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scottw 11-16-2008 06:43 AM

mainstreaming scum
soooo, Bill Ayers on Good Morning America? This is great, what's next? Reverend Wright on The View? Father Pflguer(sp?) on Ellen and Farrakhan and Khalidi could be on, ohhh, maybe something for the kids.......aren't they all so softspoken and thoughtful as they continue to lie about their relationship w/ the messiah? And their past, well it's just their past and they only had good intentions, "never hurt anyone", just wanted social don't hold them accountable, afterall, it's a new day, and they're in charge, sorta...

I noticed that there's a new movie with one of my favorite actors coming soon....what pissed me off is that it is about the gallant life and times of Che Guevara (I'm sure the murdering thuggery will be omitted).....well, if it follows in the footsteps of the Motorcycle Diaries it'll more likely be a glowing, endearing and tear jerking look back at a man who had nothing but good intentions, only "cared" and "never really hurt anyone(that didn't deserve it)", he'll be raised to hero status by the MSM no doubt.....this murdering communist thug's face adorns the office of Bill Ayers and the walls and tee shirts of many others on the now "mainstream" left, no doubt many see Obama as the reincarnation of Che's revolutionary spirit...frightening....

I mentioned a while back that the mainstream media and the democrat party would shove a Marxist down our throats this election season and here we go, IT'S THE REVOLUTION BABY! Gonna spread the(your) wealth around!!! GOVERN FROM THE MIDDLE?? based on what??? he's never even dipped a toe in the middle, from birth to date he's been a pedal to the metal, far-leftist with a disarming nature and a smooth delivery and an intimate understanding of Saul Alinsky which he has used very effectively ...I'll bet he was great with the ladies...:devil2:

This is going to be a fascinating 4+ years of being told that the likes of Ayers, Khalidi, Chavez et. al...oh, don't forget Larry Flint...these are the good guys, and well..... the Boy Scouts, apple pie, guns, talk radio, self-reliance, organized religeon,(except Islam of course, because that's the religeon of peace), the Constitution....they all have to go, they're standing in the way of CHANGE and they're old fashioned and well...they just suck....

we've unleashed a lion that's been raise by wolves, a socialist idealogue with no practical experience dealing with the problems that he's about to find himself immersed in...but he sure knows how to spend money....maybe he can raise a bunch of $$$$ illegally from overseas....that could help.....should be fascinating......

This from SLATE magazine
The Cult of Che
Don't applaud The Motorcycle Diaries.
By Paul Berman
Posted Friday, Sept. 24, 2004, at 7:33 AM ET

Portrait of the insurgent as a young man The cult of Ernesto Che Guevara is an episode in the moral callousness of our time. Che was a totalitarian. He achieved nothing but disaster. Many of the early leaders of the Cuban Revolution favored a democratic or democratic-socialist direction for the new Cuba. But Che was a mainstay of the hardline pro-Soviet faction, and his faction won. Che presided over the Cuban Revolution's first firing squads. He founded Cuba's "labor camp" system—the system that was eventually employed to incarcerate gays, dissidents, and AIDS victims. To get himself killed, and to get a lot of other people killed, was central to Che's imagination. In the famous essay in which he issued his ringing call for "two, three, many Vietnams," he also spoke about martyrdom and managed to compose a number of chilling phrases: "Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …"— and so on. He was killed in Bolivia in 1967, leading a guerrilla movement that had failed to enlist a single Bolivian peasant. And yet he succeeded in inspiring tens of thousands of middle class Latin-Americans to exit the universities and organize guerrilla insurgencies of their own. And these insurgencies likewise accomplished nothing, except to bring about the death of hundreds of thousands, and to set back the cause of Latin-American democracy—a tragedy on the hugest scale.

I want a Bill Ayers poster to hang next to my Che and Timmothy McVeigh posters....maybe the one where he's standing on the American flag and grinning......or is that a smirk because he knows that his protege is now the President.....?

spence 11-16-2008 07:42 AM

Sooner or later, your paranoia will destroy 'ya.


