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Jim in CT 10-09-2013 09:05 PM

Does Obama have any conscience at all?
(Answer, as evidenced by the fact that he supported infanticide as a state senator in Illinois, is no, but I digress).

Today, it is reported that Obama's defense department has ordered that military death benefits (I believe $100,000 each) be denied to the families of fallen servicemen. 26 families this far, have been told that they won't be getting benefits. The Pentagon has plenty of money, and Obama has the authority to demand, by Executive Order, that the benefits be paid. Shows the complete and utter disdain Obama has for those who serve, while Obama spent his teenage years snorting blow at Harvard (by his own admission, I believe).

Than, after we hear that WWII veterans can no longer look at their memorial, that it was OK for 15,000 people to rally for immigration reform at the National Mall. So an 85 year old guy who lost his legs at Normandy cannot visit his memorial, but an illegal immigrant can use federal land to scream for more freebies.

Congratulations, Spence. Spin that.

scottw 10-10-2013 05:10 AM

should go something like this....

SPENCE "these are nothing more than lies concocted by haters and FOX News to try to diminish our great president...nothing to see here...this thread sucks...move along"

EBEN "they ALL have no shame, George Bush is really to blame because he started all of this with his illegal war"

Bryan " "

Westportmafia "this thread is gayer than Facebook"

RAVEN "this is crazy man"

Piscator " sit on my Facebook"


iamskippy 10-10-2013 05:11 AM

This is going to get juicy!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Fishpart 10-10-2013 05:27 AM

A master manipulator who knows exactly where to apply pressure to get Americans to call their Congressmen. Notice the "takers" are never forced to suffer.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-10-2013 05:29 AM

even worse...if you are illegal alien, you can continue to fish on closed federal land and keep everything you catch and leave your trash everywhere....but if you are an American Citizen with a license, you'll be stopped, fined and probably arrested if you complain:biglaugh:

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 05:55 AM

In an earlier thread about parks being closed, Spence mentioned that if no one is on duty, no one is there to help in an emergency, so it's prudent to shut down the parks.

Here's the flaw in that excuse.

In Rhode Island, they pull the lifeguards off the beach, what, Labor Day? Do they prevent access to the beach after that? Nope. I'm free to go on the beach, and swim in the water. There might be a sign that warns me that no lifeguard is on duty, and that's it. The state is not liable if I choose to swim and get hurt.

No reason why the feds couldn't do the same thing with the WWII memorial (which is usually unmanned anyway, I have been there 8 times, and on only one visit did I see one ranger there). The only conceivable explanation, is that this administration is going out of there way to make this as bad as bossible, to stir up anger that Obama can direct against Republicans (which has had the side effect of plummeting his approval rating).

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by iamskippy (Post 1017077)
This is going to get juicy!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

But it shouldn't get juicy. Because no rational person, no matter how left-leaning they are, could fail to be offended by denying death benefits to these grieving families. There are not two sides to this story, there is one...and that one story is that our commander-in-chief is petty, vindictive, and mean-spirited. And he has nothing but pure disdain for the kids who are serving and dying. I have a special interest in this issue, but I'd be just as outraged if I wasn't a vet. There is no excuse for this. None. It's beyond the pale.

I criticized Bush for the pathetically slow response to Katrina. But no one thinks Bush did that on purpose for the sake of punishing his political opponents. That's what's happening here. That can not be disputed.

scottw 10-10-2013 06:19 AM

I believe Sachuest Point Refuge is closed for the shut down, I've fished there countless times, never seen anyone working there except when I went in the building to purchase a night fishing pass, did see one member of a crew of periwinkle pickers dropping a #2 along the footpath the other morning before the shut down, didn't see anyone from the "staff" hustling over to pick it up...not a pretty sight a 7am:fishin:

Nebe 10-10-2013 07:33 AM

You guys realize that the GOP has a hand in this too... Right?
Its called extortion.
But what is the real pisser is that the GOP is so desperate that they had to wait to pull this rabbit out of their hat. Because it's all they have left.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1017107)
You guys realize that the GOP has a hand in this too... Right?
Its called extortion.
But what is the real pisser is that the GOP is so desperate that they had to wait to pull this rabbit out of their hat. Because it's all they have left.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The GOP, as of this moment, has no constitutional mechanism for demanding that those benefits get paid. Obama could have fixed this yesterday.

The GOP is partly responsible for the shutdown, no question.

Eben, let me ask you this. Do you even know what the GOP is asking for? Many people think, mistakenly, that the GOP wants to "delay Obamacare" for a year. Not true. It's about the requirement that you participate in Obamacare, or face fines. The feds have told 'businesses' that the requirement to participate in Obamacare is delayed by a year. So businesses can particiupate in Obamacare if they want, but if they choose not to, they won't get fined this year.

The GOP wants individuals to be treated the same way. Today, individuals must participate in Obamacare or get fined. What the GOP is saying is, give individuals the same one-year amnesty that Obama has given to business. SO the GOP is proposing that individuals can enroll in Obamacare if they want, but that the fines don't start until next year - the same amnesty that Obama rewarded business.

That doens't sound so outrageous to me. Does it to you?

Nebe 10-10-2013 08:30 AM

I agree with that
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1017118)
I agree with that
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I'm glad to hear that, sincerely...

I assume you also agree that it's repugnant to deny death benefits to these families, especially for the purposes of putting political pressure on the Republicans? Because the decision to deny thos ebenefits did not come from the House Of Representatives. It came from the Obama administration. So did the decision to erect barricades around the WWII Memorial. Congress didn't order that. The Obama administration did. Facts.

