Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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Katie 09-27-2006 08:28 PM

who's been on one... whats the story..?

MrHunters 09-27-2006 09:05 PM

err... what kind of road trips we talking here?

don't take one to indiana unless you like cornfields :)

Skip N 09-27-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by MrHunters
err... what kind of road trips we talking here?

don't take one to indiana unless you like cornfields :)

Idaho is right up there, interesting place, if you're into old broken down farms! Nice folks out there though.

Katie 09-28-2006 09:57 AM

oh i was just thinking.. stories of the good times you guys might of had.. the subject came up between 2 friends of mine and i..

Karl F 09-28-2006 11:06 AM

oh.. u meant the kind that involved a lot of beer and somebodies uncles car, and some late night auto body repair..
don't know nothing about those kinda road trips ;) :hihi:

RIJIMMY 09-28-2006 11:09 AM

I've driven across the US 4 times. some great times and memories.
Last time was in 2000, my wife and I in a 4runner for a month
From San Francisco we went to Death Valley, Vegas, Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, Austin, Jazz fest in New Orleans, Ft Meyers FL, Key West and then up to Mass where we settled. I wish I could do it again....

Saltheart 09-28-2006 12:35 PM

One of my favorite was a trip from Boston up Niagra Falls and torranto then across canada to Quebec abd montreal and then down through maine and home. Every other night we camped and every other night we got a motel room. It was a blast. i also would like to do that (and many other things) again!! :)

Katie 09-28-2006 02:40 PM

thats really cool, i hope to have the chance to do that someday :)

taJon 10-02-2006 01:07 PM

Drove to WI twice. long ride but the scenery in wester NY, PA, and OH is nice. did I say it was a long ride yet. :D

DaveS 10-02-2006 02:26 PM

May of '91, just came home from Iraq and after 4 days of sleeping and eating mom's home cooking, I got in my 1981 Jeep CJ-5 and took off. Drove to Marathon key Florida and fished for 3 weeks, then headed north back up thru Florida and fished all the way to Georgia. Then took off to Hatteras for another 2 weeks, met some some crazy girls there (but thats another story alltogether) and then headed back towards NJ for some more of Mom's cooking and clean clothes :). 4 days home and I was off to Ontario Canada for some freshwater fishing (2 weeks) and then I went home a refreshed man, life was good.

mekcotuit 10-02-2006 03:47 PM

June 80- graduated from college and with a couple of pals drove down the east coast - fishing, exploring, then across the south - damn hot and muggy but first time cat fishing and great food, Texas - East Texas - can you say hello KKK? - they did not like our Mass. plate -we drove fast through NM, Arizona into California....stayed in the Monterey Peninsula, Big Sur for 3 years (but that is another story)...took the northern route home. We have a beautiful country.

MotoXcowboy 10-02-2006 04:33 PM

One December I rode in the back of a pickup truck in a sleeping bag, all the way from Camp Lejune, NC back home to R.I. that was a long cold road trip ill never forget....

I have taken tons of road trips from RI to Chicago...

One time on the way home from Chicago, I raced through a hurricane in a little porsche944 in Connecticut...(scary) through it...and home - sunny Narragansett, & then the hurricane hit an hour after I was home...that was pretty cool. Experienced the hurricane twice.

Nebe 10-02-2006 04:35 PM

I grew up in Newport..... only roadtrips we took were to providence :hihi:

RIROCKHOUND 10-02-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe
I grew up in Newport..... only roadtrips we took were to providence :hihi:

Yup... to think I live all the way over the bridge now... :D

vanstaal 10-03-2006 04:11 AM

if u live in S.County and u go past the tower u r on a road trip :ss:

Saltheart 10-03-2006 07:55 AM

In Rhody , anything over 5 miles is like going to another planet. When my mother's sister moved to East providence , they said goodbye like they would never see eachother again!!

Mike P 10-03-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Saltheart
In Rhody , anything over 5 miles is like going to another planet. When my mother's sister moved to East providence , they said goodbye like they would never see eachother again!!

This is the God's honest truth. We lived in Pawtucket and my dad worked in East Providence--in Rumford, just over the line. He had a "traveling job". :jester:

A mixed marriage was when you married someone from a different parish :rotf3:

Raven 10-04-2006 11:14 PM

you wanna road trip
heres an oldy but goody....

well me and the ole lady decide to split the east coast and head back to sunny california in the fall of 1975 in our trusty (yeah right)
vw bug ok...heading across the mid section of tennesee....suddenly
we begin to loose power bigtime and oil pressure:blush: and when i look out the back window ...i have closed down the whole dam freeway with burning oil smoke making it look like a war ZONE.

i say: crap! i just lost cyclinder number three and i'll have to rebuild this S.O B. somewhere around here.:conf: totally bummin....

we pull off @ the very next exit and i size up the two service being brand spanking new and the other one lookin like something out of a movie after i chose that one.:rotf3:

next: we rented a motel room and it's now 11:00 am....
so i drop off the wife and barely putt- putt over there smoke still pouring out the back of the car.... and i'm chokin on it....

i go in...and say Mornin...! i'll be needing to pull my engine and
am wondering if you have any spare used v-dub parts laying around for my 64 bug because i blew piston number 3.

the guy shakes my hand and says....nope! smilin. you blew piston number one.....and you betcha.... we'll see whats layin around and he gave me the full run of his shop....although i had all my own tools.

