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Swimmer 11-22-2006 09:59 AM

They just took control house/senate and look .....
what the liberal/democrat are thinking about doing.

Rangel (future way and means chairman) wants the draft reinstituted!

And the rest of the democrats are trying to decide whether to go long, big, or get out of Iraq. Does anyone remember what the liberal democrat from Texas (LBJ) did in Vietnam. He went big and long.

The other item of interest since the elections are over that I find interesting is that no media outlets publicized Murtha's participation in the ABSCAM scandals. While he didn't take any money he told the wired F.B.I. agent he may in the future. Funny how the media stopped being unbiased so long ago.

stripersnipr 11-22-2006 11:42 AM

I'm still recalling the dire warning from Democrats in 2004: "If you vote for Bush he will reinstate the draft!"

Skitterpop 11-22-2006 12:12 PM

A Room With A View

Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 435496)
what the liberal/democrat are thinking about doing.

Rangel (future way and means chairman) wants the draft reinstituted!

{Won`t happen.}

And the rest of the democrats are trying to decide whether to go long, big, or get out of Iraq. Does anyone remember what the liberal democrat from Texas (LBJ) did in Vietnam. He went big and long.

{Majority wants out.}

The other item of interest since the elections are over that I find interesting is that no media outlets publicized Murtha's participation in the ABSCAM scandals. While he didn't take any money he told the wired F.B.I. agent he may in the future. Funny how the media stopped being unbiased so long ago.

I did see several mentions of Abscam and Murtha.

1dozenraw 11-22-2006 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 435496)
The other item of interest since the elections are over that I find interesting is that no media outlets publicized Murtha's participation in the ABSCAM scandals. While he didn't take any money he told the wired F.B.I. agent he may in the future. Funny how the media stopped being unbiased so long ago.

Huh? It was all over the news. Mentioned several times in reports even on PBS. Like I said....huh?

RIJIMMY 11-22-2006 01:33 PM

you guys know my views, and its hard for me to say this but I agree with Rangel.
He doesnt really want it reinstated but knows that if it is/was, we would be way more careful about entering wars since more families would have something to lose.

spence 11-22-2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 435599)
He doesnt really want it reinstated but knows that if it is/was, we would be way more careful about entering wars since more families would have something to lose.

Exactly his point.

A great book is "The New American Militarisim" which came out last year I believe. Really looks into the impact of Vietnam and the all volunteer military have had on the psyche of the Pentagon and policy makers.

One key theme of the book is that since it's so easy to just use force, we've lost all ability to negotiate political solutions.

From Clinton to Bush 43 this couldn't be more apparent.


Skitterpop 11-22-2006 07:26 PM

Only thing about a draft is what will be the parameters for exemption....many favored sons were able to get out of going back in the day.

basswipe 11-22-2006 07:49 PM

Btw now that the elections are over gas prices are going thru the roof.Gotta love change.Pols are all the same.Right wing fanatic or liberal weany it just doesn't matter,we the the people will always be screwed regardless of what "party" is in power.

Skip N 11-23-2006 04:59 PM

It's rather funny, all the anti war folks are now talking about having a draft. These people just make less and less sense everyday, they want our troops out of Iraq ASAP, yet they want a draft, wich will mean sending more troops into Iraq?? :confused: I dont get liberals. They make no f'ing sense

spence 11-23-2006 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 435923)
I dont get liberals. They make no f'ing sense

You don't make any sense. Reread your own post!!!


Swimmer 11-23-2006 10:10 PM

I missed the Murtha abscam sound bites, thank you.

As far as Rangel wanting/not wanting the draft I think his true desires might backfire.

Skitterpop 11-24-2006 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 435714)
Btw now that the elections are over gas prices are going thru the roof.Gotta love change.Pols are all the same.Right wing fanatic or liberal weany it just doesn't matter,we the the people will always be screwed regardless of what "party" is in power.

Oh yeah its the dems now :laugha:

Skitterpop 11-24-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 435923)
It's rather funny, all the anti war folks are now talking about having a draft. These people just make less and less sense everyday, they want our troops out of Iraq ASAP, yet they want a draft, wich will mean sending more troops into Iraq?? :confused: I dont get liberals. They make no f'ing sense

You could`nt make this up :tooth: or could you?

Skip N 11-24-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skitterpop (Post 436128)
You could`nt make this up :tooth: or could you?

You tell me, you guys are the ones calling for the draft! Why have a draft if you want to get out of Iraq ASAP?:confused:

Swimmer 11-25-2006 12:15 PM

No you couldn't make this up. When Queen Pelosi ascends the throne, watch out.

stripersnipr 11-25-2006 01:24 PM

Don't expect much of anything earth shattering from this bunch. If in the unlikely event they actually draw a consensus amongst their own special interest groups and caucuses to pass major legislation filibusters and vetoes await. I foresee more of the same with the only real difference being the addition of a higher pitched whine factor.

scoobe 11-25-2006 01:49 PM

It's not about getting out of Iraq; it's about not getting into a war in the first place. The whole idea is if you have to send your own son/daughter off to fight you will be less likely to vote for war.

It's easy for those in power to start a war when their own families are sitting home safe and they can send off Joe Shmoe who is probably uneducated, impoverished, and has few other opportunities available to him. :liquify:


Originally Posted by Skip N (Post 436147)
You tell me, you guys are the ones calling for the draft! Why have a draft if you want to get out of Iraq ASAP?:confused:

stripersnipr 11-25-2006 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by scoobe (Post 436261)
It's not about getting out of Iraq; it's about not getting into a war in the first place. The whole idea is if you have to send your own son/daughter off to fight you will be less likely to vote for war.

