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justplugit 08-12-2015 09:51 AM

Have Hillary's chickens come home to roost?
News reported today that Hillary turned over her server to the State Dept.
Remember , "There were No classified e mails on my computer."? Well it was reported there was classified documents and 2 Top Secret e mails too.

Maybe she just forgot from getting over the TBS she got from the sniper fire?

PaulS 08-12-2015 10:16 AM

I thought I read that when the emails where sent that they weren't classified?

spence 08-12-2015 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078741)
I thought I read that when the emails where sent that they weren't classified?

Details, details...

Jim in CT 08-12-2015 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078741)
I thought I read that when the emails where sent that they weren't classified?

That was what she said a few weeks ago. That may have simply been her lie de jour. It is being reported that the information was tagged as classified when she had the emails on her server. We need to find out if that's true, and if so, she can tell us which part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" is responsible for this latest moral lapse.

Jim in CT 08-12-2015 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1078736)
Maybe she just forgot from getting over the TBS she got from the sniper fire?

If she gets the nomination, I pray to God that the GOP nominee spits that lie in her face every other sentence. How did that not end her career.

That, and she denied Bill was cheating on her, but instead he was being framed by the "vast right wing conspiracy". If she truly believed that, she's to stupid for the job. If she didn't believe that, then she's too dishonest.

spence 08-12-2015 11:56 AM

I guarantee that information passes through email (including non-government servers) all the time before it's categorized as classified or top secret. It's quite likely the person sensing failed to tag it or even that they didn't realize significance until a later date.

Jim in CT 08-12-2015 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1078750)
I guarantee that information passes through email (including non-government servers) all the time before it's categorized as classified or top secret. It's quite likely the person sensing failed to tag it or even that they didn't realize significance until a later date.

"I guarantee that information passes through email (including non-government servers) all the time "

Maybe. Maybe she did nothing that they don't all do. But she denied it. Does everyone else lie about doing it? If it turns out she lied, that's worth knowing, isn't it?

Furthermore, it's my understanding that it's now illegal to put classified info on a non-secure server, and there didn't used to be a law against that. I absolutely could be wrong there, though.

Jim in CT 08-12-2015 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1078750)
I guarantee that information passes through email (including non-government servers) all the time before it's categorized as classified or top secret. It's quite likely the person sensing failed to tag it or even that they didn't realize significance until a later date.

Do presidential candidates routinely lie about getting coming under sniper fire, Spence?

PaulS 08-12-2015 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1078746)
That was what she said a few weeks ago. That may have simply been her lie de jour. It is being reported that the information was tagged as classified when she had the emails on her server. We need to find out if that's true, and if so, she can tell us which part of the "vast right wing conspiracy" is responsible for this latest moral lapse.

The State Department disputes that the emails were classified at that time.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

JohnR 08-12-2015 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1078750)
I guarantee that information passes through email (including non-government servers) all the time before it's categorized as classified or top secret. It's quite likely the person sensing failed to tag it or even that they didn't realize significance until a later date.

I guarantee you there was classified information on that server. What is worse, I can guarantee you that between the Russians and Chinese reading our mail through her server, and the the 2 years of access to our OPM records (they did), they have a significant ability to read our thoughts and intentions. Maybe Obama isn't such a bad president after all. Since the Russians and Chinese know what he is going to do before he goes to do it they could counter and intellectual superiority of our almighty Obama - real or imagined.

Mix these with the compromise of JCS secure systems and you have perhaps the biggest IC failure in decades since well into the Cold War.

The entire server was a security risk and hackable.

This is such a breach of security that if any of us had done something half as bad we would be locked away.

The Dad Fisherman 08-12-2015 01:51 PM

She is the friggin Secretary of State....pretty much every e-mail she sends is of a sensitive nature......even if it is an RSVP for lunch, it shows the movement of a top US official and should be, at the very least treated as unclassified but sensitive.

Sorry, but she is an idiot for having a non-secure e-mail server.....don't care who thinks otherwise.

PaulS 08-12-2015 02:00 PM

i agree it was stupid - but from what I read there were no classified or top secret emails that where sent. I'm waiting for the OP to come back and maybe provide a link to article he read.

Jackbass 08-12-2015 02:17 PM

Hillary Clinton will get the nomination she may even become president. I will in fact make a bold prediction that who ever raises the most money from large corporate interests will win the presidency. She is winning the money race. We will hear politicized arguments about women's rights, women's rights to choose, women's health, increased minimum wage etc. all of the apologists, unions, etc will say why she is great. At the end of the day we will all be sold down the river again. The silent majority of individuals who have zero time to crusade for a candidate that is the lesser of all evils but better for the country will lose again. It sucks but it is the way of the land. Sold to the highest bidder. We are being force fed lines of BS in this country based on the needs of large corporate interest. If any one thinks democrats and republicans differ in this regard sorry you are a moron.

