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RIROCKHOUND 05-02-2011 05:13 AM

OBL(UBL) Killed
So I said before:
If Obama authorized the killing of Bin Laden, some in here would criticize him for the placement location of the bullet.

This seems to be text book.

Didn't ask for permission from Pakistan, didn't use a drone strike. Just flexed some good old USA Muscle and ended it with the Navy seals. Maybe this is why Pakistan has been so pissed at us lately?

what a great day for Americans, and a day every military member should be proud (yourself included Jim) who had a part in the war on terror.

UserRemoved 05-02-2011 05:35 AM

$5 says it was his bodyguards that pulled the trigger. We just helped them along...OBL had orders he was not to be taken alive and was to be immediately shot by his bodyguards if he was under threat of capture.

Happy to do the helping.......

Now on to YEMEN........

Can the USA fight 4 wars....will they now pull out of Afghanistan...considering this was the stimulus for going in to begin with...

UserRemoved 05-02-2011 05:37 AM

" Based on statements given by U.S. detainees since the 9/11 attacks, they said, intelligence officials have long known that bin Laden trusted one al-Qaida courier in particular, and they believed he might be living with him in hiding.
Four years ago, the United States learned the man's identity, which officials did not disclose, and then about two years later, they identified areas of Pakistan where he operated. Last August, the man's residence was found, officials said.

"Intelligence analysis concluded that this compound was custom built in 2005 to hide someone of significance," with walls as high as 18 feet and topped by barbed wire, according to one official. Despite the compound's estimated $1 million cost and two security gates, it had no phone or Internet running into the house.

By mid-February, intelligence from multiple sources was clear enough that Obama wanted to "pursue an aggressive course of action," a senior administration official said. Over the next two and a half months, the president led five meetings of the National Security Council focused solely on whether bin Laden was in that compound and, if so, how to get him, the official said."

UserRemoved 05-02-2011 05:42 AM


Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of George W. Bush's "mission accomplished" speech....


UserRemoved 05-02-2011 06:01 AM

"Osama Bin Laden was asked to surrender by US troops before he was shot dead, Fox News is quoting intelligence sources as saying.

The terrorist leader had always said he would not be captured alive.

Bin Laden was shot dead during a raid by US ground troops on a compound in Pakistan. His body was captured by the Americans.

The troops landed in four helicopters. One of the helicopters suffered mechanical failure and was destroyed by the Americans. However none of the American soldiers were killed."

TheSpecialist 05-02-2011 06:02 AM

So everyone is going to give Obama all the credit?

It was all military working on a mission until it was complete, all Obama did was give approval to the op, which any president would have done...

RIROCKHOUND 05-02-2011 06:09 AM

GWB deserves credit for this as well, absolutely. The intelligence used began in 2004 if the news accounts are correct.

However, in the last 2.5 years, Obama has clearly not scaled back the efforts to locate OBL, and by many accounts ramped up the efforts in the last 6 months, so yes, as C-I-C he deserves some credit, yes.

but listening to accounts of the helicopter malfunctioning and some of the potential issues as the raid began, the heroes are clearly the Seals on this mission, hands down.

Jim in CT 05-02-2011 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Saltys (Post 855788)

Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of George W. Bush's "mission accomplished" speech....


Funny thing about that speech...if you read the text,nowhere does he say "mission accomplished". What he does say in that speech is that there's a lot of hard work left to do in Iraq, and that no one knows when the job will be done.

Liberals will then say "well what about the banner that said 'Mission Accomplished'? Yes, the banner. Bush's speech was delivered on the USS Lincoln, a Navy ship that was heading home after completing a tour of duty near Iraq. The banner was for the sailors of the USS Lincoln, because for them, their mission was accomplished.

But the media, and people who hate Bush,pounced on this, distorting it, and saying that Bush thought combat was over.

There were huge mistakes made with Iraq, and I have no quarrel with folks who say we shou;dn't have gone in. But it's flat-out lie to state that Bush ever claimes that the mission was accomplished.

And awesomenews about Bin Laden, I pray some of those 09/11 families can rest a bit easier.

UserRemoved 05-02-2011 06:26 AM

osama bin laden dead president obama | Inside TV |

He interrupted Celebrity Apprentice.

Think he did that on purpose? LOL

zimmy 05-02-2011 07:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 855807)

But the media, and people who hate Bush,pounced on this, distorting it, and saying that Bush thought combat was over.

"In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

The same day: Rumsfeld said that in regard to Afghanistan, Bush, U.S. Central Command Chief Tommy Franks, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai "have concluded we're at a point where we clearly have moved from major combat activity to a period of stability and stabilization and reconstruction activities. The bulk of this country today is permissive, it's secure."

UserRemoved 05-02-2011 07:45 AM

OK I'm calling TOTAL BULL SHAT here.

Raid against Osama bin Laden captured on Twitter - Yahoo! News

In 7 hours they're trying to tell us that they confirmed his identity...performed DNA testing which proved this...according to Obama...washed his body according to Muslim Law....wrapped in a white sheet, and dumped this guy in the ocean before anyone else had a chance to confirm this.


