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UserRemoved1 01-25-2006 05:30 PM

WTH is wrong with this world


janiejones 01-25-2006 05:38 PM

I often wonder that myself.

That story is just sad. :bc:

Mike P 01-25-2006 07:09 PM

It's not what's wrong with the world--it's what's wrong with one effed up kid.

Two things that are very telling---the mope's picture and this:

"The grandmother has had legal guardianship of Cass and his little brother since 1994."

Mom and dad must have been real prizes--and granny did a hell of a job on one of them, you gotta figure :rollem:

fishaholic18 01-25-2006 07:46 PM

Society sux today.:rocketem: :af:

UserRemoved1 01-25-2006 07:55 PM

yea Mike this stuff just seems to be happening too much lately. The one near me in Hopkinton is pretty sad too. Mother and a 9 month old dead. Haven't heard latest but wife said something about pyramid schemes they were into. too bad. Nice looking kid on their website.

Raven 01-25-2006 08:24 PM

seems like
allot of wierd happening in if there is some common denominator.... what that is the unknown...

Goose 01-25-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mike P

Mom and dad must have been real prizes--and granny did a hell of a job on one of them, you gotta figure :rollem:

IMO... thats what it usualy boils down to..the dam parents. They can't get their own chit together never mind raising a child.

Whats wrong with society? Lack of mother and fathers.

RI Popper 01-25-2006 10:35 PM

I alwayse very saddened by strories like that, I'm willing to bet you he didn't have his dad taking him fishing a lot when he should have been!!


Uncle Matt 01-25-2006 11:52 PM

Parts of this world are turning into a damn cesspool. This type of stuff makes me sick. I'm happy I've been born and raised in the more civilized and educated Northeast. Plus my dad was 6'4 and that helped alot! :musc:

That kid needs an uncle like me, Uncle Matt, to take him out back and teach him some respect. :smash:

Inreality though, juvenile court won't do much. Maybe they will lock him until until he's 17. You know, in one of those cushy group homes with tv, pool table etc. I'm no fortune teller but I'd be willing to bet his adulthood will be filled with incarsaration and shower buddies named Bubba. And us taxpayers will foot the bill. :yak6:

Surfcastinglife 01-25-2006 11:56 PM

Authorities tell us today that Cass came from a troubled family. His mother is in prison on cocaine possession and sale charges, and his father is serving a 15-year prison sentence for manslaughter after choking a prostitute to death in 2002.

from the article, still no excuse...........15 minutes and a crowbar the son of a bitch would be straightened out

Uncle Matt 01-26-2006 12:39 AM

Damn straight. Have crowbar will smash in skull.


basswipe 01-26-2006 05:44 AM

I can remember when it happened to Rose Nelson in Newport.Except it
was a castiron frying pan to the head.

These are the type of kids who need to be :eyes:

BMEUPSCOTTY 01-26-2006 01:53 PM

And how again would beating this kid improve his attitude toward life?
Also, don't kid yourself about the Northeast. That sounds like someone who has never been anywhere. When you hear someone with a drawl, do you automatically think they are less intelligent than you? They have doctors and lawyers and scientists and big citys with big fancy buildings down south and out west. Oh, and colleges to--lots of them! Do you want me to tell you what they think of you when they hear you unable to pronounce an R at the end of a word (unless of course it ends in a vowel-- then you ADD an R)? Yeah, the NE is great, I agree. But for me it's the ocean and, up north, the mountains that seal the deal. A lot of the people I could do without. Smacking your kids around is great for keeping them in line when they are around the house, if that's what your after, because they are afraid of you. But what kind of people do they become? They learn that violence (or the threat of it) is a tool used to make people do what you want. Whether it's to seperate some poor kid from his lunch money, scare some suit into giving your construction outfit some lucrative scam road job that you can milk for a few years and get fat, or to someday get your own kids to shut up because you don't know what to do with them. I threw that second one in because it typifies this area for me. People love to sit up here and deride the lazy (minorities) down south, when the truth is I have never seen an area so overun with people looking for deals, scams, phony jobs and unionized BS gravytrains in my whole life. Mass only looks good because it is next to RI, but it is just as crooked. If you have a shamrock up your ass, a red face and a big bald spot, chances are someone will take care of you down the road with a job and you'll be able to afford one of these new $600,000 homes you and all your buddies are building. Good luck to the rest of you. DONE RANTING!! Sorry, OT a little!

striperman36 01-26-2006 01:57 PM

Authorities tell us today that Cass came from a troubled family. His mother is in prison on cocaine possession and sale charges, and his father is serving a 15-year prison sentence for manslaughter after choking a prostitute to death in 2002.

More than troubled, they should be neutered!!!

kevin d 01-26-2006 03:52 PM

The apple don't fall far from the tree......I am with BMEUP on this. There are just as many clueless yahoos up north as there are down here. Actually, some of the immigrants in that area did some pretty bizarre things in the name of child rearing. North, south, east, west: its all the same. There are lots of ignorant people in this country. Don't think money makes people any better either.

