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basswipe 05-06-2018 02:29 PM

Have you hit a deer?
My 1st was this past Monday morning,actually she hit me.

Curious as to many others have "interacted" with wildlife.

spence 05-06-2018 02:51 PM

Tapped one in a car long time ago but didn't hurt it.

A few years ago I was cycling on Eagleville Road and a buck ran alongside me for like 100 feet before turning into the woods. He was less than 12 feet away. It was freaky, I just kept riding.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Cool Beans 05-06-2018 03:07 PM

I bet that deer running with you went home and told all of his buddies his story and none of them believed him. Sort of like a pilot claiming to have flown along side alien space ships.

spence 05-06-2018 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cool Beans (Post 1142215)
I bet that deer running with you went home and told all of his buddies his story and none of them believed him. Sort of like a pilot claiming to have flown along side alien space ships.

Hahahahahaha...I was just glad he didn't take me out.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Hookedagain 05-06-2018 04:55 PM

I hit one on Bullock Road in the state forest once, it flipped and tumbled. When I got out it was gone! Went into the woods and I spent 40 minutes looking for it, never to be found.

I was on the bike one night with my wife, doing home from a friends. We were also on Eagleville Road in Tiverton. I hit a bump and my low beam headlight went out, in the time it took me to flip on the high beam....there was a buck standing in the middle of the road. I thought for sure we were going down. After braking hard and making the right guess as to which way he was going to go, we kept the rubber on the road and came away with some soiled shorts, but i did have some fingernail marks on my sides from my wife.

basswipe 05-06-2018 05:46 PM

Right across from town farm on Main rd in Tiverton,bolted out just as I was passing by.Flopped a few times and was gonzo.

A little damage to the door/fender,door now has a rub when I open and close.Just not quite enough damage,cost is below deductible.

If I literally had been a second earlier it could've ended up in my lap.

JohnR 05-06-2018 05:54 PM

I had a Bambi run into my wheel while I was on way to Watch Hill. No damage but Bambi didn't make it...

Pete F. 05-06-2018 09:17 PM

Three deer, one turkey, innumerable squirrels an rabbits, missed several moose
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Raider Ronnie 05-06-2018 09:43 PM

Never hit one myself but probably fixed at least 100 vehicles that hit them over the years.
They are good for business and can do plenty of damage 👍
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piemma 05-07-2018 03:27 AM

Twice. Once on 295 in Smithfield doing 65 in an old Power Wagon. Ruined the whole front of the truck. Next time on East Wallum Lake Road in Pascoag. This time in a F250 4X4. No damage to the truck but in neither case did the deer make it.

Guppy 05-07-2018 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1142214)
Tapped one in a car long time ago but didn't hurt it.

A few years ago I was cycling on Eagleville Road and a buck ran alongside me for like 100 feet before turning into the woods. He was less than 12 feet away. It was freaky, I just kept riding.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Was this during the fall rut?

Couldn't help myself...

The Dad Fisherman 05-07-2018 06:07 AM

I’ve hit one and my wife has hit one.

The one I hit was head on, hit him so hard he flew over my car and the women driving behind me hit it again. Even with 4 broken legs it was still alive. The cop dragged it off the road and was going to leave it like that, I had to talk him into shooting it so it wouldn’t suffer.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 05-07-2018 06:11 AM

I was doing about 70 behind a car on RT 4 in my old Tacoma one night. The car in front of me T-boned a deer and the deer got launched up above the cars roof and forward ... the deer did several horizontal rotations in the air like a moon station in what seemed like slow motion before falling back down so earth behind his car and in front of me. I straddled it with the truck and pulled over to check on the guy in the car. It was one of the coolest examples of Newton’s laws of physics and gravity that I have ever seen. :hihi:
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FishermanTim 05-08-2018 09:54 AM

Ran over a couple that had already "kissed a car".
One on rte 3 north before the Braintree Mall (intact carcass)
One on rte 128 near the rte 24 off ramp (what was left after it met up with a big rig)

Needless to say my truck was a little gamey afterwards (hot summer days).

My friends and I had a close encounter with moose up in NH.
First time the moose charged his car (probably because his bike on the roof rack looked a little like antlers) That one was close enough to see moose knees in the passenger window!
Next year the car in front of us narrowly avoided a broad-side hit when they spun out as the moose ran in front of them.

Nature can be one scary creature, but also fun to watch from a safe distance.

unclebunker 05-08-2018 10:15 AM

Three. First one was a big buck on rt.7 across from my vet;he put it down and helped me wrestle it into the truck.Tasty.Second one I t-boned at 2 a. m. on the way to the salmon river. Knocked it on its side and it slid 30 feet down the road. Got out,determined the truck was driveable,dug a knife out of the back,and went to gut it. It had vanished.Third one was a small doe at 4 a.m. in a fully loaded 32-ft straight truck;nothing left but a bloody smear in the road.Nearly vaporized the poor thing.Only hunted deer two seasons;never shot a one.

