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wdmso 06-29-2020 07:20 AM

Justice Department Charges 4
The Justice Department is charging four men with destruction of federal property over an attempt to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington, D.C.

still waiting on all the ANTIFA arrest... ???

The charges were filed the same day that President Trump signed an executive order promising a crackdown

Trump followed up his executive action by tweeting out wanted posters of people that U.S. Park Police say are responsible for damage to the park near the White House.

to funny

PaulS 06-29-2020 07:43 AM

You must have missed the tweet right bf that where he expressed sympathy for the 120K+ dead and asked people to wear masks.

Pete F. 06-29-2020 08:09 AM

The Taliban collects Russian bounties on dead US soldiers and Tweety does nothing.

But damage a statue and he’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth.

JohnR 06-29-2020 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1195957)
The Justice Department is charging four men with destruction of federal property over an attempt to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington, D.C.

still waiting on all the ANTIFA arrest... ???

The charges were filed the same day that President Trump signed an executive order promising a crackdown

Trump followed up his executive action by tweeting out wanted posters of people that U.S. Park Police say are responsible for damage to the park near the White House.

to funny

So do you say that all of the videos that show anarchists dressed in black are NOT Antifa? That Antifa does not extist? That there are no Militant Leftists?

There are Militant Rightists
There are Militant Leftists

Both sides, Wayne.

wdmso 06-29-2020 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1195961)
So do you say that all of the videos that show anarchists dressed in black are NOT Antifa? That Antifa does not extist? That there are no Militant Leftists?

There are Militant Rightists
There are Militant Leftists

Both sides, Wayne.

Never said there wasn't ..

Just curious where all these antifa Terrorists arrests are ? Seeing Trumps and his supporters swearing up and down that they were trying to topple the government..

But can find 4 people who tried to or did vandalize a statue .. quickly

Throw the book at them.. trump says

But roger stone flynn and other trump "friends" are treated unfairly says Trump... its an astonishing to watch
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 06-29-2020 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1195962)
Never said there wasn't ..

Just curious where all these antifa Terrorists arrests are ? Seeing Trumps and his supporters swearing up and down that they were trying to topple the government..

But can find 4 people who tried to or did vandalize a statue .. quickly

Throw the book at them.. trump says

But roger stone flynn and other trump "friends" are treated unfairly says Trump... its an astonishing to watch
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

If you are destroying property, public or private, I don't care what your ideology is.

The Antifa types do not have a secret decoder ring, no wait they do with encrypted comms, and loosely agitate an ideology along Some think they are "Bashing Fash" and sometimes those "Fash" are normal people, not Nazis.

Last year a guy in Tacoma (Willem Van Spronsen) first protested an ICE facility, was arrested, released and went back to the facility with a Rifle and stuff to start fires. He started fires in cars. He was shot by LEOs. He had decades of "Anti Fascist" writings and manifestos. People that knew him said he was self proclained Antifa. He was also a member of a local John Brown Gun Club ans Ocuopy Wall Street.

Wayne, you work in corrections. Is it a state facility? Or a place like Wyatt? Do you want guys like Van Spronsen shooting up your workplace?

So now you want proof that these people and groups are in existence. I HIGHLY recommend you lookup the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. Looked them up on Facebook and read the comments where memorialize Van Spronsen.

Members of this PS John Brown Club were reportedly "Providing Security" in the CHAZ / CHOP.

When does the the next Van Spronsen become the next McVeigh?

Three people were arrested in Texas for looting a Target. Not exactly career hardened criminals but the FBI stated they were Antifa.

How about the Cleveland Occupy Anarchists that were FBI Stinged wanting to blow up a bridge. This was almost a decade ago.

As i stated in my other posts, they are out there, exist, and mostly try to stirr crap up.

spence 06-29-2020 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1195966)
Last year a guy in Tacoma (Willem Van Spronsen) first protested an ICE facility, was arrested, released and went back to the facility with a Rifle and stuff to start fires. He started fires in cars. He was shot by LEOs. He had decades of "Anti Fascist" writings and manifestos. People that knew him said he was self proclained Antifa. He was also a member of a local John Brown Gun Club ans Ocuopy Wall Street.

