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wdmso 12-21-2021 09:12 PM

Staggering COVID-19 Statistic: 98% to 99% of Americans Dying are Unvaccinated
And we all know why but But its Bidens fault

The KFF poll, conducted December 15 to 20 among 1,065 U.S. adults, found 87% of unvaccinated respondents say news about the omicron variant makes them no more likely to get vaccinated, while 12% say it makes them more likely.

Among vaccinated respondents, 54% said omicron makes them more likely to get a booster shot.

While 49% of all adults say they’re now at least somewhat worried they’ll get “seriously sick from the coronavirus”—up from 30% in November—only 42% of the unvaccinated say they’re concerned, versus 52% of vaccinated respondents.:btu:

scottw 12-22-2021 02:57 AM

perhaps we should round them up and hold them down and inject them against their will.....

Jim in CT 12-22-2021 08:12 AM

wdmso, i’m not disputing you, just curious, do you have a link to data showing that 98% of deaths are among unvaccinated? i can’t find anything that drastic.

got my booster yesterday.

unfortunately for biden, covid deaths are up on his watch, and you wouldn’t expect that because we had no vaccine for
most of the first year, and also because you’d expect the sickest people to die first. over time, we should be left with a healthier population.

i’m not saying the increased deaths are his fault. But it happened in his watch, and he’ll get some blame. George Bush had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis, but it imploded on his watch, and everyone in the left blamed him for political gain.

That’s how it goes. Politics is a contact sport, as they say. There’s all kinds of time for Biden to turn it around. But covid ( not really his fault) and inflation ( somewhat his fault as he printed trillions of dollars) are just clobbering him, and he doesn’t really have the charisma to soothe peoples concerns.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-22-2021 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1219546)
perhaps we should round them up and hold them down and inject them against their will.....

Why it’s not it’s as bad as the treatment they wanted to give to People who took a knee during the National Anthem .. and that wouldn’t kill anyone. LOL

Freedom to conservatives only ever apply to their choices
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-22-2021 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1219552)
wdmso, i’m not disputing you, just curious, do you have a link to data showing that 98% of deaths are among unvaccinated? i can’t find anything that drastic.

got my booster yesterday.

unfortunately for biden, covid deaths are up on his watch, and you wouldn’t expect that because we had no vaccine for
most of the first year, and also because you’d expect the sickest people to die first. over time, we should be left with a healthier population.

i’m not saying the increased deaths are his fault. But it happened in his watch, and he’ll get some blame. George Bush had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis, but it imploded on his watch, and everyone in the left blamed him for political gain.

That’s how it goes. Politics is a contact sport, as they say. There’s all kinds of time for Biden to turn it around. But covid ( not really his fault) and inflation ( somewhat his fault as he printed trillions of dollars) are just clobbering him, and he doesn’t really have the charisma to soothe peoples concerns.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Funny 1st hit on my search?

This was based on 1 month

Like I said Americans want instant results with out doing the work ..

But let’s be honest it’s hard to row a boat to safety when one side reuses to use an oar , they that same side is complaining we aren’t getting anywhere, than blame the Captain ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-22-2021 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1219556)
Funny 1st hit on my search?

This was based on 1 month

Like I said Americans want instant results with out doing the work ..

But let’s be honest it’s hard to row a boat to safety when one side reuses to use an oar , they that same side is complaining we aren’t getting anywhere, than blame the Captain ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i did a search too and saw about 75% of deaths were among unvaccinated. i wasn’t doubting you.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

blacks have low vaccination rates. which side are they on?

scottw 12-22-2021 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by scottw View Post

perhaps we should round them up and hold them down and inject them against their will.....


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1219555)

Why it’s not it’s as bad as the treatment they wanted to give to People who took a knee during the National Anthem ..

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


scottw 12-22-2021 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1219557)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

which side are they on?

some interesting stuff in here....

RIROCKHOUND 12-22-2021 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1219557)
blacks have low vaccination rates. which side are they on?

