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BigFish 05-01-2006 04:41 AM

A Day Without Immigrants!
:btu: Here is what I expect to find today....the "Day Without Immigrants" as they perform a work stoppage.

1. I expect to be able to go to Dunkin Donuts, order a cup of coffee from someone who speaks english and my order is not screwed up due to communication problems.

2. I expect to be able to fill my gas tank up without having to have an interpreter present.

3. I will be able to go to a convenience store and maybe get a few items without feeling as though I am in a foreign country due to the fact that the cashier speaks not a word of english.


crash 05-01-2006 05:18 AM

I wonder if all the immigrants will show up at the plant today. I like having them around, where else can you go from America to Cambodia by foot?

Raven 05-01-2006 05:22 AM

dream on
not everyone can avoid to boycott America by not working......

but if all that do....stick to their word about not spending any money

it'll be interesting to see what that does to the price of gas

and or the stock market.

TheSpecialist 05-01-2006 05:44 AM

Most of the DD I go to that have Brazillians, I look forward to seeing some of those hotties. I know the language barrier sucks, but sometimes it,s nice not to have to talk to a woman. :hihi:

It's time to lock the borders down that 4 sure.

Hooper 05-01-2006 05:45 AM

No Illegal aliens? Aye Carumba!

fishaholic18 05-01-2006 06:46 AM

We should have a Day Without Americans...wonder how that would go..:wavey:

Duke41 05-01-2006 06:50 AM

My grandfather was an immigrant for Nova Scotia. He came down during WW2 to work at the Boston Shipyard. Became a boilermaker and rose to shop steward. He was a great guy and strong as an ox. I thank God he had the guts to leave his family and everything he had known and grew up with to immigrate to the USA. Each one of us had that one person way back that wanted a better life and was fearless enought to come to the USA. Many could not speak English or could understand how to function in this land, but they came anyway. As I sit here at my desk in my house and consider the life I have I am very grateful.

I believe that this country is the best in the world and if other immigrants want to come here we should let them. We should put up with the hassles of Jose or Pattal at the gas station or donut shop and just smile and welcome them to the club.:cheers:

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:14 AM

Duke...its not that we don't want immigrants to come here.....its that when they do, before even becoming citizens of this country, they get more benefits from our government than we do for cryin' out loud....many do not ever try to become citizens and they just take advantage of our system, they never attempt to learn the language, they work under the table never paying taxes.....shall I go on??? We all know where we came from Duke......but it is a different world today than all those years ago when immigrants came by boat and more often than not went through Ellis Island and were processed before entering the they just float over on a banana crate, stow away on a barge, swim or stroll over a dark border or are smuggled over in trucks!!!!! That is the problem Duke....nobody is criticizing your your mind a bit beyond your small world.:doh:

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:22 AM

Also Duke...Jose' and Patal need to learn the friggin language because I will be Gawd Damned if I am going to learn theirs!!!! Already peeves me that my kids are "REQUIRED" to learn spanish in school!!!!!:realmad:

Nebe 05-01-2006 07:27 AM

just remember.. for every lazy imigrant that pisses you off for giving you bad service at a place like D&D's, there are dozens of very hard working imigrants working quietly in non-public places that you will never see, doing what they do to raise your quality of life.

No imigrants means a large void in the work force...especially a large void in many jobs that most 'entitled' americans wouldnt dream of doing.

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:32 AM

Yeah....and they get paid plenty under the table for the privilage! Plus government aid.

Eben...its not the fact that there are immigrants here......that is not the issue....the issue is the illegal ones who seek to have the government grant them citizenship without them having to go through the same system many others do to become citizens. Is this the same Eben that hates Bush?:uhoh:

macojoe 05-01-2006 07:33 AM

well I don't want to hurt anyones feeling, But If there here legal, I have no problem!!

But 11 million that are not should be round up tattooed and sent packing!!

They come here, they get a job, and in a lot of cases they live with someone on the welfare system and they lie get medical, money, housing, and now they are changing the National Anthem !

Now we are offering them to work and give them the right to stay here if they follow the rules, What more do these greedy people want!

Hang Them all for treason!!

There I said it!

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:34 AM

MacoJoe for President!!!:claps: :bgi:

spence 05-01-2006 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by macojoe
What more do these greedy people want!

There are many viewpoints that can be presented to articulate the nature of the problem...but I don't think you'll find the word "greed" in anything of credibility.



