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fishsmith 08-02-2007 11:07 AM

Jack and Jill crap
When did these thing become so acceptible? I'm now hated by more than I was yesterday because I'm not giving up a Saturday for a baby shower. When asked why I'm not going I said 'becasue it's a saturday, and I don't care about baby gifts'. So much for being honest.

daceman63 08-02-2007 11:35 AM

I don't know.....

I don't go to anything jack and jill. My wife won't even ask me anymore. She knows I'll say no every time.

Sometimes she'll put it out there that she won't come to something of mine we're invited to and I just tell her not to come. She doesn't have to...

It's an invite not an order.

spence 08-02-2007 11:43 AM

Nursery rhyme readings?

What the heck are you talking about?


Bronko 08-02-2007 12:02 PM

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. It is a joke, and my wife knows not to ask me either. Jack & Jill showers???... Jack & Jill bacehlor/ette parites??? No freakin' way!:hang: :hang:

Rockport24 08-02-2007 12:08 PM

oh my god what bunch of crap!! Jack and Jill my A$$ I'll bring a pale of water. I hate these things. just keep it to the women and end it!

Nebe 08-02-2007 12:29 PM

tell your wife your going to have a jack and jill all nighter down at the tip of napatree point in 2 weeks and you will be expecting gifts in the form of live eels or custom plugs. Better yet have everyone chip in on food too and have them lug it down the beach to help you celebrate your love for fishing...:devil:

daceman63 08-02-2007 12:32 PM

tell her you'll only go to jack and jill if all the jills are gorgeous stripper babes....

The Dad Fisherman 08-02-2007 12:33 PM

This is what happens when you let women start wearing pants......

Do you think Mrs. Cleaver ever would have even suggested this to Ward....Hell No!

Jack and Jill Anything is a Communist Conspiracy to undermine the Fabric of this nation.....Men are NOT supposed to OOH and AHH at Spice racks and are NOT supposed to know What "Pastels" are for in the Baby's room!

I might as well just Check My Testicles at the Door if you're going to make me go to one of these things.

I don't care that she got 6 Food Processors and only 5 place settings

I don't Care that they're painting the Baby's room Yellow because because they don't want to put any Preconcieved ideas in little Pat's head.

I don't want to hear about anybody's Breasts getting bigger.....unless her name is Bambi and I can see her Live every Friday and Saturday a matter of fact they should plan the showers for said Friday or Saturday Night so I'll have some place to go.

Its all Friggin Maude's fault.....Walter was a wuss

fishsmith 08-02-2007 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 511945)
Nursery rhyme readings?

What the heck are you talking about?


EXACTLY !!! - I like Andrew Dice Clays version.

"Jack and Jill went up a hill, both had a buck and a quarter
The B*tch came down with $2.50 that #*^ing whore."

daceman63 08-02-2007 12:55 PM

so just say "no" and listen to the yelling as you pack you fishing gear and be done with it.

And you can let her know that to avoid this type of disagreement in the future that she shouldn't even consider asking you to another jack and jill event and that because she asked you this time you can politely inform her that this argument is all her fault.

Then run really fast as far as you can......

The Dad Fisherman 08-02-2007 01:09 PM

JUST SAY NO!........Then Duck

Slingah 08-02-2007 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 511962)
This is what happens when you let women start wearing pants......

Do you think Mrs. Cleaver ever would have even suggested this to Ward....Hell No!

Jack and Jill Anything is a Communist Conspiracy to undermine the Fabric of this nation.....Men are NOT supposed to OOH and AHH at Spice racks and are NOT supposed to know What "Pastels" are for in the Baby's room!

I might as well just Check My Testicles at the Door if you're going to make me go to one of these things.

I don't care that she got 6 Food Processors and only 5 place settings

I don't Care that they're painting the Baby's room Yellow because because they don't want to put any Preconcieved ideas in little Pat's head.

I don't want to hear about anybody's Breasts getting bigger.....unless her name is Bambi and I can see her Live every Friday and Saturday a matter of fact they should plan the showers for said Friday or Saturday Night so I'll have some place to go.

Its all Friggin Maude's fault.....Walter was a wuss

:rotf2: :rotf2: :rotf2:
I'm you with Dad......pussywhipped my arse....
Men do not go to showers of any sort......

chris L 08-02-2007 01:34 PM

is it your baby ? if not , fuggetaboutit . my wife oh never mind my wife doesnt know anyone young or old enough to have a baby now . 8 more years and my daughter will be .

although she never have or will ask me . My responce is always the same " until they are nekkid Im not going "

Slingah 08-02-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by fishsmith (Post 511941)
When did these thing become so acceptible? I'm now hated by more than I was yesterday because I'm not giving up a Saturday for a baby shower. When asked why I'm not going I said 'becasue it's a saturday, and I don't care about baby gifts'. So much for being honest.

and don't give in....or you will be doomed forever...

boot man 08-02-2007 02:29 PM

And don't worry about not getting any for a while , Christmas is right around the corner.

