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Slipknot 10-06-2013 10:01 PM

Ocean closed

are they kidding with this?

so an anonymous park ranger says they are to make it as hard as possible on people

can you say revolution

Raven 10-07-2013 05:46 AM

pop their tires
make'm walk

nightfighter 10-07-2013 05:50 AM

Our forefathers, those that wrote; "by the people, for the people, of the people", would have taken up arms and marched on the Capital to restore order

Jackbass 10-07-2013 07:50 AM

Buy ruples now
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

tysdad115 10-07-2013 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1016580)
Our forefathers, those that wrote; "by the people, for the people, of the people", would have taken up arms and marched on the Capital to restore order

Only if the pansies in todays society had what it takes to do this. When it starts, I'm in!

JohnR 10-07-2013 08:00 AM

So we don't get the government we need but we get the government we deserve. We voted these clowns in - both parties.

I had a hard time believing so I searched more and found some corroboration - some is a repeat of other articles but this one is local to the location:

Locally we see some of the shore access points closed: Plum Island, Sachuest, etc

spence 10-07-2013 08:58 AM

Well, if the point of a National Park is to preserve, how can you let people run roughshod over areas without proper staffing? Not to mention the liability issues...

I'm also suspect the context of that quote has been lost.


Slipknot 10-07-2013 09:08 AM

what quote Spence?

there is no defense for this, the government is throwing a hissy fit and taking it out on the citizens of the USA simple as that. They apparently are not qualified for the job. Makes me wonder how many in Congress can actually balance their own personal budget let alone the countries'.

buckman 10-07-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016601)
Well, if the point of a National Park is to preserve, how can you let people run roughshod over areas without proper staffing? Not to mention the liability issues...

I'm also suspect the context of that quote has been lost.


. It amazes me how little faith you have in people if the government isn't controlling them
I wonder how many of Michelle's 22 staffers have been furloughed.
Next time you talk to Barry could you ask that question for me :) I assume you two have pillow talk
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

MAKAI 10-07-2013 09:10 AM

Pretty embarrassing to be " governed " by this band of egocentric charlatans.
I guess stupid is what stupid does really is true.
Sad , we all deserve better.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Slipknot 10-07-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016601)
Well, if the point of a National Park is to preserve, how can you let people run roughshod over areas without proper staffing?


the same enforcement rangers can see to that

easy as that

no need to disrupt peoples lives

Fly Rod 10-07-2013 09:13 AM

Keep the people "Opressed and they will obey"

tlapinski 10-07-2013 09:16 AM

I just heard that the Canal would be closed for the next week as well. :hidin:

spence 10-07-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1016602)
what quote Spence?

there is no defense for this, the government is throwing a hissy fit and taking it out on the citizens of the USA simple as that. They apparently are not qualified for the job. Makes me wonder how many in Congress can actually balance their own personal budget let alone the countries'.

The anonymous quote that was to make it seem this was punitive. I don't buy it...this talking point that Obama's trying to inflict pain on the people to gain support is pretty silly.


DZ 10-07-2013 09:50 AM

I put a majority of the blame on the current administration and Sally Jewell head of the Department of Interior. Even without funding they could/should have used common sense in areas that are “open air” like the National Mall in DC, and other areas that need not be “physically manned” for access. Even the Normandy American Cemetery in France was closed. Can you imagine travelling to Europe to pay your respects to a friend, loved one, and not being able to access the Cemetery? The President could have easily kept these places open.
For example: At Sachuest Point which is a Federal Wildlife Refuge, the gates are now closed. Now to show you how ridicules this is consider that this same refuge is closed to the general public after sunset, except for those that have a nighttime fishing permit. So the gates are never closed even when the refuge is not officially open. But the Department of Interior decided to close the gates because of funding when they don’t need funding or manpower at Sachuest to keep them open. The administration held the trump card and could have come out of this looking golden if they played it right – but instead they choose to hurt us for political reasons - shame on them.

FishermanTim 10-07-2013 10:06 AM

Lets get rid of them all and start over fresh with some intelligent people for a change!

On a side note, there has been mention of Elizabeth Warren running for persident. I guess if lack of experience is now a qualification for that position the line would go out the door and around the block....TWICE!

We may truly be doomed as a nation, but I still hold out a slim hope that someone will take their head out of their arse and see what they are really doing TO the people instead of FOR the people!

buckman 10-07-2013 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016614)
The anonymous quote that was to make it seem this was punitive. I don't buy it...this talking point that Obama's trying to inflict pain on the people to gain support is pretty silly.


It would be as silly as closing the Whitehouse to tours and then going to Hawaii for vacation.
Never happen!!!
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

DZ 10-07-2013 10:24 AM

One of the funniest lines I've heard about these closures:

"If we would turn the southern border into a National Park we would take care of our illegal immigration problem."

Saltheart 10-07-2013 10:49 AM

In fact people now vote for those who will put the most government money into their pockets. The days of doing what is good for the country and the people as a whole are now gone and only Me Me Me comes into the thinking when people vote. Promise them everything for themselves and they will flock to the polls to vote you in , even if it brings the country down around our ears. This is not Dem or Repub , this is across the board abandonment of what people thing is "right" for what people thing is "personally profitable". Forget truly noble causes or basic right and wrong , we are now governed by people who can't even talk civily about fellow leaders. Senators calling members of the house radicals and nut bags. Sorry to say it but we have totally lost it!

