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nightfighter 12-26-2020 11:40 AM

With no apologies, I offer you all this
I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born “white” into a two-parent household which now labels me as "Privileged", racist and responsible for slavery. I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan & budget. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.
I am heterosexual, which according to some folks, now makes me a homophobe. I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a militia. I am older than 40, making me a useless person with outdated ideas and values. I think and I reason, and I doubt much of what the "mainstream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe. I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a target of socialists and Antifa. I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
I believe in a strong defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant. I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist. I think that all lives matter, which labels me as a racist. I think the riots and destruction of property around our country are wrong and are just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a racist.
I support our law enforcement, servicemen and women, which labels me as a racist.
I question how fear is being used to control us during the COVID-19 pandemic and think the crisis is being used for political gain, so I'm labeled careless and non-sympathetic. Yet I know the virus is real.
Liberals have tried to make me feel bad about who I am! Based on everything above, some want me to believe I am a bad person; I'm not, I'm a good person who loves my God, my family and my country📷📷📷 God bless America! 📷📷📷📷📷
Feel free to copy-paste !!! I did!

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 12:05 PM

there was a time when liberals were actually liberal in the honest sense of the word - tolerant, inclusive, welcoming of any and all ideas. Today, it’s hard to believe that even a liberal would pretend that’s still the case. everyone who disagrees with them about anything, is a hate monger.

Take the hate as a compliment. It’s easier to disparage you than it is to make a sane case that you’re wrong.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 12-26-2020 12:12 PM

Nothing like a little Boxing Day hyperbole :rollem:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

zimmy 12-26-2020 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1207080)
Nothing like a little Boxing Day hyperbole :rollem:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

And talk about the most simplistic take on every one of those issues. Good Lord 🥴
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 12-26-2020 12:34 PM

OK, Jeff. Come back here. Please explain which definition of hyperbole you are choosing, and please point to the statement which you are referring to.... You don't get to take that pot shot here today... I will be bacl later.

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1207080)
Nothing like a little Boxing Day hyperbole :rollem:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

because hilary didn’t call us deplorable and irredeemable, obama didn’t call us bitter
clingers who dislike people
who don’t look like them.

Obama’s deputy chief of staff didn’t call republicans fu—ers.

Biden didn’t say that republicans want to put blacks in chains?

where’s the hyperbole there, madam? Be specific?

i’m not saying there aren’t blind haters on the right. but the left no longer wants to talk about ideas or results. just show you how
much they hate conservatives.

all they have, is hate. Trump
made it easy i guess, but it started with Bush. He proved them
wrong on Iraq being fixable, he made them look stupid, and they blew a gasket. After that, he was a racist warmonger, McCain was a senile old racist, Romney a heartless plutocrat who hated women.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 12-26-2020 02:42 PM

This type of thinking - the feeling of guilt is designed to subconsciously limit your own ambitions, to put you against others and to stifle growth so the ruling class can continue ruling.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-26-2020 03:08 PM

This is what white grievances looks like and the imaginary world the writer lives in and what sites like newmax and other sell to their audience daily

Victim hood and grievances is the new conservatives ideal, and trumps the cherry on Top . It’s easier than ideas it doesn’t require thought or critical thinking , lies are easy truth is hard and conservatives have walked away from Truth and facts and have embraced outrage and attack the other who is trying to steal their America...

Conservatives have packaged it so. Antifa liberal BLM the squad the deep state socialist communist China the media Rinos all enemies of the 1 and only true Americans , all in the name of outrage

Everything’s a lie everyone’s lying the Media and be tech are out to get us , they hate us because of our religion it rigged

funny Jim mentioned Republicans and ideas in the same sentence that’s a oxymoron

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207086)
This is what white grievances looks like and the imaginary world the writer lives in and what sites like newmax and other sell to their audience daily

Victim hood and grievances is the new conservatives ideal, and trumps the cherry on Top . It’s easier than ideas it doesn’t require thought or critical thinking , lies are easy truth is hard and conservatives have walked away from Truth and facts and have embraced outrage and attack the other who is trying to steal their America...

