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spence 07-16-2018 06:17 PM

Is this the turning point?
Today was, with bi-partisan condemnation, a terrible day (week) for our country, engineered by the president of the United States in collusion with a primary US adversary.

I'm not sure yet if it meets the legal definition of treason but it's certainly the behavior of a traitor.

Spare me the snark, I'd like to see anyone justify Trump's actions.

Got Stripers 07-16-2018 06:27 PM

Even if there was no collusion directly with the Russians in 2016, clearly there was collusion at the summit. I’d suggest their two hour private meeting was to get their stories straight, because they mirrored each other in all respects. So very embarrassing, so frightening, so unpresidential and so un American. Unbelievable to see our president lick the boots of the very man who ordered the 2016 attack on us. Good luck base trying to make this summit anything other than it was.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 07-16-2018 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1146796)
Even if there was no collusion directly with the Russians in 2016, clearly there was collusion at the summit. I’d suggest their two hour private meeting was to get their stories straight, because they mirrored each other in all respects. So very embarrassing, so frightening, so unpresidential and so un American. Unbelievable to see our president lick the boots of the very man who ordered the 2016 attack on us. Good luck base trying to make this summit anything other than it was.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Trump Jr released his own emails confirming collusion with Russians during the campaign. People can debate the impact or Trump's involvement but the issue of collusion is pretty clear. It did happen.

Sea Dangles 07-16-2018 07:46 PM

This pales when compared to trading prisoners for the tranny traitor.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 07-16-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1146795)
Today was, with bi-partisan condemnation, a terrible day (week) for our country, engineered by the president of the United States in collusion with a primary US adversary.

I'm not sure yet if it meets the legal definition of treason but it's certainly the behavior of a traitor.

Spare me the snark, I'd like to see anyone justify Trump's actions.

Did something actually happen at the summit? What actions? What policy was made?

Raider Ronnie 07-16-2018 09:40 PM

6 more years
6 more years
6 more years
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 07-16-2018 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1146820)
6 more years
6 more years
6 more years
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 07-17-2018 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1146812)
Did something actually happen at the summit? What actions? What policy was made?

We should know but an ill advised one on one meeting was agreed to, so only the Trump spin will tell if anything concrete happened.

I can tell you what didn't happen. This country caught the hackers red handed, with the trail leading directly to the head of the snake Putin, documenting an attack on our democracy and our country, yet our CLOWN (POTUS) not only stated to the world he believed Putin that there was no Russian hacking; he threw all of our intelligence community under the buss.

I've already heard the obvious Trump supporter canned comeback on the other thread, blaming Obama without any condemnation of Trump's shameful licking of the boots of the leader of a decades old foe attacking our democracy and way of life. What about Obama, what about Clinton; what about TRUMP?

wdmso 07-17-2018 07:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
no turning point . they are in bunker mode

DZ 07-17-2018 07:27 AM

Wasn't crazy about the news conference. But I haven't seen the transcripts or heard any dialog of what happened at the summit meeting?

JohnR 07-17-2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by DZ (Post 1146852)
Wasn't crazy about the news conference. But I haven't seen the transcripts or heard any dialog of what happened at the summit meeting?

The parts I heard were pretty bad. Though it was not the Pearl Harbor some were claiming it to be. But it was bad.

The Dad Fisherman 07-17-2018 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1146861)
The parts I heard were pretty bad. Though it was not the Pearl Harbor some were claiming it to be. But it was bad.

Meanwhile in Newburyport....

Pete F. 07-17-2018 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1146812)
Did something actually happen at the summit? What actions? What policy was made?

Just a meeting with his financial backer whom he owes bigtime, hiding in plain sight.
Follow the money

Though Trump has never succeeded in developing property in Russia, his company has benefited significantly from Russian money in the form of its clientele. For example, according to a Bloomberg investigation into Trump World Tower, which broke ground in 1998, “a third of units sold on floors 76 through 83 by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states.” Trump World Tower sales agent Debra Stotts told Bloomberg that they had “big buyers from Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan.” New York real estate broker Dolly Lenz sold “about 65 units in Trump World Tower […] to Russian buyers looking for real estate.” Lenz is quoted as saying “I had contacts in Moscow looking to invest in the United States […] what do you have to recommend?’ They all wanted to meet Donald. They became very friendly.” In 2002, “the push to sell units in Trump World to Russians expanded,” when Sotheby’s International Realty reportedly teams up with Kirsanova Realty, a Russian company.

