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Mr. Sandman 05-31-2004 05:35 PM

Fishing and smoking
I don't want to start a flame and I know a lot of fisherman smoke but what annoys me is when your fishing all alone late at night in a nice quite place...some fellow walks past (you hope he keeps walking), then he stops next to you and lights his cigar or pipe and the smoke is wafting your way now...WTF? I am out side trying to enjoy the outdoors and fish and this guys is smoking me out! If you smoke, MAKE SURE you don't disturb other fisherman...some like just being outisde and beathing the sea air as it is.

I asked the guy to either please put it out or move down the beach and he was pissed at me. :huh:

jugstah 05-31-2004 06:03 PM

Who cares if he gets pissed. There's the whole beach for him to smoke.

BigFish 05-31-2004 06:15 PM

I don't care for smoking and I make no bones about it......when I do happen to be out with my buddies that smoke I simply try to stay down wind of them! It is the single thing that I hate most on this planet!:smokin: :rocketem:

Backbeach Jake 05-31-2004 08:08 PM


gilligan 05-31-2004 08:21 PM

quit whining if the smilys can smoke then so can anyone else on a beach . whats next? you gonna whine about bait that stinks. i thought i had heard it all :laughs: :laughs: :smokin:

BigFish 05-31-2004 08:23 PM

:smokin: +:rocketem: =:btu:

thefishingfreak 05-31-2004 08:42 PM

what if?
we smoke butts, that smell like burnin' jeep tires? and sand?

MikeTLive 05-31-2004 08:55 PM

bait doesnt smoke
The bait does not choose to stink.
You, however, have chosen to smoke.
I cannot chose to inhale.:af:

Tell you what, you can smoke all you want so long as you dont exhale.


:smokin: + :gorez: = :jump:

Crafty Angler 06-01-2004 03:13 AM


Oops, I'm sorry ladies.....

Raider Ronnie 06-01-2004 05:40 AM

Never being a smoker ever, I just don't get the attraction or the enjoyment one gets from them.
Considering the known health damage they do to smokers and the rediculous cost (what do the cost now $4-5 a pack ? )
Knowing that most likely a smoker WILL die from lung cancer, and still smokes, just boggles my mind:smash:
The only thing I can figure on the smell, is that their sense of smell is loss from smoking and that just don't know how bad they stink !!!! BUT YOU REAK !!!!!!!!!:humpty:
Raider Ron

salmonfly789 06-01-2004 06:04 AM

I don't think it's any of your business whether someone is smoking or not. This is a free country. If you are offended , that's your problem. I smoke and love to smoke and will continue to smoke wherever I choose to . In the open air of a beach, it's none of your business

Backbeach Jake 06-01-2004 06:16 AM

I smoked 3 packs a day for 25 years, until about 8 years ago. I just got fed up with hacking in the morning and making sure that I had enough smokes to last whatever. A pack would last the drive from Rt. 117 down I-495 to N. Truro. I had to make sure that I had enough. The day came that I realized the tobacco companies were an international drug cartel and the US Government was a full partner, what with the tax income and subsidies. The tobacco companies added chemicals to increase the addictivity of their produce, making sure that their "customers" were loyal for their shortened lives. They were willing to kill me for my pocket change! I also got tired of the can I or can't I smoke here BS. I fired their butts:rolleyes: ! Having said all this, I don't understand defending your future murderer.

maddog2020 06-01-2004 06:55 AM

I got no beef w/ any one who smokes. I have lots of friend's who smoke. My Dad smokes a pipe.

I've been down wind plenty of times of smokers. I've fished small charter's (5 people) with two smokers before - I stayed up wind of them.

Now the only place these people can't smoke is inside my house. :D

Other than that, light up and puff away.

Now I rather smell smoke than some of the perfumes that some ladies wear, or the cologne men wear ! :p

GBOUTDOORS 06-01-2004 07:23 AM

Smoked for years 3 packs plus per day. Gave it up April 18th 1985 at 11:30 am one of the best days of my life. You want to smoke thats fine with me. You want to be rude and treat your fellow fisherman to smoke in the face thats just selfish and childish and that is evident in some of your answers to this post. It would be just as easy to move to the down wind side if you came after him but NO its your right to puff and make him smoke TOO. I find it hard to see the additudes of so many going the way of the hell with you and all for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have fished with many that still smoke but are mindfull of the fact that others around them don't and ask if you mind or move off as to not ruin MY time in the out doors. So you can say all you want thats its YOUR right and I will agree with you till YOU take away MY right to enjoy the out doors and fishing the way I like it.(with out smoke) Its not about smoking to me its about just being out and out rude about it.

BigFish 06-01-2004 08:55 AM

I agree with Raider Ron and GBOutdoors 100%....could not have said it better have a right to smoke and I have the right not to.......:happy:

fishweewee 06-01-2004 09:13 AM

I only smoke when I fish. :hihi: :smokin:

BigFish 06-01-2004 09:17 AM

I only smoke when I am engulfed in flames!:af: :D

Saltheart 06-01-2004 10:56 AM

People who smoke in such a way that their smoke bothers someone else , are inconsiderate. Its certainly more annoying indoors that out but even outdoors , cigarette smoke can be very uncomfortable for non smokers if the smokers are very close to them. Smokers should be aware of this. If the smoker was at the spot first , the nonsmoker should move on. If they move in on you , they are being inconsiderate. Most , if they know smoke is bothering someone , will leave some space between themselves and the non smokers. Some people , couldn't care less who they bother with their smoke. I could never understand this lack of condideration and assume its do to their addiction to nicotene. I'm sure that for some people , they just don't care about other people at all under any circumstances so when they smoke , its more of the same. These people should be avoided.