It's easy for those in power to start a war when their own families are sitting home safe and they can send off Joe Shmoe who is probably uneducated, impoverished, and has few other opportunities available to him. :liquify:

You might want to research the current average education level of the American Military because the actual fact is our troops are better educated than their civilians counterparts. This whole stupid/uneducated Joe Schmoe GI thing is nothing but a bunch of BS. I see Rangels ploy as nothing but a veiled attempt at blackmailing military aged Americans.: "if we dont get of Iraq right now you will be forced against your will to join the military".

spence 11-25-2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 436266)
I see Rangels ploy as nothing but a veiled attempt at blackmailing military aged Americans.: "if we dont get of Iraq right now you will be forced against your will to join the military".

Utter nonsense.

This has nothing to do with blackmail or education.

It's about how loose our policy makers have become with the all volunteer military.

It's about making sure we only wage war when it's really necessary, and then ensuring we give our troops everything they need.

It's the assumption that if Congress was to send their kids and grandkids to fight a war, they might think a bit harder about what exactly they were supporting.

Sure, it's a stunt...and nothing more, but the message is pretty true.


slapshot 11-25-2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by scoobe (Post 436261)
It's easy for those in power to start a war when their own families are sitting home safe and they can send off Joe Shmoe who is probably uneducated, impoverished, and has few other opportunities available to him. :liquify:

You owe the men and women of the military an apologee. That is a ridiculous thing to say.

Skip N 11-25-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by scoobe (Post 436261)
It's not about getting out of Iraq; it's about not getting into a war in the first place. The whole idea is if you have to send your own son/daughter off to fight you will be less likely to vote for war.

It's easy for those in power to start a war when their own families are sitting home safe and they can send off Joe Shmoe who is probably uneducated, impoverished, and has few other opportunities available to him. :liquify:

You make me sick.

Go Tell my buddy who's currently in the Armys medical school program he's an idiot. I mean he ONLY has his Masters degree and will be a doctor in a few years. Pretty dumb huh?

You're a typical liberal who knows jack %$%$%$%$ about the people who serve in the armed forces. Go educate yourself and get back to me regarding our military's education level. Because clearly you are the uneducated one! Not our miltary.

You make me sick, go say what you just posted to the next Marine you see in uniform. I'm sure that will go over will.

RIJIMMY 11-25-2006 04:31 PM

sounds like a "botched joke"....hee hee

Bronko 11-25-2006 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by scoobe (Post 436261)
It's not about getting out of Iraq; it's about not getting into a war in the first place. The whole idea is if you have to send your own son/daughter off to fight you will be less likely to vote for war.

It's easy for those in power to start a war when their own families are sitting home safe and they can send off Joe Shmoe who is probably uneducated, impoverished, and has few other opportunities available to him. :liquify:

They can't help themselves, it really is the way they think. :hs: It floors me that this line if thinking exists.

spence 11-25-2006 05:29 PM


It's much easier than debating the substance of the issue!


Swimmer 11-25-2006 06:32 PM

Spence Spence Spence
What Scoobe said is an issue as well as every reply he received in return. How is, from your point of view what scoobe said have validity and everyones contrary opinon be meaningless? Its all part of the essense of the issue/s.

Everyone is welcome to an opinon, and everyone has the right to a different opinon. Not everyones opinon has deep meaning and not everyone thoughts are shallow.

I believe for you to chastise the contrary opinon the way you just did is shallow. It shows a chink in your armor.

And scoobe you'd better check and see just how many of those officials in Washington have sons and daughters in Iraq serving in the armed forces that are from both sides of the table.

stripersnipr 11-25-2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 436271)
Utter nonsense.

This has nothing to do with blackmail or education.

It's about how loose our policy makers have become with the all volunteer military.

It's about making sure we only wage war when it's really necessary, and then ensuring we give our troops everything they need.

It's the assumption that if Congress was to send their kids and grandkids to fight a war, they might think a bit harder about what exactly they were supporting.

Sure, it's a stunt...and nothing more, but the message is pretty true.


As usual your post is "Utter BS". This whole draft issue is simply a way to avoid fighting at any cost.

spence 11-25-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 436309)
As usual your post is "Utter BS". This whole draft issue is simply a way to avoid fighting at any cost.

This statement is simply a way to avoid discussing the issue at any cost!!!

Seriously, I'm sick of the Dems are wimps mantra.

Charles Rangle is a freaking Combat Veteran for christmas sake.


stripersnipr 11-25-2006 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 436318)
This statement is simply a way to avoid discussing the issue at any cost!!!

Seriously, I'm sick of the Dems are wimps mantra.

Charles Rangle is a freaking Combat Veteran for christmas sake.


Utter Nonsense but if the shoe fits. At this point my premise is "If Spence is against it, its good for America".

Backbeach Jake 11-25-2006 08:24 PM

I think thay Rangle's point is this: If we had a draft, those who represent us and vote for war would think twice about voting for war if their own sons and daughters were subject to that draft. After seeing how our present leadership personally handled the draft, I think that Rangle could use a lesson in cynicism. Our All-Volunteer Soldiers are the best that ever put a boot to the Earth. And they've been betrayed by our politicians.

Skitterpop 11-25-2006 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 436259)
Don't expect much of anything earth shattering from this bunch. If in the unlikely event they actually draw a consensus amongst their own special interest groups and caucuses to pass major legislation filibusters and vetoes await. I foresee more of the same with the only real difference being the addition of a higher pitched whine factor.

You guys kill me :rotfl: The pubs have been stroking the same cat for years now and with a change in name only you`re blaming the dems for what you claimed the pubs were doing all along... tickle me pink :btu:

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