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RIJIMMY 03-08-2011 12:15 PM

Incredible - No liberal bias, huh?
this is AMAZING. please watch the video......

Yes, the tea party is a bunch of evangelical, dumb, rednecks...........
and no, NPR is not biased........

I wonder if this will make front page headlines? Doubt it,

NPR ‘appalled’ by former exec’s comments - Yahoo! News

spence 03-08-2011 12:39 PM

Watch the video? You do realize the Veritas crew has proven themselves to have no ethics what so ever...right?

It sounds like he's mostly pandering to two people he's trying to get 5M dollars from. A lot like the fake call from Koch to the Gov. of Wisconsin.

Sure the guy is a lefty, but let's be honest here...he's being set up.

Ohhh, the Tea Party is "anti-intellectual". I present as evidence Rep. Michelle Bachmann. Case closed...


RIJIMMY 03-08-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 842675)
A lot like the fake call from Koch to the Gov. of Wisconsin.


except that the Gov in the fake call w/Koch didnt say anything wrong or compromise his position while this liberal fraud did exactly as you said - pandered to his audience, which is EXACTLY what NPR does, provides biased coverage to skew the news to their sponsors positions - lefty, intellectual snobs.
and its just a coincidence he left his job before this came out.
So spence, I guess you feel good that a news provider in this country is willing to take $$ from organizations which sponsor terrorism. Hurray!

spence 03-08-2011 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 842689)
except that the Gov in the fake call w/Koch didnt say anything wrong or compromise his position

Like planting troublemakers with the protesters?


while this liberal fraud did exactly as you said - pandered to his audience, which is EXACTLY what NPR does, provides biased coverage to skew the news to their sponsors positions - lefty, intellectual snobs.
What did they say that proves NPR biases their coverage?


and its just a coincidence he left his job before this came out.
I'm sure he knew it was going to be embarrassing for NPR.


So spence, I guess you feel good that a news provider in this country is willing to take $$ from organizations which sponsor terrorism. Hurray!
Now you're just getting suckered by the video.

Someone makes a joke about Jews and you can either just be polite or walk out. They fake investors did a great job of walking around the line but never going too far.

The bottom line is that this was a hit piece, not investigative journalism.


RIJIMMY 03-08-2011 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 842700)
Like planting troublemakers with the protesters?
Which the Gov said he wouldnt do, very clearly. It was suggested and he said he wouldnt do it

Someone makes a joke about Jews and you can either just be polite or walk out. They fake investors did a great job of walking around the line but never going too far.

He shook his head in approval when the guy said the Js controlled the media.

The bottom line is that this was a hit piece, not investigative journalism.

It was a hit piece that hit its target, dead on. It clearly showed how a media exec DESPISED republicans and the tea party. They DESPISE people that do not agree with them. I dont think they thought it would go over 1/10th as well as it did. Its funny how easily things grow when planted in manure.



spence 03-08-2011 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 842703)
Which the Gov said he wouldnt do, very clearly. It was suggested and he said he wouldnt do it

Actually he said they had considered it but didn't think it was worth it.


He shook his head in approval when the guy said the Js controlled the media.
Oh come on. He's sitting there eating and listening...probably thinking to himself how he hopes the conversation will move on.


It was a hit piece that hit its target, dead on. It clearly showed how a media exec DESPISED republicans and the tea party. They DESPISE people that do not agree with them. I dont think they thought it would go over 1/10th as well as it did. Its funny how easily things grow when planted in manure.
That's your interpretation. It sure sounded to me that what the man despises is how the GOP has been hijacked by the lowest common denominator rhetoric of Palin, Beck and Bachmann...and that instead of thinking people are actually listening to them.

On that point I agree 100%.

He came off as an elite, sure, but a lot of what they actually said, especially when you read the full quotes (astonishingly not in your edited video) isn't that crazy at all.

I would have expected an executive to have handled themselves a little better considering they were acting in a professional capacity. But to say this hit job "hit it's target" is simply saying that Veritas produced a video that got your panties all in a bunch.



RIJIMMY 03-08-2011 01:59 PM

Spence, you'd try to explain away stalin.

buckman 03-08-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 842675)

Ohhh, the Tea Party is "anti-intellectual". I present as evidence Rep. Michelle Bachmann. Case closed...


Is she the new Palin???
Chauvinism and the Democratic Party...setting women back 100 years.

