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Piscator 10-16-2012 09:39 PM

Debate #2
What do you guys think?

I think it was a more of an even playing field this time around. Obama did much better than the first one (how could he have done worse?) But he didn't do good enough. I think Romney did just as well and enough to keep his momentum going.

Bronko 10-16-2012 09:46 PM

Agree 100%, Obama Definitely better, but he had to be. Romney solid. Should stop Romneys extended bounce from the last debate but IMO not enough to push back.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-16-2012 09:49 PM

The performances were much more even. The debate, and the questions asked, were a joke, and what you'd expect when the moderator (Candy what's her face) once referred to the Romney-Ryan ticket as the "death ticket".

A black guy asks Obama why he should vote for him again
.A woman asks about equal pay for women.
A hispanic challenges Romney about immigration reform.
A question about assault rifles.
A question suggesting that abortion is about women's rights.
A woman (claiming to be undecided!!) telling Romney that she blamed Bush for the failed economy.

The questions went right down the liberal playbook. Where was the Catholic priest asking Obama why he doesn't believe that the Catholic Church has the first amendmwnt rights? Where was the crippled abortion survivor asking Obama why he supported infanticide?


But it was a draw, which probably means Obama didn't make up much lost ground. I liked one part where Obama tried to interrupt Romney, and Romney called him on it. Obama started to say :"governor, if you're gonna ask me a quiestion..." to which Romney said "I didn't ask you a question, I made a statement". After which, Obama sat down like a child told to go in time-out.

The questions were ridiculous, about what you'd expect from a committed Obama supporter getting to pick the questions. One of these days, Republican candidates have to refuse to set themselves up for this kind of bias.

Piscator 10-16-2012 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 963862)
(Candy what's her face) once referred to the Romney-Ryan ticket as the "death ticket".

From the looks of it, she should lay off the Candy for a while.........,
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 10-16-2012 09:57 PM

Romney preformed well. Obama seems tired.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-16-2012 10:09 PM

Obama lies when he claims that the day after the Libyan attack, that he referred to it as an act of terror in the Rose Garden. The transcripts show that's not what he said. That Obama lied, did not stop the moderator from claiming that what Obama said was true.

That's not what a moderator does (perpetuate a lie told by one candidate). That's the act of a campaign worker, which is what that fat slob is.

I loved it when Obama claimed that Romney is a "social extremist". This from the guy who pals around with Bill Ayers, whose spiritual advisor says the feds invented AIDS to kil blacks, a guy who supports infanticide, and a guy who denies First Amendment Rigts to teh Catholic Church. But Romney is the social extremist?

wader-dad 10-16-2012 10:37 PM

so 15% on dividends is not low enough- he wants zero. He wants zero tax on capital gains. Who has dividends and capital gains? Not me- not you.

Nebe 10-16-2012 10:47 PM

The argument for no capital gains tax is that you were already taxed on that money once when you earned it. And why should you be taxed again after you invested it.. I see both points
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jackbass 10-17-2012 04:23 AM

I tend to agree with him on the capital gains. You take a liquid asset that you earned and paid taxes on and put it back out there to invest in the US ec
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jackbass 10-17-2012 04:25 AM

I tend to agree with him on the capital gains. You take a liquid asset that you earned and paid taxes on and put it back out there to invest in the US economy. And you gotta pay an additional 15% on the gains? Why you could have held on to the money and paid less to keep it in your matress. Of course you would be losing money because we now print money like it is toilet paper
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-17-2012 04:26 AM

ever since Al Gore coiffing his hair to look like Regan and switching to "earthtones" and going all "alpha male", these things seem so phony and produced that I can't stand to watch them, I turned it on for about 5 seconds last night searching for the Yankees game and saw Mitt striding up to intercept a "very outstanding"question from an "undecided" and that's all I could take...Gordon Gecko vs. Erkel being refereed by Rosanne came to mind....I saw her referred to as "Eye Candy":rotf2:....oops....anyway, I'll usually try to listen on the radio to avoid the distraction of the setting and makeup and posturing, last night I found a Tweet Tracker that was tremendous fun, so much so that I couldnt stop watching/ included notable lefties like Ezra Klein and righties like Michelle Malkin and many in between from the major was fascinating to watch the real time comments, most were clearly rooting one way or the other and a few were equal opportunity in their praise or criticism, most on the left were troubled that Obama had not answered this way or that with one of the many standard talking points that we've heard for years, most on the right we troubled about the supposed "undecided" status of the questioners...both sides liked the fact that the candidates ignored the "rules" in many cases and went at it pretty good and felt that Obama was benefitting from both the nature of the questioning and the clock....the left was very quiet as time went on in the debate and most tweets were to offer the answer or statement that they wished Obama had said at various points, there were points where both sides thought that Obama had an opening on a topic and was about to pounce and it never happened which led to either lament or relief....