The only fly in the ointment will be whether or not Trump or Sanders decides to run as an indie candidate taking votes from one of the two ruling parties.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 08-12-2015 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1078761)
She is the friggin Secretary of State....pretty much every e-mail she sends is of a sensitive nature......even if it is an RSVP for lunch, it shows the movement of a top US official and should be, at the very least treated as unclassified but sensitive.

Sorry, but she is an idiot for having a non-secure e-mail server.....don't care who thinks otherwise.

Full Stop. All correct.


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078762)
i agree it was stupid - but from what I read there were no classified or top secret emails that where sent. I'm waiting for the OP to come back and maybe provide a link to article he read.

Almost everything was secret, as for specific items, at least two in the released emails were reclassified is "TOP SECRET" and if the linked article is to be, well beyond top secret


The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications - more sensitive than previously known.
That would indicate 2 emails - of a small pool of emails according to CNN - are above TOP SECRET which would indicate compartmentalized classified information that might include things like satellite imagery or stuff NOFORN (no foreign nationals).

So, this is a small set of emails from the small set released by the State Department, of the less than half of emails HC gave to State, after deleting more than half of the files.

This is big and it has been said so for some time but nobody wants to care. The fact that the server was not properly secured means that the potential exists for thousands of emails were possible classified. Anyone else would go to a long time of making little rocks out of big rocks.

Jim in CT 08-12-2015 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1078768)
This is big and it has been said so for some time but nobody wants to care. The fact that the server was not properly secured means that the potential exists for thousands of emails were possible classified. Anyone else would go to a long time of making little rocks out of big rocks.

"nobody wants to care"

Her numbers are tanking, and the Maoist Bernie Sanders is ahead of her in NH. I wouldn't say nobody cares. Not as many as should care. Her ratings for trustworthy are low, but it's unfathomable that they aren't precisely 0...or 1, counting Spence.

"Anyone else would go to a long time of making little rocks out of big rocks"

I think it's established that her recent predecessors did the same thing. But as I stated, I think (could be wrong!) that it's now illegal to do what she did, whereas before it was stupid but legal. But the laws don't apply to the Clintons, never have.

I would love, love, love to know what Biden's team is thinking. How can he not run? The DNC cannot let Sanders get the nomination, and he has all the momentum right now.

I love it. Grabs popcorn.

The Dad Fisherman 08-12-2015 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1078768)
So, this is a small set of emails from the small set released by the State Department, of the less than half of emails HC gave to State, after deleting more than half of the files.

This is big and it has been said so for some time but nobody wants to care. The fact that the server was not properly secured means that the potential exists for thousands of emails were possible classified. Anyone else would go to a long time of making little rocks out of big rocks.

I would venture to say that 99% of the e-mails on that server were, at the very least, Unclassified/FOUO (For Official Use Only). Which means only for people with a "Need to Know"

Don't think Chinese Hackers fall into that category.....

scottw 08-12-2015 05:50 PM

just think about the kinds of things that other candidates have been run out of contention for...that this woman is even a marginal thought as a potential US President is laughable and frightening, she's a disaster ....what's the "state of the dem's"?? this disaster, a socialist dinosaur, biden and chaffee(dumb and dumber)....not crazy about most of the GOP but they sure look great next to the dem's line up of losers

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 09:14 AM

It's now being reported (not confirmed I don't think) that she had emails on her personal server classified as Sensitive Compartmentalized (SCI), which I think is higher than Top Secret.

It's also being reported that the classified info on her personal server was not flagged as classified when she received it. But that they WERE flagged as classified at the state department. Meaning, someone erased the classification, and then forwarded the emails to her personal server. That's a couple of felonies right there, just ask David Petreaus.

That, of course, explains her carefully parsed statement that she never received emails on her server that were classified at the time she received them on her server. Never mind that they were tagged as classified (or higher) just before they were sent to her server. That's not a concern to her.

Lucy, ju got some splainin' to do...

It's not possible that someone sent classified stuff to her personal server (it's an internet based server for Christ's sake) without knowing what they were doing. The only people who have access to that stuff, are trained on how to handle it, and what happens if you fail to comply.

This just rose to a whole new level.

