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Jim in CT 10-18-2012 09:56 PM

Liberals are upset with Romney's use of the word "binder"
In teh debate, Romney said he had binders with lists of extraordinary women, so that he could promote them to important public servise jobs when he was governor. An honorable thing, yes?

Not to feminists, who are claiming that the word is demeaning to, and objectifying to, women. I saw a feminist spokesman (sorry, spokeswoman) on the news tonight. With a straight face, she said that when Romney said "binders", it conjured up images of Arab shieks looking at a menu of women to select slaves for his harem. Honest, that's what she was comparing Mitt Romney to.

I guarantee you this woman likes Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, those guys aren't offensive to the feminist movement.

They have really, really jumped the shark here. They have no shame. None whatsoever.

This is what you do when 65% of the public says Romney would do a better job at handling the economy.

Raider Ronnie 10-19-2012 06:06 AM

All Obama and the liberals can come up with the past 2 weeks is talking about Bigbird and Binders.
They certainly can't talk about their accomplishments or plan for another 4 years !
What's next weeks word after Monday's debate ? Vacation ???
This election is going to be a land slide victory for Ronmey.
Thankfully the working stiffs still outnumber the gimme crown & the corrupt unions in this country.
And Obama is going to overtake Jimmy Carter as the biggest presidential failure in my lifetime (48 years old)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-19-2012 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 964166)
All Obama and the liberals can come up with the past 2 weeks is talking about Bigbird and Binders.
They certainly can't talk about their accomplishments or plan for another 4 years !
What's next weeks word after Monday's debate ? Vacation ???
This election is going to be a land slide victory for Ronmey.
Thankfully the working stiffs still outnumber the gimme crown & the corrupt unions in this country.
And Obama is going to overtake Jimmy Carter as the biggest presidential failure in my lifetime (48 years old)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

'What's next weeks word after Monday's debate ? Vacation ???"

LMAO. Yeah, only rich, white racists take vacations.

"This election is going to be a land slide victory for Ronmey."

Your lips to God's ears. Until last week, i didn't thing Romney had a very good chance. I'm starting to come around.

"And Obama is going to overtake Jimmy Carter as the biggest presidential failure in my lifetime "

Agreed. Jimmy Carter never looked so good.

Obama supporters are saying that the word "binders", meaning notebooks, is offensive to women. Unfreakinbelievable.

JohnR 10-19-2012 07:07 AM

Jim - please stop the liberals this and liberals that. The horse is so beaten that even when/if you are right peiople skip it. Pretty please with sugar on top?

The Dad Fisherman 10-19-2012 07:13 AM

Its "Spokesperson"....

PaulS 10-19-2012 07:19 AM

It's funny, the biggest petty person on the forum is crying.

scottw 10-19-2012 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 964182)
Its "Spokesperson"....

and "Anchorlady" :)

spence 10-19-2012 07:19 AM

My wife's reaction wasn't that it was overly sexist but rather just shows he's out of touch.

The binders of women comment was great in it's awkwardness, that's why it took off on the internet. Better was his remark that women need flexible hours at work so they can get home and cook...but not as catchy.

While I don't think Romney has little respect for women, these remarks certainly indicate where his mind is and for women who continue to believe in equality it's off putting.


PaulS 10-19-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 964179)
Jim - please stop the liberals this and liberals that. The horse is so beaten that even when/if you are right peiople skip it. Pretty please with sugar on top?

He can't help himself. No matter how many times you ask and no matter how nice, he can't control his emotions.

scottw 10-19-2012 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964185)
, these remarks certainly indicate where his mind is -spence

might I refresh your memory with a list of "awkward" Obama remarks?:)

spence 10-19-2012 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 964188)
might I refresh your memory with a list of "awkward" Obama remarks?:)

Scott - please stop the empty this and empty that. The horse is so beaten that even when/if you are right peiople skip it. Pretty please with sugar on top?


buckman 10-19-2012 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964185)
My wife's reaction wasn't that it was overly sexist but rather just shows he's out of touch.