BigFish 05-01-2006 07:40 AM

I had a coversation with someone the other day......these illegal immigrants will not be beating down the doors to fight for this country should the need ever arise!!!! They will lay beneath the radar, let others fight and sacrifice and bleed and die and suck this governments system for all they can get without so much as a thought to where it all comes from!!! The conversation made sense to me!!! These folks who are illegal immigrants should in no way, shape or form recieve benefits, subsidies, financial or medical assistance from this government before they become citizens of this country!! I see where my tax dollars are going and it steams my a$$ everytime I think about it!!!:realmad:

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:41 AM


reelecstasy 05-01-2006 07:46 AM

Deport Illegal Aliens........... period.. Just my opinion, and no, I won't change it......

ScottC 05-01-2006 07:47 AM

I agree that they should be sent packing, our government has a zero tollerance policy for it citizens, remember justice it blind. to let these people walk free is a smack in the face to every American citizen. We would not have to worry about the void in the work force if this problem was taken care of to begin with. We could easily fill the void with all the damn minimum security prisoners in the country. Did you guys know that the ACI in RHode Island pays it's prisioners 2 dollars a day to maintain the stat highways? This is a fact. So in reality, we are already having to pay for these prisoners to be locked up, so why not make them all work? The business owners would even be able to pay the same poor wages they pay illegals, and the states could take that money, give the prisioner thier 2 bucks a day and the rest would go to opaying for thier stay in prison. Remember I am talking about minimum security prisoners, most of these men and women are everyday citizens like us who just did somthing stupid.

BigFish 05-01-2006 07:49 AM

ScottC for VP!:)

spence 05-01-2006 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish
these illegal immigrants will not be beating down the doors to fight for this country should the need ever arise!!!! They will lay beneath the radar, let others fight and sacrifice and bleed and die and suck this governments system for all they can get without so much as a thought to where it all comes from!!!

This is just nonsense talking...

1) The US Military doesn't allow illegals to enlist
2) While the US Military does allow legal non-citizens to enlist, it doesn't allow them to become commissioned or warrant officers.

Bigfish, did you realize that illegal workers in this country currently contribute 50 Billion yearly in taxes that they don't see a penny of?

There is a tremendous contribution that illegal workers make to this country that we take for granted. In effect they are subsidizing a lot of your quality of life...what they are asking for is a little respect and recognition of this fact.

Liberals are not the problem, it's a population that doesn't want to own up to reality.


ScottC 05-01-2006 08:04 AM

Spence, the contribute 50 million right? do you know that when they use the false SS number they also claim as many dependants as possible so they end up paying as little as possilbe? That 50 million should be about 120 million if they were legitemate citizens. All those young hard working single illegals are claiming they have 5 kids under a false SS number, a single Citizen with no children pays more taxes than anyone in the country.

And the Military doesn't let them fight.....because they are criminals! See, this seems to be a point that many forget. I want to be able to break a few laws and not be arrested too, but that will never happen, I have seen hard working men getting arrested for urinating in public! It happens every year in newport ri, these are tourists who contribute not one huge amounts of taxes, but the fuel the tourism economy as well, but there they are, getting arrested, and gettign their names in the paper, for nothing more than taking a piss behind a dumpster.


macojoe 05-01-2006 08:06 AM

Well spence, set up a small city, and support them all, and see how far you get!!~

Don't forget that you get all the Felons that are running from Justice and then commit the same here, and have no worry cause are laws are softer then there's.

And then all there babies and there babies ect ect... How about all the people that saved and waited to do it the right way?? Should they be bi-passed cause some cheat to get here??

How did you like it when you were in line at a sporting event for 2 hours to get in and then a bunch cut the line, was it right?

Think about all the things that these people do, and all the people waiting to do it the right way

spence 05-01-2006 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by ScottC
Spence, the contribute 50 million right?

No, Billion...with a B.

I'm not saying that crossing the border should be legal...

But some of you are trying to make a case that illegal immigrants simply suck off the system and make no contribution.

Which isn't even open for's just not true. And instead of dealing with the real issues - you're ignoring reality.

There are millions of illegals in this country that contribute to our GDP and quality of life, and the vast majority of them aren't going anywhere...

It is what it is.

So how are you going to deal with it?