The Trump Organization reportedly welcomed the Russian clientele. For example, a 2013 article in The Nation about the influx of Russian money in Miami real estate noted that Elena Baronoff, a Russian-American socialite once described on the cover of a Russian magazine as “The Russian Hand of Donald Trump,” operated a real-estate company catering to Eastern European buyers out of the lobby of the city’s Trump International Beach Resort. The New Republic has also extensively documented how the Trump Organization actively sought Russian buyers, so much so that the area around Trump Sunny Isles in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.” Within Trump’s Florida licensing developments, Reuters identified a total of twenty units in Trump Towers I, II, and III that were purchased by individuals with Russian passports or addresses. Individuals with Russian passports or addresses also purchased sixteen units in Trump Palace, twenty-seven units in Trump Royale, and thirteen units in Trump Hollywood. Trump accepted Russian money on a personal level, as well; Russian fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev’s 2008 purchased of one of Trump’s mansions in Palm Beach for $53 million more than Trump had paid for it four years earlier. Some of these Russian buyers have brought more than just money to the Trump Organization—they’ve also brought links to Russian organized crime. In 1984, a Russian by the name of David Bogatin purchased five condos in Trump Tower for a total of $6 million. Bogatin, who was linked to Russian mob boss Semion Mogilevich, pleaded guilty three years later to “evading millions of dollars in state fuel taxes in what state officials called one of the largest gasoline bootlegging operations in the nation.” The five condos were seized by the government, who claimed that he had used the purchase to launder money. Separately, In April 2013, New York police arrested “29 suspects in two gambling rings” run out of condos in Trump Tower. A condo directly below a unit owned by Trump reportedly “served as the headquarters for a ‘sophisticated money-laundering scheme’” run by an individual who worked for Semion Mogilevich. Until he began running for president, Trump not only did not deny his extensive dealings with Russian investors and clients but actually spoke about it frequently, boasting of the amount of Russian money that flowed through his projects in numerous interviews. So, too, did his sons, Donald Jr. and Eric: In 2008, Donald Jr. told investors in Moscow that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” while Eric reportedly told a golf reporter in 2014 that the Trump Organization was able to expand during the financial crisis because “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

wdmso 07-17-2018 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1146809)
This pales when compared to trading prisoners for the tranny traitor.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

its hard to keep track of all the miss information on the web

Bowe Bergdahl To Plead Guilty To Desertion and Misbehavior Before The Enemy

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning (born Bradley Edward Manning,convicted by court-martial in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents

same Wikileaks the GOP Trump and his supporters love

wdmso 07-17-2018 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1146866)

If my history is correct the GOP held impeachment hearings against Clinton for lying under oath for a blow Job.... I recall the outrage

Clearly Trump has yet to Lie under oath (he'll never speak under oath )

I would not call his press conference Treasonous but based on that performance I can see his arrogance and his reliance on him self as the his best advisor he and his people could have and most likely were Unwitting Co-conspirators

Intent will be a mute point ignorance of the law will not be a defense

the totality of the evidence will be hard to explain away

and yet all I here from Trump supporters is were is the proo

f 1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, pleaded guilty in October to making false statements to the FBI.

2) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December to making false statements to the FBI.

3) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted in October in Washington, DC on charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and false statements — all related to his work for Ukrainian politicians before he joined the Trump campaign. He’s pleaded not guilty on all counts. Then, in February, Mueller filed a new case against him in Virginia, with tax, financial, and bank fraud charges.

4) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case this year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to

I never saw that same requirement with the BENGHAZI investigation was more than two-year investigation, encompassing 33 hearings held in congressional investigations and four public hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million Republicans once again failed to find a smoking gun to pin the tragedy on Clinton or anyone else

But this is a witch hunt

scottw 07-17-2018 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1146861)
The parts I heard were pretty bad. Though it was not the Pearl Harbor some were claiming it to be. But it was bad.

Pearl Harbor, Kristallnacht, 911....good grief...:hihi:

politics has become religion...ironically transformed by many of the same people who insist that religion has no place politics...if you don't conform you are a heretic...true believers run around repeating memorized lines from their version of the good book believing that their devotion makes them better, smarter and in charge of all the unassailable facts and knowledge on virtually any subject....sharing a meme or cutting and pasting establishes undeniable facts...inescapable from every aspect of society now...strangely devoid of a sense of humor and seemingly ready to pounce at any opportunity to prove moral superiority....conditioned human robots staring and their phones all day getting marching orders from the Matrix...lots of zealots with lips moving so fast the ears don't work....

it's actually pretty amusing when you step away and watch the circus...but it's probably not going to end well as these things tend to go

Jim in CT 07-17-2018 09:06 AM

it would be impossible to watch that and be inspired by it, or to gain confidence from it. it was bad
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 07-17-2018 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1146877)
it would be impossible to watch that and be inspired by it, or to gain confidence from it. it was bad
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

stop defending him!!!