The binders of women comment was great in it's awkwardness, that's why it took off on the internet. Better was his remark that women need flexible hours at work so they can get home and cook...but not as catchy.

While I don't think Romney has little respect for women, these remarks certainly indicate where his mind is and for women who continue to believe in equality it's off putting.


I don't understand your point . Are you saying women think only with emotions? It's the words not the substance ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Bronko 10-19-2012 07:47 AM

The Obama campaign is in panic mode. The polls are all trending towards Romney nationally and in many swing states. (See latest Gallup and Ramussen). Obama's rabid moonbat base and the rest of the Pajamahadeen are on full tilt right now. Add the fact that the next debate is on foregin policy which I am sure will be dominated by the Libya mess and Obama's wishy wash stance on support for Israel.... this race is going to get even hotter. As a Romney supporter I personally welcome their fixation on binders and bigbird.

spence 10-19-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bronko (Post 964198)
The Obama campaign is in panic mode.

I think they were in panic mode after the first debate, but not now.

The last debate should be good. Likely it will be close but Obama has a chance for a decisive win. Unlike Romney, Obama has lived and led US foreign policy for the past 4 years with a list of notable successes.

Romney has to be careful with Libya, it's already blown up on him once because he didn't know the facts and the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced.

Israel? Are you kidding? Sorry we didn't give them a green light to bomb Iran and start a regional conflict, how foolish...


scottw 10-19-2012 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964200)
I think they were in panic mode after the first debate, but not now.

how foolish...yup



scottw 10-19-2012 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964200)
the Administration's story has been reinforced.



JohnR 10-19-2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964189)
Scott - please stop the empty this and empty that. The horse is so beaten that even when/if you are right peiople skip it. Pretty please with sugar on top?


Spence - would you please refrain from being the apologist spokeswoman for the Obama campaign :rotf2: - Pretty please with sugar on top? :love:

Jackbass 10-19-2012 08:07 AM

Just another attempt to pander to women using a non issue and blowing it up. Kind of a joke if you ask me. If Romney had said a binder of resumes they would have found a way to make that into a big deal also. Kind of like the PBS deal. Maybe the liberal focus on these pretend issues is the reason why Romney has now pulled ahead
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-19-2012 08:09 AM

"empty" would be Spence's constant assertions which have no basis in fact or reality but serve to provide spin for his hero

you should sue him for IP Theft John...where's Lickwid when you need him?

Jackbass 10-19-2012 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964200)

Romney has to be careful with Libya, it's already blown up on him once because he didn't know the facts and the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced.


Sorry but did you miss Candy stating she was wrong when interviewed by Anderson Cooper post debate. The administrations story has many holes that still need to be filled. The fact is Obama had no idea what happened in Libya and used a bogus excuse blaming a citizen of the US for putting out a video on Islam. They toed that line for two weeks prior to facts being leaked(pure speculation)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-19-2012 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 964179)
Jim - please stop the liberals this and liberals that. The horse is so beaten that even when/if you are right peiople skip it. Pretty please with sugar on top?

John, these people are all over the TV, saying that a notebook is sexist. The fact is, every single person saying that is of the same exact political persuasion. That's a fact.

I would never say that all liberals are bad people, nor would I say that all conservatives are good people. But the people who are saying that Romney is a sexist because he had a notebook, are desperate, pathetic, dishonest, and evil.

Jim in CT 10-19-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964200)
I think they were in panic mode after the first debate, but not now.

The last debate should be good. Likely it will be close but Obama has a chance for a decisive win. Unlike Romney, Obama has lived and led US foreign policy for the past 4 years with a list of notable successes.

Romney has to be careful with Libya, it's already blown up on him once because he didn't know the facts and the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced.

Israel? Are you kidding? Sorry we didn't give them a green light to bomb Iran and start a regional conflict, how foolish...


"Romney has to be careful with Libya"

No, he doesn't. He needs to club Obama with Libya as if Obama was a baby seal. And the fortunate thing for Romney is, he doesn't need to be a Biden-esque attack dog to pull that off. This is one of those rare cases where the facts speak for themselves.

