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RIJIMMY 12-06-2006 12:16 PM

I hope they find this guy alive.
it doenst look good but I hope he is ok...

MERLIN, Oregon (AP) -- Fresh search teams prepared to join the hunt for a San Francisco man who set out on foot Saturday to find help for his stranded family in Oregon's snowy coastal mountains.

Searchers tracking a creek in a steep canyon found a pair of gray pants on Tuesday that apparently belonged to James Kim, 35. His family said he was wearing them over a pair of jeans.

"This is frustrating. We are so close," Josephine County Undersheriff Brian Anderson said Tuesday evening. "There are people pouring their heart and soul into this. We are not going to quit until we find him."

His wife and two daughters were rescued Monday at their car, stuck in the snow on a remote road.

Kim went about two miles along the road then headed down into a drainage area, said Lt. Gregg Hastings of the Oregon State Police. The pants were found about a mile from where Kim left the road.

fishpoopoo 12-06-2006 12:25 PM

me too.

but the pants thing is not a good thing - sign of hypothermia.


tynan19 12-06-2006 12:27 PM

^First thing I thought. Pretty brave to go off and find help for his family. It looks like he exhausted all rescources before taking the risk. Burned the cars tires for a signal and all.

BigFish 12-06-2006 12:29 PM

Maybe I am stupid......but why didn't the guy get a good campfire going??? He was in the woods, obviously able to start a fire cause he had the tires going??? Keep the fire going all night and someone was bound to see it!!! They tell you always to stay where you are??

UserRemoved1 12-06-2006 12:31 PM

terrible shame esp this time of year :(

Mr.Mom 12-06-2006 12:41 PM

In his deffense the last family lost out there stayed where they were and the search was abandoned if memory serves me right....

Tell ya what....easy for me to monday morning QB things sitting here but if that was me and my family....I'd be setting the woods on burn long and hot...forest fires get noticed....set a tire against a big tree in the middle of the forest and light it up.....

I hope they find the poor basted....I just read the last update I could find....he's got young kids :(

RIJIMMY 12-06-2006 12:44 PM

the Mom nursed the two kids to stay alive!
Good question BF on the fire, he did light the tires, why not the wood? If he doenst survive, he succeded in keeping his family alive and I'm sure thats all he wanted, as most of us would.

BigFish 12-06-2006 01:38 PM

I agree Mr. Mom...torch the forest if you have to!!

tynan19 12-06-2006 01:48 PM

I think the forest was covered in snow. He kept them alive by running the car only at night. After 8 days maybe he thought this was his only chance.

Mr.Mom 12-06-2006 03:52 PM

KTVU Television is reporting that airborne rescuers have spotted a man laying face down in the Oregon wilderness that may be missing San Francisco resident James Kim.

Searchers are being lowered to assist the man. There is no word on his condition, KTVU says.

RIJIMMY 12-06-2006 03:55 PM

SH*T !!!
The dead body of James Kim -- who left his wife and children in a snowbound car while he went for help -- has been found in the Oregon wilderness, law enforcement officials confirm.

man that sucks

JohnR 12-06-2006 03:56 PM

MSNBC and FOXNEWS are stating that he was found dead.

I am happy the rest of the family got out and no doubt he would have been relieved to know that. They were so close to finding him as well....

Mr.Mom 12-06-2006 04:00 PM,2933,234880,00.html

That sucks......

UserRemoved1 12-06-2006 04:19 PM

may God rest his soul


BigFish 12-06-2006 04:20 PM

Thats a shame! You always pray for a happy ending, its tough when it ends like this!

Duke41 12-06-2006 05:40 PM


tynan19 12-06-2006 08:31 PM

That is really sad.

spence 12-06-2006 08:38 PM


In similar situation, unless you know where the hell you are and where to get help...DON'T LEAVE FAMILY!!!

:( :( :(


MarshCappa 12-07-2006 11:53 AM

Sucks! They almost got to him in time. God bless him and his family and those who worked endlessly to find them all.

stripersnipr 12-07-2006 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 439342)

In similar situation, unless you know where the hell you are and where to get help...DON'T LEAVE FAMILY!!!

:( :( :(


As with all tragedies there is a lesson to be gleemed. Lesson learned: Send wife for help.

Sorry couldn't resist.:tooth:

Sluggoslinger 12-07-2006 01:36 PM

On the news this morning they were saying that if you go way out in the woods with your truck, its a good idea to have a big bag of dog food because you might eat all you're other food quick and be screwed but with dog food you'll only eat when your good and hungry!

What a tragidy, some people at my girlfriends office worked with him on a couple projects lately and I guess they had nothing but good things to say about him.

fishsmith 12-07-2006 01:38 PM

I thought I heard it was his footprints that caught the helicopters eye and lead them to the family?
Whatever happened That dad is a HERO and went down swinging.

Now for the sharks ... how soon will Hollywood jump on this.

chief10 12-07-2006 01:50 PM

that's terrible.

Redsoxticket 12-07-2006 03:03 PM

I was also anticipating a happy ending, sad to find out the opposite.

Note to self:
Burn spare tire, then each of the remaing tires for following days.

The Iceman 6 12-07-2006 04:27 PM

Ever watch that show in DSC - "I shouldn't be alive." Same scenario but in the African bush - plane crashes, 3 seriously wounded/critical condition. After 3 smoldering hot days, 2 guys leave the plane crash site. Find an elephant trail - they ended up walkking 60 miles but they were zig zagging miles (i.e, pretty much walking in circles). 2 guys came to fork in road, one guy goes let's go right. Soon enough they found a hunting lodge and called for help. Search crews were not even looking in their general area and would not of found them. If they went left they would of all been dead. If they didn't try to find help they would of all died too. Who knows? Anyway, great show AND it's really sad about the husband! Prayers are with the family.


spence 12-09-2006 12:39 AM

Now that the story is more clear it's pretty sad. Here's a DAD doing what we all think we would do in the same situation...

He's an unsung hero to fatherhood.


Raven 12-09-2006 07:32 AM

you know what bugs me
and this rant is not to rag on the guy : james kim

it's to rag on society...a bit...

because of the available technology out there....
ya know?.........

tom toms (navigation devices)
cb radio's
google mapping feature {over head shots]
flair guns...i don't know.... survival stuff...:hs:
the fishing lodge just a mile away....-no signs again
but nobody knew....about it....

if that area is so dangerous....
as rescuer's discovered quickly...
there were no signs for that either....
LIKE -> danger: Enter at your own Risk

and now it's a detective hunt...
going on for the guy who cut
the lock off the gate in the first place...
that basically allowed james kim and family to drive in there...
just a gate....? with no signs!!!? thats even worse :doh:

hollywood will be all over this story and then some.
it'll become a movie...(with the news media calling him
super human and /or a hero.)

it's really a sad turn of events. an american tragedy.:(

Mr.Mom 12-09-2006 08:08 AM

In my eyes the most important thing we can do as a Dad (if you are one) is learn something from this.......

sok 12-09-2006 08:37 PM

Short and to the point....
One of the requirements of being able to aquire a drivers license should be the ability to read and understand a map.
Not a GPS but a paper road map.
Where you are are in relation to landmarks.
Could have been avoided easily?

MikeTLive 12-10-2006 11:48 AM

aparently they found the car by tracing back a text page she sent out.

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