217214)
a black republican wins in VA. MSNBC host and guest who is a professor at georgetown, claim she’s a white supremacist. Of course they offer zero proof, maybe Michael Steele can put together a dossier on her for MSNBC.

these people hate every single
person in the right. this is a jamaican immigrant who served in the marine corps. but she’s a republican, so they have a seething hatred of her, and they will say anything to attack her.

This is a tv host, and. Georgetown professor. Think of how hate-filled and sick an ideology has to be, for influential people to think this way.

She’s can’t really be a good black unless she’s a liberal.

It’s not possible that democrats lost fair and square. The winners MUST be evil, otherwise they’d have to admit the left is not flawless.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim you do understand these are black people talking about another black person .. correct …. Skin color has nothing to do with it .

Michael Eric Dyson speaks his mind

Nothing gets the base going then some 'Uppity black guy who has an opinion ..

So your up to 2 people who said similar things about Sears quite the conspiracy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 11-05-2021 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217225)
how about you stop deflecting, and tell us what you think of what MSNBC is doing to this woman?

posing with a firearm has plenty to do with legislation ( i wouldnt do it, i think it’s a bit much), it conveys you’re a second ammendment supporter.

stock market is in a terrific place. and biden deserves some credit for that. fair enough?

but i moved half my positions to cash and have stop loss orders on my remaining positions, because a correction is coming. i’d be saying that if trump had won as well.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

If you rely on Talking heads for your information, you'll end up mad all the time.
I don't see anything about Reid saying anything in the feed for her show and I would surmise that other than a 10 second clip, she did not get lost in that rabbit hole. However I'm assuming that one of the talking heads on Fox, is ranting about it.
So I looked and ah yes, Gutfield and it's been repeated by Breitbart, Daily Caller, etc

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217226)

Nothing gets the base going then some 'Uppity black guy who has an opinion ..

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

so it’s racist for me to criticize Dyson, when he says blacks
must all be liberal.

thanks for straightening me out.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217227)
If you rely on Talking heads for your information, you'll end up mad all the time.
I don't see anything about Reid saying anything in the feed for her show and I would surmise that other than a 10 second clip, she did not get lost in that rabbit hole. However I'm assuming that one of the talking heads on Fox, is ranting about it.
So I looked and ah yes, Gutfield and it's been repeated by Breitbart, Daily Caller, etc

so everyone critical of the left, is making it up.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-05-2021 02:25 PM

It’s amazing on the conservatives web sites. There is no name calling of Sears it must the R next to her name that saves her from the usual Racial comments she’s seen as useful black. Until she’s a RINO

By Jim and Republican Standards, Almost Nothing Is Racist unless it’s spoken by a Democratic then it all is?

But attacks on the VP are ok.. if I remember correctly you suggested She became district attorney of San Francisco and California state attorney general. By Blowing her way to those job and the VP ..

She’s can’t really be a good black or person of color unless she’s a Conservative women ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 11-05-2021 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1217228)
so it’s racist for me to criticize Dyson, when he says blacks
must all be liberal.

thanks for straightening me out.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Did I say you directly ?

no I did not

I said the Base

Hence why this story is all over fox and newsmax .. don’t be fooled to think it’s about informing . It’s all about outrage 24-7
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1217227)
If you rely on Talking heads for your information, you'll end up mad all the time.
I don't see anything about Reid saying anything in the feed for her show and I would surmise that other than a 10 second clip, she did not get lost in that rabbit hole. However I'm assuming that one of the talking heads on Fox, is ranting about it.
So I looked and ah yes, Gutfield and it's been repeated by Breitbart, Daily Caller, etc

Reid is clearly nodding at everything Dysmenorrhea is saying. Is bidding what you do when you agree with someone, or when you disagree?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 11-05-2021 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1217231)
Did I say you directly ?

no I did not

I said the Base

Hence why this story is all over fox and newsmax .. don’t be fooled to think it’s about informing . It’s all about outrage 24-7
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

it’s not justifiable, to be offended when msnbc says blacks are supposed to be liberal?

i can admit hannity is a buffoon. you can’t criticize this?

people don’t like this wayne. when you don’t have trump as the bogeyman, and more people see these tactics for what they are, we’ll see how that plays out in NC and FL.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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