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ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 11:39 AM

No more school sports
I think it's time to eliminate school sports programs grades 1-12. They should just do conditioning and other non-competitive physical activities that do not result in injuries which can last a lifetime.
This would create a new industry of private sector athletic businesses where parents and children can choose to participate or not. The cost associated with maintenance of athletic Fields and equipment would be eliminated allowing for the money to be spent on education not competition.

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 11:55 AM

Define Education?

RIROCKHOUND 12-29-2011 12:03 PM

If sports go under, the whole town goes under..
That's when the whores come in. Men laying their trick-money down. Twenty dollars to pay the rent? Maybe not. Maybe instead I'll spend it on the whore. Whores running around, doing their little behind-shake for the men folk...

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910675)
Define Education?

The three R's.....reading, riting, and rithmatic:biglaugh:

What does a publicly funded school sports program do that cannot be done by a private entity?

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910681)
What does a publicly funded school sports program do that cannot be done by a private entity?

Promotes School Pride....

So Three R's......No Art, No Shop, No Music, No Home Ec, No Trades

Because those are all next after you eliminate sports....

My Kids don't play School Sports.....but as far as Education, I bet kids Learn more life lessons in competing then they do in Honors Geometry

Pete F. 12-29-2011 12:35 PM

Keeps boys out of trouble and gives them a reason to go to school and do well, including the ones whose parents can't afford to pay for sports. Though I do think they should replace football with rugby, save a lot of money on equipment.
Pretty important to give kids a chance to excel, now if you want to talk about wasting money take a look at special education. I am convinced that the education dollars that have been directed to spec ed have come out of the budgets for average and above, the effect in too many cases is to have bored average and above become behavior problems, fall behind and end up needing special services.
It is like the grade school teacher who punishes overactive boys by keeping them in at recess and makes them sit still because they can't sit still.

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 12:37 PM

And how about the increased Drop-out rate when kids quit school because they are bored out of there gourd.

Typhoon 12-29-2011 12:47 PM

I grew up and played in the hockey machine town of Hingham. There's a micro economy of hockey equipment/time/training school spent by parents it's foolish.

Education is second fiddle when you're on the hockey team. Do you know what 5am practices do to a teenager who needs sleep.

If you want to have hockey schools in the ISL leagues great. Get the pro teams to sponsor the kids. Having a public school team that's like a college team is a little ridiculous.

PRBuzz 12-29-2011 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910689)
Promotes School Pride....

So Three R's......No Art, No Shop, No Music, No Home Ec, No Trades

Because those are all next after you eliminate sports....

My Kids don't play School Sports.....but as far as Education, I bet kids Learn more life lessons in competing then they do in Honors Geometry

Electives would go first: Art, Shop, Music, Home Ec, Trades before sports!

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by PRBuzz (Post 910694)
Electives would go first: Art, Shop, Music, Home Ec, Trades before sports!

Depends on the Town...You live in Brockton so, Yeah, Definitely.

In Georgetown it would be tight as to what would go 1st. There are More Kids involved in Music at the School than on the Football Team

They run School Band, Jazz Ensamble, Chorus, Chorale, Acappela Group, Drama....Music is pretty popular in our town.

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910689)
Promotes School Pride....

So Three R's......No Art, No Shop, No Music, No Home Ec, No Trades

Because those are all next after you eliminate sports....

My Kids don't play School Sports.....but as far as Education, I bet kids Learn more life lessons in competing then they do in Honors Geometry

School pride is just another thought/belief that interferes with the respect and compassion for others that we should be teaching. How many students learn they are inferior to others based upon athletic ability or lack of ability? It's time to eliminate some of the so called pride or feelings of superiority based upon physical games when it comes to public education, all this does is cause people to dislike another humanbeing because they went to the wrong school. I don't recall any of my participation in school sports being required information on any job applications. All it does is give us another reason to discriminate which in my eyes is not whats good for society overall.

