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Motor Fish 05-02-2005 10:23 AM

Professional advice...
I've been secretly looking for a new job. Didn't want to tell my current employer because I was only going to leave if the right opportunity was available. Well it turns out that I'm a pretty hot commodity :hihi: and several companies want me to come in for an interview. Which is great news, however, taking all this time off work is getting difficult. Time off on short notice is frowned upon.

I firmly believe in being up front and honest. But I don't want to make any "career limiting" announcements if I don't need to.

So either I need to have a talk with the boss, or I need some good excuses to skip out of work.

Whatcha think? :cheers:

fishweewee 05-02-2005 10:25 AM

Protect yourself.

Do not divulge anything about your job search, unless you feel it will be mutually beneficial to do so.

If an employer got wind of what you were doing, they would feel obligated to protect their own interests (e.g., r u taking trade secrets with you, are u taking other employees with you, etc. etc) and might feel you are not being loyal.

Look out for #1.

spence 05-02-2005 10:43 AM

Yea, don't let anything on until you have another option ready to go.


outfished 05-02-2005 10:48 AM

KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!! Employers can get weird about things like that and you may find yourself out on your arse very quickly. Need an excuse to skip out? Car problems, contracter is coming over, medical issue(doc appointment) etc. GOOD LUCK and look before you leap!

t.orlando 05-02-2005 02:07 PM

Try and set up all your interviews on the same day, that way you can miss just one

Motor Fish 05-02-2005 02:11 PM

Took everyone's advice and kept my piehole shut. I've agreed to an interview tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 8AM. Now I need a good excuse to give my boss. Any ideas?

outfished 05-02-2005 02:22 PM

Howabout this. Tell him you have a piping plover blocking your driveway and your doing the right thing by not distubing it. After all they are federally protected :hihi:

piemma 05-02-2005 02:22 PM

Food poisoning. I am in the software sales business and change jobs like underwear. You can always get away with a call in sick with food poisoning. "Went out to eat or got take out and at 2 this morning it was commin' out of both ends. Didn't sleep at all and am very weak." :wid:

PaulS 05-02-2005 03:16 PM

Anytime any asks my why I took a sick day, I say I had diariha - that ends the conversation pretty quick

Karl F 05-02-2005 08:34 PM

Paul ya beat me to it... no questions asked after that.

Backbeach Jake 05-02-2005 08:43 PM

You have an on going dental procedure. That excuse is good for half days for quite a while. Don't forget to rub your jaw once in a while. And drool.

BigFish 05-02-2005 09:03 PM

A donor for your sex change operation has become available and you must begin hormone injections immediately! :doh:These injections are done on an "as needed" basis so you should be good to go! Anytime you need to take off, just tell him its time to see Dr. Quickchange! Only problem with this plan is the need to start wearing a dress and makeup to sell it to the boss! :hidin:

Whatcha think? :buds:

Backbeach Jake 05-02-2005 09:29 PM

That would explain your stiletto heeled waders BF! :rotfl: Anything yet?

vineyardblues 05-03-2005 06:41 AM

Do not say a word .

I am sure you are an employee at will and they can close the door behind you for any reason OR no reason at all. Everyone is a employee at will

With zerro rights,,,,, Unless you have a contract :)


Jimbo 05-03-2005 08:52 AM

Don't know how much other employers pry when employees ask for time off. Around here whether it's going on one of my kids field trips or going to a lawyer about a will, I look him straight in the eye and say, "I have some personal business to attend to and I need to take a day." Some companies have special day set aside for this sort of thing, others make you take vacation. Either way your employer probably isn't allowed to be prying too much, especially if you have the time coming, anyway. May as well use it now since when you leave they probably won't pay you for it.

Diamond Tackle 05-03-2005 10:12 AM

Do NOT, repeat DO NOT tell them squat. They deserve NOTHING. Ive seen so many people get burned by being honest to an employer and people are wise to it now.Be smart enough to come in and say, "hey im giving notice, today is my last day, see ya". That seems to be the way to do it today. The days of 2 week notice are when employers treated people like family. Those days are GONE forever. Ive even seen really good Gm's, Directors get totally screwed over. Large Companies have absolutely no loyalty to anyone these days. Dont be a putz, cause you will hate yourself if you make this mistake.

Billybob 05-03-2005 10:30 AM

Mums the word
I agree, don't let on.
One thing you might try is to setup your interviews after hours, esp if they are pretty close.
Your prospective employers might think that it shows some character that you would rather interview on your own time - what do they know

The Iceman 6 05-04-2005 12:53 PM

Up front tell the propective employers you currently have a job (if they already don't know, I"m sure they do). Set up the interviews early or late in the day (i.e., before/after work) or during lunch. Propective employer will respect you for it and it shows commitment/loyalty to company. Wouldn't tell the current employer anything!!! Never leave fish to find fish, never leave current job until have new job. It made sense to me when I was typing it..Who knows?


Motor Fish 05-04-2005 01:21 PM

When in doubt . . . blame it on the wife. Up all night and had to take care of my sick wife and bring her to the doctor in the morning. Worked like a charm. Interview went great too.

I'll have to come up with another one next week. Thanks everyone!!!

Iwannakeeper 05-04-2005 01:27 PM

need an excuse - tell 'em your on your period. :rotfl:

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