Chesapeake Bill 03-08-2011 07:39 PM

RIJ and Spence,

You both argue in vain. They are all corrupt and tilted. Both sides are going so far to their side that they are touching each other. "Bosnia free radio" sold its soul years ago and Walker sold his during the election (now he's selling it for a few votes from the other side). Although she isn't that great, Bachmann isn't as bad as the potential from Delaware...thankfully she's back home studying about human brain implants into mice...


JohnR 03-09-2011 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 842706)
Spence, you'd try to explain away stalin.


So true!

Spence, we love ya kid but he is soooooo right!

RIJIMMY 03-09-2011 11:53 AM

ahh may want to see this....

WASHINGTON – NPR president and CEO Vivian Schiller resigned Wednesday in the wake of comments by a fellow executive that angered conservatives and renewed calls to end federal funding for public broadcasting.

The chairman of NPR's board of directors announced that he has accepted Schiller's resignation, effective immediately. Schiller wouldn't say whether she offered to quit or was forced out.

On Tuesday, conservative activist James O'Keefe posted a hidden-camera video in which NPR executive Ron Schiller bashed the tea party movement as "racist" and "xenophobic" and said NPR would be better off without federal funding. Ron Schiller is not related to Vivian Schiller.

fishbones 03-09-2011 12:03 PM

Hey, Spence. How's the knee doing? By the way, you never mentioned how you hurt it. Let me guess.... it was from putting your foot in your mouth too many times.

zimmy 03-09-2011 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 842669)

Yes, the tea party is a bunch of evangelical, dumb, rednecks...........
and no, NPR is not biased........

All news, news outlets and historians are biased. Impossible not to be based on the nature of the business.

As far as the other part, certainly not in all cases, but it isn't that far from the truth in many cases. I like alot of people with tea party leanings, but I also know, have come across, and listened to many who fit the above description. That is a big component of tea party.

fishbones 03-09-2011 02:51 PM

[QUOTE=zimmy;842952]All news, news outlets and historians are biased. Impossible not to be based on the nature of the business.

Yeah, but other news outlets are not publicly funded. It's BS that we HAVE to pay for a media outlet that is so overtly in bed with one political party.

spence 03-09-2011 09:11 PM

Shouldn't the story be about how NPR's news is biased? RIJIMMY cited this video as proof.

Is it?

Perhaps the Mark's comments about a lack of thinking are more true that you want to admit.


zimmy 03-09-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 842952)
All news, news outlets and historians are biased. Impossible not to be based on the nature of the business.

Yeah, but other news outlets are not publicly funded. It's BS that we HAVE to pay for a media outlet that is so overtly in bed with one political party.

I'll assume you know that only about 10% of NPR's budget is from CPB grants. Would you get rid of all grants for radio and television? I wouldn't really have much problem with that. It is funny that you say so overtly in bed with one political party. There have been several studies over the last decade that pretty much all indicated that NPR was about the least biased of all new outlets. So, is it really just that you don't think any radio or television should be eligible for government funded grants? I think that's reasonable. Npr has the largest audience, they would have no problem making up the difference in advertising.

fishbones 03-09-2011 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 842954)

I'll assume you know that only about 10% of NPR's budget is from CPB grants. Would you get rid of all grants for radio and television? I wouldn't really have much problem with that. It is funny that you say so overtly in bed with one political party. There have been several studies over the last decade that pretty much all indicated that NPR was about the least biased of all new outlets. So, is it really just that you don't think any radio or television should be eligible for government funded grants? I think that's reasonable. Npr has the largest audience, they would have no problem making up the difference in advertising.

Right, and 10% is more than I feel should be paid for by the public. My feeling is that if I like the programming, I can donate during a pledge drive, whether it's NPR, PBS or any other radio/tv station. As for it being the least bias, that doesn't mean it's still not bias. If you want to compare it to Premier or Air America, of course it's not going to be as bias, but that doesn't make it neutral or middle of the road by any stretch.

detbuch 03-10-2011 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 843029)
Shouldn't the story be about how NPR's news is biased? RIJIMMY cited this video as proof. Is it?

Perhaps the Mark's comments about a lack of thinking are more true that you want to admit.


It didn't seem that Jimmy was saying that NPR's "news" is biased, rather that there is a disparity or hypocrisy in claiming, for instance, that the Tea Party is racist or biased, not because of an expressed agenda, but because of a perception about the people in the party--"a bunch of Evangelical, dumb rednecks." So Jimmy's comparison, if I read it right, is not to the bias of NPR "news," but to the people who deliver it, the individuals who create and present NPR--that they are not bias free, which the video, in the case of the two NPR reps demonstrates.

