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blondterror 10-03-2015 10:05 PM

Gun Owners.. Ball is in your court
OK all the gun advocates on this forum.. I am giving you some homework..

Step One THINK before you respond with all your NRA BS

How would YOU have prevented the shooters listed in the following link from getting guns which they used to kill innocent people that could have been YOUR kids or sibs

We need thoughtful answers not the same BS that I hear from the NRA about how guns do not kill people.

THINK before you respond.

We have a problem that is quickly getting worse and need good minds to change this tide...


tysdad115 10-03-2015 10:41 PM

Wow Chris you're really reaching here...First thing - I would have Lanza not murder his mother ,then steal her guns and commit a heinous act, second the FBI should be accountable for messing up THE FEDERAL BACKGROUND CHECK we have to go through when we purchase firearms and allowed Roof to purchase a firearm , same with Freiberg the feds can't even get their own law done right so lets make more laws ! Hasan was military , and a Muslim and I'll say no more about that.
So that leaves how many out of that story ? Now figure how many legal firearms owners in this country and give me a percentage. I'll take those odds. Not one of my Glocks is to blame for any of these tragedies. If you want to validate your argument do this - the next time someone dies in a car accident lets petition the govt to get rid of cars. Or a plane disappears ,lets get rid of those too because people die then too.
Sounds ridiculous doesn't it ?
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tysdad115 10-03-2015 11:09 PM

How to stop bad people with guns..
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Raven 10-04-2015 05:40 AM

religious extremesum ....hatred for what this country was founded on....

which was freedom to choose your own religion and live accordingly....

shall not be changed....

scottw 10-04-2015 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by blondterror (Post 1083293)
OK all the gun advocates on this forum.. I am giving you some homework..

Step One THINK before you respond with all your NRA BS

How would YOU have prevented the shooters listed in the following link from getting guns which they used to kill innocent people that could have been YOUR kids or sibs

We need thoughtful answers not the same BS that I hear from the NRA about how guns do not kill people.

THINK before you respond.

We have a problem that is quickly getting worse and need good minds to change this tide...


probably not the best way to start a meaningful conversation between "good minds"


why don't you first explain how would YOU have prevented the shooters listed since you've given it some thought...and you've labeled them "shooters"...can we call them people with a propensity toward violence?...while they may have shot their victims, taking their guns away would not change the fact that they were angry and/or deranged and plotted to act out...can we assume they would have done so at some point everything else being equal .. whether or not they could get their hands on a gun?

PRBuzz 10-04-2015 07:27 AM

Do you have to be a gun owner to answer this? Then I am out. ;)

Opinion: make all the laws you want, you will NEVER stop this type of rampage!! Ramping down the news media/hype might be a place to start, take away their post-mortem days of fame that stimulates others in their wacky minds :)

scottw 10-04-2015 07:28 AM

I don't own a gun...starting to rethink it though

Nebe 10-04-2015 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1083302)
I don't own a gun...starting to rethink it though

Wait till the twins are in high school.

I see you cleaning a shotgun on the kitchen table on prom night :rotfl:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Notfishinenuf 10-04-2015 07:46 AM

It is an impossible task that you ask. There isn't one simple solution, if there even is one. Someone who is hell bent on doing something as outrageous as these people have done, will find a way to make their mark in history. More laws may make you feel better but will have no effect on the problems of these individuals or society as a whole.

There is a reason the 2nd amendment is only second to free speech. We keep whittling away at our constitutional rights seeking some utopia but there is none and never will be.

Fear mongers on both sides make their arguments for or against firearms, They can argue all they want, I will keep mine. They have harmed no one and are another tool in my chest that has multiple uses.

I have a pretty extensive tool chest. I have carpentry tools, electric tools, masonry tools, tile work tools, hunting tools, fishing tools, the list goes on. I have used them all to provide for my family. I haven't figured out how to get them to do anything on there own. They need to be put into action by someone.

The firearm is a tool, that can be enjoyable as well as useful but as with all tools used incorrectly can be very dangerous.

I guess my point is that the problems are much bigger than a piece of metal. The answer is most definitely not more laws.



Raven 10-04-2015 08:12 AM

someone could have done as much damage with swords too

nightfighter 10-04-2015 08:25 AM

Realistically, as an individual, the only thing that I could do to have effect on said situations is to exercise my right to concealed carry of a firearm on a more regular basis. My job and dress does not make it comfortable for me to conceal. I would prefer open carry, so that we don't have "gun free zones" such as schools and college campuses. Why give the mental sickos free range to shoot without being challenged for any amount of time. I would also benefit from open carry in certain neighborhoods I have (infrequently) traveled. Lot of guns there in the hands of punks, gang members, and drug dealers. I would just assume let them see mine, and hope those criminals just intimidate and shoot one another, not innocents.

Not to be ignored is the amount of TV and movie scripts that are based on violence, killing, rape, etc.... It continues to be invested in to make more and more extreme films with these sick themes. Why? Because it sells. It makes money. Another clear sign of the dumbing of America.