You love to beat that drum...
The rate is closing for the race disparity in vaccinations, FWIW.

From today.
Racial disparities in vaccination rates have narrowed over time and have nearly closed for Hispanic people. Between November 29 and December 13, vaccination rates increased by 1.0 percentage points for Black people (from 50.3% to 51.3%), by 1.1 percentage points for Hispanic people (from 55.3% to 56.4%), and by 1.2 percentage points for Asian people (from 75.3% to 76.5%). In contrast, they remained roughly stable for White people (at 58%). Over the course of the vaccination rollout, differences between vaccination rates for Black, Hispanic, and White people have narrowed, and the gap between rates for White and Hispanic people has nearly closed. Between late April 2021, when most adults became eligible for vaccines across states, and December 13, 2021, the gap in vaccination rates between White and Black people fell from 14 percentage points (38% vs. 24%) to 7 percentage points (58% vs. 51%) while the difference between White and Hispanic vaccination rates decreased from 13 percentage points (38% vs. 25%) to two percentage points (58% vs. 56%)."

Jim in CT 12-22-2021 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1219562)
You love to beat that drum...
The rate is closing for the race disparity in vaccinations, FWIW.

From today.
Racial disparities in vaccination rates have narrowed over time and have nearly closed for Hispanic people. Between November 29 and December 13, vaccination rates increased by 1.0 percentage points for Black people (from 50.3% to 51.3%), by 1.1 percentage points for Hispanic people (from 55.3% to 56.4%), and by 1.2 percentage points for Asian people (from 75.3% to 76.5%). In contrast, they remained roughly stable for White people (at 58%). Over the course of the vaccination rollout, differences between vaccination rates for Black, Hispanic, and White people have narrowed, and the gap between rates for White and Hispanic people has nearly closed. Between late April 2021, when most adults became eligible for vaccines across states, and December 13, 2021, the gap in vaccination rates between White and Black people fell from 14 percentage points (38% vs. 24%) to 7 percentage points (58% vs. 51%) while the difference between White and Hispanic vaccination rates decreased from 13 percentage points (38% vs. 25%) to two percentage points (58% vs. 56%)."

i don’t love to beat it, as i wish everyone was vaccinated.

but if you’re going to bash republicans for having low vaccination rates ( which is fair), you should acknowledge other demographics that also have low vaccination rates. unless all you really care about, is bashing republicans. which is obviously all that they care about. and maybe you’re in that group too, i didn’t use to think so.

“the rate is closing for race disparity.”

fine. but when that disparity was at its peak, none of the lefties here attacked blacks for having low rates, they only attacked republicans. you were among those who wouldn’t comment on it, even when that disparity was at its peak. i’m sure you did so for political
convenience. if not, what other reason is there?

so unless unvaccinated republicans pose a higher risk than unvaccinated blacks, it appears that the lefty outrage over the unvaccinated is selective and purely politically motivated, which necessarily means the outrage is fake.

I think everyone should get vaccinated. I think all of the unvaccinated ( not just those who vote differently than i do) are being selfish.l and stupid.

I really wish just one of you would
tell us what you’re afraid would happen, exactly, if you could be mildly critical of your own side when it’s warranted? Almost none of you can do it. It’s fascinating.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-22-2021 11:34 AM

it's amazing the obsession to classify everyone by political persuasion and color...I guess it serves a purpose

it will be interesting when they discover that the vaccine has "unintended" consequences and everyone tries to back away from it...probably blame trump for rushing a dangerous vaccine

Raider Ronnie 12-22-2021 03:26 PM

How many are vaccinated & boost shots and are dying of blood clots 🤔
Speaking from experience.
Both parents 2 shots and booster shot.
Week after booster shot mother is in ICU with blockages.
A few more stays in the hospital and being told there’s nothing that can be done she’s send home with hospice & lots of morphine that my sister gives to her.
Thought yesterday was the day as it was a bad one but will be any day now.
But on the bright side, as of next month government sends out 1 les SS check & Medicare covers 1 less drain on their system.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-22-2021 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1219564)
it's amazing the obsession to classify everyone by political persuasion and color...I guess it serves a purpose

it will be interesting when they discover that the vaccine has "unintended" consequences and everyone tries to back away from it...probably blame trump for rushing a dangerous vaccine

A conservatives favored outcome
when they discover that the vaccine has "unintended" consequences


PS when the Majority of the unvaccinated belong to a political persuasion and color..

