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GonnaCatchABig1 07-20-2013 08:15 PM

why is it so damn hard to find a job?
i'm getting so frustrated. been at it for months. suuuuuure my professional experience is lacking... but i'm not looking to become a rocket scientist... just a laborer or something. then i have to constantly deal with these people, who can't do their jobs, dont want to do their jobs, either cant speak english, or cant do basic math, are either completey rude or incompetent or both.. and it's like, really??? they can get a job, but I can't??? I am by no means god's gift to mankind, but i've never been unable to do my job right when i've had them. months and months of this crap... uggg.

ok, i feel slightly better.

Raven 07-21-2013 04:15 AM

where is your passion ?

what drives you? that's where your future endeavors Lie....

being ............ your own boss has advantages

bloocrab 07-21-2013 10:50 AM

Sometimes it's easier to keep a job than find one. There are always jobs out's a matter of making it your priority to find one. Sometimes you have to settle for less in order to get more.

This is not a personal attack at all as I'm sure your situation is different, but I'm always amazed when I see people my age holding signs (work for food) at the red-light. They spend hours standing there doing nothing...when they could be getting paid to say........"Welcome to Walmarrrt!!!".....income is income. One should never be too proud in what he or she has to do to survive (legally).

GonnaCatchABig1 07-21-2013 12:38 PM

i agree... i just can't get the crap jobs at walmart or mcdonalds or anywhere. people just dont like me.
a year ago i even did the whole 'corporate makeover' thing. cut my hair all proper, shave, fancy smancy clothes for interviews.. only thing i've been able to get was a driver helper job with ups. which i kicked ass at. and got nothing but compliments from every boss in the chain, (my boss, my bosses' boss, my bosses' bosses' boss, etc) cause i was on the toughest route in the building, with the highest volume, and always got it done. even though i working on a broken right foot, and a sprained left knee. other helpers were quitting and getting injured left and right. i made it through the whole temp job. even took the time to ask questions and learn how to properly do everything, and how to pack the truck. was there anything waiting for me anywhere in the company after? noooope.

i dunno... i'm not a people person. i guess people just don't like me before i even open my big mouth. i've learned to just shut up. but thats not really working either. i need work badly or i'm out on my rear end again. i'm willing to degrade myself, but no one wants to give me the chance. it shouldnt be so hard to get in at the bottom. if i could afford schooling,both financially and time wise, i would go. but that brings up a whole nother set of issues, since i have absolutely nothing i could see myself doing for the rest of my life. seasonal temp jobs are more up my alley. i like change.
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justplugit 07-21-2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by GonnaCatchABig1 (Post 1007182)

i need work badly or i'm out on my rear end again. i'm willing to degrade myself, but no one wants to give me the chance.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I don't think any kind of work is degrading. Work, no matter what kind, gives a feeling of accomplishment and self worth. Sorry your having such a hard time when your trying so hard. You can take solace in that you're keeping on when others would fold or take the easy way out with hand outs. It's your willingness to work and continue to look that sets you above the average person. The best of luck to you, you deserve it.

GonnaCatchABig1 07-21-2013 02:13 PM

thank you, i need it.

but still, in general i can't stand money. i have to put my personal morals on the back burner. working strictly for the pay check makes me sick to my stomach. in a perfect world every thing i do would be voluntary and have an impact on the environment and/or society. but voluntary work doesn't pay for anything. i'd at least want a job where i make something from 'nothing'. some sort of craft, that provides something worthwhile for people. not just another cog in a faceless planet destroying company that does nothing but destroy society. yet thats its come to, and i have to beg the very companies i hate to allow me to pay my own way. its very degrading to me. as ridiculous a comparison as this may be, its a kin to a jewish person begging hitler to allow them to work in the train yard that ships people to the camps. i wouldnt mind retail in a mom n pop type store, but those stores can rarely afford to hire people. i apply for every job i see for laborers or apprentices or whatever field involves providing a tangible service to people, but thats not panning out either. so i have to resort to groveling at the feet of these managers of major chains, and its a really hard pill to swallow. which ends with no pay off. i feel like i'm selling my soul to these people with no pay off what so ever. i always feel like a jerk, dancing around on stage like an idiot for other amusement when i interview for the retail jobs. i have to take everything i hold sacred and throw it out the window, just so i can have a place to live, or food to eat. which back in the day if i wanted a place to live, i could go find a spot, cut down trees, build a home, plant some crops, hunt for meat, and never have to bend over backwards for anyone. i guess i was born 200 years too late.

