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thefishingfreak 01-01-2009 08:29 AM

Quitting smoking? check in here
If you want to check in here, this might give us some sort of acountability. place to vent whatever.

ok so after 23 or so years of smoking I'm trying once again to quit. Been on wellbutrin for a week , now I just have to double up the wellbutrin. I have a couple pounds of gum. I have quit a couple times with it. once for 8 months.
Woke up this morning and I had one butt left. Man I couldn't stop thinking about it. Do I smoke it? It's the last one. I swear. blah blah, All my isims. I flushed it down the toilet.
Day one:err:

thefishingfreak 01-01-2009 08:42 AM

I tell you you what sucks.
I feel like I did not have a choice to be a smoker or not. My family smoked everywhere. In the house. In the car, I grew up as a smoker from prabably day one. I remember sitting in my grandparents little living room with the door closed and the air conditioning on in the summer and both my grandparents smoking in this little room. My mom blowing smoke in my face cause she thought it was cute. I never smoked in front of my kids. I don't smoke in my own house. I go outside. I do smoke in my car but never if the kids are with me.
24 years smoking. I just figured it out.

2na 01-01-2009 09:24 AM

I started smoking at 13 and went for about 20 years, I'm over 10 off. Was at 2 packs a day. I quit a few times during that 20 but would pick it back up and have my cowboy killers riding shotgun again before I knew what was happening. I finally had had it with the smell, taste, ashtrays, etc - all the bad things that you know too well. Went cold turkey - tried a smoke a few years back with an old friend (American Spirit - mmm) and almost coughed to death, so I'm finally sure that I'll never be back on'em. The best advise I can give you is if you are to be successful you really really have to want to quit, not be quitting because you think you should or for someone else. I mean deep down in your heart and head you want out. Just look at it one hour at a time, one day at a time. Win all these small battles and it'll add up.

I grew up in the same environment as you with many people smoking around me, so I know what you're saying there. Good luck, stay strong and true. Good job flushing that last nail.

BigFish 01-01-2009 09:31 AM

Mike...I spent my life hating cigarette smoke! My Mom has smoked all her life and all I can remember was jamming my meals down my throat at dinner before she lit up or the hot summer days in the car with the damn cigarette smoke, or the Christmas family movies and my Mother predictably sitting with her pack of butts, lighter and ash try while we tore open our gifts!! I always hated the hell out of it....its what I hate most in life! I was also always afraid of my Mom getting sick from it and dying....well.....she was diagnosed with Emphasema a couple months ago. She has quit.....for now....too late but what can you do? Stay strong for your kids around for them as long as you can and as healthy as you can be. They will be better for it! Good luck!:kewl:

nightfighter 01-01-2009 09:31 AM

Yup, this sucks.
I'm getting the medium patch this afternoon. I know I can't do it cold turkey without some help. I'm about a pack a day, when driving a lot or on the boat. Less when busy with work. Planning on trying to cut to two a day to wean with the patch. When I get past the physical addiction, I'll be OK. But without weaning, I'll be a total @#$%^^&&. This way I'll only be a bear to be around. I do want to quit. My wind is awful. I figure I'm only a week away from feeling like crap and coughing up all the chit the cigs are keeping down.....

Swimmer 01-01-2009 09:40 AM

My doctor gave me this high blood pressure patch in 1990. The name on the patch was Catapress TTR. When individuals who wore this patch to help thier high blood pressure smoked they became very nauseous and would throw up if they smoked or stayed in area of heavey smokers for just a few minutes. I put it on after dinner at the station one night and went back out by the desk. Had to be four people there smoking. Ten minutes later I was sick as a dog from the smoke. Never had another butt. Four packs a day. There was a study on this and it never became a common treatment. Worked for me. Oh yah, no alcohol until your sure you kicked it.

nightfighter 01-01-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 650684)
Oh yah, no alcohol until your sure you kicked it.

Got that covered...last was Kentucky Derby Day. Twelve years ago this year. So giving the butts up is a little overdue......

thefishingfreak 01-01-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 650686)
Got that covered...last was Kentucky Derby Day. Twelve years ago this year. So giving the butts up is a little overdue......

Ya same here. Was 2 years sober for me back in november.
I'm gunna try to keep a water bottle close bye, they say drink tons of water.

Slingah 01-01-2009 10:10 AM

been smoking for 26 years...same story as you Mike...exactly..I have stopped for short periods a few times....I'm giving it a whirl again now, I have had maybe 6 cigs in the last 10 no excuse for me not too...I can feel the urge has slowed way down.
Good luck Mike & Ross.....

Backbeach Jake 01-01-2009 10:37 AM

I smoked for over 25 years. At the end I was smoking 3 packs a day. If I can quit, 15 years now, anyone can. But it isn't easy. I used Nicorette, gum and Altoids. You gotta get mad at the butts, product of an international drug cartel. They monkey with the tobacco to make it more addictive so you remain "loyal". I think the reason that Nicorette helped is that it was a "cleaner" source of Nicotine. Sorta tapering off the high octane additives. Then less and less until finally done. Then Altoids. Good luck you can do it!

Tagger 01-01-2009 10:46 AM

Look at your watch , 1 second . 1 puff . 1 second of weakness . or 1 F it moment . I'll just have 1 . Your all done . Your mind will play tricks on you . You'll be smoking in your dreams . You'lll gain weight . You'll be a grouchy bastard.. and its all worth ,, Best thing I ever did for myself was quitting a 3 pack a day habit 20 yrs. ago . Its also the hardest thing I ever did by far . The physical part isn't as hard as the Mental . Its great not to be a slave to the tobbacco industry. Wait until your off the butts a while and a heavy smoker is in close quarters . Dammm , Did I stink like that smelly guy ? Yes you did ... If I can do it, you all can .. Just don't give in .. take it very personal .. Your in a fight for your life .. Good luck all ,, I'm pulling for you ..