How is that a lie or an obsession
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 12-22-2021 05:55 PM


nightfighter 12-22-2021 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1219568)
How many are vaccinated & boost shots and are dying of blood clots 🤔
Speaking from experience.
Both parents 2 shots and booster shot.
Week after booster shot mother is in ICU with blockages.
A few more stays in the hospital and being told there’s nothing that can be done she’s send home with hospice & lots of morphine that my sister gives to her.
Thought yesterday was the day as it was a bad one but will be any day now.
But on the bright side, as of next month government sends out 1 les SS check & Medicare covers 1 less drain on their system.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Ronnie, please accept my thoughts and prayers for your mom and the rest of your family.
But from your post, it does not appear that she had the J&J vaccine, as that is the one identified with causing 54 cases of blood clots. Patients typically developed symptoms nine days after vaccination and were hospitalized five days after they developed symptoms, according to the CDC. The overwhelming majority of patients were women, 37 total, and the median age was 44.
Again, I am truly sorry, but not sure of your direct cause and effect being on the vaccine.

The Dad Fisherman 12-22-2021 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1219584)

Pretty Much
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-23-2021 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Nebe View Post


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1219591)
Pretty Much
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I've seen some people suggest, mock that the unvaccinated that end up sick or dying from covid is the "darwin's theory" in action..."natural selection" and on and on...these are the evolutionist typically...problem is Darwin's theory does not take into account natural selection and in nature those that are weak, unhealthy, vulnerable to a virus or pandemic would if the evolutionists really believe in natural selection and evolution...we probably shouldn't vaccinate and just let nature take it' s natural course for the good of the species

we are suffering from overpopulation anyway...right?

we currently vaccinate unhealthy populations to allow them them survive and continue their unhealthy lifestyles and also demand that the healthy portion of the population be vaccinated(not knowing the possible long term effects) to protect the sick, unhealthy, which makes sense from a compassion standpoint but makes no sense from an evolution/natural selection/survival of the fittest/we are all just highly evolved monkeys standpoint

and before wayne loses his mind and starts cutting pasting a bunch of crap, I'm vaccinated, I think if you are at risk, unhealthy you should definitely get vaccinated/boosted.. I just think it's funny that this gets thrown around as though the unvaccinated are the stupid ones...the unhealthy, are in fact, the stupid ones(vaccinated or unvaccinated) because post covid, whenever that is...the healthy will still be healthy(unless there are unintended consequences from the jabs) and the unhealthy will still be ticking time bombs

scottw 12-23-2021 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1219574)

A conservatives favored outcome
when they discover that the vaccine has "unintended" consequences

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I'm vaccinated, and most of the people I know are no, this would not be a favored outcome...

wdmso 12-26-2021 10:21 AM

From NOV.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also touted his state’s recent COVID-19 data during an Oct. 29 interview on Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle.” Host Laura Ingraham introduced DeSantis by saying, “Florida is one of the big COVID success stories that the media would prefer to ignore altogether. Now, the Sunshine State now has one of the lowest daily case and death rates out there.”

DeSantis replied: “I guess Florida is no longer part of the United States. They just pretend like we don’t exist.” He also said, “Now that we’re in a situation we have very low numbers, you don’t hear a peep.”

