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basswipe 04-29-2007 09:07 AM

What's the worse pain you ever felt?
After reading about BFs pinched nerve it got me thinking about what the worst pain I ever felt was.

For me it was when I had to have 4 spinal taps when I has bacterial meningitis when I was 14.

A close second was after a car accident in '96.I woke up to find my right arm pointing straight backwards.My humorous had what could be described as triple spiral fracture with many floating pieces.When the shock wore off...OMG!!!

An honorable mention would be when I fell off a ladder in Feb. of '06 and broke a rib.

So what's your pain?

BigFish 04-29-2007 09:09 AM

Spending the weekend enjoying the worst pain I have ever felt......seems to be getting slowly better.....I guess!:eek:

goosefish 04-29-2007 09:12 AM

I had to have my sinus canals checked with a camera that the doctor sent in through my nose. Eye watering pain.

basswipe 04-29-2007 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 487678)
Spending the weekend enjoying the worst pain I have ever felt......seems to be getting slowly better.....I guess!:eek:

It takes time,that's for sure.

Proper medication and physical therapy can be a big help.

kevin d 04-29-2007 09:17 AM

Kidney stones. The first one was bad but it passed while I was in the emergency room. The second one, a year later, was much worse.
For what it's worth, my nurse had 3 kids and kidney stones. She said she would rather give birth than pass another stone.

fishaholic18 04-29-2007 09:20 AM

About 2 weeks ago.
After my back surgery, 1st 2 days were hell, pretty bad for another week after that. Not sure is I'd want to go thru that again. Morphine didn't put a dent in the pain.

stripersnipr 04-29-2007 09:20 AM

Broken Ribs and a dislocated shoulder come to mind....

Mike P 04-29-2007 09:25 AM

When my gall bladder started spitting stones :crying:

spence 04-29-2007 09:31 AM

My wedding day.


Slipknot 04-29-2007 09:36 AM

When I lost a fish so large it could have been a record who knows, it hurt very very bad.
then there was a ruptured disk that got worse and worse as a month went by with me still working and building an addition on my house the whole time, got so bad I didn't sleep for 3 nights and sat at the edge of the bed moaning, couldn't sit in the car, had to have the wife drive me in my van while laying on the floor on my side.
then there was food poisoning, made me realize what childbirth must be like.

GattaFish 04-29-2007 09:39 AM

Sitting home with an ex-girlffiend one night when my buddy called and told me they were into some decent fish.

Slingah 04-29-2007 10:00 AM

when I broke my collar bone skateboarding as a teenager and my friend who said it was a dislocated shoulder and went to pop it back into place.....YEEOOOW....idiot.....
I was in a brace for well over a month....and had my first experience wiff drugs...:jump:

spinncognito 04-29-2007 10:38 AM

This might not sound bad but it HURT. was swimming in a local pond and stepped on some glass, sliced the area between my 4th and 5th toes, musta been right on a nerve.... excrutiating pain! :lossinit:
Was only about thirteen then and have not come close to that level of pain since... :bc:

JohnR 04-29-2007 10:45 AM

Physical pain - When I blew out my ACL and 30+% of the meniscus, partial tear MCL - several second pain induced blackout...

UserRemoved1 04-29-2007 10:48 AM

Fall off tower

2 broken vertebrae, 3" fracture in sternum and bruised heart

THAT %$%$%$%$in hurt.

Runner up would be the nerve in my finger in between pain meds.

Second runner up would be a rusty 20 penny nail in a board going completely through my foot with a sneaker on and my dad having to pull it out to go to the hospital.

basswipe 04-29-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 487717)
Physical pain - When I blew out my ACL and 30+% of the meniscus, partial tear MCL - several second pain induced blackout...

Just this week my brother was at work and just walking up a flight of stairs when he heard a POP in his knee that was as loud as firecracker.
Dropped him.All done.

basswipe 04-29-2007 10:54 AM

Jeez forgot to mention in '99 I literally shattered both knee caps in another car accident but at that point I was used to the idea of pain that
it didn't seem as bad as it was.

Another honorable mention would be when I was 11 we took a family vacay and I closed the locked door right across the palm of my left hand.Every animal at Benson's Wild Animal Farm heard me that day!

Those meningitis induced headaches weren't much fun either.

Swimmer 04-29-2007 11:07 AM

Spence's Pain
would be seeing someone wear white before Memmorial Day or after Labor Day. What a lament.

