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RIJIMMY 04-10-2007 10:24 AM

This Imus thing
I am a regular Imus listener. I have heard things on that show that have made me laugh so loud I almost got in an accident. They make fun of and insult EVERYONE. I can't belevie the controversy over his remarks are making such a big noise, the racism comments are ridiculous. Does anyone here watch the Chapelle show? South Park? Race is used as comedy all the time on these shows.
The only way race as an issue will go away is when we learn to laugh at each other and not let stupid comments make the news.

MrHunters 04-10-2007 10:37 AM

agreed rijimmy.
when it comes to comedy no one should be untouchable. if one can't distiguish between this and real racism then we have a problem in society.

Black people can say bad things in reference to comedy about white people and it should be the same the other way around. Does anyone really think Imus is a racist... cmon, stop already.

Jimbo 04-10-2007 10:46 AM

I could not agree more RIJ. While Imus' statement could indeed be categorized as racist, I don't think it was racially motivated and that makes a big difference. Many talk show hosts in general push that envelope and everyone laughs, even if it's a guarded laugh. If you've ever heard some of the stuff Leno says, looking right at Kevin Eubanks and he never comes back and cries racist, nor does anyone else. I think Al Sharpton felt he hadn't been in the limelight in a while and Imus was his perfect opportunity. I didn't see the Rutgers Women's basketball team's press conference, but I was curious their response. They certainly weren't that verbal about it up to that conference.

ThomCat 04-10-2007 10:49 AM

There's another thread pertaining to this down in the S-B sports forum, check it out:af:

RIJIMMY 04-10-2007 10:58 AM

THomcat - why the angry post......

Duke41 04-10-2007 11:00 AM

What a tempest in a tea pot. The guy has a great shpw. Sharpton is an racist and a liar (Brawley) Its obvious he hates whites. There is a double standard being used here, yet again. I have zero guilt about what happened in the past...get over it.

Raven 04-10-2007 11:15 AM

you dont know how bad
i wanna make a nappyheadedho picture with a black imus playing basketball against those girls... but i shall restrain myself.

i think Imus does many good humanitarian things that far outweigh
the goof he made... saying that, since he wasn't really in a comedy sketch ...but hey they're all goofin on each other and crackin jokes
more than anythin else... and when john kerry blew his chance of re election by uttering "study hard or you'll get sent to Iraq"...he wasn't asked to resign as Senator. :hs: i hate al shapton and jesse jackson... they chase prejudism like ambulance chasin lawyers
so bad..............................
they're makin a livin at it :devil:

Swimmer 04-10-2007 11:23 AM

You might not like the comment, and I find it somewhat distatsteful, but nonetheless its free speech. He is an entertainer, not an intellectual. Howie Carr like......

In retrospect my distaste had to do with how I knew it would be accepted by americans of african decent. They would howl and demand justice. So I suppose my initial interpretation was somewhat shallow, because now that I realize this words/phrase is quite common in the black community. So if blacks can say it, so can IMUS.

And it sickens me to hear Sharpton called reverend. Sharpton I don't believe ever went to college. No college, no degree in theology. No right to call yourself reverend. We have a kid in Whitman trying to take over a local church. Calls himself a reverend after attending a six-week bible school in the Berkshires.

stripersnipr 04-10-2007 11:37 AM

We live in a world full of double standards and political correctness run amok. All we can do is reject those ideas and do what we feel is right. If it offends anyone, too damn bad.

RIJIMMY 04-10-2007 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Swimmer (Post 482432)
You might not like the comment, and I frid it distatsteful, but nonetheless its free speech. He is an entertainer, not an intellectual. Howie Carr like......

Swimmer, I think you hit the nail on the head. he is being judged as a journailist, not a comedian. Al Roker has an editorial on saying he should be fired. Lets ask Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, or other blac comedians if what he said is wrong.
We are talking about a guy that calls Cheney "a lying Fat Bastard". Have you ever heard the Ray Nagin routines?
If you dont like what he says, dont listen to the show. Its that simple.

mosholu 04-10-2007 11:47 AM

Considering the climate I think he got off pretty lucky. The guy is an intelligent guy and it amazes me that he can not see that he is just playing into the hands of the extremists on both sides when he makes comments like that. However if there is free speech he should be able to say what he wants and the marketplace will decide if he should be penalized. I think if we are honest with ourselves and we were the parents of one of the Rutgers' players we would be pretty upset and hurt.