I do believe that Obama , the Republican and Democrats in congress are all trying to make every political situation as painful as possible for the American People for political gain. Philosophically I agree they should all be voted out and new people with concerns for the good of the country elected in their places. Reality tells me that every congressman in RI will be reelected by a land slide by the gimme , gimme people we have degenerated into.

iamskippy 10-07-2013 10:53 AM

Another great read, thanks men.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-07-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 1016606)
the same enforcement rangers can see to that

easy as that

no need to disrupt peoples lives

They've furloughed a lot of park employees, I think over 300 for the Washington parks alone. Who's going to collect the trash? Respond to incidents? Preserve the park? Contrary to Buck's lack of faith, people are people.

Hey, the whole thing is silly but the shutdown is the problem.

I believe the same thing happened at the parks under Clinton and Bush 41.


Jackbass 10-07-2013 11:07 AM

Spence is correct in that the shut downs occurred under Clinton, H Bush, Reagan and Carter as well.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

DZ 10-07-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016639)
Who's going to collect the trash? Respond to incidents? Preserve the park?

Collect the trash when the workers get back, respond to incidents with the security guards that are already there keeping everyone out, no one needs to preserve "open air" in the park, people will understand if the grass is not mowed. Again we all pay property taxes on these open air parks - they belong to us to use anytime.


Ian 10-07-2013 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by DZ (Post 1016652)
Collect the trash when the workers get back, respond to incidents with the security guards that are already there keeping everyone out

First one I disagree with, but the second is what makes this whole issue so confusing. We shut down the government, but are going to do the following:

Still pay Congress (who is willfully shutting it down in the first place)
Backfill pay for all furloughed employees (seriously??????!!!!!!!!)
Pay for rangers and guards to keep people out of federal parks/land/etc. (in some cases employing people where there weren't guards before)

At least if you are going to "shut down" the government, stop paying EVERYONE so we actually save a little bit of money while the dooshbags in Congress get over their bitch&moan-fest. Don't pick and choose who will and won't get paid.

How in the name of sanity is this a shutdown? Its just theater and BS at the expense of our international image and financial standing as a country.... Up yours Congress... up yours indeed

I apologize if anyone on here is a federal employee who is furloughed, but I don't think their should be back-pay for that... I've been furlouged many times in my life and the only "back pay" I got came from the unemployment office.

FishermanTim 10-07-2013 12:00 PM

Here's an interesting question:

What if we had a large contingency of kayak and boating anglers decide to land on one of these national park beaches? Would we be told that you can't land there because the shore is closed?

Since they only people who will truly be affected by this shutdown are the taxpayers that cannot use the facilities that they PAID to use, why can't we claim time and money lost due to these closures on our taxes come April?
I mean the furloughed (yeah, that's a cute word for paid vacation workers) employees are going to receive their full back pay, so they weren't inconvenienced. The idiotic politicians wouldn't dare cut their own salaries, so they weren't affected.

That leaves US, the public.

If I came across a sign blocking me from my favorite waterway, it wouldn't be there for long.

It is definitely time to remove these ploitical sh*t-turds from office and find people that can and will do what they are supposed to do FOR us and not TO us!!!!!

seadogg 10-07-2013 12:24 PM

A lot of good points brought up here. I think a big part of the problem with this country is that the people who give a damn are being outnumbered by the dimwitted, self centered slobs who vote for other dimwitted, self centered slobs based on ideas, promises and morals that are totally ridiculous to begin with.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-07-2013 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by DZ (Post 1016652)
Collect the trash when the workers get back, respond to incidents with the security guards that are already there keeping everyone out, no one needs to preserve "open air" in the park, people will understand if the grass is not mowed. Again we all pay property taxes on these open air parks - they belong to us to use anytime.


I think the law creates a lot of paranoia as it prohibits individuals for working unless specifically called for. Using the on-duty park rangers to provide emergency service for people willingly admitted could be considered crossing the line.

Hey, a lot of this certainly falls into the absurd, but that's kind of the nature of it. For some reason nobody has sought to change the laws after previous shut-downs.


nightfighter 10-07-2013 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016601)
Well, if the point of a National Park is to preserve, how can you let people run roughshod over areas without proper staffing? Not to mention the liability issues...

I'm also suspect the context of that quote has been lost.


So the liberal left thinks the "people" will run roughshod..... interesting. And to have to resort to pointing out liability? Please don't insult the American public with that thinking and diversionary talk. These actions are not justified, and have been taken to inflict pain and inconvenience on many while trying to force the other side to bend.


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1016614)
The anonymous quote that was to make it seem this was punitive. I don't buy it...this talking point that Obama's trying to inflict pain on the people to gain support is pretty silly.


He's dug his heels in and has said he will not negotiate. That is NOT the type of leader this country has counted on for 230 plus years. His trump card did not bring a conciliatory offer from the other side and now it's a game of who will blink first. Americans who voted for him to be in this office get what they deserve, an incompetent figurehead. Not a leader who can surround himself with qualified advisors who are much more qualified than he is....

The Republicans get equal blame in my book as well. They all suck. But the POTUS is the ONE who is supposed to be the dealmaker, armtwister, and negotiator, on behalf of the PEOPLE! This is about him and his agenda, and that is why he has chosen to inflict this pain on the nation as a whole. It gives me the same sick feeling I felt the night he won his first election.....

nightfighter 10-07-2013 04:01 PM

I only wish we could furlough the college professors who have been filling the youth with all their leftist thinking. Let them feel some of the pain....

N.ShoreFisher 10-07-2013 04:34 PM

How 'bout them striped bass?! lol

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