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RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 08:18 AM

OMG - another Obama rant from RIJ
Just read this on CNN, how INCREDIBLY biased is this????

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

The polls indicate the presidential race is tightening.

CNN’s latest poll of polls shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by just one point — 45 to 44 percent. That’s down from a 3-point lead in yesterday’s average of polls and down considerably from a few weeks ago.

While Obama was vacationing in Hawaii last week — McCain had the stage almost all to himself. Suddenly the Russians rolled into Georgia and McCain was in the catbird seat. Also some of McCain’s negative ads — a la Paris Hilton and Britney Spears “celebrity” spot — seem to have resonated with voters. And it looks like McCain made inroads with some members of the Republican base with his interview at Rick Warren’s church.

All of this creates a problem for Barack Obama who has gone out of his way to run a positive campaign based on the issues, and for the most part has chosen not to engage in the schoolyard stuff that characterizes U.S. politics. He may no longer have that luxury.

Once again, I'll get slammed, but here I go. SO Obama....might need to go negative?
Duh,,,,, what the hell is THIS>>>

And McCain gained ground from his interviews at Rick Warren's church.......nice try CNN to tie him to the wacky Evangelical right, but Obama was ALSO at Rick Warren's church and he sounded like a moron! When asked simple questions he blah blah'd his way through it and never made a point. McCain was clear and concise on the same questions.

This is pure f'in media bull$hit. Somehow Spence will tell me I am crazy but the CNN article is an absolute LIE. Obama is sinking in the polls because he now has to stand up and be a candidate. Its not him against evil Hilllary.
Just for the sake of argument, I am not a McCain supporter, just a hater of the liberal biased, Obama loving, media

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 08:20 AM

for the record, McCain voted against Cheney's energy bill, Obama for it........

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 08:25 AM

Obama, hope, change

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday lambasted his Republican rival's economic plan, arguing that Sen. John McCain would continue President Bush's policies and "we can't keep on going in the same direction."
At a rally in Martinsville, Virginia, Obama said, "John McCain has provided honorable service to our country, but, when it comes to his economic policies, he is promising and proposing the same things we've been doing for the last eight years."

Looks like he is running on the Nebe - lets hate Bush platform! Lots of good info Barak,,,,and your plan is?

Nebe 08-21-2008 08:27 AM

I dont see Obama's name on that youtube clip.. what makes you think he had anything to do with it..

I wish everyone would realize that more drilling in the Gulf will make no difference in oil prices.. all Opec will do is lower production to keep the prices up.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 08:34 AM

its the DNC, and their candidate is?

The DNC is up with a new Web video -- “Exxon John” -- which mimics that widely panned “Big John” ad by Texas Sen. John Cornyn. The DNC says it will play this video at its Exxon-McCain National Day of Action events across the country this week.

But as the Center for Responsive Politics pointed out last week, while McCain has received nearly three times the amount of money from the oil and gas industry that Obama has, Obama actually has received more contributions from Exxon than his GOP rival has. *** UPDATE *** The DNC pushes back here that when you add DNC, RNC, and PAC contributions, the Republicans and McCain have received more money from Exxon than the Democrats and Obama.

But lets keep this on topic, can you read the CNN posting and tell me its not 100% biased to Obama???? Look at the tone. Obama has gone "ot of his way" to run positive campaign, Rick Warrens church benefited McCain. How McCain was in the "catbird" seat while Obama was on vacation. So f'in ridiculous, please tell me you can't deny that?

Nebe 08-21-2008 08:43 AM

to be honest I have stopped paying attention long ago. Its pretty obvious to me that McCain is going to be looking out for big money and the top 1%... Obama is looking to help out the middle class.. remember the middle class?? They used to exist about 6 years ago.. they could afford a mortgage, 2 cars, take a nice vacation or 2 every year and they could even put away some money for thier kids college...

You think McCain is worrying about that? I doubt it.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 613811)
to be honest I have stopped paying attention long ago. Its pretty obvious to me that McCain is going to be looking out for big money and the top 1%... Obama is looking to help out the middle class.. remember the middle class?? They used to exist about 6 years ago.. they could afford a mortgage, 2 cars, take a nice vacation or 2 every year and they could even put away some money for thier kids college...

You think McCain is worrying about that? I doubt it.

I think thats the actual issue Nebe. I dont want any president worrying about that. Its not their role. If the middle class wants those things, one answer,,,,work harder! Take classes, read books, get that MBA, etc. Thats what the country was founded on, hard work. The president is not resposnible to deliver 2 houses and a nice vacation. Thats INDIVIDUAL responsibility. Obama plans to help the middle class by taking away $ from the people that work hard and earn it. There are NO free rides anymore.
Knowing your business I am so surprised you dont get this. your base, in my guess, is generally wealthy people, buying luxury goods. No one NEEDS custom blown glass.