OLD GOAT 05-10-2018 10:14 AM

OK,OK I'ts years ago and I'm riding with another gent who's going to show me a subcontract job. As we head south on rte137 just past the corner store we notice a dog or something standing in the road. As we keep driving it gets larger and just stands in the middle of the road. As we come upon it we are slowing down all the while and this thing turns out to be a mountain ram with a full curl horns.
Well Dave looks at me and says"I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone

The next day on the news we heard about this ram escaping from Bassett animal farm in Brewster.

Rockfish9 05-10-2018 02:14 PM

Deer ....moose and a horse ( horse jumped a road side fence and crashed into my truck)....have had several other close encounters with moose... they are bigger than you and are not afraid to show it...I had one step out in front of me on my way back from Rangeley Me. I swerved to miss it.. lost a snow machine that was in the bed and flipped the trailer that I was towing... ended up in a corn field.. Insurance wouldn't pay because I MISSED the moose.. they said it would have been covered if I had hit it...

BigFish 05-11-2018 02:24 PM

Had a woman hit one in front of my house in Hanover a couple years ago. I went out to make sure she was ok (the deer took off into the woods) she says to me "I had no idea we had deer in Hanover?".........I asked her where she was from and she said she has lived in Hanover all her life!!!! We have craploads of deer here......she must never leave her house!:jump:

Jenn 05-16-2018 10:21 PM

Never hit a deer on the road thank goodness! Ran over the biggest racoon Ive ever seen years ago in my 1991 Corolla and thought I wrecked my car. Had 2 VERY close calls of near death on the snomobile with moose (damn I still nearly piss my pants just thinking about those moments) and one incident up in VT when hubby was driving up a snow covered winding road and two cows (of the bovine/beefer kind) suddendly popped into the road on a downward hill in the snow. Started to slow down but there was no stopping quite in time and hit both head on, broadside to their bodies causing $8K worth or front end damage to his truck. we were in moose country and had literally just had the conversation that "hitting a moose up there was just a matter of time" and how lucky we had been with all the trips we had made without incident! At first we both thought thats what was what we hit until our brains caught up with what our eyes knew we saw and went... " huh? those were cows!" WTF!? Best part was next day in the local joint up there the locals were talking about the farmer that had two cows that got loose a couple months ago and he still had not found :( welllllllll.....we didnt want to confess but we did admit we "found" them the night before! LOL! Can't make this Poop up if we tried! It was hysterical and we felt terrible at the same time!

basswipe 05-18-2018 03:56 PM

Almost happened again today!Just about the same place just a little further down.

TheSpecialist 05-22-2018 11:35 AM

Too many to count, mostly with a bow, but shotgun, rifle, and .50 cal blackpowder puts them down....


TheSpecialist 05-22-2018 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1142244)
I’ve hit one and my wife has hit one.

The one I hit was head on, hit him so hard he flew over my car and the women driving behind me hit it again. Even with 4 broken legs it was still alive. The cop dragged it off the road and was going to leave it like that, I had to talk him into shooting it so it wouldn’t suffer.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You'd be surprised at the number of cops who refuse to dispatch an animal in those situations. I heard it was because the didn't want to write a report for discharging their gun to they didn't want any liability if something went wrong. In that situation a knife across the throat is pretty quick to end it

Raider Ronnie 05-22-2018 01:04 PM

When I was 12-13 years old I was on a bus up in Maine with a drum & bugle Corps that hit a Moose.
Bus was totaled !
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 05-22-2018 01:06 PM

There is an easy solution

maddog2020 06-03-2018 10:41 AM

I hit one going about 35 mph on a foggy night in late November in Colchester CT coming back from an unsuccessful deer hunting trip, LOL. My Toyota Xtra cab pickup couldn't stop fast enough of course. I pulled over and called my buddy to help me look for the deer, but after long while we came up empty handed. The brush guard was bent, hood dented and driver corner was smashed. Nothing was rubbing so I just drove home. It was close to $3K damage, that was ~20 yrs ago. My friend went back the following morning and couldn't find the deer.

There are a lot of deer out on the roads at night so it is always good to use your high beams when you can! Those few extra seconds allows you to slow down and allow the deer to pass.


Raven 06-03-2018 06:24 PM

never hit a deer
had one sail right over the hood of my car tho...

But one night..... heading home to the mountains
i started putting on the gas as i began the accent
and there was unnerving patches of FOG every so often.

SUDDENLY the fog parted and standing there totally still
right smack dab in the middle of the road
was a very huge dark brown Brahma Bull.

To this day i have no idea how i avoided hitting it
i'm sure it weighed 1200 lbs or better!

I thru the steering wheel to the left and then quickly back to the right
to keep from going into a nasty ravene and recovered somehow.

Closest to Death..... i ever got.

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