Nebe 11-16-2008 08:06 AM

The fact that I am most disturbed about is that Obama is rumored to have asked Cobra Commander to serve as Secretary of Defense.

Raven 11-16-2008 08:14 AM

all these politicians are nothing more than a front

the real people running this country are never seen nor heard

there crew drives black suburbans and answer to no law.

UserRemoved1 11-16-2008 08:53 AM

Man I was expecting Spence to destroy this. I'm disappointed Jeff :hihi:


Originally Posted by spence (Post 638443)
Sooner or later, your paranoia will destroy 'ya.


Joe 11-16-2008 11:03 AM

Be careful - after Obama converts to Islam and takes the Oath Of Office on the Koran, and then immediately siezes all the 401K money (if there is any after Bush exits), and reverses our right to bear arms and takes all the guns, pimps out Air Force One, and then socializes what's left of our economy, he might lock you up in a Cape Cod concentration camp for that kind of talk.

Raven 11-16-2008 11:07 AM


Swimmer 11-16-2008 12:10 PM

Ayers being outed
during this election is kind of funny. All these years while not hiding, he certainly didn't advertise his existence to the general public. When I see Fox national news dogging him down the street he lives on Ayers actually looks frightened. I think it friggin hilarious that this has happened. He deserves this to happen to him. It is so ironic how he and his associates, then in the 60's and 70's, used the constitution against us, now finds it necessary to call the Chicago police, because he doesn't want reporters hounding him on his street in front of his house, which is the reporters and news organizations right under the constitution.

As a member of the Weathermen (Weather Underground Organization) he and some of the groups associated with the Weathermen (Jonathan Mansville group that hid in upstate New York) did quite a bit more than just plant a few bombs. As a group they robbed banks and Brink's truck, whose guards were killed, to pay for the detached hidden from view lifestyle, which was necessary support thier outlaw extistence, but also to lend credence to the mantra they espoused. They also tied in with hardened career criminals who showed them the ropes. During one robbery in Boston, an officer Schroeder was shot in the back and died.

Even if some of what Ayers says now or said in the 60's was true, how could anyone write in a book that Sirhan Sirhan is a political prisoner like he did in Prairie Fire.

I don't care that Obama and Ayers served on the Arnnenburg Foundations panels. Arnnenburg himself, (started the Reader's Digest and built a fortune around that business), was quite a conservative. He was generous though when his money could provide atmospheres of critical thinking, and Arnnenburg didn't mind that those think tanks produced provocative liberal ideas as long as they solved problems.

spence 11-16-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& (Post 638460)
Man I was expecting Spence to destroy this. I'm disappointed Jeff :hihi:

Not worth my time.


scottw 11-17-2008 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 638512)
Not worth my time.


coward....that's pretty funny coming from someone that spends an extraordinary amount of "time" Lording over the "political page on a "fishing" website":laughs:

scottw 11-17-2008 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 638443)
Sooner or later, your paranoia will destroy 'ya.


PARANOID??? Yes….so paranoid in fact that I recently flew to my home state to see my ailing “typical white granny” who was reported to be on her last leg…so despite it being my busy season I dropped everything and flew straight…..well…not exactly…I spent about a week telling everyone that would listen about what a great guy I was for rushing to her side at such a busy time and.. THEN… I rushed to her side…and after quite a long flight I managed to spend nearly a whole entire hour with her where she repeatedly asked why I had not brought the wife and kids along given the circumstances….I guess in my rush to be with her I forgot the loved ones…anyway, after my long visit with granny I headed with a team of lawyers to City Hall to ensure that my birth records would be properly sealed…no particular reason, just my paranoia I guess, hey, it’s not like I want to be President or anything……doesn’t everyone have their birth records sealed??? And their health records, and their college records and pretty much any record of anything they’ve/ I’ve ever been involved in??? just sayin’….. ……..anyway, oh, and on my return flight I stopped at a major newspaper with my lawyers to make sure an embarrassing tape of me praising and toasting a rabid anti-semite would never be released, doesn’t everyone toast rabid anti-semites??? But like I said, I’m don’t want to be President or anything…. Just paranoid….:happy:

Nebe 11-17-2008 09:20 AM

sounds like it to me.

spence 11-17-2008 09:23 AM

At least he's willing to pay respect to my Lordly status.