Bawana 06-01-2004 11:10 AM

I rather be next to someone smoking then some sh*# faced meathead trying to hook everybody and getting more obnoxious by the mouthfull.Everybodies gonna die of something .Unless the guys chasing you up and down the beach trying to stick the cigerette-cigar or pipe in your mouth how could he possible be bothering anyone else.It also helps keep to no seeums(nats) away.Seems they dont like smoke either

STEVE IN MASS 06-01-2004 11:18 AM

I smoke.....but I would NEVER think of lighting up in someone's automobile or house unless they were also smokers and it was obvious that they don't mind.

On a person's boat, I would not smoke if they said I couldn't, though I wouldn't be exactly happy about it, but would comply with their wishes.

Out on the beach, you would have to be AWFUL damn close to your fellow fisherman for it to be an issue.....if you're THAT close to me, one of us better move along, cause there will be other issues besides the secondhand smoke......;)

BigFish 06-01-2004 11:19 AM

I am guessing Bawana is a smoker!:think: :tm:

Bawana 06-01-2004 11:22 AM

Ya off and on I thought you were going to try the rod Smitty did for you how was it or havent you left yet??

BigFish 06-01-2004 11:56 AM

Going Saturday......I will be briging it with me.:D

Bawana....smokem' if ya got em'!:smokin: ;)

spinncognito 06-01-2004 12:07 PM

Smoking Room

I walked into the room and I started to choke
Because everyone in there was enjoying a smoke
Now to wreck my own health, I did not deserve
But before I walked out, I stopped to observe

In the front of the room sat a fairly young fellow
His smile was wide but his teeth were all yellow

A middle aged woman sat in the back of the room
with cancer, her life had a forecast of doom

The old man in the middle would cough and he'd hack
But still he smoke pack after pack

These people were addicted, that I realized
Then I had to leave quickly because the smoke burned my eyes
As I closed the door behind me to breathe some fresher air
It dawned on me that room of people really didn't care

About yellow teeth or cancer or all the rest of it
Because if they did, it seems to me, they would find a way to QUIT!

S-Journey 06-01-2004 01:29 PM

Wow, when people start complaining about smoking outside that is just plain ridiculous.

Maybe you should stay inside? We can't smoke there--

jugstah 06-01-2004 01:42 PM


Originally posted by S-Journey
Wow, when people start complaining about smoking outside that is just plain ridiculous.

Maybe you should stay inside? We can't smoke there--

S-Journey, obviously you're one of many inconsiderate smokers out there? We don't begrudge you your right to smoke, but when your right infringes upon another, your rights end there.

Besides, if you need to smoke, don't do it in a way that you're blowing or wafting smoke into the faces of others.

I'm sure you wouldn't like it if some dumbbass fisherman came right up next to you and tossed a line, and tangled you up something nice.

Go figure.

spinncognito 06-01-2004 02:11 PM

I am so anti-smoking that I get disturbed when the driver of the CAR in front of me is smoking and his stink is wafting into my truck! :af: :af: :af:

BigFish 06-01-2004 02:15 PM

S-Journey....put that is bothering me you inconsiderate you know what!;) :D

S-Journey 06-01-2004 02:16 PM

Jugstah, obviously you're one of many inconsiderate non-smokers out there? I don’t want to start another problem here, but I always speak my mind so here it is.

This was your quote "Who cares if he gets pissed. There's the whole beach for him to smoke." Well I feel the same way, if you don't like it then it’s you that should take the hike. If I was outside, and was smoking, and YOU didn't like it then YOU move, that’s how I feel and it will not change.

Now, if someone came over nicely and explained their situation in a civil manner, maybe I would accommodate. I realize that some people get sick and are allergic to smoke, or have asthma and such. In those cases I would extinguish or move. If someone was fishing next to me and just didn't like the smoke, well hopefully they have the walking shoes on. It all depends on how I was approached, and how the fishing was.

I try to be as considerate to non-smoker as possible, but there should be give and take on both sides. Don’t expect someone to put out their smoke because you don’t like the smell, start walking.


>> I'm sure you wouldn't like it if some dumbbass fisherman came right up next to you and tossed a line, and tangled you up something nice.

No, I wouldn’t, but that’s a different subject all together. There are ways to deal with that in a civil manner as well. If that doesn’t work, I can tell you who would be taking the walk, and it wouldn’t be me.

BigFish 06-01-2004 02:26 PM

I fished last week with S-Journey and he does happen to be a very considerate, smoking other buddy Slingah also is a smoker and he knows how much I hate smoke, however, he is always very considerate and when we are fishing together on the beach, and we take a break to chit-chat.....Slingah will light up and I simply stay down wind of is no big deal. Its just a matter of common courtesy.:D

Can't we all just.......get along?:rolleyes:

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