Conservatives have packaged it so. Antifa liberal BLM the squad the deep state socialist communist China the media Rinos all enemies of the 1 and only true Americans , all in the name of outrage

Everything’s a lie everyone’s lying the Media and be tech are out to get us , they hate us because of our religion it rigged

funny Jim mentioned Republicans and ideas in the same sentence that’s a oxymoron

you’re saying the idea behind the post is made up...ok...

did obama say conservatives are bitter clingers and racist?

Did Hilary say we are deplorable
and irredeemable?

Did Biden say republicans want to put blacks in chains?

Did i make any of those up?

If republicans don’t have good ideas, can you explain why people are fleeing democrat states for republican states?

vague, stupid, brain damaged, hollow insults. The ideas of individual liberty, fiscal sanity, the preciousness of life, the value of the traditional family, strong national
defense, helping those in need, these are kooky ideas to you?

Let’s boil it down to one in
the gop has any use at all for all sharpton. People on the left, cannot run for president without bowing before him and kissing his ring. Why is that?

Good luck with all that nonsensical gibberish.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 12-26-2020 04:05 PM

I have to say I am pretty shocked at the direction this went... Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...
These are representative of my views and reactions to being libeled. labeled, and called names to fit in a group. I object to being put in one silo, or another. These values are what I was brought up to believe were shared American values shared across the board by the America I knew. Raised by the Greatest Generation. NOT the Woodstock generation, you know, the one that sold our industry to China and created the one percenters grouping for themselves.... This is not me being a victim, so get off that horse. This is me saying, stop, no, you are wrong, or not listening. I will stand up for those values. I am not going to sit idle, quiet, accepting of someone putting an incorrect label on me. It was my generation that saw the greatest influence of change and grew up with more acceptance of civil rights as a given than any generation before us. We saw the change and therefore revolt at being libeled. And no where did I ever claim or play a victim card!

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1207088)
I Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You shouldn’t have ben shocked.

Liberals behave this way, then act stunned when they get called out for it.

This is exactly what led to Trump. They haven’t figured that out. because they aren’t capable
of self criticism.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 12-26-2020 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1207088)
I have to say I am pretty shocked at the direction this went... Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...
These are representative of my views and reactions to being libeled. labeled, and called names to fit in a group. I object to being put in one silo, or another. These values are what I was brought up to believe were shared American values shared across the board by the America I knew. Raised by the Greatest Generation. NOT the Woodstock generation, you know, the one that sold our industry to China and created the one percenters grouping for themselves.... This is not me being a victim, so get off that horse. This is me saying, stop, no, you are wrong, or not listening. I will stand up for those values. I am not going to sit idle, quiet, accepting of someone putting an incorrect label on me. It was my generation that saw the greatest influence of change and grew up with more acceptance of civil rights as a given than any generation before us. We saw the change and therefore revolt at being libeled. And no where did I ever claim or play a victim card!

See what I mean ??
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-26-2020 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207087)
you’re saying the idea behind the post is made up...ok...

did obama say conservatives are bitter clingers and racist?

Did Hilary say we are deplorable
and irredeemable?

Did Biden say republicans want to put blacks in chains?

Did i make any of those up?

If republicans don’t have good ideas, can you explain why people are fleeing democrat states for republican states?

vague, stupid, brain damaged, hollow insults. The ideas of individual liberty, fiscal sanity, the preciousness of life, the value of the traditional family, strong national
defense, helping those in need, these are kooky ideas to you?

Let’s boil it down to one in
the gop has any use at all for all sharpton. People on the left, cannot run for president without bowing before him and kissing his ring. Why is that?

