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JoeP 10-28-2008 10:11 PM

How many more...
of these kinds of stories do Obama supporters and fence-sitters need to read (and blatantly ignore) before they realize what kind of man they are voluntarily putting into the role of leader of our great nation:

the other similar stories are well known.

Obama-defenders can put all the spin they want on these types of stories but they are simply downright scary. His beyond radical views are slowly but surely seeping out towards the end of this election campaign and people are being lulled to sleep by the feel-good "change" theme...

slapshot 10-29-2008 06:42 AM

Why has Michelle Obamma been silenced?

PaulS 10-29-2008 06:59 AM

Frankly I use to vote for the pubes most of the time until the classless postings, made up stories and lies about the dems got to be to much for me to take. I got tired of hearing more about how bad they thought the opponent was rather than what they actually planned to do if elected that was the final nail in the coffin for me.

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by slapshot (Post 632916)
Why has Michelle Obamma been silenced?

I Know....she really needs to start chatting things up Cindy does :rolleyes:

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 07:25 AM

it doesnt matter, the backlash of bush has blinded everyone. There is too much momentum behind obama now. Look on the bright side..
1. I never want to hear about racism again
2. All racial quotas SHOULD BE ended immediately, you have equal rights now
3. Silence the libs, you have your way, now lets see how you do?

Nebe 10-29-2008 08:54 AM

sound bites are over rated.

EarnedStripes44 10-29-2008 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 632929)
it doesnt matter, the backlash of bush has blinded everyone. There is too much momentum behind obama now. Look on the bright side..
1. I never want to hear about racism again
2. All racial quotas SHOULD BE ended immediately, you have equal rights now
3. Silence the libs, you have your way, now lets see how you do?

Racism? Barack is half white.

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by EarnedStripes44 (Post 632961)
Racism? Barack is half white.

i dont ever want to hear that African Americans are not given equal opportunity in this country. I do not want to hear that we are a racist country and blacks are second class citizens. If Obama is elected, that is 100% proof that these issues are behind us. Agree?

EarnedStripes44 10-29-2008 09:08 AM

I dont think this is a racist country; the days of racism as an government legitimized institution are over, but I do think that there are some racist people in this country and racism is far more subterranean now than it was and not just white against black but even light skin blacks on darker skinned blacks.

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 632959)
sound bites are over rated.

Apparently not!
1. Change you can Believe in!
2. Another 4 years of Bush!

EarnedStripes44 10-29-2008 09:11 AM

Look at those dissaffected youths who were plotting to take out Obama (which they probably would not have considering the security detail that surrounds him). Obviously some people cant put the racism issue behind us. It would help those kids however if they had jobs and education. They would spend less time worrying about the threat from blacks.

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 632963)
If Obama is elected, that is 100% proof that these issues are behind us. Agree?

Only of he gets 100% of the Vote..... (You can help with this one) :hihi:

Oh....and we get rid of these 2 idiots....

Men charged with plotting to kill Obama

(CNN) -- Federal prosecutors charged two men with plotting a "killing spree" against African-Americans that would have been capped with an attempt to kill Sen. Barack Obama while they wore white tuxedos, federal officials said Monday.

Paul Schlesselman, left, and Daniel Cowart said they planned to kill more than 100 African-Americans.

1 of 2 The U.S. attorney's office in Jackson, Tennessee, said Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, were self-described white supremacists who met online through a mutual friend.

Both men have been charged with illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federally licensed gun dealer and making threats against a presidential candidate.

The men planned to kill more than 100 African-Americans, including 14 who would be beheaded, according to the affidavit. But federal law enforcement sources said there was no evidence Cowart, of Bells, Tennessee, and Schlesselman, of West Helena, Arkansas, had any details of Obama's schedule.

"We take this very, very seriously but we see no evidence these guys have the ability or the wherewithal to pull off what they say they wanted to do," one law enforcement source said.

According to an affidavit from the federal agent who questioned them, Cowart and Schlesselman planned to charge at Obama with a car, firing from the windows as they went. They would be dressed in white tuxedos and top hats during the attempt, the affidavit states.

Cowart and Schlesselman were arrested outside Jackson, about 75 miles east of Memphis, Tennessee, after an aborted robbery attempt last week, according to court records.

Though they told investigators they would be willing to die in their mission, the men backed out of their October 21 attempt to rob the gun dealer after spotting two cars and a dog at the home, the affidavit states. The men also shot out the window of a church on their way back to Cowart's grandfather's home, where they were arrested the next day.

Cowart and Schlesselman made their initial appearances before a federal judge Monday and are scheduled for a bond hearing Thursday in Memphis.

Obama, an Illinois Democrat, is the first African-American nominee to lead a major-party ticket and was placed under Secret Service protection in May 2007, far earlier than other candidates.

Eric Zahren, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said it was unclear whether the suspects would have had the capability or means to carry out any sort of plot. But he said the matter was being taken seriously, and a joint investigation was under way.