I find this VERY hard to believe. Twitter doesn't lie. Didn't Obama say this happened several days ago?????

The Dad Fisherman 05-02-2011 08:27 AM

Looks like my Reynolds stock is starting to climb....:hihi:

buckman 05-02-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 855778)
So I said before:
If Obama authorized the killing of Bin Laden, some in here would criticize him for the placement location of the bullet.

This seems to be text book.

Didn't ask for permission from Pakistan, didn't use a drone strike. Just flexed some good old USA Muscle and ended it with the Navy seals. Maybe this is why Pakistan has been so pissed at us lately?

what a great day for Americans, and a day every military member should be proud (yourself included Jim) who had a part in the war on terror.

Well done to everyone involved and a huge Thank You!!!

Now, Brian...can we try to be a little less partisan today?:) There very well could be "water boarding" involved in getting his where abouts.:uhuh:

RIROCKHOUND 05-02-2011 09:38 AM

I haven't posted an intentionally partisan thing today.

as far as torture, who knows. it sounds like it was mostly about locating the courier... me thinks that was done as clandestine as possible to not alert OBL....

JohnnyD 05-02-2011 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist (Post 855796)
So everyone is going to give Obama all the credit?

It was all military working on a mission until it was complete, all Obama did was give approval to the op, which any president would have done...

Crazy what happens though when the focus is taken off Bush's war in Iraq and back to where the real war on terrorism should be focused.

This was a win by US intelligence. Then our Special Ops perfectly executed (pun intended) a raid based on that intelligence.

PaulS 05-02-2011 10:03 AM

will the short form death certificate be enough or is the long form with the embossed seal required?

JohnnyD 05-02-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 855857)
will the short form death certificate be enough or is the long form with the embossed seal required?

Posted this in the other thread:

RIJIMMY 05-02-2011 10:32 AM

congrats to all involved. I give credit to O for getting it done.

The Dad Fisherman 05-02-2011 10:33 AM

I'll be waiting patiently for the crackpots to start saying they Saw Elvis buying a Big Gulp from him at a 7-11 in Tallahassee....

detbuch 05-02-2011 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 855824)
"In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

What Bush said is indisputably true. We did prevail in the Battle of Iraq. Remember that the battle was AGAINST the Iraq led by the Sadaam Husein regime. THAT Iraq was eliminated. The Iraqi regime that followed was our ally. We fought WITH it to defeat its enemies. Jim in CT pointed out very specifically that Bush did not say "mission accomplished" in that speech, it was a sign posted by the crew of the ship whose mission was over. Bush said specifically in that speech "The war on terror is not over . . . we have difficult work to do in Iraq."

The same day: Rumsfeld said that in regard to Afghanistan, Bush, U.S. Central Command Chief Tommy Franks, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai "have concluded we're at a point where we clearly have moved from major combat activity to a period of stability and stabilization and reconstruction activities. The bulk of this country today is permissive, it's secure."

So then you quote Rumsfeld in regard to Afghanistan which is not related to the ship's "mission accomplished" sign to somehow twist peripheral, unrelated statements to funnel into the falsely attributed quote to Bush to make it sound as if Bush was stupid enough to sort of say that our work was done, mission accomplished, combat is over. It is that slippery, slithery kind of discussion that is also used to paint the Tea Party as racist.

fishbones 05-02-2011 11:03 AM

Bin Laden was reportedly living in the Pakistani military equivalent of West Point. That's a little suspicious in my book. Anyone think the Pakistani's were aware that he was there and were harboring him? This could get really ugly, really fast.

Jim in CT 05-02-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 855852)
I haven't posted an intentionally partisan thing today.

as far as torture, who knows. it sounds like it was mostly about locating the courier... me thinks that was done as clandestine as possible to not alert OBL....

The AP has a story stating that "detainees" gave up the relationship between Bin Laden and the courier "during interrogation".

WHo knows what that means.

Not easy for me to admit, but Obama deserves some kudos here.

Jim in CT 05-02-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 855824)
"In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

The same day: Rumsfeld said that in regard to Afghanistan, Bush, U.S. Central Command Chief Tommy Franks, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai "have concluded we're at a point where we clearly have moved from major combat activity to a period of stability and stabilization and reconstruction activities. The bulk of this country today is permissive, it's secure."

Zimmy, my post saisd that Bush never claimed "Mission Accomplished" in his spech on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Read the speech. Assuming you can read, I also posted the intent of the banner, it was to give an "atta boy" to a bunch of heroic sailors whose mission WAS accomplished, and they deserved an acknowledgment of their service. So if you think it's acceptable to twist Bush's intent of congratulating those sailors and to attack him for it, all I can say is I find that repugnant. I also said mistakes were made in Iraq, mistakes that I'll wager impacted me more than they impacted you. But Bush never implied that the mission was accomplished, not during that speech. I'm sorry if that fact exposes how many revolting liars there are in the liberal ranks, but it's still a fact.