RIJIMMY 04-10-2007 11:51 AM

Would you be upset and hurt? I learned a little something in first grade which I would share with the rest of america..
"sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
WHo cares what people say, whether its race, religion, politics, looks. the racism card gets too much play. If I was a parent of a kid on teh rutgers team , Id say "F him, my daughter is great and nothing will ever get in her way in life. "
Thats what builds character, not whining about other peoples thoughts and comments.

RIJIMMY 04-10-2007 11:55 AM

This is the best, Kurtz appears regularly on Imus' show. I think the Jews should ask for an apology,,,

Howard Kurtz, media critic for The Washington Post and host of CNN's "Reliable Sources," said Imus is known for his comedy, but "his comedy too often strays into the offensive."

Kurtz, whom Imus once called a "boner-nosed, beanie-wearing Jew boy," said Imus should be held accountable for his remarks, "but there is also a good side to Don Imus, and I don't think that should be completely obliterated in all of this chest thumping."

The Iceman 6 04-10-2007 12:05 PM

"Would you be upset and hurt? I learned a little something in first grade which I would share with the rest of america..
"sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" Who cares what people say, whether its race, religion, politics, looks. the racism card gets too much play. If I was a parent of a kid on teh rutgers team , Id say "F him, my daughter is great and nothing will ever get in her way in life. "
Thats what builds character, not whining about other peoples thoughts and comments."\

We'll said RI Jimmy...we'll said.....

pmueller 04-10-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 482447)
Swimmer, I think you hit the nail on the head. he is being judged as a journailist, not a comedian. Al Roker has an editorial on saying he should be fired. Lets ask Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, or other blac comedians if what he said is wrong.
We are talking about a guy that calls Cheney "a lying Fat Bastard". Have you ever heard the Ray Nagin routines?
If you dont like what he says, dont listen to the show. Its that simple.

Worse than that, what Sharpton is saying is because he uses public airwaves, he can't say those things. Imus is being juged in my opinion as a politician who can't say anything wrong.
I'm sure he regrets what he said, if he loses his job, he'll never forgive himself. Lets see Sharpton pony up for all those kids with cancer then.

MrHunters 04-10-2007 12:26 PM

patrice oneil, a black comedian, today on sean hannity said, and this pretty much sums it up,calling these girls nappiheaddedho's is much different than calling them nappiheadded athletes.
meaning one of the two is quite racial while the other is just said in fun. plus having an old guy say nappyheaded ho is pretty funny in and of itself.

patrice also said that he wants white people to be able to say this type of stuff so he can continue to make his white jokes.

i couldnt agree more.

MrHunters 04-10-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 482430)
i i hate al shapton and jesse jackson... they chase prejudism like ambulance chasin lawyers
so bad..............................
they're makin a livin at it :devil:

those two say more racist things that anyone.

something about the pot calling the kettle lavender.

woh i just went through a whole bunch of colors in my head before i found a neutral non racial color. :rotf3:

PaulS 04-10-2007 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Iceman 6 (Post 482455)
"Would you be upset and hurt? I learned a little something in first grade which I would share with the rest of america..
"sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" Who cares what people say, whether its race, religion, politics, looks. the racism card gets too much play. If I was a parent of a kid on teh rutgers team , Id say "F him, my daughter is great and nothing will ever get in her way in life. "
Thats what builds character, not whining about other peoples thoughts and comments."\

We'll said RI Jimmy...we'll said.....