Slingah 08-02-2007 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by boot man (Post 511994)
And don't worry about not getting any for a while , Christmas is right around the corner.

I really did just spit coke all over my keyboard...:bl2: :bl2:

InTheHole 08-02-2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Slingah (Post 511981)
and don't give in....or you will be doomed forever...

absolutely hold the line, or you may as well just hand over your ba%%s,
and anyone who does give in makes it harder on the rest of us!

Uncle Matt 08-02-2007 04:17 PM

Hold your ground. Don't give up and hold firm. Those things are for women and those light in the loafers. I can see if it's winter, the fish have all gone south, there's some type of sporting event on the tv and there's an open bar. That's different. Frig that those things suck. Why can't they just all just leave us alone?

Slipknot 08-02-2007 04:28 PM

16 years ago in March my mother gave a baby shower to my wife, I stopped by with her rocking chair gift from me and said seeya, gotta go trout fishing now. Those things are like torture. don't go even if it's for your own kid or unless they pay you to go.

MAC 08-02-2007 04:46 PM

Screw that. My wife says that is stupid also. She doesn't blame ya for going fishing.

Hang tough, don't give in. Jack and Jill parties.....There must be something in MAN LAW against it.

Jenn 08-02-2007 05:12 PM

hey, you say MAN LAW? well there is some sort of woman law that says if you are a woman you are obligated to go to every baby and bridal shower for other women youve sometimes never even met! I hate these things as much as you guys. Its so unfair. Its like a freakin cult that I just dont//////ooooohh.....aaaahhhh another place setting......oooohh how sweet a baby bib......GOD KILL ME NOW is all I think of the whole time.......
Some women LOVE to go to these things....ugh! I just dont get it...

Yes my family threw a bridal shower for me and my "hubby to be" tricked me...once I got there and figured it out he LITERALLY had to DRAG me through the door.....I was terrified....

Backbeach Jake 08-02-2007 05:38 PM

That's where you go to drink a lot of white wine, write big checks and say fabulous a lot? Never been...

fishsmith 08-02-2007 05:46 PM

This thread struck a nerve.


Originally Posted by boot man (Post 511994)
And don't worry about not getting any for a while , Christmas is right around the corner.

:rotf2: That's a good one, but i'm not gettin any cause I puked 2 bottles of red wine all over the bed a while back :smash:

This stupid thing is for my cousin, the wife said if you're not going I'm not going, I said good for you, enjoy your saturday.

MAC 08-02-2007 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by fishsmith (Post 512066)
This thread struck a nerve.

:rotf2: That's a good one, but i'm not gettin any cause I puked 2 bottles of red wine all over the bed a while back :smash:

This stupid thing is for my cousin, the wife said if you're not going I'm not going, I said good for you, enjoy your saturday.

Tell your cousin to man up. Unless your cousin is female. If so then tell her husband to grow a pair.

baldwin 08-02-2007 06:18 PM

There's a hidden benefit to being hated for not going. Fewer people will invite you to the stupid things in the future.

Uncle Matt 08-03-2007 07:09 AM

Why do women think they can change us? They want us to get in touch with our emotional side and all that garbage. Well don't screw with me or your apt to get a right hook! Give me my space and no it's not always fun to do things together. Get over it.

justplugit 08-03-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by fishsmith (Post 511941)
When asked why I'm not going I said 'becasue it's a saturday, and I don't care about baby gifts'. So much for being honest.

Good for you FS, any guy fallin for that J+J baloney stuff deserves what they get. :hih:

crash 08-05-2007 06:57 PM

Last time I was invited to one, my fiance told me to have fun fishing, she didn't even ask :) Boy I hope that doesn't change after the wedding.

likwid 08-06-2007 11:54 AM

The only reason to ever go to one of these is to get completely ripped out of your mind so the other women present learn never to do ANYTHING Jack & Jill.

Do other men a favor, come loaded with a 5th of Jack.

chris L 08-06-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Uncle Matt (Post 512165)
Why do women think they can change us? They want us to get in touch with our emotional side and all that garbage.

cause it works for some of them . I know all too many guys that cant fish , go out with the guys , football on sundays . them guys is happy too . some like to be told how to act .

my wife gave up on me 40 years ago but still married me ( 23 years )

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