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detbuch 02-28-2019 09:32 PM

Democrats and Communists
Democrats claim that Trump's "ties" to Russia are a really big and dangerous deal. And that Republicans are tainted because the KKK and Neo Nazis and the alt right supposedly are part of their constituency. But how about the Communist Party USA close ties to the Democrat Party? Check out this video from The Epoch Times news agency (I verified their bias and accuracy according to Media Bias/Fact Check which claims that it is "generally trustworthy for information" and "Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right-Center Biased and High for factual reporting regarding USA news"

There is also this short piece from the Washington Times:

And this:

spence 02-28-2019 10:33 PM

Do you think she’s in on it?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 02-28-2019 11:32 PM

I think she nailed it. And there's this meme which is constantly reiterated on this forum that there is a connection between "extremists" on the far right (KKK, Neo Nazi, Alt Right) with the Republican Party and with Trump. Yet there is this functional and substantiated connection of Commies with Dems, and all you can do is ask a silly question.

Pete F. 03-01-2019 05:46 AM

So now not only are they Socialists but they are also Communists.
I believe that Republicans are effectively bringing us down the road to Communism and a totalitarian state, where the means of production and politics are controlled by the oligarchy.
Wealth and political power have been concentrated over the past 50 years in fewer people, who reduce the ability of the lower classes to organize and increase the power of corporations to the point where some are close to being monopolies.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 03-01-2019 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163104)

So now not only are they Socialists but they are also Communists.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

proudly in many cases :)

Got Stripers 03-01-2019 09:29 AM

IMHO Trump has befriended three dictators/tyrants and given all three passes on behavior everyone in America should see as criminal, yet to Donald it's just the way he would like to roll anyway. He believes Putin when he claims they didn't interfere in the election, he believes the Saudi leader when he says he knew nothing about the brutal killing of one of our citizens and now he believes Kim when he says he knew nothing about the beatings of Otto. Trump is a power hungry bully and he only wishes he had the power those three have to do as they see fit.

Now it appears he is overriding US intelligence officials and getting family members, who are CLEARLY influenced by foreign governments due to family financial ties, sorry I'm more afraid of the loose cannon running the country.

Sea Dangles 03-01-2019 10:01 AM

But when Obama brought Cuba into the fold he was a hero and Castro was a victim of circumstance. It’s a shame he left that Otto kid to die before Trump could bring him home.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163104)
So now not only are they Socialists but they are also Communists.
I believe that Republicans are effectively bringing us down the road to Communism and a totalitarian state, where the means of production and politics are controlled by the oligarchy.
Wealth and political power have been concentrated over the past 50 years in fewer people, who reduce the ability of the lower classes to organize and increase the power of corporations to the point where some are close to being monopolies.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"I believe that Republicans are effectively bringing us down the road to Communism and a totalitarian state"

All Trump haters believe that. It's ridiculous.

"where the means of production and politics are controlled by the oligarchy"

I believe both sides have leaders who are interested in consolidating disproportionate power and wealth in the hands of a few. I can't imagine any logic that would make anyone think that's a uniquely Republican problem. Liberals want to be in charge of distributing wealth, energy consumption, healthcare, that's not totalitarian?...Long past time to drain the swamp, limit the power of special interests, and institute term limits. Short term limits.

"increase the power of corporations to the point where some are close to being monopolies"

We disagree on many things, but this is exactly correct. Spot on. Neither party has much interest in addressing this.

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1163112)
now he believes Kim when he says he knew nothing about the beatings of Otto. Trump is a power hungry bully and he only wishes he had the power those three have to do as they see fit.

Now it appears he is overriding US intelligence officials and getting family members, who are CLEARLY influenced by foreign governments due to family financial ties, sorry I'm more afraid of the loose cannon running the country.

"now he believes Kim when he says he knew nothing about the beatings of Otto"

I was very disappointed to hear Trump say that, it's absurd.

"Trump is a power hungry bully"

Yes he is.

"he only wishes he had the power those three have to do as they see fit"

Come on, he still calls on Jim Acosta at briefings, knowing what Acosta is going to do. Not what a dictator does.