This is similar to what you did above, claiming the Tea Party is "anti-intellectual" not by pointing to an "anti-intellectual" Tea Party expressed agenda, but by "present"ing Michelle Bachmann, "case closed. . ." Not sure why presenting her name closes any case--she certainly appeals to reason and intellect to arrive at a point of view. Just because you may disagree with her doesn't make you any more "intellectual" than her, nor her any less than you.

zimmy 03-10-2011 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 843045)
If you want to compare it to Premier or Air America, of course it's not going to be as bias, but that doesn't make it neutral or middle of the road by any stretch.

I think it was a comparison of all major news media in the US. NY times, washington post, fox, abc, nbc, cnn,msnbc, wall street journal, etc. I am guessing Premier or Air America were not in the study. Although, I never heard of 1 and didn't know 2 existed anymore so maybe they were included.

I think it would be fine to stop grants for radio and tv, but I would much prefer the end the handouts to oil, sugar, corporate hog farms, insurance co, etc. that are exponentially larger than what goes to public broadcasting or arts. That seems to be the difference between "libs" and conservatives. Conservatives seem to have no problem with billions of dollars going to huge corporate conglomerates, but if it goes to something they consider liberal, then they are up in arms. I would guess in most cases they just aren't aware of the amounts of money that go other places. How anyone who fishes can support the GOP who put out a budget that slashes funding for Chesapeake Bay cleanup, and specifically allows for direct water polluters to be exempt from regulation, but allows for billions in tax breaks for enormous corporate monopolies is unfathomable to me.

JohnR 03-10-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 843054)
How anyone who fishes can support the GOP who put out a budget that slashes funding for Chesapeake Bay cleanup, and specifically allows for direct water polluters to be exempt from regulation, but allows for billions in tax breaks for enormous corporate monopolies is unfathomable to me.

For the same reason that supporting people that tax and spend with reckless abandon - far more often than not having a (D) in front of the name, and destroying our country is bad.

You cannot be someone that would pull a master lever and side with one party in entirety. You need to research and vote your mind on a case by case basis at the local and national levels. I highly encourage you affiliate with the unaffiliated voters :tooth:

fishbones 03-10-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 843116)

For the same reason that supporting people that tax and spend with reckless abandon - far more often than not having a (D) in front of the name, and destroying our country is bad.

You cannot be someone that would pull a master lever and side with one party in entirety. You need to research and vote your mind on a case by case basis at the local and national levels. I highly encourage you affiliate with the unaffiliated voters :tooth:

Just for the record, the quote you responded to wasn't from me. Somehow, Zimmy and my quotes got messed up.

And Zimmy, you might want to be a litle more careful when using statements like "Conservatives seem to have no problem" and "I would guess in most cases they aren't aware". It makes you seem like you don't believe that there are conservatives who are informed, which is wrong. Don't paint with such a broad brush, dude.

zimmy 03-10-2011 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 843122)

Just for the record, the quote you responded to wasn't from me. Somehow, Zimmy and my quotes got messed up.

And Zimmy, you might want to be a litle more careful when using statements like "Conservatives seem to have no problem" and "I would guess in most cases they aren't aware". It makes you seem like you don't believe that there are conservatives who are informed, which is wrong. Don't paint with such a broad brush, dude.

You are right, it should have said many conservatives seem to put more weight on the idea of taxes are bad, liberals spend too much. There is no way to have any of these conversations without generalizing, so let's not take offense when it happens.

Obviously, not all conservatives feel one particular way or are uninformed, just like all liberals aren't gun-hating, cross-dressing socialists. The problem is that the public mantra of the tea party and republic party is that the problem with the country is unions, funding for NPR, the EPA, the park service etc. Yet these same groups as an organization never stand up against the enormous amount of money that goes to Cargill, Monsanto, DuPont, Perdue, Exxon, etc. Why not? I think the answer is obvious.

zimmy 03-10-2011 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 843116)

For the same reason that supporting people that tax and spend with reckless abandon - far more often than not having a (D) in front of the name, and destroying our country is bad.