I have been very lucky compared to you guys. Hitting the bridge of my nose with a 28 oz. framing hammer taking batter boards off of an interior 2nd floor wall hurt like a mother you know what. Going to my knees next to an unprotected second floor stairwell open all the way to the cellar floor as a result scared the beejesus out of me.

Katie 04-29-2007 11:18 AM

freshman year of gym.. 2 mile run, my left knee was already hurting and i jumped onto the curb, landed wrong on my foot, dislocated my knee, having the nurse and the teacher run over, and with no warning at all pop it back in [ i've never yelled louder ], and tell me to go finish running. i hopped out of class.

JohnR 04-29-2007 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 487723)
Just this week my brother was at work and just walking up a flight of stairs when he heard a POP in his knee that was as loud as firecracker.
Dropped him.All done.

Yes, half my team heard that noise....

boot man 04-29-2007 12:12 PM

Pinched nerve going out of my neck and out left shoulder. After years of neck pain, I had a bone spur growing into my spinal canal. PAIN WAS LIKE CHEWING TIN FOIL but it never relented for 3-4 sleepless days. Prescriptin meds didnt amke a dent. Quack nurse practitioner gave me tylenol and told me to see a chiropracter, chiropracter almost apralyzed me. Discectomy, cadaver bones, 3 screws, and titanium plate later, all is well.

Big Fish, consider going to see a Dr. if the pain gets too bad. Get real meds. He checked my reflexes, all messed up. plunked my middel finger, and my thumb moved. aye-yi-yi. It's painful to even recall.

Backbeach Jake 04-29-2007 12:32 PM

Slipped on ice at the top of stairs and landed on my back. Couldn't move for 15 minutes and crawled back into the house. Nearly had Jenn call for an ambulance. Cracked ribs,bruised coccyc, and whiplash. Locked my bowels for a weekand a half. Missed a week of work. Still sneak up on that set of stairs after 4 years....

striprman 04-29-2007 12:56 PM

I could tell you what it's like to have a broken back, but words alone cannot describe it.

Raven 04-29-2007 02:28 PM

kidney stones are known as the worst...had them...

back pain so bad ya wanna cry..... that continues....

getting hit in the face by a boomer rang comes to mind.

but i'll never forget that one day while i had on my cast
on for my broken ankle....

my larger dingo dog came running across the room
to greet me in a happiness mode....

she turned sideways and body slammed my leg hitting the cast
in particular... which woke it up bigtime and it swelled up
with no where for the swelling to go.... still in a cast...
pain that had me writhing and yelling...
i took allot of strong meds that day/ i can tell you that.

MarshCappa 04-29-2007 05:30 PM

Compound fracture right arm. Broke it in a bike crash(pedal)when I was 16. I broke that arm 4 other times in football but that was the worst. i also broke every bone in my foot and ankle in a car crash when I was 20 and that was a close 2nd.

Nebe 04-29-2007 05:47 PM

ahhh. i was 19 i think. I was on our old boat...a 60 foot long custom steel ketch. We were almost inside cutyhunk harbor and had just headed up into the wind do do something, maybe drop the main, I forget...Anyway, I was up on the fordeck. I bent over to grab something and the clew of the genoa somehow managed to come from behind me and tag my nuts at about 100 mph.. For those who dont know what the clew is, on that sail it was a 2 inch stainless grommet sewn into the corner of the sail. it probably weighs a pound.

i get the shivers just thinking about that one :hihi:

Squid kids Dad 04-29-2007 05:56 PM

Right along with Big fish..Pinched syactic nerve(sp)..OMG....I could not get relief no matter what I did.I was up all night just about crying.Finally went to the Doc..I dont care what you do but give me pain meds..They did MRI and found nothing..Pain Meds and muscle relaxers thank god..2 weeks later, nothing

Raider Ronnie 04-29-2007 06:42 PM

Last year I had hernia surgery , that was no big deal,
but it's day surgery and they don't let you out of the hospital till you pee.
It wasn't till I tried to pee that I realized they put a friging tube up the pee hole for a bag :crying:
Felt like I was pissing fire !!!

Slingah 04-29-2007 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 487860)
Last year I had hernia surgery , that was no big deal,
but it's day surgery and they don't let you out of the hospital till you pee.
It wasn't till I tried to pee that I realized they put a friging tube up the pee hole for a bag :crying:
Felt like I was pissing fire !!!

omg...that reminds me and how could I forget....
the worst was the camera I had put up there to look in my bladder

FittyPoundah 04-29-2007 08:31 PM

Bone Marrow Biopsy. Ouch, I still have to turn away from House M.D. sometimes because it reminds me of the procedure I had 13 years ago.

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