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1163113)
But when Obama brought Cuba into the fold Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Now you're engaging in whataboutism. Knock it off.

detbuch 03-01-2019 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163104)
So now not only are they Socialists but they are also Communists.

Which "they" are you referring to? There are openly avowed Socialists in the Democrat Party holding public office. There is a verified infiltration of the CPUSA in the Democrat Party. And there are the millions of Democrat voters who don't know about the latter and are partially favorable to the former.

I believe that Republicans are effectively bringing us down the road to Communism and a totalitarian state, where the means of production and politics are controlled by the oligarchy.

I don't know if you watched the video. It's only about 11 minutes and packed with documented Communist infiltrators working in the Democrat Party. Yet you do not acknowledge that. You do not discuss that. You deflect to another subject. You claim that Republicans are bringing us to Communism, and totally ignore that the Communists are supporting and working in the Democrat Party. This is a very strange and unconvincing line of reasoning. Actually, it's illogical.

Wealth and political power have been concentrated over the past 50 years in fewer people, who reduce the ability of the lower classes to organize and increase the power of corporations to the point where some are close to being monopolies.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

When you frame your argument within a class structure you are in the realm of Marxist Speak. A free market basically has no well defined classes. It has flexibility and fluidity of movement within the economic hierarchy. A Marxist system has a well defined class structure in which there is no flexibility or movement--only entrenchment or extinction.

The only true and permanent monopoly is state monopoly. In free and open markets, monopolies don't actually exist. And the capture of market share by one entity in free markets is usually good for the consumer because it is made possible by competitive pricing and more efficient production. Market power in a free market is the result of competition, and can (and will) be toppled by competition and innovation. True progress, in markets and governance, is only achieved through freedom.

If you can document how Republicans more than Democrats are leading us to state control of our lives that would be enlightening. In the meantime, the most ruthless statist form of politics and government in the modern world has infiltrated the Democrat party, not the Republican party.

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1163117)
When you frame your argument within a class structure you are in the realm of Marxist Speak. A free market basically has no well defined classes. It has flexibility and fluidity of movement within the economic hierarchy. A Marxist system has a well defined class structure in which there is no flexibility or movement--only entrenchment or extinction.


When people talk about how totalitarian we are, I always go back to the stereotypical Asian immigrant family who comes here with nothing, and in one generation, their kids are doctors. That happens all the time, when you are dealing with people who will never stop working for what they want.

A society that allows that kind of upward economic mobility, is free. It cannot be called otherwise. But it would be better not to have powerful people making decisions in their own best interests, rather than the collective best interest.

Pete F. 03-01-2019 03:22 PM

If Capitalism is perfect and Socialism is deeply flawed, and therefor all means of production, assets, etc were owned by people and not the government, what incentive would private prisons have to reduce recidivism or even release people?
A person on the street is worth nothing to them, but everyone incarcerated is valuable.
I know I just confused Jim, but that is an example of capitalism that is currently occurring and I think it should bother us.
We live in a socialist democracy/republic (Madison and Marshall argued about democracy/republic hundreds of years ago, nobody won) and here are some examples of what that has gained us:
Public Libraries
Public Schools
Municipal sewer and water systems
Armed forces
Police departments
Public hospitals
Veterans Administration
Social Security
Public transportation
Public anything
Pretty horrible scary stuff, isn't it?
We have been doing it in this country since 1802 when the Corp of Engineers was permanently established and started mapping, building lighthouses and roads.
Trying to scare people with trigger words is typical of the current Trumplican Party.
I think there is far greater chance of this government becoming totalitarian than communist, Trump certainly has great appreciation for all the totalitarians he meets and believes them more than his fellow Americans.
Putin on interference, the Saudis on Kashoggi, Kim Jong Un on Warmbier.

Pete F. 03-01-2019 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1163119)
When people talk about how totalitarian we are, I always go back to the stereotypical Asian immigrant family who comes here with nothing, and in one generation, their kids are doctors. That happens all the time, when you are dealing with people who will never stop working for what they want.