You're always going to have a few crazies, the Kazinski or McVeigh types. But we're talking about more mainstream threats here and in this case it's not even close to being equal.

Pete F. 06-29-2020 07:42 PM

They killed far fewer than Police Officer D’Angelo, how would he be classified among the wackos
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

JohnR 06-30-2020 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1195970)
You're always going to have a few crazies, the Kazinski or McVeigh types. But we're talking about more mainstream threats here and in this case it's not even close to being equal.

Sure, give cover to one side. Right wing extremism has been under scrutiny for a decade, about time left wing extremism removes it's protected class status.


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1195974)
They killed far fewer than Police Officer D’Angelo, how would he be classified among the wackos
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

What TF does this have to do with the price of Hacking Apps in China?

Pete F. 06-30-2020 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1195986)
Sure, give cover to one side. Right wing extremism has been under scrutiny for a decade, about time left wing extremism removes it's protected class status.

What TF does this have to do with the price of Hacking Apps in China?

Extremists, criminals and Wackos exist in almost every group.
That’s the price of being in the human race.
No government that claims to be of the people, for the people and by the people will be able to remove some of it’s members for failure to think like the rest of the group, only for actions that the group finds unacceptable.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 06-30-2020 10:31 AM

WDMSO, who works in law enforcement, is agitated that the Justice Department is enforcing the law. I mean, how dare they?

I have to admire the way liberals played this. Liberals created modern day plantations in our cities. Liberals incentivize fatherlessness, joblessness, and oppose school choice. They do so, because this guarantees a large number of desperately poor people in the cities, 95% of whom vote democrat. That poverty also results in acting out, violence, and incarceration. Again, stupid liberal policies created this, but liberals, sensing the opportunity in Detroit, blame white cops for everything that's taking place in our cities. So the police, which might well be the only urban institution in the country that works well, are being attacked without mercy. The ones leading the attack, the ones working the mob into a frothing fit, are the ones who actually created this.

Amazing that they pulled it off so well. There always has to be a boogeyman for liberals to blame.

How can liberals say black lives matter, when they vehemently oppose school choice?

Black lives don't matter. "Certain" black lives matter. The ones that help democrats win elections. All the evidence you need of this, is to look at how liberals treat blacks who dare to be conservative. The liberal candidate for POTUS, says "you ain't black" unless you vote for him. How is that consistent with the notion that black lives matter? Spence, Paul, WDMSO? Care to explain?

Meanwhile a couple of black kids get murdered in Chicago on a daily basis. Number of protests over this tragedy? Zero. Because talking about gang violence and cracking down on it might save black lives, but it doesn't help democrats win elections. And obviously, that's all this is.

JohnR 06-30-2020 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1195988)
WDMSO, who works in law enforcement, is agitated that the Justice Department is enforcing the law. I mean, how dare they?

Tread carefully here, Jim.

ASK a question, sure, but don't bring into detail, please.

JohnR 06-30-2020 12:21 PM

Speaking of ANtifa / Black Bloc, Militant end of BLM protests.

A couple hours ago in Provo Utah.

Long video: At least two incidents of firearms drawn BY "protestors". First at the white Ford before it takes of (with great restraint not to kill anyone) and last seconds of the video look to be the guy in the green shirt pointing a handgun. Several rounds are heard hard to say from where.

And a zoomed in of same video.

Pete F. 06-30-2020 12:29 PM

If crime and all societal failures are the fault of liberal politics why then are, Indianapolis, Oklahoma City, Mesa, Virginia Beach, Colorado Springs, Miami, and Anaheim within the cities with murder rates in the top 30?

spence 06-30-2020 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1195990)
Speaking of ANtifa / Black Bloc, Militant end of BLM protests.

I didn't think it was Antifa at first but on the zoomed in video you can clearly see his ID badge clipped to his lapel.

wdmso 06-30-2020 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1195988)
WDMSO, who works in law enforcement, is agitated that the Justice Department is enforcing the law. I mean, how dare they?

