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beachwalker 02-26-2005 06:44 AM

Thank You for removing that thread
I was actually learning something about the matter.

Thank you for all who replied and didn't freak out because I jested at a religous background.

:claps: :claps: :claps:

Skitterpop 02-26-2005 06:57 AM

Gal dang islanders :rolleyes:

JohnR 02-26-2005 08:11 AM

Re: Thank You for removing that thread

Originally posted by beachwalker
I was actually learning something about the matter.

Thank you for all who replied and didn't freak out because I jested at a religous background.

:claps: :claps: :claps:

You could have continued to learn something on the matter and the rest of us could too. But you had to go and single out groups other than your own "even in jest :rollem: ". How many ethnic / religous groups were you going to run through in that thread? You had an important topic going but you had to lace it with trashing other groups....

This isn't to start a peeing contest, just a request that you think about it before hitting the enter key...



Slipknot 02-26-2005 08:12 AM

Thank you John:uhuh:

macojoe 02-26-2005 02:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Darn I always miss the good stuff!!

beachwalker 02-26-2005 04:16 PM

Thanks John. I used one derogatory word and now you are assuming that I was going to critique other ethnic groups ?

I believe the reason for a lot of hatred in this world is the ASSUMPTIONS that influence a persons prejudice in the first place.

I think the removal of the thread without informing or asking me was unfair.

Thanks again for your assumptions. Maybe if you met the person who the EXTRMELEY MILD "Ethnis Slur" was used on you might rethink how you have assumed what my future behavior would be.

Kind Regards

Steve K 02-26-2005 04:17 PM

There is no such thing as a joke when it comes to ethnicities and religious beliefs. It is ignorance not humor.

JohnR 02-26-2005 04:24 PM

Beach, actually, in the last thread of the post you followed it up with the "Newport ......"

Again, I'm not pissed so much as I just don't see the need for that stereotyping... If you simply said "Rich Snob" you could have gotten your point across enough. Just asking that you think before hitting the enter key.

beachwalker 02-26-2005 04:36 PM

Can't argue much there and I understand your concern.

But damit. that snob has a lot of enemies out here now.

Thanks Steve. I had no idea that those were the rules.


Springtides 02-26-2005 08:18 PM

move on
Nice call John and good job keeping your cool. Thanks again for all the good work and judgement.

Beachwalker, I think its time you changed the rules (not the ones on either) If enough people are mad at this guy, as you say, maybe you all can change how its happening. Good Luck and remember there are powers in numbers. Its not easy and requires work. Good Luck.
That must have been an awful thing to witness.

fishermom 02-26-2005 08:42 PM


I had heard about the problem from my brother and today recieved the
I & M and saw the picture and read the article...I have understood you anger from the beginning.....Your wording may have been "politically incorrect" but what's done is done.....hopefully the matter of the timing of the opening will be looked into........stay on-board S-B and be a freind..........I hope all the problems work out....

beachwalker 02-26-2005 08:47 PM


You are right and we are attempting to make sure something like this doesn't occur again.

I really hope that most here DO NOT LABEL ME A BIGOT.

John. Please do me a favor and allow others to read my original post. I used the "H" word to describe a Jewish man.

This evening the Rabbi here laughed long and hard when I recounted what happened on this site. He figured that most americans are scared to be labeled prejudice and the site didn't want to be a part of a muck throwing forum.

Never was my intention and I challenge ANY of you to test my prejudices.

This thread comment has been blown WAY out of proportion by a handful of you and I have a Rabbi that seconds that.

Stick that in your collective, cowardly pipes.

(and yes John, I dwelled on that for a few seconds before I hit "Submit".)

Kind regards

macojoe 02-26-2005 09:07 PM

I am even poping pop corn for this one!!

thefishingfreak 02-26-2005 09:13 PM

:lurk: me too.
sucks what happened down there beachwalker.
hopefully they'll leave the pond open for the herring.

Squid kids Dad 02-27-2005 12:07 AM

ummm..BW...At the risk of hi-jacking this thread I think I owe you a few of these...:) :) for the RED SOX...:) Hand in there BW

beachwalker 02-27-2005 06:52 AM

thanks guys. the pond draining sucked.

maco you're too much.

i'm just doing some belated whining.

:crying: :crying:

SQD, yep

:laughs: :)

Steve HC 02-27-2005 11:16 AM

You still don't understand. Many people of different walks and ethnic backgrounds visit this site, and other good fishing sites. If I ran this site I would want as many people visiting because it was a comfortable friendly place to look in on.
Your concern about the unfair lose of a good fishing location is on the money. the rest of it is crap! If you focused on the subject you would have had many compatriots.
As far as your "collective cowards" comments, that displays your lack of understanding. I don't care if a dozen religious leaders laugh and agree with you.
It's a remarkable thing, while digging for body parts at the World Trade Center, this New York City Fire Captain of the Jewish faith wondered how the world could hold so much hate.
PS John, Thank You

Nebe 02-27-2005 11:43 AM

One thing i might add as constructive criticism, is that if beachwalker used this same method of comunication in his town to try to fix this problem so it doesnt happen agian, he might not be taken seriously.. There is that saying "kill them with kindness" And the old stand by..."two wrongs dont make a right".

Steve- I cant imagine...:(

beachwalker 02-27-2005 12:31 PM


You don't get it.


Please refrain from lecturing me about what I did and what I didn't and what I should and what I shouldn't.

I used ONE word that has burnt your brain a little more in a thread that has been REMOVED. That is what THIS thread is about.

John I am NOT shooting myself in the foot. STOP LABELING ME A HATEMONGER, NOW.

Hows the Popcorn Maco ?


JohnR 02-27-2005 12:32 PM

Beach, in a nutshell you were shooting yourself in the foot. you had a helluva topic to be addresses but had to lace it with crap. You could have show a lot more tact in the way you put your post...

Steve HC 02-27-2005 01:06 PM

Have a nice spring fishing season.

JohnR 02-27-2005 01:14 PM


Originally posted by beachwalker
John I am NOT shooting myself in the foot. STOP LABELING ME A HATEMONGER, NOW.

I'm not labeling you a hate monger, I don't think you are a hate monger, I have no reason to believe that you are. I do think you are wrong in labeling people not the same as as you - in jest or otherwise.

I think you're an OK, if somewhat opinionated, ocassionally funny bastard that I want to someday fish with. I just think you are wrong in the way you handled that thread. I think most of what you said needed to be said, where you effed up was in labeling a couple different groups of people, in jest or not....

So are we going to continue to beat this horse?

macojoe 02-27-2005 02:21 PM

:lurk:I am on my 2nd box!:lurk:

beachwalker 02-27-2005 02:30 PM

I am ready to cease the comments.

the reason why I am still hot is that i found it stupid that ONE word (RECOGNIZE THIS EMPHASIS ON ONE) made you and others start telling me that I ruined the thread by turning it into a tactless, hate fest. Like I went of on some bashing campaign.

Yes, it was probably tactless on a happy site like this to use a slang word that jests at ethnicity. In my upbringing I don't dwell on stupid accusations that are knee jerk reactions from cry babies (hehe)

I like truths. IMO, truth is, no one but people from the island really give a rats a$$ about the pond because if they did they wouldn't be trashing my use of ONE word and not focusing on the problem. They would get over it.....

But we are used to that out here. People generalize with us and we laugh and tell them to "like it or leave".

island ego is how many of us refer to it.

My apologies for bringing up a boring local subject and making it tasteless by slandering the slob that initiated the problem.

Over and out.....:smash:

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