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Raven 12-13-2009 09:57 AM

oil burner service technicians ?
any on S-B whose brain i can field a question to?

BigFish 12-13-2009 10:08 AM

Try me! I am licensed.

joe the plumber 12-13-2009 10:22 AM

Me too!!

Raven 12-13-2009 11:42 AM

ok and thanks Guys
i was trying to figure out why the oil burner wouldn't work.
haven't used it for almost two years.... which rather sucks...
to tell ya the truth... Playing Paul Bunyan with the wood detail every signal day is getting old...
and then some

so i figured out why it wasn't getting juice.... got it running again
started to build pressure but the air bleeder valves on say 3 out of 6 radiators
need to be replaced as they are leaking out the bottom
not where they screw into the radiators...
how much do those cost...?
i know where to get them. though

I can handle that part....

but then i started to shut down the ones
that were leaking thinking to isolate them out of the system to generate some heat with the non leaking ones and cranked down the old style shut offs ....and Since i don't know to much about heating systems or friggan radiators (obviously) i was then delighted to discover that the over flow pipe on the furnace.... was flooding the basement....:smash: son of a beyotch :jump1:

oh boy - winter fun.... maybe i should just flood the cellar ,buy some skates and play HOCKEY down there.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :fury: is it Pats game yet? :huh:

Karl F 12-13-2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 731212)
Playing Paul Bunyan with the wood detail every signal day is getting old...

why you gotta do it everyday?? :huh:

if you work with the stove (s) it is just routine and nothing heavy...

it's all about time management..

i was a little behind this year...but got it DONE...and over..

already got a pile started for next year, the mooch goes on (will be picking up another truckload to add to next years pile soon :D)..but the heavy work (cutting, splitting stacking) for this year... should be done by now. (and thankfully, it is here..)

but.. not an everyday, or everyweek job...

Raven 12-13-2009 06:25 PM

i stock piled it
lots of slab wood in the green house
i have to make kindling each day

i go out and get huge stumps and split them

they are 2 feet across and almost 3 feet high

i cannot carry that much wood in.... KARL
my ankle and back won't take it...

so i load up the wheel barrow (commercial size)
and push it up a ramp right into the house
so that the wheel barrow is taking the weight

i build a fire at 4:30 am as the house is real cold
then i keep the fire burning until around 11:00 pm

i scour craigs list for more free wood opportunities
getting rare to find now...

the wood stove we have ...a fireplace insert rectangular
box isn't all that efficient... and i am going thru 2-3
wheel barrows per day depending on how cold it is.

i could just use the electric heaters but then
you end up with a huge electric bill at the end of the month

Raven 12-16-2009 04:29 PM


joe the plumber is saving my butt by telling me about oil cares an organization that helps people in a hardship.... they came today to do an evaluation of the system and soon we will have hot showers again and HEAT and that'll release me from wood JAIL.........

and i'll be able to leave home without worry of water pipes freezing once again

the thought of hot showers soon is better than CHRISTMAS :btu:

joe the plumber 12-17-2009 08:12 PM

You all set???

Raven 12-18-2009 06:52 AM

the next step

Originally Posted by joe the plumber (Post 732811)
You all set???

the NEXT step will be hearing from the PLUMBER !!
that volunteered to do the work which is just a clean-out
and replacing some valves. And yes the system WAS flooded just like you said....
: :point: JOE determined this over the phone and KNOWS his STUFF! :btu:
Can't wait... 5 degrees today! having to keep the fires burning almost round the clock is a huge endeavor and keeps me BUSY.

Raven 12-19-2009 06:09 PM


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