But the snippy use of "coward" is just another symptom of his deepening paranoia.


fishbones 11-17-2008 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 638691)
At least he's willing to pay respect to my Lordly status.

But the snippy use of "coward" is just another symptom of his deepening paranoia.


Come on, Spence. I for one would love to see how you spin this one to defend the indefensible. Maybe by saying it's not worth your time or responding with your short little quips, your covering for the fact that you have no real response?

spence 11-17-2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 638700)
Come on, Spence. I for one would love to see how you spin this one to defend the indefensible. Maybe by saying it's not worth your time or responding with your short little quips, your covering for the fact that you have no real response?

It's the ease at which it can be defended that makes it not worth the time. Why apply real thought and reason to a mindless and paranoid rant?

I'd also note that most if not all of these topics were addressed in detail when they were of more timely interest.

Obama is our next President, get over it. We have a nation to rebuild.


Nebe 11-17-2008 10:21 AM

It has been noted over time that some people really struggle with the fear of change.. Many people have lived their entire lives without dealing with their problems only to live a live of misery when it would have only taken a few months of therapy to address. I suggest Scott should seek a therapist and work on the concept of change and the fear of the unknown. :uhuh:

scottw 11-25-2008 07:31 AM

this will make those that embrace "change" smile, I can't help feeling like Pol Pot, Moa, Hitler and Mussolini must feel short "change"d

November 25, 2008
New York Honors Che Guevara with Statue
By Humberto Fontova
Indeed! There was no mistaking it: a statue of "El Che" by German artist, Christian Jankowski. Upon investigating the matter, Abe Greenwald learned that, "the sculpture is not intended to depict Che Guevara," but rather a street performer from Barcelona's Las Ramblas who idolizes Che Guevara and makes a living mimimg him. "Which I'm sure makes all the difference in the world to the families of Che's victims," Mr Greenwald wisely adds. " There's no mistaking who that statue depicts."

Most New Yorkers seem unaware that but for the grace of God thousands of them would have been Che's victims too.

"If the missiles had remained (in Cuba),We would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York City. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims."
- Ernesto 'Che" Guevara, November 1962

The art display was made possible by the Public Art Fund, the City of New York, the NEA, and the New York Council for the Arts.

NYCLU: Why was Stalin banner removed from school?
November 14, 2008 - 10:00pm
NEW YORK (AP) - The New York Civil Liberties Union has demanded that city officials explain why they ordered a private art school to remove a banner displaying an image of Josef Stalin.
In a letter Thursday to the Department of Buildings, NYCLU executive director Donna Lieberman expressed concern that the banner was taken down from The Cooper Union after some residents of the local Ukrainian community complained that it "seemed to promote" the Soviet dictator on the 75th anniversary of a famine he imposed. The famine, called the Holodomor, killed millions of Ukrainians.
The 52-foot-by-36-foot banner features a reproduction of a 1953 Pablo Picasso portrait of Stalin. At the time, the image was viewed as a critique of the Soviet leader.
"It's like hanging a portrait of Hitler in a synagogue or in a Jewish community," she said.
Lenin Statue
Seattle, Washington
Fremont, self-proclaimed "Center of the Universe," is the venue for America's largest statue honoring Lenin. The 16-ft. tall bronze originated in Poprad, Czechoslovakia, where it was first erected in 1988. It tumbled along with other heroic (and out of fashion) statues when the Soviets went down in 1989.
Fremont put the statue up in the center of town, near a Cold War era rocket also displayed as public art.
The statue was controversial and remains so -- especially to Russian immigrants. Sure, Lenin the Man endorsed the use of mass terror against his enemies, created the Soviet Union's secret police, and implemented policies that caused millions of peasant farmers to starve to death.

