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stripers247 08-18-2004 01:20 AM

you guys are killin me
Rochetta and McReynolds talk all the time. The have both talked to each other about several bigger stripers that have gotten away.

Al hasnt said a word in 22 years and all three of his children are happy and successful.

You make the guy out like he is a bum. Do you guys know the man personally?

Or only the BS that has been perpetuated by hateful comments.

Rochetta was well known Al was not.

Rochetta had a 100,000 boat Al did not.

Al has a tremendous amount of repect for Bob Rochetta and I get the feeling that it is reciprical. Why do you feel the need to kick the dog again.

Somethin personal or jealousy?

kippy 08-18-2004 06:21 AM

I don't think anyone is ripping Al or making him out to be a bum. Attributing all the problems you have had in life to a fish though, there must be other reasons than that. I have alot of respect for Al and what he accomplished, but you can't always blame others for your problems. Just my $.02

beachwalker 08-18-2004 06:23 AM


you got a lot of balls blaming us for treating your sweet heart Al with so called disrespect.

I hope you are joking. if not go change your poopie pants :laughs:

fishweewee 08-18-2004 06:43 AM

No one is ripping Al or boosting Bob Rocchetta. I've fished with the latter, gotten to know him a bit, and respect him a great deal not only because he's a swell angler, but also A MANLY ROLE MODEL who has his $hit together.

What is annoying is the expectation that we should feel sorry for Al because "fishing ruined his life."

Catching the world record is great, and I don't care if it was skill or luck or equipment.

But a person needs more to hang his hat on than some stupid fish (or getting screwed by one).

You're not doing Al any favors by JUST pointing out all the bad things that happened to him after the world record catch. He got exploited. He lived in NJ. What do you expect?

Right now, you're portraying him as a LOSER.

Why don't you balance the negatives with some positives? Why don't you tell us about the GOOD things has Al done with his life (or his family) after the catch?

Crafty Angler 08-18-2004 06:46 AM

There is the first of a two part article in this month's Saltwater Sportsman about McReynolds and the record bass told in his own words - I just got my copy in the mail yesterday and haven't had a chance yet to read it. It should be interesting.

Bob Rochetta is a good friend of a friend of mine and his dad who is a long-time Montauk charter skipper and we recently did some restoration work on a photo of Rochetta's fish that appeared in a Montauk paper....

But....uhhhhh...I don't recall seeing any posts recently around here dissing either guy. :huh::confused::huh:

beachwalker 08-18-2004 06:47 AM


Originally posted by fishweewee
You're not doing Al any favors by JUST pointing out all the bad things that happened to him after the world record catch. He got screwed and exploited. He lived in NJ. What do you expect?

:laughs: :laughs:

Crafty Angler 08-18-2004 06:50 AM

Nothing intrinsically wrong with being from Joisey, I guess -

Hey, everybody's gotta be from somewhere :hihi:

fishweewee 08-18-2004 06:55 AM

I'm not afraid to say that NJ is the armpit of the East Coast (sorry Jersey guys, you can make fun of my home state all you want I hate it too). :bshake:

chris L 08-18-2004 07:26 AM

who is Al McReynolds ? Bob Rochetta ? Ronald McDonald ??

what do they have in common ?
I dont know any of them and they dont know me !

theSURF121 08-18-2004 07:28 AM

Rochetta is one of the most respected fisherman around. He puts more people into large is the reason. If you ever take the New London/Orient Point Ferry (Cross Sound), stop in at "Orient By The Sea Restaurant" and take a gander at what I think is his 76 lb'r. Most of his fishing is at "The Race", "Gut" and "Sluiceway" and the results of the prior night are sometimes hanging on his boat.

MakoMike 08-18-2004 07:51 AM

See my reply in the other thread.

jugstah 08-18-2004 07:59 AM

I'm tired of hearing people sing their "Oh Woe Me" song and dance. Life is hard enough for everyone except the filthy rich with 100k boats.

