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Ian 10-11-2018 06:16 PM

Something you can all agree on
Kanye is bat#^&#^&#^&#^& crazy...

Nebe 10-11-2018 06:28 PM

Was he on mushrooms?
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Ian 10-11-2018 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1153093)
Was he on mushrooms?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-11-2018 09:51 PM

Isn’t he bipolar?
I thought that’s what he said in that performance in the Oval Office
If that’s correct he sounds more like he’s quit taking his meds
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 10-11-2018 09:55 PM

Shocking, he seems so stable.
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Ian 10-11-2018 10:37 PM

All I know is that I want me one of them hydrogen powered iPlanes... tomorrow
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PaulS 10-12-2018 07:57 AM

Remember the good ole days when it was considered not respecting the oval office when a Pres. wore brown suits and put their shoes up on the desk.

Oh the hypocrisy.

Jim in CT 10-12-2018 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153135)
Remember the good ole days when it was considered not respecting the oval office when a Pres. wore brown suits and put their shoes up on the desk.

Oh the hypocrisy.

And who said that exactly? And about whom?

PaulS 10-12-2018 08:55 AM

All those petty Repub. who use to complain about every little thing Obama did but now are strangely silent.

Sea Dangles 10-12-2018 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153141)
All those petty Repub. who use to complain about every little thing Obama did but now are strangely silent.

Tell us when you criticized Obama one time. I understand the buffoon with orange hair makes himself an easy target for all,especially #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&s. Do you honestly expect the republicans to pig pile on something so trivial?
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PaulS 10-12-2018 10:14 AM

Mr Irrelevant

DZ 10-12-2018 10:30 AM

West is colorful for sure. Very bold for b#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g the trend in the music industry where he could very easily be "black listed". Wasn't he the darling of the left a few years back when he criticized President Bush?

Sea Dangles 10-12-2018 10:31 AM

So I answer the question and that’s the best you offer? That’s a typical #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& discussion I guess. No real response or insight just the typical nonsense. The #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&s are obviously running out of bullets and will go down with the ship voiceless.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 10-12-2018 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by DZ (Post 1153149)
West is colorful for sure. Very bold for b#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g the trend in the music industry where he could very easily be "black listed". Wasn't he the darling of the left a few years back when he criticized President Bush?

Not sure if he was or wasn't. But the right hates hollywood until an actor/celeb. is on the right, then they love celebs.

Funny though to see how the rights so called "morals" got erroded so quick w/this Pres.

DZ 10-12-2018 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153155)
Not sure if he was or wasn't. But the right hates hollywood until an actor/celeb. is on the right, then they love celebs.

Funny though to see how the rights so called "morals" got erroded so quick w/this Pres.

I think many on the right have a problem with Hollywood because the Hollywood establishment will not accept any of their own brothers/sisters who do not walk in lock step with the establishment. Same in the music industry.

PaulS 10-12-2018 11:38 AM

That is the problem the right has w/Hollywood? It has nothing to do w/the movies they put on or the song lyrics? And I'm sure which way they lean politically has nothing to do with it.

Aaarnold and Clint seem to have done pretty well in Hollywood.

Got Stripers 10-12-2018 12:00 PM

IMHO that nut doesn't even deserve a thread, he needs better meds and to showcase him in the oval office is just nuts.

DZ 10-12-2018 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153160)
That is the problem the right has w/Hollywood? It has nothing to do w/the movies they put on or the song lyrics? And I'm sure which way they lean politically has nothing to do with it.

Aaarnold and Clint seem to have done pretty well in Hollywood.

Of course there are exceptions Paul - come on you're smarter than that.
I said many - not all.

PaulS 10-12-2018 12:52 PM

What I am is smart enough to realize that the problem the right has with Hollywood and other celebrities has nothing to do with their view that the Hollywood folks don't like anybody who doesn't walk in lockstep with them.
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Sea Dangles 10-12-2018 01:33 PM

Paul has it all figured out. All by himself too.
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Jim in CT 10-12-2018 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153160)

Aaarnold and Clint seem to have done pretty well in Hollywood.

so hollywood does not tilt left, that’s what you’re saying? seriously?
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PaulS 10-12-2018 02:40 PM