Trades can be taught at trade schools, which honestly are an excellent choice for many, one that I wish my parents had considered.

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 02:20 PM

High School Athletics is a requirement for some colleges and helps you get into others....all of the Miltary Academies w/ the Exception of the Coast Guard Academy require you to have taken a High School Sport.

Trade Schools are Public Schools that have a Sports Program as well.

I actually like the fact that schools have so many options for a kid to excel....not just sports. My Son loves music....he got elected to be the Drum Major for band....he definitely does not feel inferior because he doesn't play sports. he looks forward to football games when he get to get out there.

when kids have many options available to grow into they find something that lights a fire for them. What about kids that aren't good at the 3 "R"s...but a light shines for Music, Art, Science, Cooking, or Carpentry....this could be what steers them in that direction in life.

Plenty of kids that played sports go into Sports Medicine and Therapy fields...its not just about throwing a football...its about finding something that lights a fire in a kid. And Competition is not a bad helps people strive

I'm pretty sure a strict program of Just the 3 "R"s is how they do it in China and North Korea

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910713)
High School Athletics is a requirement for some colleges and helps you get into others....all of the Miltary Academies w/ the Exception of the Coast Guard Academy require you to have taken a High School Sport.
There are other methods that can be used to replace school sports, once they have been eliminated and replaced with private sector businesses.

Trade Schools are Public Schools that have a Sports Program as well.
Lose the sports program here also.

I actually like the fact that schools have so many options for a kid to excel....not just sports. My Son loves music....he got elected to be the Drum Major for band....he definitely does not feel inferior because he doesn't play sports. he looks forward to football games when he get to get out there.
I was not addressing other programs that are not physically competitive and teach skills that a student can build upon.

when kids have many options available to grow into they find something that lights a fire for them. What about kids that aren't good at the 3 "R"s...but a light shines for Music, Art, Science, Cooking, or Carpentry....this could be what steers them in that direction in life.
All acceptable to me, they are not competitive sports

Plenty of kids that played sports go into Sports Medicine and Therapy fields...its not just about throwing a football...its about finding something that lights a fire in a kid. And Competition is not a bad helps people strive
Imagine how many more positions would be available to them if the private sector took over competitive sports

I'm pretty sure a strict program of Just the 3 "R"s is how they do it in China and North Korea

I can honestly say I don't have the intellect to post a proper response to this:o

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 03:09 PM

You said Money could be used on Education


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910670)
The cost associated with maintenance of athletic Fields and equipment would be eliminated allowing for the money to be spent on education not competition.

And I said


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910675)
Define Education?

You said the 3 "R"s


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910681)
The three R's.....reading, riting, and rithmatic:biglaugh:

I said that there are things that schools bring that are educational besides the 3 "R"s


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910713)
when kids have many options available to grow into they find something that lights a fire for them. What about kids that aren't good at the 3 "R"s...but a light shines for Music, Art, Science, Cooking, or Carpentry....this could be what steers them in that direction in life.

Now you have no problem with any of the other activities a school offers.....outside of the 3 "R"s


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910719)
I was not addressing other programs that are not physically competitive and teach skills that a student can build upon.

I pointed out that Sports can also help light that fire in a kid.....


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 910713)
Plenty of kids that played sports go into Sports Medicine and Therapy fields...its not just about throwing a football...its about finding something that lights a fire in a kid. And Competition is not a bad helps people strive

And it turns out your real issue is just in getting there feelings hurt because they can't make the team


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910705)
How many students learn they are inferior to others based upon athletic ability or lack of ability? It's time to eliminate some of the so called pride or feelings of superiority based upon physical games when it comes to public education, all this does is cause people to dislike another humanbeing because they went to the wrong school. .