Get over it, and trudge through life like everyone else.

And I've yet to see a post disparaging Al's name. So this thread should be locked and deleted.

stripers247 08-18-2004 08:31 AM

Green with envy
Give it a rest.

And go catch a fish. What is this thread hate Al? I would delete the whole damn thing.

Read the whole story before rushing to judgement.

Your opinions aside. Get the facts first.

Some people are made up differently than others. He's just a fisherman.

Just like the rest of us.

He gets dumped on and the other guys a god. Go read the other thread the night he caught the devil and tell me theres no negative comments. I'd rather focus on the positive.

Must be Jersey.

Its a pleasure for me to fish with the man and learn from him.

I dont give half a dump what any of you think.

jugstah 08-18-2004 08:35 AM

Your reading skills leave a lot to the imagination.

stripers247 08-18-2004 08:50 AM

jigstah You mean comprehension skills dont you?
jigstah You mean comprehension skills dont you?


I can read between the lines just fine:D

NIB 08-18-2004 08:50 AM

Its amazing to me how things get blown outof proportion on the internet.Some people read what they wanna believe an others ...Well I wonder if they read at all. I seen people post things on both sides of these threads.. I wonder what they are lookin at.Sometimes before i make a post i think is goin to be a angry one I go back an reread an often It is my own mistake or misconception.perhaps alot of others could benifit from this technique.Another good rule of thumb is If U don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all. I wonder how many of these big shots would be man enough to say some of the things i read in person.Seems like the internet brings on the beer muscles.It's a great tool for learning an makin friends.why ruin it with BS. I think the Al Mc Reynolds story is a interesting one.I for one would not know of the story in a Mag if not for this.i hope to get it today Now will i believe everything i read Who knows.thats for me to decide.But Al is a human bein with skin an feelings an all that crap.So if i have indifferent thoughts about what i read I'll probably keep them to myself thats where they belong.....Holy cow i'm really late for work. :smash:

fishweewee 08-18-2004 09:12 AM


Originally posted by jugstah
I'm tired of hearing people sing their "Oh Woe Me" song and dance. Life is hard enough for everyone...
I'm not trying to be a wise-ass or mean-spirited about Al at all.

What Jugstah said.

ThrowingTimber 08-18-2004 09:33 AM

arguing on the internet
You know what they say about arguing on the internet don'cha?

JohnR 08-18-2004 09:43 AM

9:50 am? That's not even bankers hours NIB :D !!!

Stripers247 - we're arguing on the INTERNET - about a sad, sad, sad story (about to be published so make sure you read it) over a guy that has probably gotten less than he deserves). From what I see written here, most people have sympathy with Al and his achievement/curse/getting screwed by others depending on one's interpretation of the post YOU put up here. So YOU go and post this and then tell us to NOT express our opinions? So then you must not be discussing this with us but dictating to us then, is that right? Or are we all just stupid and can't grasp the concept you have passed down?

I wish Al NO ill will whatsoever and if that's how you read my post than I think it's YOU fishing for a problem and not everyone else piling on. If you wanted to create some interest in the stories you are writing and interest in your site, you have succeded. If you are trying to make everyone else out to be the bad guys here then you are truly mistaken. I think YOU need to go out and wet a line (and from the shore, because we all know boat fish don't count, right? that was a joke before everyone tries to :bsod: :nailem: whack me :rotfl: )

chris L 08-18-2004 09:55 AM

Do fish market bought fish count ? as opposed to stop and crap bought fish .