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying they tilt left and that's partly why the right hates them so.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 10-12-2018 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1153104)
Isn’t he bipolar?
I thought that’s what he said in that performance in the Oval Office
If that’s correct he sounds more like he’s quit taking his meds
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I read the transcript
He either needs to take a nap or........
He’s just bat#^&#^&#^&#^& crazy
West: Again – so what I think is, we don’t need sentences; we need pardons.#^&We need to talk to people.#^& I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.#^&I was connected with a neuropsychologist that works with the athletes in the NBA and the NFL.#^&And he looked at my brain – it’s equal on three parts.#^&I’m going to go ahead drop some bombs for you – 98 percentile IQ test.#^& I had a 75 percentile of all human beings, but it was counting eight numbers backwards, (inaudible), so I’m going to work on that one.#^&The other ones, 98 percent – Tesla, Freud.#^&
So he said that I actually wasn’t bipolar; I had sleep deprivation, which could cause dementia 10 to 20 years from now, where I wouldn’t even remember my son’s name.#^&So all this power that I got, and I’m taking my son to the Sox game and all that, I wouldn’t be able to remember his name from a misdiagnosage.#^&
And what we need is, we can empower the pharmaceuticals and make more money.#^&That’s one thing – I’ve never stepped into a situation where I didn’t make people more money.#^&So we can empower pharmaceuticals, we can empower our industries, we can empower our factories.#^&We can bring not only Adidas onshore, we can bring – Foxconn has set up a factory in, I think, Minnesota.
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Nebe 10-12-2018 10:11 PM

I still want to know.. was he on mushrooms?!?
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The Dad Fisherman 10-12-2018 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1153203)
I still want to know.. was he on mushrooms?!?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Very possibly
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scottw 10-13-2018 03:34 AM

it gave the left something to shriek about for a few days :rotflmao:

if he'd insulted and impugned trump the same people would be singing his who's crazy?

wdmso 10-13-2018 03:50 AM

West went to the white house so Trump could say See I have a Black Friend .. it's no deeper than that Ask yourself why else would the White house turn it into a media event not a private visit ? Bill Maher called it .... Trumps bread and circuses

scottw 10-13-2018 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1153207)
Ask yourself why else would the White house turn it into a media event not a private visit ? Bill Maher called it .... Trumps bread and circuses

ummmm....because most celebrity white house visits are media events

racist if you do racist if you don't

bill maher is an ahole

Jim in CT 10-13-2018 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1153175)
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying they tilt left and that's partly why the right hates them so.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

saying hollywood tilts left is like saying sean hannity tilts right. conservatives don’t dislike everyone who is liberal. hollywood is often really offensive and inflammatory about it, and that’s why conservatives don’t like them.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-13-2018 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1153207)
Ask yourself why else would the White house turn it into a media event not a private visit ?

two years in, and you still don’t get it.

if he made the visit private, Trump would not have had the pleasure of watching the left, once again, humiliate themselves with their foaming-at-mouth response to West, as we all could have predicted they would. He played liberals, and as usual, they fell for it.

Respected TV hosts and pundits on the left, have helped Trump by going bonkers again, saying West is what happens when negroes don’t read, saying it was a minstrel show, saying that he’s a token black, saying that he’s crazy, one college professor on msnbc saying it was trump engaging in white nationalism using west as a ventriloquist dummy.

Trump felt like goading the left into wearing their tin foil hats in public again, and as usual, they fell for it. When trump says “ here kitty kitty” to you people and then annihilates you when you come to him, how many times does that happen before you learn? for gods sake, even a baby eventually learns not to touch the hot stove.

All he has to do is push a button to make them implode. He says MS-13 are animals, and two seconds later there’s Nancy Pelosi saying that MS-13 are all Gods children. you couldn’t be making it easier for him to manipulate you. It’s not helping. Have you seen the bounce that the GOP got from the Kavanaugh spectacle? It was the nail in the coffin of any hopes the democrats had of taking the senate. Not only did Trump get Kavanaugh confirmed, he sealed the deal in the GOP keeping the senate, meaning they can pack federal courts with conservative judges for two more years. It was a disaster for the left, but they learned nothing, they’d do the same thing tomorrow. They are so obsessed with hating Trump, they are blind and oblivious to everything else. Trump knows this, and has been using it to his advantage, clubbing your side with it like a baby seal, for two years. He’s completely manipulating the left. He knows he can use their insane hatred for him, to lead them around by the nose. It’s hysterical. He’s playing chess, and the left still, two years later, thinks he’s playing checkers. Trump is a buffoon, but he’s playing the left like a violin.

If the left could bring themselves to calmly say “we respect Kanye’s right to express his opinion. But we think he’s wrong, and here’s why...”. If they could
do that, that would be a win for them. But they can’t. And Trump was counting on that. They can’t make West wrong when he says that liberalism has contributed to black fatherlessness, and god
knows they will never admit the other side is right. So they go low with disgusting racist attacks. Every single time.

They did exactly what Trump wanted them to do, and that’s why he did it publicly. To show everyone how ugly and hate filled the liberal
media is, three weeks before the election. Maybe that helps save a house seat or two for the GOP.

He’s a master at getting them to humiliate themselves. And no matter how many times he does it, they don’t see it.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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