Pointing out what Rumsfeld and Franks said is NOT refuting my point, I was referring to what Bush said and didn't say.

fishbones 05-02-2011 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 855874)
The AP has a story stating that "detainees" gave up the relationship between Bin Laden and the courier "during interrogation".

WHo knows what that means.

Not easy for me to admit, but Obama deserves some kudos here.

Word is that there was information from detainees at GITMO that helped this mission.

I'm curious to hear what all the people who wanted Gitmo closed years ago now think? Should Obama be villified for not closing it, or should he be commended for keeping it open and using information from the detainees there to help take out the worlds most dangerous terrorist?

zimmy 05-02-2011 11:44 AM

Jim, Why do you bring this crap up if you don't want people to respond? This wasn't an issue of liberals distorting it, as you claim (like in most things you say). The white house had the banner made, even if the Navy asked for it. Bush was commander in chief. Revolting liars? You have a distorted sense of reality. You are right though, he didn't say mission accomplished, but he did let pictures of him standing in front of it get printed everywhere. He did say we have moved from major combat to stability and re-building. Bush also said "In the battle of Afghanistan, we destroyed the Taliban..." He was wrong on those accounts. The irony of today and it's juxtaposition to the Bush speech is notable, whether you want to believe it is liberal liars distorting it. Salty bugger certainly isn't very liberal.

"NEIL CAVUTO (host): Senator -- after a conflict means after the conflict, and many argue the conflict isn't over.

McCAIN: Well, then why was there a banner that said mission accomplished on the aircraft carrier?

Look, the -- I have said a long time that reconstruction of Iraq would be a long, long, difficult process, but the conflict -- the major conflict is over, the regime change has been accomplished, and it's very appropriate."

FishermanTim 05-02-2011 12:08 PM

Let's just give credit where credit is due: To all the military that have served and to all that have died in defense of our country!
No praise, no credit, no kudos should be given to the president, since all he did was say "go"! (I mean, if Bush isn't going to be given his just credit, certainly Obama hasn't earned any!)

PaulS 05-02-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 855862)
congrats to all involved. I give credit to O for getting it done.

Kudos to all involved. It took years to find him. X,000s of soldiers and intelligence folks worked harder than we'll ever know to make that happen (and many prob. gave their lives). Obama was just luckily the pres. at the time. Not catching him was prob. Bush's biggest personnal disappointment but I know he was prob. thrilled to hear the news. He laid the ground work for yesterday.


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 855871)
Bin Laden was reportedly living in the Pakistani military equivalent of West Point. That's a little suspicious in my book. Anyone think the Pakistani's were aware that he was there and were harboring him? This could get really ugly, really fast.

They had to know - 100 yards from the military compound. I'm sure there are other compounds that are similiar but it seemed the measures (extra high walls, no phones, etc.) had to make someone extra suspicious. We'll prob. not make too much of it b/c we still need the Paks. as allies.

Gitmo- I still think it should be closed. I think it is a blight on what we as a nation stand for. I have read that most good intelligence is gotten not by tourture. We don't know if the info. was obtained by water boarding or by other means.

Obama gave his word he would close it, and any politician who doesn't keep his word deserves to have that taken into account when you enter the voting booth.

PaulS 05-02-2011 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 855884)
No praise, no credit, no kudos should be given to the president, since all he did was say "go"! (I mean, if Bush isn't going to be given his just credit, certainly Obama hasn't earned any!)

But I read that JimCt said that Bush s/b praised for keeping us safe after 9/11. So if you like the pres. you give credit for something that happens during his term but if you don't like him, no kudos?:rotf2:

The Dad Fisherman 05-02-2011 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 855871)
Bin Laden was reportedly living in the Pakistani military equivalent of West Point. That's a little suspicious in my book. Anyone think the Pakistani's were aware that he was there and were harboring him? This could get really ugly, really fast.

There was a reason that this was kept very close to only a few. I agree, This is going to get interesting.

Jim in CT 05-02-2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 855887)
But I read that JimCt said that Bush s/b praised for keeping us safe after 9/11. So if you like the pres. you give credit for something that happens during his term but if you don't like him, no kudos?:rotf2:

Paul, if you read my posts before criticizing me, you'd see that I posted this...

"Not easy for me to admit, but Obama deserves some kudos here."

If I say it again, will you be able to recognize that I said it? I give Obama credit for always tightening th enoose around Bin Laden, and for being aggressive with predator drone attacks. I may be an S.O.B., but I'm extremely rational and fair.

Zimmy, someone else posted that BUsh declared "Mission Accomplished" in a speech. I pointed out the irrefutable fact that Bush said no such thing during the speech in question. You "responded" by posting a picture of the banner, and by posting quotes attributed to people other than Bush.

For the third time...huge mistakes were made in planning the Iraq strategy, and it's completely fair to criticize Bush for that. It is NOT FAIR to imply that he said "mission accomplished" during that speech, and anyone who claims he said that is lying. The banner was put up to help one ship celebrate the fact that their mission was accomplished. Liberals twist that to attack Bush. I don't like that, I presume you are OK with it...

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