Good luck with all that nonsensical gibberish.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Like I said your all about outrage politics

Not Ideas
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-26-2020 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1207088)
I have to say I am pretty shocked at the direction this went... Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...
These are representative of my views and reactions to being libeled. labeled, and called names to fit in a group. I object to being put in one silo, or another. These values are what I was brought up to believe were shared American values shared across the board by the America I knew. Raised by the Greatest Generation. NOT the Woodstock generation, you know, the one that sold our industry to China and created the one percenters grouping for themselves.... This is not me being a victim, so get off that horse. This is me saying, stop, no, you are wrong, or not listening. I will stand up for those values. I am not going to sit idle, quiet, accepting of someone putting an incorrect label on me. It was my generation that saw the greatest influence of change and grew up with more acceptance of civil rights as a given than any generation before us. We saw the change and therefore revolt at being libeled. And no where did I ever claim or play a victim card!

Seeing you re posted it I assume you didn’t write it that why I stated the writer.. who knows his background

you can be upset that you think people put you in a box or are stereotyping you . but have no issues stereotyping the Woodstock generation ?

This is what I mean when I say these perceptions are imaginary in the minds of the sender and receiver. And people need to stop being influenced by all the noise and take a moment
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

zimmy 12-26-2020 08:01 PM

My second favorite part is the weird over 40 line, mixed in with the whining about liberals, who voted in a 78 year white guy with a 79 year old white guy their second choice. The militia part is my third favorite. Who ever labeled you as part of a militia? My best favorite is the "liberals make me feel bad." Really? Why would you care?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by zimmy;1207095My best favorite is the "liberals make me feel bad." Really? Why would you care?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device[/size]

stupid question. the answer is, when liberals say that everyone else is a psychotic bigot, you get antics and blm riots. you get cops being ambushed. that’s really going too fast for you?

liberals peddle hate precisely because it works. and also because it’s all they have.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-26-2020 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207091)
Like I said your all about outrage politics

Not Ideas
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i mentioned the ideas which you dodged, because even you know they’re sound ideas.

why are so many liberals fleeing liberal states for conservative states? how many times do i have to ask that, before you answer?

i’m not about ideas. let’s talk fiscal responsibility, who has better ideas in crime, family structure, national
security, immigration, abortion...liberals are clobbering republicans on healthcare, for good reason , that’s about it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-27-2020 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207099)
i mentioned the ideas which you dodged, because even you know they’re sound ideas.

why are so many liberals fleeing liberal states for conservative states? how many times do i have to ask that, before you answer?

i’m not about ideas. let’s talk fiscal responsibility, who has better ideas in crime, family structure, national
security, immigration, abortion...liberals are clobbering republicans on healthcare, for good reason , that’s about it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim your views of what republicans are and are not is not on par with Ross's views

Ross's Views are those of a traditional republican he is a round peg (rino) trying to fit into the current Republican party of Trumps Square holes . You are proud square with grease:kewl::kewl:

not sure why you think conservatives have ideas on fiscal responsibility, who has better ideas in crime, family structure, national
security, immigration, abortion

Jim these topic are not ideas they are just rinse dry and repeat every election cycle . there is nothing new and the same apply with healthcare .. the only reason you think they are better on those topics is because you don't want new ideas like most republicans you fear change because it suggests a liberal win.

lets take just 1 National security Trump claims he has re built the American militaryPresident Donald Trump has falsely claimed his administration invested “$2.5 trillion in all of the greatest equipment in the world” for the military. That’s approximately the total for defense budgets from 2017 to 2020, but the cost of purchasing new military equipment was 20% of that. or President Trump’s claim that ‘when I came in, we had no ammunition’ yet the budgets in Obama’s first four years were nearly $3.3 trillion.

Trump bragged to West Point cadets that his administration wholly destroyed the Islamic State group. He also asserted in a televised interview that he completely rebuilt a depleted U.S. military. even you have parroted the ISIS claim

Neither claim is true. The militant IS group in fact is still a threat, launching attacks in Iraq and Syria in recent weeks as it seeks to take advantage of governments absorbed in tackling the coronavirus pandemic. And a number of new Pentagon weapons programs began years before Trump became president.

but the faithful dont take the time for the details all they hear is what Trumps says and anything to the contrary to Trump version is Fake news.. So no. your Party have no Ideas No Ideals No integrity no creditability they choose to do what was easy When it came to Trump and they are still.