Nebe 10-04-2015 08:35 AM

Pipe bombs could always make a comeback.
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PRBuzz 10-04-2015 08:49 AM

Can't make laws to rule/control the 0.001% (and I removed 2 zeros)
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Nebe 10-04-2015 08:53 AM

What has to be done is to stop blaming guns. What makes people go crazy in the first place?? Fix the root of the problem.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

tysdad115 10-04-2015 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1083316)
What has to be done is to stop blaming guns. What makes people go crazy in the first place?? Fix the root of the problem.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Winner !!!! But it doesn't fit the agenda.
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Redsoxticket 10-04-2015 09:33 AM

In addition the initial background check for gun ownership there should be followup background checks for example other year and when there is an arrest.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Fly Rod 10-04-2015 10:15 AM

Blondeterror....R U a gun owner?
What does the A R stand for on the riffle?
Can everybody pocess an automatic weapon?
Can cops protect U?
.................................................. .................................
First I do not belong to the NRA.....I have Mass. pistol permit, large capacity,fire power

they all had some sort of mental issues except maj. hassan(terriost)...well U can say he was mental too(brain washed)

The federal government messed up on checking the people out....per usual the government can not function properly ....every state has different gun rules on purchasing a weapon....maybe the Mass gun law should B adopted by every state even tho not perfect....

There is a federal law on the books that prohibit people that can not function needs others to do things for them.

1st take away gun permits for anyone on xanax or any other depression drug being treated for depression.

We do not need more gun laws....your president can not solve illegal gun crimes in his city of chicago where 12 people were killed by illegal guns including an 11 year old including 13 wounded last week....Y has your president not politicised that????

I forgot one group....should take away all guns from democratic liberals....they R the most dangeous.....LOL...:)

OLD GOAT 10-04-2015 11:25 AM

Lets talk about this ars backwards.
When a sicko is dead there is no need to glorify him with picture and name of fame. Why promote? Thanks news media
thanks Mr President for glorification and getting attention away from the Mideast.
I'm a gun owner and believe in background checks

tysdad115 10-04-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by OLD GOAT (Post 1083331)
Lets talk about this ars backwards.
When a sicko is dead there is no need to glorify him with picture and name of fame. Why promote? Thanks news media
thanks Mr President for glorification and getting attention away from the Mideast.
I'm a gun owner and believe in background checks

Failed middle East policy, Hillary commits treason ..on and on..but lets focus on firearms. Move along, nothing to see here.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 10-04-2015 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by tysdad115 (Post 1083334)
Failed middle East policy, Hillary commits treason ..on and on..but lets focus on firearms. Move along, nothing to see here.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Benghazziiiiiiiii !
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spence 10-04-2015 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by tysdad115 (Post 1083334)
Failed middle East policy, Hillary commits treason ..on and on..but lets focus on firearms. Move along, nothing to see here.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Yea, with 30,000+ gun deaths per year it certainly isn't deserving of a policy discussion. Perhaps the real reason to kill the debate is when you look at the statistics it doesn't look very good for the NRA.

tysdad115 10-04-2015 01:50 PM

30,000 +??? Wow , not even close. Let's just agree you can shelter in place and be afraid of whatever you choose to fabricate. I'll just stick to facts and what I like doing.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Cool Beans 10-04-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1083337)
Yea, with 30,000+ gun deaths per year it certainly isn't deserving of a policy discussion. Perhaps the real reason to kill the debate is when you look at the statistics it doesn't look very good for the NRA.

I assume you are counting those killed by guns engaged in conflict on the battlefields around the globe?

spence 10-04-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cool Beans (Post 1083339)
I assume you are counting those killed by guns engaged in conflict on the battlefields around the globe?

Nope, just the good old USA.

Nebe 10-04-2015 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1083346)
Nope, just the good old USA.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

nightfighter 10-04-2015 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1083337)
Yea, with 30,000+ gun deaths per year it certainly isn't deserving of a policy discussion. Perhaps the real reason to kill the debate is when you look at the statistics it doesn't look very good for the NRA.

In 2013, the number you refer to included more than 21000 suicides by firearm. Do you really feel that 2/3 of your number should be included without footnote?

tysdad115 10-04-2015 04:30 PM

They don't work that way Ross. All totalled the 2013 suicides were 41,149. Of those 10,062 were suffocation related and 6,637 were poison related. I wonder why they don't include heroine overdoses as suicides..another 10,000+ deaths were DUI related. Where's the push to ban cars or booze? Those are just 2013 stats. Now why was the suicide rate so high ? People were obviously bothered and felt there was no way out. But they choose to blame the inanimate object again to suit their needs. They thrive on skewed stats.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 10-04-2015 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1083350)
In 2013, the number you refer to included more than 21000 suicides by firearm. Do you really feel that 2/3 of your number should be included without footnote?

What does it matter? You have the exact same issues around firearm regulations, waiting periods, mental health etc... that you do with many other firearm related deaths.

spence 10-04-2015 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by tysdad115 (Post 1083352)
But they choose to blame the inanimate object again to suit their needs. They thrive on skewed stats.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Please tell me about these stats.

nightfighter 10-04-2015 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1083353)
What does it matter? You have the exact same issues around firearm regulations, waiting periods, mental health etc... that you do with many other firearm related deaths.

Are you serious? Two thirds are accounted to people who choose to end their own life. If not a gun it would have been a knife, pills, whatever. And the issues, while some might overlap in regards to mental health, are not akin to the mass shootings recognized by the OP. Nor did the POTUS mention suicides in his discussion.To lump suicides in with violent crimes is stacking the deck unfairly without disclosing to what they include. That is skewed.

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