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Jim in CT 10-09-2011 02:47 PM

MSNBC's O'Donnell slans Herman Cain for "sitting on the sidelines" during the 1960s
In case no one here is among the 13 people who still watch MSNBC. they have a guy named Lawrence O'Donnell who has a show. O'Donnell is a howling-at-the-moon, foaming-at-the-mouth lunatic, who could be portrayed by Christopher Walken in a movie about his life.

O'Donnell, who CLAIMS to be with the party that cares about blacks, last week slammed Herman Cain because during the violent civil rights protests of the 1960's, Cain was getting his undergraduate and masters degrees. O'Donnell accused Cain of "sitting on the sidelenes". Would O'Donnell have said the same thing to Danny Glover?

striperman36 10-09-2011 03:03 PM

Right. makes perfect sense. I should've been in the 'Nam but no I went to college instead, because I was, sitting on the sidelines.

THese 40 years ago issues are so lame,

Jim in CT 10-09-2011 03:28 PM

What got my goat was a prviledged white guy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, gets to decide what a "real" black should have done? I know a lot about Dr King, and he would have tole Cain to do EXACTLY what he was doing, because there is no better revenge against predjudice than by smashong through glass ceilings and succeeding.

Makes me sick. Conservatives need to take the gloves off and start throwing elbows too. I can't take these immoral hypocrites anymore. If as conservattive white reporter tried doing that, he's get eviscerated. And he'd deserve it.

spence 10-09-2011 03:51 PM

MSNBC has some good hosts, O'Donnell isn't one of them. His interview with Cain was pretty lame, but nothing different than I've seen Hannity do many times.

He's just doing this stuff to rile up the Right wing media anyway, looks like it worked.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

striperman36 10-09-2011 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 891747)
What got my goat was a prviledged white guy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, gets to decide what a "real" black should have done? I know a lot about Dr King, and he would have tole Cain to do EXACTLY what he was doing, because there is no better revenge against predjudice than by smashong through glass ceilings and succeeding.

Makes me sick. Conservatives need to take the gloves off and start throwing elbows too. I can't take these immoral hypocrites anymore. If as conservattive white reporter tried doing that, he's get eviscerated. And he'd deserve it.

The Mass Media venues allows every views even those extreme views, like this and Westboro Church to be seen by the masses. Fortunately we can 'mute' them for our own opinions. I bet that dude wasn't even born then.

Jim in CT 10-09-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 891752)
MSNBC has some good hosts, O'Donnell isn't one of them. His interview with Cain was pretty lame, but nothing different than I've seen Hannity do many times.

He's just doing this stuff to rile up the Right wing media anyway, looks like it worked.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Spence -

(1) Who is a good host at MSNBC? Al Sharpton? Ed Schultz? The half-beast Rachael Maddow?

(2) Please tell me when Sean Hannity decided that he was the authority on what "real" blacks should do.

"He's just doing this stuff to rile up the Right wing media anyway, "

Oh, I didn't know that the hatemongers at MSNBC let you know what their intentions are. MSNBC doesn't rile up the right-wing media, because MSNBC isn't significant enough to be on the right wing media's radar screen. So almost no one knows what O'Donnell said, because almost no one was watching.

If the liberals, like you, won't condemn O'Donnell, then don't tell me you care more about the welfare of blacks than I do. What O'Donnell did was repugnant, and not a peep of protest from the NAACP, they are still too busy glorifying the murderer Troy Davis, who was executed in accordance with duly constituted laws. An obviously guilty murderer like Troy Davis gets more support from liberal idiots (sorry for the redundancy of that phrase) than a guy like Herman Cain, who struggled to get out of segregated Atlanta to be a huge success. His success is not celebrated, it CAN NOT be celebrated, by liberal azzholes, because only liberal blacks are "real" blacks. Conservative blacks, on the other hand, are treated like Uncle Tom plantation darkies by your liberal ilk. Just look at how nice and tolerant your liberal bretheren were to Clarence Thomas.

Liberals have no shame, and their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Your anti-poverty programs aimed at blacks have done exactly nothing to reduce black poverty, all you have done is (1) made an entire race addicted to welfare, and (2) totally eradicated the black nuclear family.

Kudos to the liberals! You have re-enslaved the black race, this time chaining them to the shackles of welfare addiction, and thus you have removed any and all economic upward mobility for that race.

The amazing thing is that while liberals call Tea Partiers racist, the tea party doctrine is EXACTLY, I mean EXACTLY, what impoverished blacks need to embrace to lift themselves up.

Conservatives want blacks to have the same opportunities for economic success that whites enj0y. The last thing liberals want is for blacks to become wealthy and independent, because if they did, blacks would vote Republican.