Raven 01-26-2006 05:39 PM

i was thinking of some kind of environmental pollution found in the south as apposed
to "cultural differences" having lived in florida, georgia ,tennesee,oregon and the southwest too....
and that pollution (or that found in the mind)
could be in the form of violent video games influence instead of ONLY chemical or mineral toxic substances.
There seems to be a similar theme
in kids resorting to major acts of violence as if there is NO penalty to pay afterwards....
as if they just solved all their problems ....just like in a game....
but OF COURSE ....i'm just hazarding a guess

and Uncle Matt you give a whole new meaning to spare the rod (crowbar)
...........spoil the child.... :doh: even though that punk
prolly could benefit from a caning....out in the woodshed.
My dad would have me cut my own switch....
i always came back with a huge stick....
so i then got less whacks, and it stung less.:hihi:

castn4bass 01-26-2006 05:47 PM

there's still hope!
that kid will get his when BUBBA gets ahold of his punk a ss!! Kids gonna be squeelin like a pig!!

BigFish 01-26-2006 05:54 PM

Whats right with it? It would be a shorter list!:biglaugh:

PI guy 01-26-2006 06:13 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that fat little b@stard owns a "git er' done" t shirt.:uhuh:

Katie 01-26-2006 06:38 PM

i hate kids like this they're all sheitheads.. make poor choices..get bad things to happen to them..:rocketem:

Uncle Matt 01-26-2006 08:26 PM

For those like Scotty who were offended, that was not my intention. Sure there are violent crimes, juvenile delinquents, killers, rapists, etc up here in the northeast. They are everywhere and that's a fact. I was more upset and shocked by what the 10 year old did. At 10 I was in cub scouts and still playing t-ball, not committing armed robbery and ABDW on my grandmother.

RI Popper 01-26-2006 09:01 PM

Hey Matt its getting harder and harder to get shocked. I heard from a nurse that delivered a baby to an 8 year old mother! All I can say is "Come back soon Lord".

fishaholic18 01-26-2006 09:13 PM

WTF is wrong with people today? Wasn't like this when I was a kid. It's going downhill fast.:af:

tattoobob 01-26-2006 09:31 PM

Just a case of following in the parents footsteps, very sad, that kid looks like he needs a beating himself. I truely hope his grandmother is ok.

Raider Ronnie 01-26-2006 09:41 PM

I can only imagine what things will be like when I'm old years from now !!!
But how can things like this be surprising today!!!

UserRemoved1 01-27-2006 06:17 AM

Matt I wasn't offended by anything you said I'm neutral :D

I think you hit something pretty decent right there though

"At 10 I was in cub scouts and still playing t-ball, not committing armed robbery and ABDW on my grandmother."

My son is graduating to senior Boy Scout this year. Kewl stuff to do wish more did these things nowadays instead of these stoopid video games etc.

My kid built about 90% of his own pinewood car this year and he won sleekest paint job (wonder why) :) and won his den and division for fastest car. $5 says this kid in Florida never did anything like that. I blame it on the parents and I blame it partly on the kid. At 10 you've got a half a head on your shoulder and know right from wrong.

BTW an is another. Thomas has played ball every year cept for the one he broke his leg and that killed him. He and I turned and finished our own bats last year and he did some kewl hits too.. My point and reason I say this is you need to involve the kid in things that will interest him or else he is going to play video games or do derelict stuff like this. Not only does the kid need to want to do it but the parent needs to take the time to do the things and guide the kid to begin with...not out killing crack whores or whatever.

Youngmoon74 01-27-2006 11:43 AM

That kid has some serious issues and yea the parents suk big donkey bum, but there are a lot of individuals out there from broken homes who strive to become different from their parents. So I wouldn't say parents are the sole cause.

Katie 01-27-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by RI Popper
Hey Matt its getting harder and harder to get shocked. I heard from a nurse that delivered a baby to an 8 year old mother! All I can say is "Come back soon Lord".

8 years old?!?! :hang: :rocketem: :rocketem: :rocketem: :rocketem:

denport 01-27-2006 07:57 PM

I can only wonder where things went wrong for that kid, but I would have to put most of the blame on the fact that there just aren't enough reasons for people, especially kids, NOT to do things that are bad. I agree with Uncle Matt in a way. Discipline, as well as the occasional beating, went a LONG way keeping me on the straight and narrow. I knew that there would be repurcussions for my actions. From as simple as breaking curfew, to as complicated as stealing from my mother's purse. Nowadays if you even spank your child, you are an outlaw. They are allowed to run rampant and roughshod over the rules of society but parents are advised to "Talk to them about their problems and try to work towards a better and more effective lifestyle choice for them." I say let the mollycoddling end. Or to quote a book I once read, "Spare the rod, Spoil the child." But most parents don't want to go through the trouble of raising children.

Fortunately, there are an abundance of children who understand what a society is and how they can live as part of it. And for all of them I thank the parents that took the time.


chris L 01-27-2006 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Goose
IMO... thats what it usualy boils down to..the dam parents. They can't get their own chit together never mind raising a child.

Whats wrong with society? Lack of mother and fathers.

I have to agree you have a licence to drive , fish ,carry guns ,to get in the gym , to work but you dont need one to be a parent . I for one should never be a parent . I spend to much time fishing ( although they always to be there ) . the laws dont help either . most kids need a spank every once in awhile

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