everyone is waiting for a major mistake in these things, candidates, press, observers, if none wasn't that great, it's all part of the big dog and pony show beginning with the conventions and ending with the innauguration...90% is unnecessary:uhuh:


scottw 10-17-2012 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Jackbass (Post 963874)
. Of course you would be losing money because we now print money like it is toilet paper
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

and the dollar is further devalued and I think our credit rating was just whacked again because the Fed keeps pumping liquidity into the markets, China is at zero growth and Europe is in shambles, the Middle East is on fire...but hey..."have you seen the stock market lately???":) we are currently running on illusion :uhuh:

with regard to the fairness or unfairness of the nature and questions of the debate I look at it this way....if you want to be President of the United States you should have your metal tested, when a fawning media coddles you, excuses you and promotes and protects you, we end up with the inept current occupant, rather see a candidate run the gauntlet in both the primaries and general and show us why they deserve or can earn the honor of being President, we should be looking for leaders and not shiny idols that we can put on a pedestal and polish when they're not (looking)doing so well...

who said this recently? "he doesn't have a big ego":)

"I mean, he is very open to other people's opinions. And he's always willing to compromise and he's always, always listening. So that would kind of be the last thing that I would think of when I talk about my husband is big ego. Because he just doesn't have that."

likwid 10-17-2012 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 963866)
Obama lies when he claims that the day after the Libyan attack, that he referred to it as an act of terror in the Rose Garden. The transcripts show that's not what he said. That Obama lied, did not stop the moderator from claiming that what Obama said was true.

Will YOU ever stop lying and/or distorting fact to meet your agenda?


No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation

Jim in CT 10-17-2012 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by likwid (Post 963878)
Will YOU ever stop lying and/or distorting fact to meet your agenda?

But he did not specifically call the Libyan attack an act of terror. And long after that moment in the Rose Garden, Obama went on Letterman and once again presumed a connection with the youtube video.

In the debate last night, Obama claimed that in the rose garden the day after the attack, that he referred to the attack as an act of terror. I don't see that specific reference in the quote you posted. I have no doubt that Obama was referencing the Libyan attack in that comment, but he did not specifically call it an act of terror. On top of that, for days after that, members of his administration specifically said that there was no evidence suggesting it was an act of terror. It's one thing to say "let's wait till the facts are in before we call it an act of terror". It's quite another thing to say "there is no evidence that it was an act of terror", because every shred of evidence pointed to nothing other than an act of terror.

I'm not lying whan I bash Obama. Obama gives us more than enough irrfutable facts to bash him with.

Gordon Gecko vs Erkel. LMAO...

I also wanted to puke when Obama whined to Romney that "my pension is smaller than yours". Romney should have said "please explain to the public how that's my fault".

Obama chastised Romney for investing oversees. Romney fired back that Obama's pension has Chinese investments. I'd love to know if that's true, cuz if it is, it negates that argument completely. If Obama can personally profit from Chinese investments, so can Obama.

sburnsey931 10-17-2012 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by wader-dad (Post 963868)
so 15% on dividends is not low enough- he wants zero. He wants zero tax on capital gains. Who has dividends and capital gains? Not me- not you.

If you a 401K or any money invested..... even an investment property....the profit on the sale of the asset is generaly subject to capital gains tax.
Romney said he would drop the rate to zero for people making less than 200k. But the wealthy would still pay.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-17-2012 07:11 AM

Interesting debate. Not as decisive as the first but Obama certainly had the edge.

Romney didn't seem prepared with a game plan like before, and he was easily irritated. Really came off as petulant for most of the debate. His incessant bickering with the moderator and disrespect for the President will likely be a turn off to women and independents.

Obama made a few small mistakes and Romney several bigger ones. Romney really blew it with the Libya attack. Obama looked pretty comfortable and confident the entire time.

The next debate is all about foreign policy and it should be good.


Jim in CT 10-17-2012 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 963892)
Interesting debate. Not as decisive as the first but Obama certainly had the edge.