Motor Fish 08-18-2004 09:57 AM

JohnR hit the nail on the head. After reading through all of this twice, I believe 247 is looking for some additional ideas / quotes / publicity for the book.

stripers247 08-18-2004 11:42 AM

not my intent to dictate, Point taken. Intellegent discourse is healthy. Your right everyone has their opinion. I'd like to win some of the naysayers to his side. I think he is misunderstood. Your right and I am totally biased. No one has approached that record since and no fish has encountered as much scrutiny. I dont know if I posted this already
"It was the most examined fish they ever had. The went to painstaking detail of fact . This fish was under a magnifying glass since it went to Cambells shop. I caught the fish and put it in his freezer box and that was the last I ever seen of the world record.
They Named him Bert the Bass because he was gonna be examined as a patient and needed a name. Dr Nomi and Demayo were bone doctors in Northfield or sommers point New Jersey. sombody named it bert the bass but it should have been Alberta because it was a female. The two Drs. with their medical licenses and reputations at hand to examine this fish and pronounce with the xrays beyond a reasonable doubt the fish had no foreign matter it was all cartiledge flesh bones and scales. 78 .8 pounds'.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I appreciated the feedback.

bloocrab 08-18-2004 12:31 PM

I read the "The Real Story" in the SWS magazine and I didnt' see it as a negative read....:confused: .....what appeared negative to me, was the way you <<stripers247>> posted about the same story. You depicted him as a poor thing looking for sympathy, NOT the story in SWS.

What was the point of your post?

Before you answer that question, and I may be wrong - BUT - I think your advertising for the near future. If so, step up and do it responsibly. IMO

stripers247 08-18-2004 01:07 PM

I didnt post the same story. The catch is the story in SWS. And who said the SWS was a negative read. It is an amazing story of the catch. I thought it was terrific. This story is the aftermath of the catch and some of it will be alluded to in the October editionof SWS. If you read Dibenedetos chapter about Al in "on the run". It is a real monkeys paw story.
Please don't misconstrue the facts.

Al said that i would be subject to this. This is his story not mine. And yes the publicity is generating interest fro Al and he has finally been invited to speak and do interviews for fees.


beachwalker 08-18-2004 01:11 PM

did he whisper that into your ear before you kissed him goodnight ?

stripers247 08-18-2004 01:13 PM

Negativety and jealousy.
Negativety and jealousy. :smash: doesnt end.

DaveS 08-18-2004 01:22 PM


Originally posted by NIB
Holy cow i'm really late for work. :smash:

Tell The Governor we said "hi":laughs:

247, what are you trying to get out of all of this? I mean, I dont understand what this is all about dude. Everybody has sob stories, but your making the man out to be a complete looser. Definitley not helping Al in any way with all this nonsense your typing. Just let it go.

stripers247 08-18-2004 01:35 PM

To the Big shots

I dont give half a dump what you think.
The SWS is a great story of the catch. Not negative or sad at all.

What do you think stripers247 stands for. This is what we are. This is what I am stripers 247.
What do you think my motive is?

My intent isnt to get you guys mad .
If it was a blue or a flounder we wouldnt even be discussing this.

Because it is a record that has'nt been broken in 23 years it is quite a compelling story. years later why is everybody so angry or jealous still? I find that part facinating.
Al hasnt had a mail box or a web site before to tell the story. He would like to answer all the questionss and make personal apperances and fish with guys who would like to go fishing with him. And judging by the his loaded email box I think there is an awful lot of positive support for the man. Which Im very pleased about.
If a couple of Bozos think its a negative portrayal. so be it. Go catch a fish.

This is fun for me, and until I, m banned from a silly web forum. I will keep responding to the BS.

bloocrab 08-18-2004 02:06 PM

Re: To the Big shots

Originally posted by stripers247
This is fun for me, and until I, m banned from a silly web forum. I will keep responding to the BS.

Now that's the best idea I've read yet ;).........I wonder how Al appreciates you USING him and his story for your own personal gain.....or have you manipulated his mind into thinking that your actually fighting for him and not just getting some exposure for yourself.

YOur friend bob -

Your motto is what? stripers247 ???then why the hell aren't you fishing right now? Or are you ;).....just in a different kinda ocean.

chris L 08-18-2004 02:11 PM

Re: Re: To the Big shots

Originally posted by bloocrab

YOur friend bob -

hey bob ! did you know bob spelled backwards is still bob ? but I thought your name was sue ?

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