12\24. Florida breaks daily coronavirus cases record again with 32,580
Cumualative residents' infections rise to 3,897,138

This is what happens when you use Covid to get votes on National TV on shows with the misinformation queen Laura Ingraham. Ron’s is correct you won’t hear a peep that infections are at an all time high in Fla on her show

I was just in FLA the 1st week in December and missed the spike I can see why omicron which is as contagious as measles is booming unless your in the airport or Disney or in a Uber no one is wearing masks .. I hope it just caused less severe illness, for everyone vax or not ..

The statewide positivity rate rose to 13.8 percent for the week, up from 5.3 percent the week prior. That’s crazy

wdmso 12-26-2021 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1219595)
I'm vaccinated, and most of the people I know are no, this would not be a favored outcome...

Glad to hear, But it’s Hard to get that impression

it will be interesting when they discover that the vaccine has "unintended" consequences and everyone tries to back away from it...probably blame trump for rushing a dangerous vaccine

unintended" consequences and claiming it’s a rushed vaccine is one of the top reasons for unvaccinated Republicans. With Nearly 40% of Republicans are still hesitant about getting the Covid-19 vaccine or refuse to get it. Then throw in counties with the highest support for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election were 44% more likely to be vaccine hesitant, King says. Those living in a state with a Republican governor were 34% more likely to be hesitant than people living in a state with a Democratic governor.

And we all know what party made it a partisan issue and still are today

new wave of coronavirus misinformation. Some conservatives immediately began circulating conspiracy theories, including hosts and guests on Fox News and Newsmax falsely claiming it was a hoax devised by Democrats.

Fox & Friends Weekend Hosts Suggest Democrats Are Making Up New Variants to Help Biden.”

Anti-vaccine influencers are claiming omicron was ‘scheduled’ and that its advent is meant to distract from the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell

scottw 12-26-2021 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1219692)

12\24. Florida breaks daily coronavirus cases record again with 32,580

wayne...get on your little research bus and note how many states and countries are breaking daily case records...particularly the most vaccinated

Pete F. 12-26-2021 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1219698)
wayne...get on your little research bus and note how many states and countries are breaking daily case records...particularly the most vaccinated

And you’re missing the part that counts, though it seems you believe Covid only affects the vulnerable.

Though fighting some of the worst coronavirus outbreaks, highly vaccinated states have largely managed to keep the worst outcomes of infection at bay and data on hospitalizations and death rates largely shows states with above-average vaccination rates to fare far better than their poorly vaccinated counterparts.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-26-2021 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1219699)

poorly vaccinated

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

the "poorly vaccinated'...that's a good one

Pete F. 12-26-2021 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1219700)
the "poorly vaccinated'...that's a good one

As Bubonic Plague Spreads and Cases Soar, the Flea-Ridden Deplorables Remain Defiant.
Pneumonic, septic, bubonic - there's always going to be another plague variant.
"Why, the plague is no worse than the pox," said one opponent of the quarantine, the manager of a local flea circus who described herself as a small business owner whose livelihood was being crushed by a tyrannical state. "This is really all about control."
"Did we shut down the economy for the Black Death? NO."
"You only have a 50% chance of dying from it"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-26-2021 05:39 PM

So now the problem is the states. Before it was Trump's fault. Now it's not Biden's fault. Before it was the President's responsibility. Now it's the States' responsibility. Guess it depends.

Pete F. 12-26-2021 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1219703)
So now the problem is the states. Before it was Trump's fault. Now it's not Biden's fault. Before it was the President's responsibility. Now it's the States' responsibility. Guess it depends.

Probably time to change yours, Depends that is
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-26-2021 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1219705)
Probably time to change yours, Depends that is
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Yo mamma wear combat boots.

scottw 12-26-2021 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1219707)
Yo mamma wear combat boots.

Pete seems disappointed with what Santa left him....

Pete F. 12-26-2021 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1219707)
Yo mamma wear combat boots.

Oh, very droll; did you learn that during your prison stay?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 12-26-2021 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1219711)
Oh, very droll; did you learn that during your prison stay?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I learned it in the mean streets of Detroit.

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