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 07:36 AM

WDMSO- “ not sure why you think conservatives have better ideas on fiscal responsibility.”

For the 20th time, why are so many people fleeing liberal states for conservative states?


When one place tries to keep taxes reasonable and live within their means (conservative) and another place has astronomical taxes but still spends more then they have (liberal), you have “no idea” which one s based on a better idea?

Well you’re the one my one with no idea. A lot of others have figured it out, and are so convinced that the conservative approach is superior, that they’re moving far away to take advantage of it.

TN has no state income tax, yet they have massive surpluses so huge that they decided to make community college free for all state residents.

CT had astronomical taxes but is so crushed by debt that tuition increases in cost at 4x the rate of inflation.

Again, you are oblivious to anything which doesn’t serve your agenda. Look at the most radically liberal states (CT, IL, CA, NY) and look at their finances. Obviously you don’t know how to do that. If you had a child’s ability to do so honestly, you’d get it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 07:38 AM

and i don’t think trump rebuilt the
military. but he crushed ISIS and didn’t get us involved in any stupid questionable conflicts,, and did some things to boost the military ( raises, benefits, etc). He didn’t reinvent it, but he improved it. Not that you’d ever say so. But facts are facts, even the many facts which you deny.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 12-27-2020 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1207088)

I have to say I am pretty shocked at the direction this went... Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...

I'm not...:laugha:

scottw 12-27-2020 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207102)

Jim your views of what republicans are and are not is not on par with Ross's views

Jim, which of what Ross wrote do you disagree with?...asking for WDMSO

wdmso 12-27-2020 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207104)
WDMSO- “ not sure why you think conservatives have better ideas on fiscal responsibility.”

For the 20th time, why are so many people fleeing liberal states for conservative states?


When one place tries to keep taxes reasonable and live within their means (conservative) and another place has astronomical taxes but still spends more then they have (liberal), you have “no idea” which one s based on a better idea?

Well you’re the one my one with no idea. A lot of others have figured it out, and are so convinced that the conservative approach is superior, that they’re moving far away to take advantage of it.

TN has no state income tax, yet they have massive surpluses so huge that they decided to make community college free for all state residents.

CT had astronomical taxes but is so crushed by debt that tuition increases in cost at 4x the rate of inflation.

Again, you are oblivious to anything which doesn’t serve your agenda. Look at the most radically liberal states (CT, IL, CA, NY) and look at their finances. Obviously you don’t know how to do that. If you had a child’s ability to do so honestly, you’d get it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim just like Ross re post your buying into a story on why people are. Moving , because you think that’s the only reason because your sources told you to think that you also must think that they stop voting Democratic when they get there ,

Just read this Here’s the irony. Hundreds of thousands of blue state voters have been fleeing their former states in part due to Democratic-majority policies that result in high taxes, over-regulation, powerful unions, failing schools, increasing crime and anti-religious intolerance, only to support the very same “blue” ideologies and political candidates in their adopted “red” states.

Because they didn’t leave for the reason the writer claimed.. those reasons are what the writer imagined is the reason they left...

But like most of your claims you leave out 90% of the story
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-27-2020 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207109)
Jim, which of what Ross wrote do you disagree with?...asking for WDMSO

If you think Jim and Ross are the same type of Republicans you really don’t pay attention. Ps there is much in that post I agree with

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem
That’s it no caveats no drama no additional grievances like the rest of sentence

so I must be a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1207109)
Jim, which of what Ross wrote do you disagree with?...asking for WDMSO


Conservatives are tired of liberals saying that our skin pigmentation, genitalia, and sexual orientation are what define us. that’s precisely what led to trump. because liberals are literally incapable of self criticism, they haven’t learned that, nor will they.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207112)
Jim just like Ross re post your buying into a story on why people are. Moving , because you think that’s the only reason because your sources told you to think that you also must think that they stop voting Democratic when they get there ,

Just read this Here’s the irony. Hundreds of thousands of blue state voters have been fleeing their former states in part due to Democratic-majority policies that result in high taxes, over-regulation, powerful unions, failing schools, increasing crime and anti-religious intolerance, only to support the very same “blue” ideologies and political candidates in their adopted “red” states.