Jim in CT 10-09-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 891756)
The Mass Media venues allows every views even those extreme views, like this and Westboro Church to be seen by the masses. Fortunately we can 'mute' them for our own opinions. I bet that dude wasn't even born then.

I don't know of a network that gives a prime-time host slot to the Westboro Baptist Church.

I don't want to mute the likes of Lawrence O'Donnell, I want them exposed as the deranged, racist, hate-mongers that they are.

striperman36 10-09-2011 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 891772)
I don't know of a network that gives a prime-time host slot to the Westboro Baptist Church.

I don't want to mute the likes of Lawrence O'Donnell, I want them exposed as the deranged, racist, hate-mongers that they are.

any prime time news gives them coverage

Expose as such is not what happens. there is no comment by the management it's up to us to decide as to what they are to us.

Raven 10-10-2011 05:34 AM

half beast :rotflmao:

RIROCKHOUND 10-11-2011 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 891772)
I don't know of a network that gives a prime-time host slot to the Westboro Baptist Church.

Glen Beck...?

Who is good there?
Mathews, Scarborough for starters.

I find O'Donnell a little extreme for me. He's basically Oblemerman v.2.0. You might not like Ed Schultz or Dylan Ratigan (who I know had an epic rant that went viral a few years ago) but I find their respective causes, especially Rattigan's push to get money out of politics a pretty good take.

The Few times I have seen maddow I found her boring.

You don't have to agree with someone to think they are a good TV host. I think O'Riely conducts a prety good interview. Brit Hume is another good one, even if I don't agree with them. I can't stand the bubble heads in the morning or Hannity in the evening.

Jim in CT 10-11-2011 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 892034)
Glen Beck...?

Who is good there?
Mathews, Scarborough for starters.

I find O'Donnell a little extreme for me. He's basically Oblemerman v.2.0. You might not like Ed Schultz or Dylan Ratigan (who I know had an epic rant that went viral a few years ago) but I find their respective causes, especially Rattigan's push to get money out of politics a pretty good take.

The Few times I have seen maddow I found her boring.

You don't have to agree with someone to think they are a good TV host. I think O'Riely conducts a prety good interview. Brit Hume is another good one, even if I don't agree with them. I can't stand the bubble heads in the morning or Hannity in the evening.

Chris Matthews? The guy who said he gets a tingle up his leg when Obama speaks? The guy who says that opposition to Obama is based on raccism?

Yes, Fox has its share of simple-minded ideologues like Hannity. But MSNBC's entire prime-time lineup looks like a bunch of guys who just escaped from a mental hospital.

RIROCKHOUND 10-11-2011 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 892040)
Chris Matthews? The guy who said he gets a tingle up his leg when Obama speaks? The guy who says that opposition to Obama is based on raccism?

Yes, Fox has its share of simple-minded ideologues like Hannity. But MSNBC's entire prime-time lineup looks like a bunch of guys who just escaped from a mental hospital.

Have you seen Matthews lately? he has been all over Obama. I think that tingle has worn off...

So who at Fox is not a simple minded idealogue, besides the two I mentioned (Bill and Hume)

zimmy 10-11-2011 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 892040)
Yes, Fox has its share of simple-minded ideologues like Hannity.

Understatement of the century.

Jim in CT 10-11-2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 892041)
Have you seen Matthews lately? he has been all over Obama. I think that tingle has worn off...

So who at Fox is not a simple minded idealogue, besides the two I mentioned (Bill and Hume)

Sean Hannity is a simple-minded ideologue (as is O'Donnell, Sharpton, Mathews, Maddow, and Ed Schultz at MSNBC).

Bill O'reilly isn't an ideologue...if you think he is, then either you don't weatch his show, or you don't know what the word means. O'Reilly has thoughtful liberals on, every single night. Every single night, O'Reilly says to a liberal "that's a good point". That's precisely what people want, and that's precisely why he dominates. Every single person on MSNBC's prime time, hates conservatives. Every single one of them.

Britt Hume isn't an ideological, dishonest hack like the morons at MSNBC. He's to the right of center, but he's not remotely comparable to anyone on MSNBC's prime time lineup.

There's this notion out there that FoxNews is the right-wing equivalent of MSNBC. Not even close. FoxNews may be the most right-wing cable station out there, but they're nowhere near as radical as MSNBC. Liberals get a fair shot every single night on Fox.

RIROCKHOUND 10-11-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 892041)
So who at Fox is not a simple minded idealogue, besides the two I mentioned (Bill and Hume)

see above.
This quote was misconstrued.
Besides the two I mentioned as good hosts.

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