anyway it just sucks, being so willing to cave in and do things their way, and still not getting a chance.

as we speak i'm filling out an application to bag groceries in a store filled with no one over the age of 20.. such a rewarding career.. uggg. it is what it is i guess.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

GonnaCatchABig1 07-21-2013 02:30 PM

the other thing thats bugging me, is if do get one of these bottom of the ladder jobs, i'm going to have to continue the search for another one while working for the first one, cause one wont pay the bills. it's never gonna end!
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Nebe 07-21-2013 02:54 PM

Thomas Jefferson had a saying that luck improves with harder work. You will find something.
The dog who never leaves the porch will find no bones. :)
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fishsmith 07-21-2013 08:27 PM

Join the military, your country can use you, make it a career or a great building block.
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GonnaCatchABig1 07-21-2013 08:39 PM

i've thought about it.. even trained for it (i can't run distances worth a damn) no one supports the decision when i bring it up. even my current military buddies. the military and prison life has always sort of appealed to me. never really being in control. just yes sir, no sir, and every minute of every day already planned by someone else for you...

under a different regime i would have jumped at the chance. like the armies before ww2. i cant see myself fighting these political and profitable proxy wars we are currently fighting. if the fighting ever hits american soil, i'm there. if i'm drafted ok. but i cant sign up willingly right now. i just wouldnt have the conviction to do the job right now.
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fishbones 07-24-2013 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by GonnaCatchABig1 (Post 1007182)
i dunno... i'm not a people person. i guess people just don't like me before i even open my big mouth. i've learned to just shut up. but thats not really working either.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Maybe you should work on that first? Or get a job in a call center handling customer service calls. Those people are mostly a bunch of #^&#^&#^&#^&s.

FishermanTim 07-24-2013 11:53 AM

Since we as a country have abandoned the art of manufacuring and focused mainly of service, unless you are multi-lingual, don't mind menial pay and long thankless hours dealing with people that want everything done yesterday, and you don't mind the guarantee that your menial lousy service center job will be outsourced to a country 50,000 miles away then you're in luck!

The add bonus for us is that those that feel compelled to buck the system and try to start their own business face so much red tape and moronic regulation, fees and retarded beurocracy that they end up giving up after a year or so because they can't afford to be in business.

Take a look at your local town center. How often have the stores "changed" in the past 5-10 years, provided thwey weren't already boarded up to begin with?

Virtually every new venture in rural small town America begins in a deficit position because of the regulations, fees and red tape.
They are lucky, VERY LUCKY if they can just break even when they get out.

Mind you there are some businesses that can/will succeed, but the small businesses are those that truly sustain our lives and our economy.

With this in mind, I hope you are successful in your job hunt.

GonnaCatchABig1 07-24-2013 01:52 PM

oh man, you aren't kidding about the red tape. i had little money a while back and tried to start up a web store... after about a month i had given up. it was a bunch of "fill out form A to get form B, but form B need form C which you can only get after completing form A" and then filing the same forms thrice for local, state, and federal...and you make a single mistake on any of these confusing forms, you either face charges or everything gets confiscated.. the paper work was never ending. i gave up. next time i'm waiting till i can afford a lawyer to deal with all of that. if i bother trying again.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jimbo 07-24-2013 04:08 PM

Couple thoughts. I've always believed you stand a better chance if you "flood the market" in whatever field it is you want to be employed in. By that, I mean in a given geographic area in which you'd like to work (say a 50 mile radius to start), do your homework and find out every company there that in some way does whatever it is you want to do, and whether it requires a resume or an application, apply at every single one. And don't judge them too harshly before you say, "No I couldn't work there", you need to get your foot in the door and get some experience then you can look elsewhere.
You mentioned you worked at UPS through a temp agency and seemed to enjoy it. Get on line or get out the Yellow Pages and copy down the name of every single company that does courier or delivery services. Create a resume and make sure you include the temp agency on it under experience and references. Also, don't forget to contact the USPS.
Above all else try not to let yourself get discouraged. You'll find something.