And my bet is, she'll blame it, once again, on the "vast right wing conspiracy". Every TV station except one will ignore it.

I am DYING to know what Biden's team is thinking.

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1078787)
not crazy about most of the GOP but they sure look great next to the dem's line up of losers

Have you given Ben Carson a look? I don't think he has a prayer, but my God, the guy is impressive. He went to Harlem yesterday, and told people in Harlem (talk about going into the belly of the beast) and told them that it's not white republicans who are to blame for their problems, but rather the liberal policy "of not showing us respect, not treating us like equals, but patting us on the head and treating us like pets. That's what happens when they don't respect you, but take care of you, so that in turn, you will take care of them". Heroically, he likened liberal policies to Lyndon Johnson's famous statement "if we give these n's free stuff, they'll vote for us for 200 years". He also said that the only solution is to embrace the only values that matter, family and faith.

Brave, and very intellectually honest.

justplugit 08-13-2015 11:33 AM

I always liked him. A bright guy who seems very honest and trustworthy.

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1078823)
I always liked him. A bright guy who seems very honest and trustworthy.

He gave a great answer on his abortion position very recently. He said that he worked most of hi scareer as a pediatric neurosurgeon, an dthat he couldn't count ho wmany times he and his team fought all night long, giving everything they had, to save critical babies, sometimes who were still in the womb. So he said that no one should be shocked that he's not in favor of killing babies for convenience.

I thought it was a fair, honest answer.

He just comes across as a decent, honest, thoughtful man.

PaulS 08-13-2015 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1078823)
I always liked him. A bright guy who seems very honest and trustworthy.


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1078832)
He gave a great answer on his abortion position very recently. He said that he worked most of hi scareer as a pediatric neurosurgeon, an dthat he couldn't count ho wmany times he and his team fought all night long, giving everything they had, to save critical babies, sometimes who were still in the womb. So he said that no one should be shocked that he's not in favor of killing babies for convenience.

I thought it was a fair, honest answer.

He just comes across as a decent, honest, thoughtful man.

So neither of you have any problems with his research on tissue from aborted fetus'?

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078837)
So neither of you have any problems with his research on tissue from aborted fetus'?

A tough but fair question.

I don't think most people have a problem with performing medical research on corpses, even babies. I have no quarel with that. But I would assume that those folks died of natural causes or an accident. I also assume, as the law requires, that fetal corpses used for research, were not manipulated while still alive, for the specific reason of maximizing harvestable tissue. Finally, what sickened a lot of folks about PP, was the absolute callousness with which they discussed such things, but in my opinion, you need to have something deeply wrong with you to do that for a living, so maybe it's not that surprising.

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078837)
So neither of you have any problems with his research on tissue from aborted fetus'?

If it matters, Carson is denying that he ever performed research on fetal tissue. His surgeries. done in the effort to save lives, were sometimes used as a source for scientific research. He has no ethical issue with that research, but claims he has never been involved.

justplugit 08-13-2015 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1078837)
So neither of you have any problems with his research on tissue from aborted fetus'?

Today was the first I heard of that.
He is being interviewed tonight so I will wait to see what he has to say
before I pass judgment.

JohnR 08-13-2015 07:38 PM

Interesting article which goes far deeper than my hightlights that I posted earlier:

Jim in CT 08-13-2015 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1078846)
Today was the first I heard of that.
He is being interviewed tonight so I will wait to see what he has to say
before I pass judgment.

Saw an interview, he adamantly denied ever doing research, though he stated he has no ethical quarrels with research of fetal tissue, as long as it is acquired in an ethical way. He had some real words about Planned Parenthood and their founder, Margaret Sanger, an unapologetic, loathsome racist.

spence 08-13-2015 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1078843)
If it matters, Carson is denying that he ever performed research on fetal tissue. His surgeries. done in the effort to save lives, were sometimes used as a source for scientific research. He has no ethical issue with that research, but claims he has never been involved.

No he isn't. He simply detached his research from how the tissue was obtained.

He's a massive hypocrite.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 08-13-2015 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1078855)
He simply detached his research from how the tissue was obtained.

He's a massive hypocrite.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

That was my thought. Just say that you've changed your mind in the 20 years since you did it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 08-14-2015 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1078855)

He's a massive hypocrite.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS That was my thought.

great example...this could easily sink his chances and the details aren't all that clear as it's only been a few days, but Hillary and others can lie, cheat, steal and be a "massive hypocrite" for decades and still get the nomination....funny what becomes "qualities and assets" when you sit on the other side of the aisle

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