You cannot be someone that would pull a master lever and side with one party in entirety. You need to research and vote your mind on a case by case basis at the local and national levels. I highly encourage you affiliate with the unaffiliated voters :tooth:

See... what I think is destroying the country is the mentality of the tea party and conservative movement that manifests itself in the form of Omega protein and the Virginia congress. People on these sites bi'ch about Omega protein, the striper slaughter in NC etc. Yet, those behaviors are exactly what you get with that type of government. The big corporation comes first. They make huge amounts of money, put the politicians in office. The politicians make money off it. Their view is the government shouldn't hurt Omega's ability to make money on a renewable resource based on inconclusive science. The reason people here pay attention is that they are starting to realize it affects their striper catch.

The whole spending thing is a pretty suspect. A majority of economists would tell you that the government needed to spend money to prevent the recession from becoming worse than it is. The economy is certainly better than at the bottom. People are also upset because they are scared that the health bill is a bad idea, although again, a very small percent really can effectively evaluate or predict what it really means. There is plenty of analyses that indicate the health bill will save money and get millions of people health care in the process. Plenty of substantiated economic evidence that says the Bush tax rate on the upper incomes is hurting the entire economy.

justplugit 03-10-2011 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by zimmy (Post 843116)

You cannot be someone that would pull a master lever and side with one party in entirety. You need to research and vote your mind on a case by case basis at the local and national levels. I highly encourage you affiliate with the unaffiliated voters :tooth:

I agree and staying informed on all levels of govt. will require you to
to e mail or call your Representative with the issues that concern you.

It's all grey, there is no black or white.

RIJIMMY 03-10-2011 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 843122)

See... what I think is destroying the country is the mentality of the tea party and conservative movement that manifests itself in the form of Omega protein and the Virginia congress. People on these sites bi'ch about Omega protein, the striper slaughter in NC etc. Yet, those behaviors are exactly what you get with that type of government. The big corporation comes first. They make huge amounts of money, put the politicians in office. The politicians make money off it. Their view is the government shouldn't hurt Omega's ability to make money on a renewable resource based on inconclusive science. The reason people here pay attention is that they are starting to realize it affects their striper catch.

The whole spending thing is a pretty suspect. A majority of economists would tell you that the government needed to spend money to prevent the recession from becoming worse than it is. The economy is certainly better than at the bottom. People are also upset because they are scared that the health bill is a bad idea, although again, a very small percent really can effectively evaluate or predict what it really means. There is plenty of analyses that indicate the health bill will save money and get millions of people health care in the process. Plenty of substantiated economic evidence that says the Bush tax rate on the upper incomes is hurting the entire economy.

this is a lay up - I'll leave him to you boys.....

zimmy 03-10-2011 10:27 AM

Let's hear it Jimmy... so you are a fan of omega protein type government?

RIROCKHOUND 03-10-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 843137)
It makes you seem like you don't believe that there are conservatives who are informed, which is wrong. Don't paint with such a broad brush, dude.

Thats a valid point, but how many of the people, many of whom never listen to NPR are railing on them for taking public money, know they get ~10% of their budget from federal dollars?

the same thing happens when state tax payers get up in arms about state universities wasting tax payer money with some hire or action, but the % of the budget that comes from the gov't might be 10% or less....

staying informed is the only way to go.

for WRNI, best hours of the day is 0900-100 and after ~2200 or so; BBC world news...

scottw 03-10-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 843122)

See... what I think is destroying the country is the mentality of the tea party and conservative movement that manifests itself in the form of Omega protein and the Virginia congress. People on these sites bi'ch about Omega protein, the striper slaughter in NC etc. Yet, those behaviors are exactly what you get with that type of government. The big corporation comes first. They make huge amounts of money, put the politicians in office. The politicians make money off it. Their view is the government shouldn't hurt Omega's ability to make money on a renewable resource based on inconclusive science. The reason people here pay attention is that they are starting to realize it affects their striper catch.

The whole spending thing is a pretty suspect. A majority of economists would tell you that the government needed to spend money to prevent the recession from becoming worse than it is. The economy is certainly better than at the bottom. People are also upset because they are scared that the health bill is a bad idea, although again, a very small percent really can effectively evaluate or predict what it really means. There is plenty of analyses that indicate the health bill will save money and get millions of people health care in the process. Plenty of substantiated economic evidence that says the Bush tax rate on the upper incomes is hurting the entire economy.

this is getting good!...:lurk::rotf2:

zimmy 03-10-2011 10:30 AM

Hey, I like what John said :)

scottw 03-10-2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 843160)

staying informed is the only way to go.


I love you Bry.... but you voted for Linc Chaffee as the "best man to lead us forward", unless you meant forward off a cliff or a bridge, you shouldn't make statements like that.....:)

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