I have to admire the way liberals played this. Liberals created modern day plantations in our cities. Liberals incentivize fatherlessness, joblessness, and oppose school choice. They do so, because this guarantees a large number of desperately poor people in the cities, 95% of whom vote democrat. That poverty also results in acting out, violence, and incarceration. Again, stupid liberal policies created this, but liberals, sensing the opportunity in Detroit, blame white cops for everything that's taking place in our cities. So the police, which might well be the only urban institution in the country that works well, are being attacked without mercy. The ones leading the attack, the ones working the mob into a frothing fit, are the ones who actually created this.

Amazing that they pulled it off so well. There always has to be a boogeyman for liberals to blame.

How can liberals say black lives matter, when they vehemently oppose school choice?

Black lives don't matter. "Certain" black lives matter. The ones that help democrats win elections. All the evidence you need of this, is to look at how liberals treat blacks who dare to be conservative. The liberal candidate for POTUS, says "you ain't black" unless you vote for him. How is that consistent with the notion that black lives matter? Spence, Paul, WDMSO? Care to explain?

Meanwhile a couple of black kids get murdered in Chicago on a daily basis. Number of protests over this tragedy? Zero. Because talking about gang violence and cracking down on it might save black lives, but it doesn't help democrats win elections. And obviously, that's all this is.

as usual Jim you dont get it ... we can find 4 people quickly for defacing a monument .. but we still cant find all your and Trumps Antifa terrorist you insisted existed in large numbers with a leadership network of command and control ..

keep beating your about drum about police violence and black on black crime are the same .... :kewl: both need to be addressed that's never been disputed.. tens of thousand of people protesting across the world over police violence must all be liberals

leaders who ignore the will of the people.. do so at their own peril... History has made that very clear

Jim in CT 06-30-2020 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1195997)
as usual Jim you dont get it ... we can find 4 people quickly for defacing a monument .. but we still cant find all your and Trumps Antifa terrorist you insisted existed in large numbers with a leadership network of command and control ..

keep beating your about drum about police violence and black on black crime are the same .... :kewl:

there’s no antifa registration, no one said there is.

let’s start very slowly. do you concede that antifa exists? or do you deny it exists?

you’re right, i keep beating my drum over silly, little things like the holocaust being perpetrated against blacks in our cities. but the people who refuse to talk about it, the people who refuse to let black parents choose better schools, they’re the ones who care about black lives. gotcha.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 06-30-2020 02:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1195990)
Speaking of ANtifa / Black Bloc, Militant end of BLM protests.

A couple hours ago in Provo Utah.

Long video: At least two incidents of firearms drawn BY "protestors". First at the white Ford before it takes of (with great restraint not to kill anyone) and last seconds of the video look to be the guy in the green shirt pointing a handgun. Several rounds are heard hard to say from where.

And a zoomed in of same video.

yet these 2 are being praised by Trump and his supporters brandishing weapons and pointing them at protesters in their bare feet no less LOL

JohnR 06-30-2020 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1195992)
I didn't think it was Antifa at first but on the zoomed in video you can clearly see his ID badge clipped to his lapel.

Keep deflecting, that will surely help the day they come for you ; )


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1196000)
yet these 2 are being praised by Trump and his supporters brandishing weapons and pointing them at protesters in their bare feet no less LOL

The former instance someone had a firearm out in public and discharged in public .

The latter, BLM supporters by the way, we can have the courts and police (before they are defunded) determine if the actions were justified on Private Property (not that these anarchists recognize that) based on the series of events .

Yeh - they are equivalent (sarc)

Jim in CT 06-30-2020 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1196000)
yet these 2 are being praised by Trump and his supporters brandishing weapons and pointing them at protesters in their bare feet no less LOL

those two had their property vandalized, and had threats made against them by the mob. But you don't like the idea of citizens (at least wealthy white ones?) engaging in the right to self defense?

Let's get back to the other democrats have a vested interested in keeping large numbers of poor people in the cities (all of whom vote democrat), yes or no? If you think the answer is no, can you please tell me why all the democrats at the state of the union sat there miserable, while the republicans celebrated that black unemployment was at its lowest level ever recorded? What does it say to you, that this outcome made the democrats so miserable? And why oppose school choice?

spence 06-30-2020 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1196003)
those two had their property vandalized, and had threats made against them by the mob. But you don't like the idea of citizens (at least wealthy white ones?) engaging in the right to self defense?