Got Stripers 07-17-2018 10:18 AM

Perfect cover.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 07-17-2018 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1146880)
stop defending him!!!

can’t help it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 07-17-2018 10:41 AM

Pete F. 07-17-2018 10:42 AM

wdmso 07-17-2018 11:40 AM

Donald J. Trump

While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money, I had an even better meeting with Vladimir Putin of Russia. Sadly, it is not being reported that way - the Fake News is going Crazy!

10:22 AM - Jul 17, 2018
38.9K people are talking about this

when you find yourself in a hole they say stop digging .. Trump say's keep digging until you come out the other side

Got Stripers 07-17-2018 11:53 AM

Yeah all the fake news, countless republicans, Democrats, even his own state news station Fox News have gotten it all wrong; I guess we were all tuned into the wrong media coverage. I know he isn’t a big drinker, but something is severely clouding his judgement 🤮
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 07-17-2018 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1146867)
Just a meeting with his financial backer whom he owes bigtime, hiding in plain sight.
Follow the money

Though Trump has never succeeded in developing property in Russia, his company has benefited significantly from Russian money in the form of its clientele. For example, according to a Bloomberg investigation into Trump World Tower, which broke ground in 1998, “a third of units sold on floors 76 through 83 by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states.” Trump World Tower sales agent Debra Stotts told Bloomberg that they had “big buyers from Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan.” New York real estate broker Dolly Lenz sold “about 65 units in Trump World Tower […] to Russian buyers looking for real estate.” Lenz is quoted as saying “I had contacts in Moscow looking to invest in the United States […] what do you have to recommend?’ They all wanted to meet Donald. They became very friendly.” In 2002, “the push to sell units in Trump World to Russians expanded,” when Sotheby’s International Realty reportedly teams up with Kirsanova Realty, a Russian company.

The Trump Organization reportedly welcomed the Russian clientele. For example, a 2013 article in The Nation about the influx of Russian money in Miami real estate noted that Elena Baronoff, a Russian-American socialite once described on the cover of a Russian magazine as “The Russian Hand of Donald Trump,” operated a real-estate company catering to Eastern European buyers out of the lobby of the city’s Trump International Beach Resort. The New Republic has also extensively documented how the Trump Organization actively sought Russian buyers, so much so that the area around Trump Sunny Isles in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.” Within Trump’s Florida licensing developments, Reuters identified a total of twenty units in Trump Towers I, II, and III that were purchased by individuals with Russian passports or addresses. Individuals with Russian passports or addresses also purchased sixteen units in Trump Palace, twenty-seven units in Trump Royale, and thirteen units in Trump Hollywood. Trump accepted Russian money on a personal level, as well; Russian fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev’s 2008 purchased of one of Trump’s mansions in Palm Beach for $53 million more than Trump had paid for it four years earlier. Some of these Russian buyers have brought more than just money to the Trump Organization—they’ve also brought links to Russian organized crime. In 1984, a Russian by the name of David Bogatin purchased five condos in Trump Tower for a total of $6 million. Bogatin, who was linked to Russian mob boss Semion Mogilevich, pleaded guilty three years later to “evading millions of dollars in state fuel taxes in what state officials called one of the largest gasoline bootlegging operations in the nation.” The five condos were seized by the government, who claimed that he had used the purchase to launder money. Separately, In April 2013, New York police arrested “29 suspects in two gambling rings” run out of condos in Trump Tower. A condo directly below a unit owned by Trump reportedly “served as the headquarters for a ‘sophisticated money-laundering scheme’” run by an individual who worked for Semion Mogilevich. Until he began running for president, Trump not only did not deny his extensive dealings with Russian investors and clients but actually spoke about it frequently, boasting of the amount of Russian money that flowed through his projects in numerous interviews. So, too, did his sons, Donald Jr. and Eric: In 2008, Donald Jr. told investors in Moscow that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” while Eric reportedly told a golf reporter in 2014 that the Trump Organization was able to expand during the financial crisis because “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

So nothing actually happened at the summit and Trump made big bucks off of Russians before he became President. Interesting.

spence 07-17-2018 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1146923)
So nothing actually happened at the summit and Trump made big bucks off of Russians before he became President. Interesting.

Sure something happened at the summit, Putin gave up nothing and Trump betrayed America looking like a fool in the process.

Move along.

detbuch 07-17-2018 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1146924)
Sure something happened at the summit, Putin gave up nothing and Trump betrayed America looking like a fool in the process.

Move along.

What did Trump give up?

Got Stripers 07-17-2018 05:13 PM

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 07-17-2018 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1146927)
What did Trump give up?

Trust in our democracy. Confidence in our political process. Emboldening our adversaries. We gave up a lot with nothing in return.

spence 07-17-2018 05:17 PM

Wow, Ralph Peters ranting on closed.

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