40 minutes later: i have my engine out sitting on my home made
motor stand made out of the bottom of a shopping cart and i say
to the guy..."so tell me..." "whats up with that friggan guy or girl
or what ever it is :huh: working behind the motel desk in the lobby..."

he says: "what do ya mean...?" i said: "well, he looks more like a girl than a man ...and i was lookin for a bra strap thru his see thru shirt....but couldn't see one... he starts laffin saying: "yeah...
that fagggot (70's talk wasn't invented yet) is a real
winner ain't he....shakin his head..
..then he says: yeah, i have my boy's here, go over there and kick his ass almost every week...
more laffin...and the two sons just grin a big ole southern grin at me... as i begin to laugh out loud.

So with two helpers, i get back to the task at hand.... and start pulling off the head for number one...and sure enough there's a big ole hole burned right thru the top of it... and i looked at the old timer and said..."how the hell did you know that?" in complete amazement.

he just says... " i heard it as you drove up heeah son..." grinning.

so we make a great deal on new (used piston and a set of rings)
parts and i slap them in......then he buys everyone lunch which was some awesome pizza.... along with a case of budweiser beer.

he's enjoying the hell out of my mechanic experience and the fact that all he has to do is sit back in his chair and watch....and enjoy the show.

so then ....i start the installation process and we are all getting a buzz on telling stories and having a great old time talkin about hunting and fishing... and also telling them about california living which they think is all messed up. which it is... lol..

About 7pm i have the sucker back in and running like better than ever before...and he gave me some oil and a new set of plugs
just to be nice... as his two son's were getting an engine rebuilding lesson from mister do it yourself and he's lovin every moment of it.

as i back out he says to me....i'd like ya to stop on back here on yer next trip thru he says ....ya'll come back now hear? i nod...
and he says
make sure ya leave some rubbah on yer way out....
cuz it pisses off dat ol man cross the street..
. the guy in the brand spankin new gas station ...his competitor... so i am sitting there reving the engine... varooom va va varoooom and errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrch :rotf3:
out i go smokin the tires screaming that bug back to the motel
leaving a hot sa-mokin trail of rubber on the asphalt much to his pleasure i waved goodbye....

i come into the room all greasy but happy with a six pack of bud...
and say: well , i got her done.... the wife can't believe it...thinkin we're like doomed.... and she's afraid to ask.... how much did it cost ?
i say: well i cut every corner i could......and hesitate...for the answer... lookin at her worried face. 65 bucks!!! she's like ...... no friggan -> way in total disbelief....:hihi:
i say yep... coolest people i ever did meet and i re -tell the story about his sons beating up on the faggot desk clerk...making her laugh as we pop open some beers....and i get washed up...

next morning as we check out...and are both gigglin about the pink shirt waring fairy....and pull out honkin and waving ....goin eeehaaaaa!!! as we pass the garage.....singin california here we come
right back where we started from..
. real loud....
on a very beautiful day.

Katie 10-05-2006 10:15 AM

:laughs: thats really cool!:bl:

Raven 10-05-2006 03:05 PM

lets go campin!!
yeah great idea.... so we load up the vehicle
and head for them thar hills....up yonder...
we just kept drivin and drivin and drivin until we are way high in the mountains of cuyamaca california.....and now being tired i'm trying to invent a camp ground spot....for the night....ok, where ya kinda sneak onto private (vast) property and set up your tent for a quick over night campsite. I see this chain in front of a road and decide to check the lock because i have quite a few master keys from over the years...and by golly wally fits and we're in...

the spot was awesome and we went out to the clift and watched shooting stars for hours drinkin some nice plum wine.
i nearly stepped on a coral snake (very poisoness) that night
and was real lucky that i wasnt bitten way the hell out there.

we had a great bonfire and a big feast and stayed up a bit to late.
the next morning At dawn i'm still a bit toasty...and come crawling out of the tent...thinkin of only one FIRE -> .....................COFFEEEEEE.....not really looking around...
and suddenly discover that i'm right in the middle of a huge herd of white california brahma bulls each weighing almost a ton....
must of been 70 or more all around me, and i never heard a thing.

they had full long horns and didn't look too friendly at all so i just slowly crawled backwards back into the tent very quietly so not
to spook them. about an hour later they ambled off.....
as they started away i woke up the wifey....and said "look honey....
moo moo's are here".... she says..."i don't care i'm sleeeeepin!":D

Katie 10-06-2006 07:43 AM


i woke up the wifey....and said "look honey....
moo moo's are here".... she says..."i don't care i'm sleeeeepin!"

another awesome story! :)

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