A society that allows that kind of upward economic mobility, is free. It cannot be called otherwise. But it would be better not to have powerful people making decisions in their own best interests, rather than the collective best interest.

Those Good Asians, statistically all second generation immigrants do better than native born, not just Asians.

The powerful people currently own the corporations and control the Congress and our government. All you had to do to see that is watch the Senate hearings with Big Pharma.

wdmso 03-01-2019 03:59 PM

When murdering and raping immigrants fail to motivate the base... they move to crying about abortions and baby killing!! when that fails they jump to Socialists and Communists fear ... and when that doesn't work the media is the enemy when that gets old they start all over again

detbuch 03-01-2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163128)
If Capitalism is perfect and Socialism is deeply flawed, and therefor all means of production, assets, etc were owned by people and not the government, what incentive would private prisons have to reduce recidivism or even release people?
A person on the street is worth nothing to them, but everyone incarcerated is valuable.

Capitalism is a system. No system is perfect. It is also amoral. No matter how close to perfection it may be, it can be used for immoral purposes, depending on your version of morality. A version of capitalism can be used by authoritarian states as well as free market societies. It can be used by criminals, cartels, religious collectives as well as free private citizens to gather wealth for whatever purpose they wish.

Ultimately, "all means of production, assets, etc" as you put it, are owned by people whether ostensibly by government ("The People") or by individuals or corporate structures. Generally the closer to being owned by an individual an asset is, the more it will be cared for and made to flourish and function properly. Ownership by "The People" is the most inefficient and difficult to properly maintain since it comprises the greatest degree of disagreement among the owners. Nonetheless, for purposes of government, ownership by "The People" of various things and processes is part of establishing forms of government.

When government outsources a function to the private sector, the owner(s) of the business have to handle the asset as well as if it were their own invented and established business if they wish to maintain the contract. Free market, competition, if there is such, would motivate the contractor to do the job well. If private prisons created worse outcomes than government ones, the government would be foolish to keep them. Private prison contactors would be capitalistically wise to handle the assets in such ways that they would keep and perhaps expand the business. Contrary to your notion that "A person on the street is worth nothing to them, but everyone incarcerated is valuable", the persons on the street, "The People," are paying them for their service, and so they are of primary value. And the value of those being incarcerated diminishes if they are handled in ways that encourage recidivism so that "The People" become dissatisfied with the product.

I know I just confused Jim, but that is an example of capitalism that is currently occurring and I think it should bother us.
We live in a socialist democracy/republic (Madison and Marshall argued about democracy/republic hundreds of years ago, nobody won)

We may well be drifting toward socialism but we are not there yet. You may be confusing "welfare state" with "socialism." And we are still not yet a pure democracy. We are still a republic with a quasi-democratic system of electing politicians. Our system is sliding toward authoritarianism more so than socialism because of the unconstitutionally contrived administrative bureaucracy. But that can eventually, as it grows, and in not a short time, transform into actual socialistic, then communistic government.

and here are some examples of what that has gained us:
Public Libraries
Public Schools
Municipal sewer and water systems
Armed forces
Police departments
Public hospitals
Veterans Administration
Social Security
Public transportation
Public anything
Pretty horrible scary stuff, isn't it?
We have been doing it in this country since 1802 when the Corp of Engineers was permanently established and started mapping, building lighthouses and roads.
Trying to scare people with trigger words is typical of the current Trumplican Party.

Actually, we've been doing just about all those things, in various forms, well before 1802. People do good stuff. Free people do really good stuff. It doesn't require the massive administrative state that we've been growing since the past 70 or 80 years to do those things. Instead of being done more efficiently, economically, and better, by free market, capitalistic, and diverse local governance, most of those things have become cumbersome debt ridden albatrosses concocted by an expanding centralized government around the neck of less free people.

And you're really good at spewing memes, trigger words, and dog whistles, yourself. You're almost as good at it as is the Democrat Party. Or should I say the ever becoming Socialist, Communist, Democrat Party.