BigFish 05-01-2006 08:13 AM

"Nonsense Talking"? Of course I know the government does not allow illegal immigrants to enlist....that is exactly the point I was making my post and maybe you will understand it! The illegal immigrants are benifiting from this country and they do not contribute anything in return. They make beds in hotel rooms and pick fruit and you think that enhances the quality of my life??? WRONG!!!! The hardworking american citizens enhance the quality of my life.....the soldiers who are sacrificing and have sacrificed enhance the quality of my life!!

spence 05-01-2006 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish
The illegal immigrants are benifiting from this country and they do not contribute anything in return.

Yes, this is where your perception doesn't align with reality.


BigFish 05-01-2006 08:15 AM

The illegal immigrants do not suck off the system??? Its not true??? Must be a nice world you live in Spence....what mind altering chemical can get me where you live?:smash:

ScottC 05-01-2006 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by spence
No, Billion...with a B.

I'm not saying that crossing the border should be legal...

But some of you are trying to make a case that illegal immigrants simply suck off the system and make no contribution.

Which isn't even open for's just not true. And instead of dealing with the real issues - you're ignoring reality.

There are millions of illegals in this country that contribute to our GDP and quality of life, and the vast majority of them aren't going anywhere...

It is what it is.

So how are you going to deal with it?


Ok so say 80 Billion they are stealing from this country. You sound like my wife. She says " Hey Scott, I just saved 200 dollars shopping today!" and I say sure, you had to SPEND 800 to do so hahahah.:wall:

And I told you exactly how to deal with it, replace them with low risk criminals period end of story. Round them all up and deport them. the first order of business form our new founded prison work force should be to build a 25 foot wall accross the entire border. China did it before we has back hoes, so I think we could handle it.

spence 05-01-2006 08:23 AM

BigFish -

I'm saying your notion that illegals don't also contribute is false, not that they don't draw from the system. This shouldn't be that difficult a concept to process...

Scott -

All politics aside, deporting every illegal is just technically not possible. And your calculations are a bit wacky as well. Replacing migrant labor with a domestic workforce would have a huge inflation effect on most consumable goods.


ScottC 05-01-2006 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by spence
BigFish -

I'm saying your notion that illegals don't also contribute is false, not that they don't draw from the system. This shouldn't be that difficult a concept to process...

Scott -

All politics aside, that's just technically not possible.


HAHAHA, everything I said is easily done, it is not technically impossible, it is POLITICALLY impossible, you have it backwards. We need people is politics who are not afraid to do what is unpopular, and we need to make lobyist illegal.

Flaptail 05-01-2006 08:53 AM

Immigrants are not "bad" people. We are all descendents of immigrants unless you have Native American blood running through your veins, which I am blessed to have some running through mine. Talk about people who got screwed and still are. Anyway, my ancestors spoke only Polish/Russian/Lithuanian and French when they landed here. ( My Great x 6 Grandfather was A French Baron who escaped the Guilotine and came here and married a full blooded MicMac indian woman). Some of your might have been English or Irish or Scottish and knew English already (Irish and Scottish in a modified form), thats great.

Immigrants and the cultural mix is what made this country great. Otherwise we would be like a bunch of inbred dogs. Look at what happened to Irish Setters. The problem we have is that we need to set up better parameters for entrance into, stayiing in and becoming a citizen of, this country. It's too easy right now to enter from Mexico and latin America. My Grand father emigrated here at 13 speaking only Polish and Russian. He had to endure Ellis Island. He taught himself english and became a citizen. That's all these people need to do, especially in the dangerous age we live in.

Most of them work hard, very hard. Do we need the gangs like ms13 and such and the ones who choose to belong to them? No. But most of the Latino community would agree with that as well. All we ask is that they adopt a simple set of rules, they do not have to abandon thier culture or language but they do have to adopt ours and the principals we live by as Americans. Italians have Columbus Day, Irish have St. Patricks Day and so on, celebrating thier culture and it's great. The Latino community can too but we need rules and if they choose to stay here then take the final step and become a Latino-American. I think the fine proposed is the right step. It will be the impetus for them to finally make the decision to go or stay. They are more than welcome to stay.

Lastly the Spanish version of the National Anthem is not correct. We would never do that to the Mexican Anthem, the Brazilian anthem and so on. Although, as a child going to a Parochial school, we were forced by the Sister's of Saint Anne, a Canadian order of Nuns, to sing the Au Canada first each morning before the Star Spangled Banner and no one complained, Never sat right with me or anyone I went to school with but our parents, my mother especially, who was french Canadian, loved it. It was just wrong and so is a spanish Star Spangled Banner with wording changed.

That's my two cents on this issue.

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