Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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tlapinski 09-15-2004 10:16 AM


Strider 09-15-2004 10:23 AM

Ouch........ so hurtful

TBone 09-15-2004 10:24 AM

Because you've been taking the high road this whole time in the main forum right?

TBone 09-15-2004 10:27 AM

Yeah it really does say a lot about me doesn't it?:smash: :doh:

BigFish 09-15-2004 10:28 AM

Just about says it all!:rolleyes:

Surfcastinglife 09-15-2004 10:36 AM

i feel the love in this thread :D

bloocrab 09-15-2004 10:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Put on some Marley - - -

Slingah 09-15-2004 10:57 AM


Originally posted by bloocrab
Put on some Marley - - -
ya problems

Krispy 09-15-2004 10:59 AM

You know BigFish, you hang around here like you own the place. Telling people what do, where to go, like your some kinda internet hotshot. Except, you really just got here. you post alot (to much), start trouble and then run away deleting as you go. Your a standup guy.
You and your buddies have hit at least 20 threads futhering the animosity, with stupid "use the search" comments about everything. And now your gonna whine about it. Grow up, get some nuts and post something worthwhile here. NOBODY thinks your cool because you post alot

BigFish 09-15-2004 11:04 AM

Krispy....why don't you get your nuts out of your mouth, bring them to me in person and I will show you what a standup guy I am by cramming them up your butt!:D What are you T-Laps little ball shiner? Move on Krispy you little turd!:smash:

Krispy 09-15-2004 11:05 AM


Krispy....why don't you get your nuts out of your mouth, bring them to me in person and I will show you what a standup guy I am by cramming them up your butt! What are you T-Laps little ball shiner? Move on Krispy you little turd!
Heres one post you cant delete, which is the most spineless thing you can do in internet-dom

BigFish 09-15-2004 11:06 AM

Oh no! I did not plan on that! I am in for it now!:doh:

Surfcastinglife 09-15-2004 11:11 AM

t-lap took down the pic :P haha one that u?! haha i dont mean to fan the flames at all j/w guy in pic looks like a mob boss ;D

TBone 09-15-2004 11:11 AM


You know BigFish, you hang around here like you own the place. Telling people what do, where to go, like your some kinda internet hotshot. Except, you really just got here. you post alot (to much), start trouble and then run away deleting as you go. Your a standup guy.
ALLEJUAH!!!! AMEN!!! and so forth:claps:

bloocrab 09-15-2004 11:20 AM

It's none of my beeezwax, but at least you 2 finally dragged this #^&#^&#^&#^& to where it belongs....OFF THE MAIN BOARD!!!

This site never had this kind of #^&#^&#^&#^&...... . . . ... .. . still being new to this inter#^&#^&#^&#^& stuff, I have a question ; ; ; ; ; - DO ALL FISHING SITES start friendly and then get f@%$#!@!d???

Someone should start a new site every 6 months then - - - cuz this #^&#^&#^&#^& sux already. I LOVE to fish....yes, I get sick of the same questions...yes, I understand new people join on a regular basis....yes, some will need guidance...some that think they know still need guidance...and of course, I still need guidance......BUT!!!,,, a LOT of these threads SHOULD be done via PMs or a "chat" feature..... I think a LOT of useless posts could be avoided if we had a "chat" feature. That way instead of ruining someone's thread...2 guys could just go battle, using whatever kind of obscenities they wanted to.....via "real-time" chatting. If they ended up friends...fine....if they ended up fighting, then so be it. But at least they wouldn't ruin thread after thread with this type of non-sense.

This used to feel like a friendly close to home fishing community...I got the opportunity to meet quite a few people thru this site...some have remained friends....some have slipped thru the cracks, but I find myself treating this site like I treat the others. It doesn't feel like home anymore . .. .it's just another site. I've been lurking more than anything else lately...and that's unfortunate, not that I have much to offer....but it's making me distant from the few I've be-friended thru this site.

What's the winter going to be like??

likwid 09-15-2004 11:21 AM

Wow, and everyone thought all the kids went back to school earlier this week...


tlapinski 09-15-2004 11:21 AM


Originally posted by Surfcastinglife
t-lap took down the pic :P haha one that u?! haha i dont mean to fan the flames at all j/w guy in pic looks like a mob boss ;D
i took it down in an effort to leave the childish behavior to others.

the pic wasn't of me. unfortunately, i'm not that pretty. :blush:

Slingah 09-15-2004 11:26 AM

you guys should let all this go
I have not seen any of BigFish's buddies futher anything here....he seems to have the whole thing covered by himself
I don't think this board was intended for anybody to tell anybody what they should and should not say. It's just friggin fishin.
I did jump in on T-Lap once last winter it was the wrong thing to mistake....I'm here to have some fun.
No one is right one is wrong...not everyone is going to like everyone's posts...move on fellas