I think there is far greater chance of this government becoming totalitarian than communist,

I know you haven't noticed, but our government has progressively been becoming more totalitarian for quite some time. Being associated with and helped by Communists as the Dems have been, more and less and now more, since the 1930's, certainly doesn't slow down that process.

Trump certainly has great appreciation for all the totalitarians he meets and believes them more than his fellow Americans.
Putin on interference, the Saudis on Kashoggi, Kim Jong Un on Warmbier.

Trump has great appreciation for a lot of things, especially American things. He seems to understand that negotiating with tyrants is not made easier by constantly, and only, insulting them. Your characterization of that being that he has an appreciation for them is a trigger, dog whistle, meme, meant to stoke anti-Trump hate.

Like, oh yeah, he was going to get any concession from Kim, or Putin, or the Saudis by constantly threatening and belittling them. The stick is good, but it needs to be accompanied by the carrot.

detbuch 03-01-2019 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1163133)
When murdering and raping immigrants fail to motivate the base... they move to crying about abortions and baby killing!! when that fails they jump to Socialists and Communists fear ... and when that doesn't work the media is the enemy when that gets old they start all over again

:D That's what used to be called "camp" or "campy." It's so ridiculous that it's actually funny.

spence 03-01-2019 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1163138)
Trump has great appreciation for a lot of things, especially American things. He seems to understand that negotiating with tyrants is not made easier by constantly, and only, insulting them. Your characterization of that being that he has an appreciation for them is a trigger, dog whistle, meme, meant to stoke anti-Trump hate.

Like, oh yeah, he was going to get any concession from Kim, or Putin, or the Saudis by constantly threatening and belittling them. The stick is good, but it needs to be accompanied by the carrot.

How is unrelenting ball washing to be considered a carrot? Trump seems to think he's negotiating a real estate deal with his dad's money and connections. How's that working?

spence 03-01-2019 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1163115)
I was very disappointed to hear Trump say that, it's absurd.

It's more than absurd, it shows how disconnected he is from any sense of empathy for anyone but himself.

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163129)
Those Good Asians, statistically all second generation immigrants do better than native born, not just Asians.

The powerful people currently own the corporations and control the Congress and our government. All you had to do to see that is watch the Senate hearings with Big Pharma.

why do second generation immigrants do better than native born?


they don’t feel entitled to anything, they are happpy to work for it. it’s nothing that only immigrants can do. anyone can copy that approach.

and who ever said capitalism was perfect? again responding to something that has never been said, ever.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-01-2019 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1163143)
It's more than absurd, it shows how disconnected he is from any sense of empathy for anyone but himself.

in this circumstance, i agree. in other situations, he displays lots of
empathy, but they won’t talk about that where you get your
news. is it the Daily Worker? Or Pravda?

he donated his jet
to help a gravy sick little jewish boy, an interesting act for an anti semite.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 03-01-2019 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1163139)
:D That's what used to be called "camp" or "campy." It's so ridiculous that it's actually funny.

It’s like “Plan Nine from Outer Space”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-01-2019 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1163142)
How is unrelenting ball washing to be considered a carrot? Trump seems to think he's negotiating a real estate deal with his dad's money and connections. How's that working?

If we must reduce international negotiations to idiotic, extremist, dog whistle trigger words like "unrelenting ball washing," then we might include "ball busting" like insultingly warning the "little rocket man" by saying "Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!" And include sanctions against NK and Russia--And kneeing China's balls with tariffs--And painfully squeezing Putin's balls by bombing Syria and opening our oil floodgates to lower the price of Russian oil and arming the Ukraine--Relentless ball washing, yeah, my arse!

And Trump weaned off of Daddy's money and made his own.

You're unrelenting being stuck on stupid is on display--including being more concerned with Trump hate than wiith Communist support for and affiliation with the Democrat party.

Pete F. 03-01-2019 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1163138)
Trump has great appreciation for a lot of things, especially American things. He seems to understand that negotiating with tyrants is not made easier by constantly, and only, insulting them. Your characterization of that being that he has an appreciation for them is a trigger, dog whistle, meme, meant to stoke anti-Trump hate.