If you call your wife a ho tonight, you'll prob. have some broken bones by morning.:uhuh:

Raven 04-10-2007 12:43 PM

Easy Mr Hunters
don't strain your brain now :rotf2:

Raven 04-10-2007 12:52 PM

south park material
i hope the southpark gang jumps all over this....:uhuh:

hearin them kids sayin nappy headed ho will be awesome

it would also make a bitchin badass song for the rappers
or one of them bands....

it's gonna go huge... someones gonna grab it !
and make it the catch phrase of 07 in a song.
this i predict... it's way to catchy

nappyheaded cabbage patch dolls... :btu: lol :spam:

Backbeach Jake 04-10-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by MrHunters (Post 482467)
those two say more racist things that anyone.

something about the pot calling the kettle lavender.

woh i just went through a whole bunch of colors in my head before i found a neutral non racial color. :rotf3:

But then you got onto sexual preferences....see how goofy this whole thing is? Just words said in jest. Mean nothing at all. Who cares what Imus said, his words carry no real weight.

mosholu 04-10-2007 01:36 PM

Back to RI Jimmy: I would not want my kid being called a whore by a national media personality. And while I hope she would shrug it off and consider the source I do not think it is very nice. And this is not the end of it. They will be called that at games for the next few years. That being said if Imus is to go down the same standard should apply to all music types both rappers and metal who go around calling people whores etc. The standards should be applied across the board.

ThomCat 04-10-2007 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 482424)
THomcat - why the angry post......

Maybe I used the wrong icon. I'm not angry but more like in shock that these two nitwits (the revs) are trying to be representitive of of an entire race because they are an embarrasment to that race. If you read my comments on the S-B Sports forum, I made my sentiments pretty clear. The more I think about it though, the more I think that Jackson & Sharpton are actually benfitting Imus from their blatently racist bully pupits. Although it seems as though it would be impossible to generate any sympathy for Imus at this time, these guys, with their off the wall antics and accusations, seem to be working the best they can to do just that!!

Tagger 04-10-2007 03:44 PM

I believe the comment was Nappy Ho's refferring to a college girls team .. Don't sound right period...nevermind coming from an old rotted white guy with a cowboy hat .. Imus sux ... Howard must be loving this .. Heard Howie Carr is ..

Raider Ronnie 04-10-2007 04:27 PM

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are 2 of the BIGGEST racist on the planet !!!

Redsoxticket 04-10-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ThomCat (Post 482486)
Maybe I used the wrong icon. I'm not angry but more like in shock that these two nitwits (the revs) are trying to be representitive of of an entire race because they are an embarrasment to that race. If you read my comments on the S-B Sports forum, I made my sentiments pretty clear. The more I think about it though, the more I think that Jackson & Sharpton are actually benfitting Imus from their blatently racist bully pupits. Although it seems as though it would be impossible to generate any sympathy for Imus at this time, these guys, with their off the wall antics and accusations, seem to be working the best they can to do just that!!

Those bold letters, there burning my eyeballs to the point that I can't comfortably read your posts.
Bold letters means like your screeming

spence 04-10-2007 05:47 PM

So what does this say about race relations in this country?

Heck, I thought things were pretty well...and this is how much difficulty we have dealing with the off color comments of a known irreverent satirist?

I was happy Imus was defending himself on NBC this morning against Rev. Sharpton...but enough is enough.

These smart and talented women who make up the Rutgers team should state without question..."sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"...and stand up for themselves.

They have accomplished far too much to let the media take their second place finish away from them.


ThomCat 04-10-2007 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Redsoxticket (Post 482539)
Those bold letters, there burning my eyeballs to the point that I can't comfortably read your posts.
Bold letters means like your screeming

Let me apologize for the bold letters as I don't mean to burn any parts of any contributor here. I have poor vision (understatement) and I do it for my own benefit as it makes it easier to review what I've posted. I'll stick to the standard type from now on as I don't have the defensive resources to be screaming at anyone. Please judge me on what I say rather than the manner in which I deliver it:grins: .
P.S. How 'bout them Sox today, eh!!!!:cheers:

Nebe 04-10-2007 08:08 PM

What we have today is reverse racism and especially reverse sexism. Look at the feminist movement. In the art world, gallerys always have womens shows that only show the works of women. Try doing a man only art show and the critics will hang you out to dry as a chauvinist pig.

Like someone said above, if Dave Chapelle said the exact same things Imus did, people would be laughing thier asses off...

Joe 04-10-2007 08:28 PM

Too bad he's sober - could have blamed it on the booze, checked into Betty Ford and gotten around it...
So much is orchestrated these days - I'm not so sure this was not on purpose. If the show stays on the air, I'll be certain it was. Two days before this happened I was watching him and thinking how stale the show had become.

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