I didn’t see any video of anyone on their property or even threatening them. Sure it’s a private road but give me a break, they are lucky as hell they didn’t shoot anyone with their temper tantrum. As things stand they could still be charged.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Slipknot 06-30-2020 09:21 PM

A private road is not a gated community
The mob broke in thru a gate
They threatened the homeowner within days of looted burned down businesses in the area where a former police chief was killed and you and you ilk mock there courage to defend themselves. They are lucky the mob did not make good on there threats to burn their house down and kill their dog or worse. If 300 people did that where you lived and you had a firearm available, you might have done the same and chased that mob off. The power struggle in this country has gotten way out of hand and the media is as much to blame as the gutless elected officials and progressive socialist pukes as yourself
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 06-30-2020 10:22 PM

Just remember if it wasn’t for tweety they wouldn’t be coming for you, would they?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 07-01-2020 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1196014)
A private road is not a gated community
The mob broke in thru a gate
They threatened the homeowner within days of looted burned down businesses in the area where a former police chief was killed and you and you ilk mock there courage to defend themselves. They are lucky the mob did not make good on there threats to burn their house down and kill their dog or worse. If 300 people did that where you lived and you had a firearm available, you might have done the same and chased that mob off. The power struggle in this country has gotten way out of hand and the media is as much to blame as the gutless elected officials and progressive socialist pukes as yourself
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

He would beg for forgiveness for the last couple of centuries and perhaps offer his wife as compensation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 07-01-2020 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1196015)
Just remember if it wasn’t for tweety they wouldn’t be coming for you, would they?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Things used to be so peaceful
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 07-01-2020 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1196014)
A private road is not a gated community
The mob broke in thru a gate
They threatened the homeowner within days of looted burned down businesses in the area where a former police chief was killed and you and you ilk mock there courage to defend themselves. They are lucky the mob did not make good on there threats to burn their house down and kill their dog or worse. If 300 people did that where you lived and you had a firearm available, you might have done the same and chased that mob off. The power struggle in this country has gotten way out of hand and the media is as much to blame as the gutless elected officials and progressive socialist pukes as yourself
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

There’s video of protestors just walking through the open gate, it doesn’t even appear to have been locked. I’m not aware of the homeowners receiving any threats prior either. They didn’t even call the police.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

PaulS 07-01-2020 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1196014)
A private road is not a gated community
The mob broke in thru a gate
They threatened the homeowner within days of looted burned down businesses in the area where a former police chief was killed and you and you ilk mock there courage to defend themselves. They are lucky the mob did not make good on there threats to burn their house down and kill their dog or worse. If 300 people did that where you lived and you had a firearm available, you might have done the same and chased that mob off. The power struggle in this country has gotten way out of hand and the media is as much to blame as the gutless elected officials and progressive socialist pukes as yourself
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You should hide under your bed with your gun. The majority of your posts show how afraid you are.

Wait until Kevin sees the personal insults. He hates those.

Edit - I forgot you are a Moderator - another hypocrite.

Jim in CT 07-01-2020 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1196011)
I didn’t see any video of anyone on their property or even threatening them. Sure it’s a private road but give me a break, they are lucky as hell they didn’t shoot anyone with their temper tantrum. As things stand they could still be charged.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

they are claiming their hate was broken and threats were made. IF that’s true, they are obviously justified, though they should have stayed inside.

every report mentions their whiteness. there is zero reason to conclude as of now, to conclude that played any role. but it’s all your side cares about in an election year.

how about we wait for the truth to come out before liberals
post their address all over the internet?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 07-01-2020 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1196015)
Just remember if it wasn’t for tweety they wouldn’t be coming for you, would they?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

liberals have been inciting race riots since
long before trump
took office. ever heard of ferguson?

when you have to lie to defend your beliefs, what does that say about your beliefs?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 07-01-2020 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1196020)
There’s video of protestors just walking through the open gate, it doesn’t even appear to have been locked. I’m not aware of the homeowners receiving any threats prior either. They didn’t even call the police.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i’ve seen multiple
reports that hey called the police. maybe check where you get your information from?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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