Strider 09-15-2004 11:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends....... old WAR tune

Krispy 09-15-2004 11:45 AM


This used to feel like a friendly close to home fishing community...I got the opportunity to meet quite a few people thru this site...some have remained friends....some have slipped thru the cracks, but I find myself treating this site like I treat the others. It doesn't feel like home anymore . .. .it's just another site. I've been lurking more than anything else lately...and that's unfortunate, not that I have much to offer....but it's making me distant from the few I've be-friended thru this site.
Bloo, its true. This site is my home also. I have seen the changes, and believe a major part of the issue is fishing talk is no longer the main objective, just the guise under which people come here to blabber, and post and post and post about anything anywhere.
Where once it was 80% fish talk, its now 20%. Before there were in-depth discussions, now you cant get 2 posts before its muddled with garbage. That guys that made this place loved to talk bass, RI & MA bass. Its turning into a lets chat group. This isnt AOL though. Its not quantity of posts, like on the other big sites, it has always been the quality and value of information on a specific region by those participating here that made this site great.
My reaction is merely toward those I feel perpetuate these new problems, and are lowering the standard of this site, to which we have been accustomed to enjoying the last 4 years.

S-Journey 09-15-2004 11:56 AM


Originally posted by BigFish
Krispy....why don't you get your nuts out of your mouth, bring them to me in person and I will show you what a standup guy I am by cramming them up your butt!:D What are you T-Laps little ball shiner? Move on Krispy you little turd!:smash:
Oh Oh, Mr Sensitivo :smash:

Where have I seen that before(kidding BF):D

chit-talker 09-15-2004 12:00 PM

BF, you do need to chill.

You post on every thread, it gets very OLD....

BigFish 09-15-2004 12:05 PM

Whats it to you where I post as long as its relevant....which until posts have been to the topic and relevant!:smash:

And this is how you use your first post? With a name like chit-talker.....:smash:

Surfcastinglife 09-15-2004 12:06 PM

bloo and krispy make very good points. im new here and have prolly done some bonehead posting that pissed ppl off and whatnot and im sry! didnt know better. in the few months i've been here i have learned more then i could've fishin for 3 yrs usin trial and error. this place is a fountain of info and theres alot of good guys here save a few (hehe jk!) we have boards for small talk and boards for fishin talk.....maybe we should just pay closer attn to what belongs where before we post

S-Journey 09-15-2004 01:01 PM

To much hatin' going on:devil:

likwid 09-15-2004 01:03 PM


Originally posted by chit-talker
BF, you do need to chill.

You post on every thread, it gets very OLD....

Ok if you're gonna say something, say it with your regular account.

Strider 09-15-2004 01:05 PM

yup, erveryone needs to sit down together with a couple of cases of beer and a big bag of shrooms and laugh this whole thing off :laughs:

JohnR 09-15-2004 01:09 PM

This happens a bit, and then happens a bit more and and before you know it is a free for all...

OK - this is a fishing site, the fishing stuff happens on the main board unlesss it belongs on one of the side boards. The Political talk, Relgious talk, and any other NON FISHING topic go HERE in the Scuppers. Most of the Political and Religion talk go WAY beyond the scope of this site anyway....

This also isn't the BigFish camp -v- the TLap camp. These are two people with strong opinions and personalities clashing. Can anyone here name other people that have strong personalities? That clash with others? Fifty maybe? People take this stuff too seriously sometimes. People that otherwise would sit down, have a beer, and BS back and forth with no problem....

I know both these guys and they are strong willed people. But some people egg the crap on because a) it's funny b) it's not funny but like a dog licking it's nuts it gets done anyway c) some people don't give a rat's ass about it or at least this site. It gets old quick. So people need to stop egging the other on.

As for sites growing - this site or any other, it needs to grow or get stale. Part of growing means more questions that have been asked a thousand times. Part of it is my fault but I have not had the time to do a proper Frequently Asked Questions page that we could steer people to for some of the basics and then ask on some of the more specifics. It's a SLOW work in progress. Any help for people wanting to go and grab somoe favorite FAQs and thro them into the How To section. When someone asks a simple question like "What's a Hi-Lo Rig" be can steer them to the FAQs.
Other times a new spin on an old question can come along. Hmm, the Pac Bay USED to be the best bang for the buck in an inexpensive custom stick but that's changed. The Nautil is not the poor man's wet real anyway and replacement reels don't arrive in 3 days anymore. The limit is no longer one fish over 28. Gibbs plugs don't seem to fall apart out of the package like they might have earlier. Things do change and need to be looked at again and again.

Anyway - people need to stop attacking each other. Think about hitting that return button first. ESPECIALLY when it's to take a shot at someone....

Bloo - we miss ya. And I would like to fish with you one of these days....

Where is Striprman when you need some good harmony among men :shrug: ??

Sorry for the disjointed rant I'm really trying to get other things done right now...

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