Nebe 10-10-2013 09:22 AM

Well. Both sides look like they are idiots. I'm disgusted in both sides. Pathetic.
I'm all for the affordable health care act but I don't believe it should be mandatory.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 10-10-2013 09:22 AM

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
This is beyond outrageous and never would've happened under George Bush and never happened before with any Pres. during a shutdown.
And I'm sure the dear leader will play dumb. That's how he rolls.
I was freaking furious when I heard about this and thought maybe it was blown out of proportion but it's all true.
Pres. Obama is the commander-in-chief during a time of war!! This is entirely his responsibility!!!
He should be deeply ashamed but I haven't heard one apology

Nebe 10-10-2013 09:28 AM

It wouldn't have happened under bush because democrats don't play that dirty. :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 10-10-2013 09:29 AM

Buckman, your insane if you think this is entirely obama's responsibility.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

FishermanTim 10-10-2013 10:24 AM

They should take them all, senators, congressmen, president and staff and put them on a cruise ship (use the governmental process and go with the lowest bidder) and send them on a cruise to nowhere.

Then when they are out in the middle of the Atlantic, sink it!

Then we start all over with a new group!

They could call it "Survivor:Washingto DC" and "we the people" will be the winners!!! :biglaugh:

buckman 10-10-2013 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1017136)
Buckman, your insane if you think this is entirely obama's responsibility.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Call me insane then. He is a pathetic leader who excepts no responsibility . He plays dumb and gets away with it because people like you except pathetic lies and excuses for his incompetence and mediocrity .
Give me a reasonable explanation how this happened and why? You can't because it's inexcusable.
Put yourself in the parents and loved ones place for change. Imagine the hurt that they feel
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1017136)
Buckman, your insane if you think this is entirely obama's responsibility.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Eben, the GOP did not play a role in erecting barricades around the WWII memorial. The GOP did not freeze military death benefits. That came from the Obama administration. What about that don't you understand? Those things were not a necessary consequence of the shutdown. I can prove that, because those things didn't happen the last time there was a shutdown when Clinton was President. So how about showing a shred of honesty.

I saw photos of the immigration reform rally at the National Mall. People waving Mexican flags, and they were allowed to use federal property. But not WWII vets. I'm not sure there has been a lower point for this country since the Great Depression. It's amazing what this guy gets away with.

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1017146)
Call me insane then. He is a pathetic leader who excepts no responsibility . He plays dumb and gets away with it because people like you except pathetic lies and excuses for his incompetence and mediocrity .
Give me a reasonable explanation how this happened and why? You can't because it's inexcusable.
Put yourself in the parents and loved ones place for change. Imagine the hurt that they feel
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

It's unfathomable. Obama's willingness to so casually break this most basic, sacred responsibility, is mind-boggling. But maybe not shocking from a guy who literally supported infanticide as a state senator

Fortunately, the families are fine. There is a charity called the Fisher House, that is paying the death benefits until Obama develops a little bit of human decency and restores the benefits. This is a fantastic charity that does amazing Things to help wounded vets.

Here we see the compassion and empathy that Obama learned while sitting in Reverend Wright's "Church" for 20 years. If Obama's spiritual advisor is a blatant hate-monger, maybe we shouldn't be suprised at Obama's actions here.

We've come a long way in the last 6 years. Makes we think we shouldn't even try to right the ship, and just put this country out of its misery and anoint this guy for life.

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1017146)
people like you except pathetic lies and excuses for his incompetence and mediocrity .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Buckman, if only this guy was mediocre. I'd take that in a heartbeat. He can't aachieve mediocrity on his best day.

He's grossly incompetent. Worse, he is a ghoul.

Want to know how incompetent? In his first term, Obama appointed a man named Ken Jennings to be school safety czar. The guy as in charge of keeping little kids safe. Why is this an issue? Because the man that Obama picked to watch over our children, Ken Jennings, is a radical homosexual who is an open supporter of a putrid organization called NAMBLA, which stands for the North American Man-Boy Love Association. This group's goal is to eliminate laws that prohibit sex between adults and kids. This is the guy that our Harvard-educatewd President picked for, of all things, schoiol safety czar. When the founder of NAMBLA wrote a book, he asked Ken Jennings to write the forward. Our school safety czar. And no one talks about this.

Look it up. It's too deranged to be made up, and I'd love to hear Spence's take on why this guy was a brilliant, inspired choice to watch over our kids.

Whickey. Tango. Foxtrot.

Jackbass 10-10-2013 11:26 AM

He obviously does not.

Death Benefits. Means nothing to him.

Campaign promises mean nothing to him. Transparency that's a joke.

How about a little less than seven years ago he was more than happy to write a letter to GW Bush calling home out on a proposed debt ceiling increase. A little less than 8 trillion dollars ago. Now he is saying it would be irresponsible not to raise the debt ceiling.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2013 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jackbass (Post 1017154)
He obviously does not.

Death Benefits. Means nothing to him.

Campaign promises mean nothing to him. Transparency that's a joke.

How about a little less than seven years ago he was more than happy to write a letter to GW Bush calling home out on a proposed debt ceiling increase. A little less than 8 trillion dollars ago. Now he is saying it would be irresponsible not to raise the debt ceiling.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Oh yes. Back then, Obama called raising the debt ceiling "unpatriotic", "un-American", and a "failure of leadership".

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