There was no indication either had attended any Obama event or had drawn Secret Service attention in the past, Zahren said.

Campaign spokeswoman Linda Douglass said, "We never comment on security matters."

Threats against Obama have led to arrests in two previous cases. In one, federal prosecutors concluded that the three people arrested with drugs and weapons in a suburban Denver motel posed a "true threat" to the candidate.

In the second, a Florida man was charged with threatening bodily harm against the candidate in August. He has pleaded not guilty

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 09:16 AM

I guess i'm a little sloooowwww

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 09:24 AM

there will always be idiots, but you cannot base our opinion of society as a whole on that.
Louis Farrakan is still around too.

bssb 10-29-2008 09:26 AM

Palin appointed friends and donors to key posts in Alaska, records show
100-plus jobs went to campaign donors or their relatives, sometimes without apparent regard to qualifications. Several donors got state-subsidized loans for business ventures of dubious public value.

William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.

ANCHORAGE — Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of former state Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was proper, but she abused her power in attempting to have her former brother-in-law Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten fired.

bssb 10-29-2008 09:37 AM

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 632981)
there will always be idiots, but you cannot base our opinion of society as a whole on that.
Louis Farrakan is still around too.

I don't....Like I said before if we could use idiots for fuel there wouldn't be an energy crisis.

My point being is that even if obama gets elected racism is not dead....It just shows that there has been a shift in tolerance

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 10:08 AM

BTW, JoeP, for such a smart guy, I'm not sure why you hang around with that Rockhound nut.

bssb 10-29-2008 10:26 AM

yeah there aren't any racist in america. if by america you mean canada. I would estimate that about half of the republicans in this counrty are racist.


RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 11:53 AM

[QUOTE=bssb;633025]yeah there aren't any racist in america. if by america you mean canada. I would estimate that about half of the republicans in this counrty are racist.


thats brilliant. Just curious why its the republicans that are racist?
You do realize under a republican President we had 2 African American Secrataries of State and a Latino Attorney General?


I never said there were no racists, but an Obama vicory should stop the freaking whining that race is "holding you back". Apparntly its not if an African American can be president. There is nothing holding anyone back, except Jesse and Al who would be out of business.

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 633079)
but an Obama vicory should stop the freaking whining that race is "holding you back". Apparntly its not if an African American can be president. There is nothing holding anyone back, except Jesse and Al who would be out of business.

I can agree with that.......pretty sure that's what Bill Cosby Said :D

bssb 10-29-2008 12:37 PM

I think they kinda have to have a few non-whites around so that your party can lie to itself and say "see! were not racist! oh yeah? watch your racist republican buddies!

RIJIMMY 10-29-2008 12:41 PM

[QUOTE=bssb;633095]I think they kinda have to have a few non-whites around so that your party can lie to itself and say "see! were not racist! oh yeah? watch your racist republican buddies!

I am an independent, with converservative/libertarian views..... but know many, many republicans who are far from racist. For every white republican racist, I'll give you 3 black democrat racists. Lets start with Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton.

EarnedStripes44 10-29-2008 12:55 PM

Sen. Trent Lott- Republican racist, now give me 3 more black democrat racist. And then give me some more black democrat racist who have actually been elected to Senate in the history of the US.

bssb 10-29-2008 12:58 PM

wow, you can name 3! I just gave examples of like 20. and there isn't enough time in the day to start listing them all. to say there are more racist democrats than there are republicans is so far from reality I now know that arguing with you about this. your head is so far in the sand that you might know where bin ladin is.


The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 01:05 PM

Racists are Racists....they don't belong to a certain party :rolleyes:

fishbones 10-29-2008 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by bssb (Post 633025)
yeah there aren't any racist in america. if by america you mean canada. I would estimate that about half of the republicans in this counrty are racist.

Wow, all that pot you're smoking must be doing a number on your brain cells. Saying that half the Republicans in this country are racist would be like me saying half the unemployed people in this country are lazy, worthless drains on society. Would you put yourself in that group?

And I always thought the liberal way of thinking was to be tolerant of others.:doh:

bssb 10-29-2008 03:02 PM

you're right, we should tolerate racism in this counrty:wall: Only a true republican bigot would make that argument.

The Dad Fisherman 10-29-2008 03:07 PM

Why Do all the kooks come from the North Shore :hihi:

(before you go all nuts....its a joke)

fishbones 10-29-2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by bssb (Post 633136)
you're right, we should tolerate racism in this counrty:wall: Only a true republican bigot would make that argument.

Could you please explain how you interpreted my statement to mean that we should tolerate racism? But please leave out your little group of video montage's. That stuff is really hackneyed.

You painted with a broad brush by saying half of the Republicans in this country are racist and I did the same to you to make a point. You have no way to quantify what you said. You just post your uninformed rants and then stick your resin covered fingers in your ears and say nah nee nah nee nah nah like a child.

Before calling me bigot, you should get to know me. Then, if you still want to call me a bigot, or anything else for that matter, go ahead. I have thick skin and and a very liberal wife.

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