The Dad Fisherman 08-21-2008 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 613819)
If the middle class wants those things, one answer,,,,work harder! Take classes, read books, get that MBA, etc. Thats what the country was founded on, hard work.

Isn't that what the middle class is....the people who went to college/school and work hard day in and day out to pay the bills and try and afford the mortgage.

Sounds like you have the middle class lumped in with the Working poor.

EarnedStripes44 08-21-2008 09:30 AM

Jim, the media has vested financial interest in making this appear like a horse race. Polls are not the end all-be all, especially considering any headway made by either candidate remains within a few points of the margin of error. The media, NBC, CBS & ABC, among others are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from the campaigns & political action committees in advertising. By making this appear as if its a superbowl going into overtime, ad time comes at a higher premium, the campaigns inject more cash into the major network coffers. The media, like many other sectors of the economy, has been deregulated and the powerful oligopoly have forgone real news in the name of revenue generating infotainment. Companies will always want to purchase airtime, but the day-in-day-out campaign exposure and making sure this stays a horse race leaning back and forth and back on one or the other, keeps air time expensive for everybody and campaign advertising in high gear.

Look at the Hillary vs Obama series. Its was a media madhouse with millions of dollars stashed in the circus office closet.

Nebe 08-21-2008 09:54 AM

earnedstripes is right.. I have a feeling Obama is going to win by a land slide.. and if the media kept on saying that, then there would be no need for heated advertising, and no need for people to be glued to their televisions... Thats my biggest gripe with the media- Biased is one thing, but controlling the news to keep you watching is another. I hate it....

I caught a 50 this morning.... stay tuned to find out where.. :hihi:

Joe 08-21-2008 10:47 AM

Getting an MBA or an advanced degree is supposed to be the ticket to the primary sector - not the middle class.
An honest person who works hard should be able to enter the middle class. Only 24% of Americans have a 4-year degree. You should not need an advanced degree to live in the same neighborhood my high school dropout father lived in.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 613820)
Isn't that what the middle class is....the people who went to college/school and work hard day in and day out to pay the bills and try and afford the mortgage.

Sounds like you have the middle class lumped in with the Working poor.

No, I am saying you may have to work harder to live the type of life you want, thats all. There are no guarantees. The Obama camp is all about "entitlement" as Nebe notes. there is nothing in the constitution tha guarnatees you a house, car, job, vacation. Thats your problem. This country needs to provided the OPPORTUNITY for those things.
Bill Gates didnt become a billionaire becasue he was white, middle class, privledged, etc. he did it by working hard, taking chances, creativity,,,,every singel american has that same opportunity

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 613832)
earnedstripes is right.. I have a feeling Obama is going to win by a land slide.. and if the media kept on saying that, then there would be no need for heated advertising, and no need for people to be glued to their televisions... Thats my biggest gripe with the media- Biased is one thing, but controlling the news to keep you watching is another. I hate it....

I caught a 50 this morning.... stay tuned to find out where.. :hihi:

the media doesnt control the polls, some, but not all. If you think Obama is goign to win by a landslide, you're not paying attention. Take a poll on SB and see, it wont be Obama.
The media discredits those that will vote for McCain as hard line conservaitves or evangelicals. The average american will be voting for McCain,,,,,,,you'll see.
I think I am going to write my own name on the ballot

Joe 08-21-2008 11:29 AM

Gates went to a prep school that had a computer lab - one of the earliest. That was around 1970 - because he was privileged, he was provided an opportunity to discover his genius.
Not really that strange is it, that one of the few places that had computers, would give rise to one of the most influencial people in modern history? A person with a predisposition for computer genius would not discover their talent unless he went somewhere that had a computer. How many people missed their calling for lack of the same opportunity?

Flaptail 08-21-2008 11:53 AM

Finally agreeing to offshore drilling on the Republican side and making it look like they see the light clouds the fact that the current republican administration did not engage in any way shape or form the big oil companies on why they were not doing any new drilling on the several undrilled but proven oil fields that are and have been legal to drill on in the gulf of Mexico for the last 20 years. Of course doing so they would have lessened our dependence of foriegn oil, kept the world demand from ensuring astronomic prices here at home and possibly kept Exxon/Mobil and others from record profits.


Nebe 08-21-2008 11:55 AM

Im not pointing fingers at any parties on this train of thought, but this country has systematically allowed corporations to pull the carpet out from under this nations working class by shipping so many jobs over seas... jim you say work harder... ok, so how is a guy supposed to work harder when there are fewer and fewer jobs available?? I am sure he can work really hard in a service based job like McDonalds..right? Maybe a grocery store? Ross Perot was right about the giant s#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&g sound..