"the more info that comes out the more the Administration's story has been reinforced"


The administration's story, for 2 weeks, was that there was no evidence that the attack was anything other than a spontaneous protest over the video. Obama said that, Jay Carney said that, and Ambassador Rice said that.

99% of the information that has come out, has spit directly in the face of that theory.

RIJIMMY 10-19-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 964185)
My wife's reaction wasn't that it was overly sexist but rather just shows he's out of touch.

The binders of women comment was great in it's awkwardness, that's why it took off on the internet. Better was his remark that women need flexible hours at work so they can get home and cook...but not as catchy.

While I don't think Romney has little respect for women, these remarks certainly indicate where his mind is and for women who continue to believe in equality it's off putting.


its funny, Romney you say it makes him look out of touch, and then you acknowledge that women need to leave early to care for their families. Sounds pretty "in touch" to me. In around 20 years in a professional office many women I know leave the office early to take of their families. Many women who reported to me had to. My wife leaves every day at 4:30 to pick up the kids. Now Im sure there are .0075% of women, say some new york liberal executive types whos kid is with the nanny and they dont get home each night until 9pm, but thats the exception. romneys comments may not make the feminists happy, but they're true.

Piscator 10-19-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 964216)
But the people who are saying that Romney is a sexist because he had a notebook, are desperate, pathetic, dishonest, and evil.

I'm no Obama fan but I disagree with the above. I think they are passionate for how they see things (even if they are wrong). I don't view them as evil though as I think that is a far stretch. Just my opinion.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

RIJIMMY 10-19-2012 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Piscator (Post 964220)
I'm no Obama fan but I disagree with the above. I think they are passionate for how they see things (even if they are wrong). I don't view them as evil though as I think that is a far stretch. Just my opinion.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

not obama piscator, but many of the far left hags are an evil bunch. Truly dispicable human beings. MSNBC for example

Piscator 10-19-2012 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 964223)
not obama piscator, but many of the far left hags are an evil bunch. Truly dispicable human beings. MSNBC for example

I would have to agree that our little Canadian friend Bill Maher and Rachel "I'm really a dude" Maddox fit the bill. I think it's a smaller handful though and only a very small % are evil (both sides have them)

I was in Chicago about 10 years ago and Maher (who is a small guy) came out of a club with two African American hookers. One on each arm. They were pushing 6' tall and here he is walked in the middle. He is a disgusting puke of a man. Wish I had smart phone back then to snap a picture.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

RIJIMMY 10-19-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Piscator (Post 964230)
I I was in Chicago about 10 years ago and Maher (who is a small guy) came out of a club with two African American hookers. One on each arm. They were pushing 6' tall and here he is walked in the middle. He is a disgusting puke of a man. Wish I had smart phone back then to snap a picture.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

actually now I have a little more respect for him! :biglaugh:

justplugit 10-19-2012 08:55 AM

LOL, if Romney lost I can see the headlines now,
"Romney Loses the election by using the B Word."

Maybe "Reams of resumes would have won him the Election."

This is the most rediculous assault on women's intelligence I've ever seen.

JohnnyD 10-19-2012 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 964197)
I don't understand your point . Are you saying women think only with emotions? It's the words not the substance ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Perfect quote by a guy from Italy while the misses and I were watching tv last night:
"If you say something and there are two ways that it could possibly be interpreted, women will always choose the one that pisses you off."

Women can blame evolution for being driven by emotion, as opposed to reason. They're wired that way.

It's science. Emotional Wiring Different in Men and Women | LiveScience

justplugit 10-19-2012 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jackbass (Post 964215)
The fact is Obama had no idea what happened in Libya and used a bogus excuse blaming a citizen of the US for putting out a video on Islam. They toed that line for two weeks prior to facts being leaked(pure speculation)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Yes, this is a 2 part problem. Clinton falling on the sword for the lack
of intelligence is one thing. She still hiding in Peru?
But the fact that the White House spokesmen continued to propagate the video
and put out false information about the Bengazi attack is another.

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