There's a statue in Chicago commemorating the police officers who were slain by evolved progressives in the infamous Haymarket labor riots in May 1886....that originated the annual May Day Parades worldwide. Apparently the bloody riot was inspired by a visit to Chicago by Eleanor Marx....stinky Karl's daughter and her Brit Social Darwinist paramour who were invited to give scholarly lectures on revolution city wide.
The cop statue was regularly blown to bits by unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers (small 'c' Communist) and his Weather Underground anarchists with IEDs on May 1 for a number of years.

scottw 11-25-2008 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 638702)
It's the ease at which it can be defended that makes it not worth the time. Why apply real thought and reason to a mindless and paranoid rant?

I'd also note that most if not all of these topics were addressed in detail when they were of more timely interest.

Obama is our next President, get over it. We have a nation to rebuild.


cmon' Spence, you know that I love you...I'm folding up a nice fancy tinfoil hat for you for Christmas....:heybaby:

scottw 11-25-2008 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 638710)
It has been noted over time that some people really struggle with the fear of change.. Many people have lived their entire lives without dealing with their problems only to live a live of misery when it would have only taken a few months of therapy to address. I suggest Scott should seek a therapist and work on the concept of change and the fear of the unknown. :uhuh:

I've been to therapy Nebe, I particularly enjoyed the drugs...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

The Dad Fisherman 11-25-2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 640771)
this will make those that embrace "change" smile, I can't help feeling like Pol Pot, Moa, Hitler and Mussolini must feel short "change"d

November 25, 2008
New York Honors Che Guevara with Statue
By Humberto Fontova
Indeed! There was no mistaking it: a statue of "El Che" by German artist, Christian Jankowski. Upon investigating the matter, Abe Greenwald learned that, "the sculpture is not intended to depict Che Guevara," but rather a street performer from Barcelona's Las Ramblas who idolizes Che Guevara and makes a living mimimg him. "Which I'm sure makes all the difference in the world to the families of Che's victims," Mr Greenwald wisely adds. " There's no mistaking who that statue depicts."

Most New Yorkers seem unaware that but for the grace of God thousands of them would have been Che's victims too.

"If the missiles had remained (in Cuba),We would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York City. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims."
- Ernesto 'Che" Guevara, November 1962

The art display was made possible by the Public Art Fund, the City of New York, the NEA, and the New York Council for the Arts.

NYCLU: Why was Stalin banner removed from school?
November 14, 2008 - 10:00pm
NEW YORK (AP) - The New York Civil Liberties Union has demanded that city officials explain why they ordered a private art school to remove a banner displaying an image of Josef Stalin.
In a letter Thursday to the Department of Buildings, NYCLU executive director Donna Lieberman expressed concern that the banner was taken down from The Cooper Union after some residents of the local Ukrainian community complained that it "seemed to promote" the Soviet dictator on the 75th anniversary of a famine he imposed. The famine, called the Holodomor, killed millions of Ukrainians.
The 52-foot-by-36-foot banner features a reproduction of a 1953 Pablo Picasso portrait of Stalin. At the time, the image was viewed as a critique of the Soviet leader.
"It's like hanging a portrait of Hitler in a synagogue or in a Jewish community," she said.
Lenin Statue
Seattle, Washington
Fremont, self-proclaimed "Center of the Universe," is the venue for America's largest statue honoring Lenin. The 16-ft. tall bronze originated in Poprad, Czechoslovakia, where it was first erected in 1988. It tumbled along with other heroic (and out of fashion) statues when the Soviets went down in 1989.
Fremont put the statue up in the center of town, near a Cold War era rocket also displayed as public art.
The statue was controversial and remains so -- especially to Russian immigrants. Sure, Lenin the Man endorsed the use of mass terror against his enemies, created the Soviet Union's secret police, and implemented policies that caused millions of peasant farmers to starve to death.