There was a point when this country was the most powerful nation on earth.. we had the best industry, the best base of specialized workers working in the industry and the dollar was strong..... not no more..:(

Nebe 08-21-2008 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Flaptail (Post 613855)
Finally agreeing to offshore drilling on the Republican side and making it look like they see the light clouds the fact that the current republican administration did not engage in any way shape or form the big oil companies on why they were not doing any new drilling on the several undrilled but proven oil fields that are and have been legal to drill on in the gulf of Mexico for the last 20 years. Of course doing so they would have lessened our dependence of foriegn oil, kept the world demand from ensuring astronomic prices here at home and possibly kept Exxon/Mobil and others from record profits.


Flap, drilling here wont make any difference in regards to saving you money.. opec will just reduce production and limit supply.. WE will pay more and the companies here will reap the profits.

wind, solar, nuklear, and biofuels are the answer. screw oil.. its never going to get cheaper...

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 12:05 PM

i'll grant you the offshoring is a bad thing, but I dont agree the government has a say. We're a free enterprise system.
as far as working harder and jobs, unemplyment rates are not even near the high mark. the data suggests were in good shape. I think there is plenty of opportunity for advancement for those that seek it out.

Nebe 08-21-2008 12:11 PM

Unemplyment is not the issue Jim. How many americans had very good jobs 1o years ago, only to have them shipped overseas? Those people either scrambled to find another job in the same field or are now working lower paying jobs.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 12:11 PM

heres an interesting read -Hope, Change!
Obama is sure to help the middle class?????

Nebe 08-21-2008 12:32 PM

Im sorry but what does that article have to do with Obama? Or McCain for that matter? And I did not mention the poor.. I have been talking about the middle class.. who in the past few years are becoming an endangeres species.

There i a great difference between a poor bum who wont get off his ass and get a job and a husband and father who cant find a job that can support his family.

Nebe 08-21-2008 12:33 PM

Where is Spence? he is good at giving jim the straight talk. :hihi:

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 613868)
Im sorry but what does that article have to do with Obama? Or McCain for that matter? And I did not mention the poor.. I have been talking about the middle class.. who in the past few years are becoming an endangeres species.

There i a great difference between a poor bum who wont get off his ass and get a job and a husband and father who cant find a job that can support his family.

if the middle class is disappearing, they're either getting rich or poor, no? My point of the article is that the thinking that the wowes of the countrty are driven by the Repubs, doesnt add up.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 613869)
Where is Spence? he is good at giving jim the straight talk. :hihi:

spence is still a McCains supporter, he just like to argue with me but deep inside he knows I'm right.

I truly have no idea if I am going to vote. I cant stand McCain either, just dont have any media love to react to.

The Dad Fisherman 08-21-2008 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 613843)
Bill Gates didnt become a billionaire becasue he was white, middle class, privledged, etc. he did it by working hard, taking chances, creativity,,,,

Actually Bill Gates became a millionare by ripping off some poor slob that invented DOS by buying it off of him for $5000.....then he was off to the races

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 01:20 PM

thats the technology, but someone had the brains to grow MS to what it is today. Thats what I was referencing. You can substitute Gates for the Google guys, Henry Ford, etc.
We're still the land of opportunity for those that seek it.

Nebe 08-21-2008 01:25 PM

and when you find opportunity, you outsource it to china for a hefty profit and say screw you to any civic duty of possible employment of you fellow citizens who in the end, would be buying your product IF they can afford it.

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 613877)
and when you find opportunity, you outsource it to china for a hefty profit and say screw you to any civic duty of possible employment of you fellow citizens who in the end, would be buying your product IF they can afford it.

Nebe! You finally got it! You didnt mention the government! So you, me or anyone else that cares can CHOOSE not to buy there products!

Oh by the way, here is the latest Obama ad - he sure is going out of his way not to be negative! :conf:

Nebe 08-21-2008 01:39 PM

I find nothing negative about that add.... :hee:

the goverment is not stopping me from choosing anything Jim... it never has. But what it used to do was protect its citizens by doing its best to have a strong well balanced economy and budget. It did this by trade tariffs, tax insentives for domestic growth, and most importantly, it did this by promoting the idea that patriotism was all about buying American made products instead that notion has been turned into killing muslims... hmmmm

RIJIMMY 08-21-2008 01:55 PM

see, you make sense then get wacky. No one is promoting killing muslims.

I can be blamed for some of that, I have not and dont ever foresee buying an American car. I love Toyotas and Hondas and dont see the quality in US cars.
the manufacturing in this country is a major issue, but its been goign on for 40 years. We blossomed post WW2, when all other manufacturing countries were destryoed but as they started to rebuild, we have been goign downhill.

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