Tagger 01-01-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 650684)
Oh yah, no alcohol until your sure you kicked it.

That one is huge !!!! .. A couple of drinks a normal person says F it .. I quit drinking so I could quit smoking .. They go hand in hand .

tattoobob 01-01-2009 11:31 AM

Good luck guys I know you will need it, no mater how long I quit for I always end up smoking again, stress and life's problems is always my down fall.

You have a higher power ask him or her to remover the addiction and be thankful for what you have, Don't stress over the things you can't change.

Swimmer 01-01-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Tagger (Post 650712)
That one is huge !!!! .. A couple of drinks a normal person says F it .. I quit drinking so I could quit smoking .. They go hand in hand .

Your so right. When I was smoking a six-pack equalled twenty butts. I"ll be pulling for everyone.

ProfessorM 01-01-2009 05:17 PM

Good luck guys . It must be tough. I hate quitting anything.

saltfly 01-01-2009 05:40 PM

Good luck to you all trying to stop.I did it in the navy when butts were $1.10 a carton at sea.I carried marlboros in the right and kools in the left shirt pocket,and a pipe in a rear pants pocket.Cold turkey 11/2/73 steaming out of Cheseapeake bay heading to the Middle East.YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

FishermanTim 01-02-2009 12:53 PM

If you want even more incentive to quit? Think of how much you spend on those "coffin-nails" per day, and do the math.
If you're a 2 pack-a-day smoker, and smokes are $6.00 a pack, that's $12 a day, for 365 days, an that's $4,380.00 a year!

Think how much fishing gear that would buy?

I quit roughly 28 years ago, but I wasn't really "hooked" at the time.
I was smoking about a pack a week, but as a very athletic kid, I noticed a decline in my performance, and chose running and breathing of (at the time) looking cool.

Many of us started out of peer pressure, and unfortunately some of our peers won't be as dedicated or sympathetic to our attempts at quitting. For those that REALLY REALLT want to quit, stick with it. Remember, you didn't become hooked after one smoke, so quitting may take more than one attempt. Keep telling yourself that you WILL SUCCEED, and develop a group of friends/relatives that you can rely on for support.

GOOD LUCK in the new year, and I wish you all success in your decision to quit!

The Dad Fisherman 01-02-2009 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 650992)
If you want even more incentive to quit? Think of how much you spend on those "coffin-nails" per day, and do the math.
If you're a 2 pack-a-day smoker, and smokes are $6.00 a pack, that's $12 a day, for 365 days, an that's $4,380.00 a year!

Think how much fishing gear that would buy?

Take this one a step further guys.....Put a jar out in your house and everyday throw what used to be your cigarette money into the jar......Buy yourself a VS after a few months, or a fishing vacation somewhere at the end of the year. Give yourself some extra motivation....and a reward for doing it.

nightfighter 01-02-2009 01:14 PM

Paying for the patch first...

thefishingfreak 01-02-2009 01:16 PM

Day 2. so far so good.
I hear you about the money also.

ProfessorM 01-02-2009 07:10 PM

you can do it

Raider Ronnie 01-02-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by thefishingfreak (Post 651003)
Day 2. so far so good.
I hear you about the money also.

Glad to hear this Mike !
If not for yourself, keep it up for your kids sake !

Slingah 01-02-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 650678)
Yup, this sucks.
I'm getting the medium patch this afternoon. I know I can't do it cold turkey without some help. I'm about a pack a day, when driving a lot or on the boat. Less when busy with work. Planning on trying to cut to two a day to wean with the patch. When I get past the physical addiction, I'll be OK. But without weaning, I'll be a total @#$%^^&&. This way I'll only be a bear to be around. I do want to quit. My wind is awful. I figure I'm only a week away from feeling like crap and coughing up all the chit the cigs are keeping down.....

howzit going ross? got patch???no patch for me but Ive been weening for a while and quite an a$$hole at times.....physical addiction almost gone, now time to worry bout the mental tricks:hf1:

Originally Posted by thefishingfreak (Post 651003)
Day 2. so far so good.
I hear you about the money also.

lets do this 2 fo' me too

thefishingfreak 01-02-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Slingah (Post 651132)
lets do this 2 fo' me too

Ok, I'm wit you..:musc:

thefishingfreak 01-02-2009 09:16 PM

this weekend will be easy. I have none and my 3 kids are here. So were not loading them up in the car to go get butts.
It's going back to work monday that will be tough. It will be easy for me to bumb a smoke there, and within 12 seconds of some poor judgement I can have a lit cigarette in my mouth then just say ohh-- eff it.

thefishingfreak 01-02-2009 09:18 PM

and I threw my ashtrays and lighters in the trash also.

nightfighter 01-02-2009 10:15 PM

Patch is good. Put it on this afternoon, no cravings....til someone asks how it's working... pleasantly surprised with how well it is suppressing crave.

basswipe 01-02-2009 11:31 PM

6yrs done with the butts after 22yrs.

Wellbutrin was my ticket to freedom.

I know I'll never smoke one of those damn things ever again.Not ever.

thefishingfreak 01-03-2009 07:25 PM

3 days :musc:

Nebe 01-03-2009 08:36 PM

If this dont make you want to quit, not much will..

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