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910719)
All acceptable to me, they are not competitive sports

How about the Chess Club...or The Debate Team...or a Science Fair...Or DECA

They All Compete there....:huh:

Rockfish9 12-29-2011 03:27 PM

I hated school.. if not for sports my grades would have gone down the proverbial crapper...if your grades were bad you didnt make the team (s).. it gave me added incentive ( besides Dad's left foot up my keister)to keep a high grade point average..

They need to get rid of the damn computers and teach the kids some real life skills...most of these kids can't cook... dont know how to balance a check book, use a tape measure or add the sum of two numbers with out a calculator...sports in school gives alot of them the only excercise they will get for the week... no one ever got in shape posting on face book or my space..while I'm railing here.. what ever happend to walking to school or to the bus stop... most mornings i get stuck behind school buses that stop every 200'.. you telling me the little darlings can't walk an extra 200'.. no wonder the kids are getting obese...Rant over or I'd be here all night..

fishbones 12-29-2011 03:28 PM

Ed, this is one of the dumbest ideas floated in this forum in a long time.

If it's because kids will feel inferior, then they should have all kids in the same classes and not have advanced classes for the brightest students because the others will feel inferior.

While they're at it, they should make all kids wear the same uniform to public school every day so no one feels inferior to the kids with the cool threads.

If all goes well, we can have a bunch of young adults with no desire to excell in life and everyone can be the same.

Now, your other idea obout making prostitution legal is great. You should have quit when you were ahead.:uhuh:

fishbones 12-29-2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910734)
I played competitive sports and was no slouch, I am also permanently injured due to three bullies who tackled me during flag football in gym class. I was a bully when it came to other bullies, I had a half brother who was both mentally and physically unable to defend himself so when I came to Easton I stood with him and protected him and the rejects as they were called by others. The competitive sports are an unnecessary expense that I feel could be eliminated and replaced by the private sector. At some point people will have to wake up and realize we are all in the same boat and need to respect each other, eliminating the school affiliation to competitive sports would have a positive impact in my twisted mind.

It's still a dumb idea. I'm afraid you're on an island with this one. People have pointed out the flaws in your argument, but you refuse to see any perspective other than your own.

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910734)
At some point people will have to wake up and realize we are all in the same boat and need to respect each other,

A Good Coach should be instilling this in his players.....that is the basis of Good Sportsmanship.

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 910735)
It's still a dumb idea. I'm afraid you're on an island with this one. People have pointed out the flaws in your argument, but you refuse to see any perspective other than your own.

I have a bridge from that island or did you overlook the word replaced. I think teamwork could be taught in other ways incorprorated into conditioning without having to beat the other person/team. How many injuries and deaths have to occur before we take a look at school sports? I honestly feel sports teach, reinforce and even promotes disrepect of others.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

fishbones 12-29-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910760)
I have a bridge from that island or did you overlook the word replaced. I think teamwork could be taught in other ways incorprorated into conditioning without having to beat the other person/team. How many injuries and deaths have to occur before we take a look at school sports? I honestly feel sports teach, reinforce and even promotes disrepect of others.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You're right. I'm going to take my 6 year old son out of soccer baseball, basketball and lacrosse because I don't want him to disrespect people.
It's mainly the parents job to teach a kid to be respectful, along with teachers and coaches. Don't blame sports. If a kid is disrespectful in sports, he or she will be disrespectful in other areas of life. Stop using sports as an excuse.
And if sports are so bad, why is it ok for them to play if it's privatized but not in school? Your argument is ridiculously flawed. And will privatizing sports end injuries and sports related deaths? How many deaths or serious injuries occured in sporting events at OA in 2011?

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 05:23 PM

Perhaps competive sports especially when it comes to children is were civility and respet is removed or eliminated.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

mikecc 12-29-2011 05:29 PM

Our schools athletics have been 0 funded & self-supporting for years. Lots of hours by parents and students in fundraisers. My daughter was a 3 letter completion. It made a big difference when it came to college. She was able to go to a better college that we would not have been able to afford. She had to keep up her grades or off the team. I can say their record was not the greatest but every girl on the team has gone off to college. I would think that If you privatized the sports programs after a few years if their records were not over 500 or making playoffs that programs would just end.