Like, oh yeah, he was going to get any concession from Kim, or Putin, or the Saudis by constantly threatening and belittling them. The stick is good, but it needs to be accompanied by the carrot.

Trump doesn’t have the balls to confront someone, that’s why he said Putin, the Saudis and Kim told me they didn’t and I believe them.
You seriously believe that or do you believe any price is acceptable as long as you get what you want.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-01-2019 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163157)
Trump doesn’t have the balls to confront someone, that’s why he said Putin, the Saudis and Kim told me they didn’t and I believe them.

You seriously believe that or do you believe any price is acceptable as long as you get what you want.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You really seem to be impressed with your ability to know what someone you've never met thinks. I "know" very little to nothing about what or who the inner Trump is. Outwardly, the little (filtered through various pro and con press and editorial coverage and personal or anecdotal stories) that I have heard or seen doesn't give me the picture of someone who lacks the balls to confront others. I thought that he would be crushed in the primary and presidential debates, but he pretty much dominated and mopped the floor with a lot of his opponents. I haven't seen any fear or reluctance in his face to face meetings with foreign leaders. I don't know what he really believes about what Putin, the Saudis and Kim told him, nor how much of what he says about it is tactical pablum for public consumption rather than true reactions that he felt it better to play down. I have learned to disregard a lot what politicians say about their political maneuvers and wait for the results.

I am not unduly critical or dissatisfied with results, especially economic, and regulatory rollbacks and judicial picks. On the contrary, I'm happy with most of them.

BTW, getting back to the subject of this thread, did you watch the video, and if so, what do you think about it?

wdmso 03-02-2019 08:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1163133)
When murdering and raping immigrants fail to motivate the base... they move to crying about abortions and baby killing!! when that fails they jump to Socialists and Communists fear ... and when that doesn't work the media is the enemy when that gets old they start all over again

Or fear of Muslims ... real funny isn't it... put up by west Va republicans in their State house

Pete F. 03-02-2019 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1163158)
You really seem to be impressed with your ability to know what someone you've never met thinks. I "know" very little to nothing about what or who the inner Trump is. Outwardly, the little (filtered through various pro and con press and editorial coverage and personal or anecdotal stories) that I have heard or seen doesn't give me the picture of someone who lacks the balls to confront others. I thought that he would be crushed in the primary and presidential debates, but he pretty much dominated and mopped the floor with a lot of his opponents. I haven't seen any fear or reluctance in his face to face meetings with foreign leaders. I don't know what he really believes about what Putin, the Saudis and Kim told him, nor how much of what says about it is tactical pablum for public consumption rather than true reactions that he felt it better to play down. I have learned to disregard a lot what politicians say about their political maneuvers and wait for the results.

I am not unduly critical or dissatisfied with results, especially economic, and regulatory rollbacks and judicial picks. On the contrary, I'm happy with most of them.

BTW, getting back to the subject of this thread, did you watch the video, and if so, what do you think about it?

Keep believing, Trump is slowly destroying what’s been accomplished over the past 70 years, but as you’ve said you’re good with that.
I never watch your movies.
Find a transcript and I’ll read it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 03-02-2019 08:37 AM

Your banging you head against a wall, everything I hear says the means justify the ends. If the house doesn’t move on impeachment it’s just fine, because all these public hearings are going to leave Trump with only his one third base for 2020; assuming he can even keep that.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-02-2019 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1163162)
Or fear of Muslims ... real funny isn't it... put up by west Va republicans in their State house

Are you responding to another thread? Try to respond to the video I posted.

detbuch 03-02-2019 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1163164)
Keep believing, Trump is slowly destroying what’s been accomplished over the past 70 years, but as you’ve said you’re good with that.
I never watch your movies.
Find a transcript and I’ll read it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I believed that you didn't watch the video I posted. You have confirmed my belief. Now if you are done hi-jacking this thread with your usual Trump hate, can you focus on the subject of this thread.

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