Romney didn't seem prepared with a game plan like before, and he was easily irritated. Really came off as petulant for most of the debate. His incessant bickering with the moderator and disrespect for the President will likely be a turn off to women and independents.

Obama made a few small mistakes and Romney several bigger ones. Romney really blew it with the Libya attack. Obama looked pretty comfortable and confident the entire time.

The next debate is all about foreign policy and it should be good.


It was interesting, I thought it was more of a draw.

Obama could not have been worse than 2 weeks ago, and he wasn't. I thought Ronmney clobbered Obama on energy (denying Obama his claim that he's responsible for increased drilling on private land, which he has nothing to do with) and on the economy. Romney blew a chance on Libya, though Obama got some help from the moderator there, which was ridiculous. Obama came across better on the social issues.

Again, I thought the questions were insanely left-leaning. If someone is going to ask Romney why he's different than Bush, then someone should ask Obama why he's different than Jimmy Carter. If a Hispanic gets to challenmge Romney on immigration, how about having the widow of a Texas rancher murdered by an illegal alien, asking Obama about his stance on immigration..I don't see how anyone can claim teh questions wre eanywhere near balanced...women's compensation and assault rifles? We spend 20% of the allocated time on those issues?

It's a tight race.

Jim in CT 10-17-2012 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by sburnsey931 (Post 963881)
Romney said he would drop the rate to zero for people making less than 200k. But the wealthy would still pay.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Now, don't go shredding a favorite liberal talking point with silly little things like truth and facts.

RIJIMMY 10-17-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by wader-dad (Post 963868)
so 15% on dividends is not low enough- he wants zero. He wants zero tax on capital gains. Who has dividends and capital gains? Not me- not you.

only for people making less than 200K
why is that bad? Are you for Obamas tax incrfease for people over 200K?
This will encourage middle class people to SAVE for retirement, education, etc.
and yes, I do have dividends and capital gains. Anyone with $50 and can buy a mutual fund does

RIJIMMY 10-17-2012 07:59 AM

I think Obama came out ahead. I thought both sucked. It was tiring to hear the same BS over and over. I could predict what they were goign to say before they say it.
Romney could have done much better on the question on the difference between him and Bush. that was a slam dunk and he had the opportunity to set the record straight.
I also cant believe a college kid stood up and said "my parents and teachers tell me I wont get a job" Man, I would have tore into that. What a way to lead! tell your kids or students they're goign to fail. Romney should have seized that and tied it to it 47% remark - victims. I wonder if anyone told Mark Zuckerburg he wont get a job? I felt like Obama got the last word every time. Seemed off balance to me, for most of teh debate he had over 3 minutes more air time than Romney. he also never gave any plan for the future.
Pretty sad overall.

spence 10-17-2012 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 963899)
I felt like Obama got the last word every time. Seemed off balance to me, for most of teh debate he had over 3 minutes more air time than Romney. he also never gave any plan for the future.

I think the Obama strategy was to use the clock precisely for that reason. He intentionally saved his more effective shots for the end of his response time so Romney would be forced to choose between responding or ignoring the next town hall question.

Neither candidate did a good job of their vision for the next term.


spence 10-17-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 963893)
It was interesting, I thought it was more of a draw.

Obama could not have been worse than 2 weeks ago, and he wasn't. I thought Ronmney clobbered Obama on energy (denying Obama his claim that he's responsible for increased drilling on private land, which he has nothing to do with) and on the economy. Romney blew a chance on Libya, though Obama got some help from the moderator there, which was ridiculous. Obama came across better on the social issues.

Again, I thought the questions were insanely left-leaning. If someone is going to ask Romney why he's different than Bush, then someone should ask Obama why he's different than Jimmy Carter. If a Hispanic gets to challenmge Romney on immigration, how about having the widow of a Texas rancher murdered by an illegal alien, asking Obama about his stance on immigration..I don't see how anyone can claim teh questions wre eanywhere near balanced...women's compensation and assault rifles? We spend 20% of the allocated time on those issues?

It's a tight race.

Blame the media, blame the moderator, blame the questions blah blah blah...

It was a town hall in New York. I doubt there are too many widows of Texas ranchers mulling about.


Fly Rod 10-17-2012 08:19 AM

The moderator was wrong about Barry saying that he called it an attack in the rose garden.... after the debate she admitted that she was wrong.... that's like being in a court room and a judge striking down what someone had said and U R suppose to forget about it....moderator should have never said anything except ask the question

why is it that barry and biden claim that the other side had more time....when in both debates they had the most time

Bottom line is there was no winners....... BORING

JohnR 10-17-2012 08:58 AM

I think neither looked very presidential and I would call it a draw. Obama was more engaged than last time, was more persuasive in his arguments, and carried the ball more with fewer fumbles this time. Romney was not the dominant player last night.