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by mikecc (Post 910773)
Our schools athletics have been 0 funded & self-supporting for years. Lots of hours by parents and students in fundraisers. My daughter was a 3 letter completion. It made a big difference when it came to college. She was able to go to a better college that we would not have been able to afford. She had to keep up her grades or off the team. I can say their record was not the greatest but every girl on the team has gone off to college. I would think that If you privatized the sports programs after a few years if their records were not over 500 or making playoffs that programs would just end.

The programs could be arranged in a way that would for lack of a better term be handicapped by tracking the performance of individuals and moving them around to keep teams somewhat even in terms of ability. It might teach acceptance of others and teach true team work as oppossed to teaching dominance.
Parents who care about there childrens developement are far and few between, I think lots of parents enroll their kids in sports to get them out of their hair.
Mike you have done a great job I have met your daughter.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 12-29-2011 06:04 PM

Competition is a good thing,but it doesn't have to be spurred on by a school event.It is the responsibility of the parent to know their child and guide accordingly.I never understood the need to overdo it though. Most hockey kids are the worst as Typhoon pointed out due to odd ice hours. I think it is important for children to stay busy and to sometimes overload them with responsibilities. How they handle these burdens can shape their lives.They learn to prioritize and occasionally push themselves.Don't kid yourselves though, our children learn their life lessons at home;sports and all the other activities just provide an outlet,or a conduit to express themselves with their peers.

Backbeach Jake 12-29-2011 06:15 PM

School sports should be mandatory.
They teach respect for rules and that infractions of said rules have penalties.
They offer an outlet for hormonal driven aggression.
They teach teamwork and responsibility.
They teach respect for your opponent.
They teach respect for ones peers.
They teach respect for oneself.
With proper guidence and coaching of course.
All these qualities are sorely lacking in today's American culture.

Slipknot 12-29-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Typhoon (Post 910692)
Do you know what 5am practices do to a teenager who needs sleep.

ya i know, they learn to manage their time better and go to bed early the night before like I did


Originally Posted by Typhoon (Post 910692)
Education is second fiddle when you're on the hockey team.

it wasn't when I was a kid
I thought grades have to at a certain level or else you are off the team

Ed, no school sports? good luck with that

fishbones 12-29-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910770)
Perhaps competive sports especially when it comes to children is were civility and respet is removed or eliminated.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Thanks for such detailed answers to my questions.

And Sea Dangles is right. Parents are responsible for teaching core values to their kids, not sports programs.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 910794)
Thanks for such detailed answers to my questions.

And Sea Dangles is right. Parents are responsible for teaching core values to their kids, not sports programs.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I'm working with a phone and find it difficult enough just trying to post. What questions would you like me to answer?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

ecduzitgood 12-29-2011 06:34 PM

Ok fishbones I found them, I will respond first by stating this is a discussion not an argument so there are no flaws just different issues that are being twisted together.
I don't know how many injuries or death occur each year but to me public funding should not be used for school sports. Perhaps the professional sport organizations should provide the funding to cover all school sports seeing as they are the ones who benefit most.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 12-29-2011 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910801)
I don't know how many injuries or death occur each year but to me public funding should not be used for school sports.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I'd bet that there are more Injuries or Deaths because of alchohol and drug abuse due to kids having nothing better to do after school but get into trouble.....unless maybe Sports was there for them..... Or maybe other after school programs.


Originally Posted by ecduzitgood (Post 910801)
A coach can also have a negative impact,]

So can a crappy Math Teacher, or a Crappy Parent or Crappy Neighbor.....or a dozen other crappy people that will inevitably come into a kids life. I'd rather they learn how to keep going forward in spite of people like that...instead of getting sour on an entire program

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