Freedom of Speech....If we are going to send our soldiers into harms way to protect our right to it, then we have to expect people to exercise it.....whether we believe its right or not. Why do you think the KKK and Nazi party can have public demonstrations and exhibitions, and people can burn the flag....because they have the right too. I know it sucks sometimes but that is what America was founded on.

If we start taking stuiff down that piss us off then where is the Freedom.

Joe 11-25-2008 09:08 AM

Obama is Pol Pot, Mao, Guevara, a domestic terrorist?
In reality...He's a pragmatic democrat in the mold of Clinton and his actions thus far with respect to his appointments are proving that he's more centrist than people thought.

RIJIMMY 11-25-2008 09:23 AM

Joe, just curious, what "centrists" has he appointed?

Joe 11-25-2008 09:50 AM

From your perspective all democrats are radical lefties - so none, unless Gates stays on at Defense.
A few weeks ago, when McCain was ahead in the s-b poll, I wrote that I thought that the s-b poll was not a real sampling of the country since most s-b'ers are white middle aged sportsmen which would typically vote republican. For a reply I got "LOL That's a stretch." like that was a whacked notion to hold. Nevermind that it was a correct assumption.
The democrats are not communists, socialists, or revolutionaries - they are democrats. We've had democrats before and the republic endured and even prospered in most cases. Its not the end of the country - there's no need to move to Nova Scotia.
I'd like to see a more realistic dialogue in place of comparisons to facists, terrorists, communists, or rumors of the repeal of the bill of rights, or the forthcoming establishment of concentration camps, or the siezing of 401K's.

spence 11-25-2008 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 640815)
Joe, just curious, what "centrists" has he appointed?

How about most of his economic team?

Additionally...Eric Holder certainly is a centrist pick, as are Tom Daschle, Janet Napolitano and Bill Richardson.

Just because they have a D at the end of their name, or have worked for Democrats doesn't mean they're partisan picks. The real proof is in the Republican Congressional feedback which has for the most part been very favorable.

All this discussion about Gates staying on, which seems pretty credible, lends more fuel to the fire.

The difference is when picks are made to return party favors or uber idiologs are placed in influential positions who clearly don't hold mainstream views. Bush was notoriously guilty of this, it was a major flaw in his style leadership. GOP credentials were far more important than skills or experience.


RIJIMMY 11-25-2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 640828)
From your perspective all democrats are radical lefties - so none, unless Gates stays on at Defense.
A few weeks ago, when McCain was ahead in the s-b poll, I wrote that I thought that the s-b poll was not a real sampling of the country since most s-b'ers are white middle aged sportsmen which would typically vote republican. For a reply I got "LOL That's a stretch." like that was a whacked notion to hold. Nevermind that it was a correct assumption.
The democrats are not communists, socialists, or revolutionaries - they are democrats. We've had democrats before and the republic endured and even prospered in most cases. Its not the end of the country - there's no need to move to Nova Scotia.
I'd like to see a more realistic dialogue in place of comparisons to facists, terrorists, communists, or rumors of the repeal of the bill of rights, or the forthcoming establishment of concentration camps, or the siezing of 401K's.

christ I asked a question! Go back and look at the thread and show me it was ME who said LOL thats a stretch. I never typed LOL in my life. Nor do I think all dems are lefties. It was just an f'in question!

The Dad Fisherman 11-25-2008 10:33 AM

WOOHOO...RIJ is getting Fired won't be a boring day at work. :hihi:

Joe 11-25-2008 10:42 AM

No - Jim, it was not you who wrote that.
I don't have a problem with people being partisan, but stay in the realm of this world.

RIJIMMY 11-25-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 640859)
WOOHOO...RIJ is getting Fired won't be a boring day at work. :hihi:

Nah, been out of the loop on politics and was just looking to get some info on Obama's apointees. last time I ever ask a question.

Joe 11-25-2008 11:19 AM

It was not directed at you personally, Jim. It read that way, I'm sorry it did. I'm finding a lot of the rhetoric preposterous - and not just this thread either, but overall.

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