ProfessorM 07-24-2013 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1007187)
I don't think any kind of work is degrading. Work, no matter what kind, gives a feeling of accomplishment and self worth. Sorry your having such a hard time when your trying so hard. You can take solace in that you're keeping on when others would fold or take the easy way out with hand outs. It's your willingness to work and continue to look that sets you above the average person. The best of luck to you, you deserve it.

Dave is such a smart, good guy. With a pep talk like that you can't help but succeed in your search. Good luck to you. P.

ktugboat42 07-26-2013 08:58 AM

Just a thought but try the Oil industry out on the oil rigs. Great pay and benefits. 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off. Ive done it for 13 years now.

GonnaCatchABig1 07-29-2013 06:37 PM

a little complaining goes a long way... just got a decent paying full time gig being a slave to a handyman. spent 10 hours on the first day. 5 of which was spent on a door cause the frame work was ridiculously warped out of shape. fun job though. hell must have frozen over..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ProfessorM 07-29-2013 07:46 PM

good for you. Good trade to get into. Lots of people that don't have a clue out there. Get good at it and then head out on your own.

bloocrab 07-29-2013 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by GonnaCatchABig1 (Post 1008102)
a little complaining goes a long way... just got a decent paying full time gig being a slave to a handyman. spent 10 hours on the first day. 5 of which was spent on a door cause the frame work was ridiculously warped out of shape. fun job though. hell must have frozen over..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Seems to me your notion on "working" may need an adjustment. One shouldn't complain about not being able to find a job, to only complain at the first one he gets...."decent paying, full-time, 10hr day"..all sound pretty darn good to me.....but "being a slave"??? Even when you own your own company, you're still a yourself, to your necessities, to your desires....c'mon kid, "grin and bear it". Apprenticeship plus making decent money can go a long way if you apply yourself.

Good luck with your new adventure. :claps:

GonnaCatchABig1 07-31-2013 05:06 PM

i wasnt complaining by saying being a slave... thats what i am.. he says jump, i say how high. in return i can afford to live. its just like at ups... i just do what i'm told. i'm not paid to think. dont get me wrong. i'm perfectly happy to be a slave right now, its a good gig. gonna learn a bunch. he does pretty much everything.
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Nebe 07-31-2013 05:53 PM

The way I see it.. We are all slaves ;)
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Swimmer 07-31-2013 06:28 PM

Deliver auto parts, greenhorn on a fishing boat, any type of fishing boat, keep going back to u.p.s. until they get xick of you. Whole foods stocking shelves, great place to work and you'd be surrounded by people who think just like you do, politically that is, Cumberland Farms stores, or any other store that is similar. Good luck, keep your chin up
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The Dad Fisherman 07-31-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1008346)
The way I see it.. We are all slaves ;)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Slaves are bought and sold.....I'm somebody's Beyotch....
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Nebe 07-31-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1008358)
Slaves are bought and sold.....I'm somebody's Beyotch....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You got it
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fishbones 07-31-2013 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1008358)
Slaves are bought and sold.....
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Try telling that to the newspapers. They wouldn't let me put my ad for one in the classifieds. They also deleted it off Craigslist really quick.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ProfessorM 08-02-2013 07:28 PM


The Dad Fisherman 08-02-2013 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 1008384)
Try telling that to the newspapers. They wouldn't let me put my ad for one in the classifieds. They also deleted it off Craigslist really quick.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You gotta go underground......there is definitely still a market out there
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

maddog2020 08-14-2013 07:50 AM

Bad to be a slave to a pay check IMHO. :(

From an ethical point of view, I won't do anything that is wrong. If it came down to it they would lose their job over it before me. You can have your beliefs, but if the place that hires you has no ethics, you don't want to work for them anyway.

The place I have been at has been around for over 125 yrs. They will be there LONG after I am dead. Hate to say I've been there for almost half my life so far. LOL! Many faces have come and gone. They haven't booted me out yet. ;) I'm holding out for the severance package! :D

Be patient, Chris. Just keep working hard - people do notice it. :)

Raven 08-14-2013 08:41 AM

a guy said to me
my mother asked me what i want to be in life
and i replied "i want to be a bum"
she said, "be a carpenter instead, the very next best thing".

i never forgot that.

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