Because they didn’t leave for the reason the writer claimed.. those reasons are what the writer imagined is the reason they left...

But like most of your claims you leave out 90% of the story
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

so what’s the other 90% of why they are fleeing blue states for red states?

funny how you say there’s so
much more to it, but don’t offer a syllable as to what that is!!!

why aren’t they moving to
other liberal states?

Have fun answering that. go hide under your bed now.

like talking to a wall. you’re literally impervious to facts, data, results. all that you have is The Narrative.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 12-27-2020 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1207114)

Conservatives are tired of liberals saying that our skin pigmentation, genitalia, and sexual orientation are what define us. that’s precisely what led to trump. because liberals are literally incapable of self criticism, they haven’t learned that, nor will they.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim it’s not by chance you would attach yourself to that piece .

Trump was the cure for your victim complex he tapped in to Republicans grievances and played you , and you still think trump wanted to right the ship , LOL he told you what you wanted to hear just like the post ..

and where is Trump now? burning down the house on his way out red or blue he doesn’t care

Let me guess you think he’s looking out for Americans
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 12-27-2020 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1207088)
I have to say I am pretty shocked at the direction this went... Shocked with the first half sentence of WDMSO's post...
These are representative of my views and reactions to being libeled. labeled, and called names to fit in a group. I object to being put in one silo, or another. These values are what I was brought up to believe were shared American values shared across the board by the America I knew. Raised by the Greatest Generation. NOT the Woodstock generation, you know, the one that sold our industry to China and created the one percenters grouping for themselves.... This is not me being a victim, so get off that horse. This is me saying, stop, no, you are wrong, or not listening. I will stand up for those values. I am not going to sit idle, quiet, accepting of someone putting an incorrect label on me. It was my generation that saw the greatest influence of change and grew up with more acceptance of civil rights as a given than any generation before us. We saw the change and therefore revolt at being libeled. And no where did I ever claim or play a victim card!

Get on board with the new America.
Or become the enemy of the sheeple
Loot in the name of justice to become an ally.

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1207116)
Jim it’s not by chance you would attach yourself to that piece .

Conservatives are tried of the Truth and honesty yet they don’t get tired of call Americans enemy’s communists or socialist the list is ends less or seeing themself as victims
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i it’s not by chance, it’s because it’s the truth. which of these am i making up?

Obama called conservatives bitter clingers and racists.

Hilary called them deplorable
and irredeemable.

Biden said they want to put blacks in chains.

If i called you the n word again and again and again, would you eventually have a negative opinion of me? wouldn’t you be justified in having a negative opinion of me?

now, since you know that crime and cost of living and economic opportunity are why people are fleeing blue states for red states, please tell me what the reason is?

second time i asked.

for the 100th time, i have. i trouble criticizing trump when he demonizes his opponents. you are the one who never criticized his side for insults and hate, you refuse to even admit they do it, even when presented with irrefutable

you are the. kind lemming who never thinks his side goes too far.

you’re really, really bad at these discussions.

prove me wrong. admit that obama, hilary, and biden have said unfair and disgusting things about their political opponents. it’s obviously true, they’re all on video for gods sake. but you won’t admit it. you can’t.

i have criticized tump 1,000 times here, but all you do is lie and accuse me of being a trump zealot who never criticized him.

you’re talking about yourself. it’s called projection. look it up, or have a 5 year old explain it to you.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 12-27-2020 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1207117)
Get on board with the new America.
Or become the enemy of the sheeple
Loot in the name of justice to become an ally.

loot for black lives!!!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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