Both ground out and ugly time last night.

Obama did not categorize Libya as an Act of Terror in that speech and is being misleading stating otherwise.

Really getting sick of both parties and the spin.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 963892)
Interesting debate. Not as decisive as the first but Obama certainly had the edge.

Romney didn't seem prepared with a game plan like before, and he was easily irritated. Really came off as petulant for most of the debate. His incessant bickering with the moderator and disrespect for the President will likely be a turn off to women and independents.

Obama made a few small mistakes and Romney several bigger ones. Romney really blew it with the Libya attack. Obama looked pretty comfortable and confident the entire time.

The next debate is all about foreign policy and it should be good.


Speaking of spin, Obama was his usual mix of Von Clausewitz, Mahan, JFK, Einstein, and Hamilton, Adams, and Washington, eh Spence?

Clammer 10-17-2012 09:41 AM


that,s why I,m heading out fishing :fishin:

Ya get more truth & honesty @ a back ally drug deal :buds:

I remembered why I never go into this forum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this whole post is as much a waste as last nights debate .

Bottom line >IMO either way .whoever gets the screws & gets elected ><><>< WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE are #^&#^&#^&#^&ed .

PS .I,ll catch a couple for ya all ><><><><><:drool: PS >JPI You s/b getting laid instead of spending all the time your have left in this forum .,., OLD GOAT ><><:devil2:

justplugit 10-17-2012 09:59 AM

I think it was a boring draw. Learned nothing new.

IMHO, cut through all the BS and it still comes down to what you want America to be, a
capitalistic country where people are independent, make their own decesions and choices,
or a socialistic country where government makes the decisions and choices for you.

In the end,the vote will come down to how many people want to be independent vs
how many want a government to provide for them and tell them what to do.

BTW, about spending time here?, the Clam Man has the answer. :hihi: :buds:

Fly Rod 10-17-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Clammer (Post 963931)

that,s why I,m heading out fishing :fishin:

Ya get more truth & honesty @ a back ally drug deal :buds:

I remembered why I never go into this forum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this whole post is as much a waste as last nights debate .

Bottom line >IMO either way .whoever gets the screws & gets elected ><><>< WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE are #^&#^&#^&#^&ed .

PS .I,ll catch a couple for ya all ><><><><><:drool: PS >JPI You s/b getting laid instead of spending all the time your have left in this forum .,., OLD GOAT ><><:devil2:

:) :) :) :) :)

Raider Ronnie 10-17-2012 10:11 AM

No offense but you probably look at things quite different at your age being older.
If I were older I probably wouldn't give a rats ass either.
Being 48 and with 3 kids between 11th & 6th grade I have to pay attention as hopefully I have another 30-40 years to go.

My take on last night.
Pretty even on delivery & performance.
Not even close on the facts.
Obama is so full of #^&#^&#^&#^&.


that,s why I,m heading out fishing :fishin:

Ya get more truth & honesty @ a back ally drug deal :buds:

I remembered why I never go into this forum >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this whole post is as much a waste as last nights debate .

Bottom line >IMO either way .whoever gets the screws & gets elected ><><>< WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE are #^&#^&#^&#^&ed .

PS .I,ll catch a couple for ya all ><><><><><:drool: PS >JPI You s/b getting laid instead of spending all the time your have left in this forum .,., OLD GOAT ><><:devil2:[/QUOTE]
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 10-17-2012 10:31 AM

The cow knew the truth when she helped Obama with Libya
I shut it off after that
She didn't just eff up she chose to perpetuate the lie.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-17-2012 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 963941)
No offense but you probably look at things quite different at your age being older.
If I were older I probably wouldn't give a rats ass either.
Being 48 and with 3 kids between 11th & 6th grade I have to pay attention as hopefully I have another 30-40 years to go.

Bingo. My boys are ages 6, 2, and 1. This election will have real consequences on my ability to provide for them the way I want (and to pay for college), and on their ability to have the chance to get off to a good start when they go out on their own, and on my ability to retire comfortably.

Sometimes (often) I really wish I was born in my Dad's generation...spend 35 years with 1 company; wife not expected to have to work; pension in retirement; housing, healthcare, and college SO MUCH less expensive relative to income than today.

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