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BrianS 10-13-2007 10:23 AM

my f'd up last couple of days....
two bizarre things in one week

Thursday night.. my wife was sitting on the front porch. We live at the end of a long driveway and fenced on all sides... kinda a big yard... there were 4 cars parked.

A taxi drives up, onto my lawn, into my back yard, does a 3 point turn, sees me running after him, and tears ass out of the yard.. It was UTTERLY surreal.. I got the plate and called the cops... They thought it was weird too, but we agreed there was no damage and the cop said he thought he would see the guy in the town center that night and said he would talk to them...

I refrained from calling checker cab to bitch....

and now... TODAY

in a nutshell, my TV still isnt fixed and circuit city can die.

this all began in august... Circuit city had a company called SABER TV to come out and fix it... We had an appointment, my wife stayed home from work, they didnt call, they didnt show up.

I called CC and Saber the next day.. The owner - an ass named George, said he knew the problem and had to order a part and thats why he didnt call. - Whatever - he was an a-hole...

They came at the end of the week when I was away. The guy was EXTREMELY rude to my wife because we moved the TV. Then we also found out that night the TV STILL wasnt fixed.

I called them from work the following monday, George told me that he couldnt get anyone out to finish the job for a few weeks (today Oct 13th) I was pissed. He also didnt care about his workers attitude to my wife.... He put him on the phone and he began giving me lip as well... The call finished with George asking me to call back with the serial for the TV that his worker forgot to get. I told him I would see when I got home, and never called back. I called CC and told them this wasnt acceptable and to get me someone else. They did... I didnt hear from George again for 3 weeks....

A company called Public Sound came out two weeks ago and are supposed to come back out again today. I got a call the other day from someone confirming an appointment today at 10am.... I agreed thinking it was Public.... Turns out, it was George... Circuit City never called him to cancel... I figured it out this morning when Public called confirming for today and said they didnt call the other day and noone named George worked there.

SO.. I immediately call Saber... no answer... Their guy called me at 9am... I told him that I was sorry CC didnt cancel, but they disrespected me and my wife so I called CC to get someone else to come out... The guy began freaking on the phone so I hung up... 30 mins later, I stepped outside for a few and came back in and found a message waiting.... It was George saying his guys were on their way and that I better f'n call him and give him the f'n serial number or he was coming here himself....

Now.. Im not a small guy.... I also live directly behind the fire/police station.. So i didnt care.. I called George back, and explained in an escalating voice that he could kiss my ass and should call CC to get the info he needs.... It basically amounted to him DEFINITELY being on his way...

I called circuit city - explained the situation and how it was there fault and also how if he damages a blade of grass in my yard that I was holding them responsible... This seemed to strike a nerve so they called him...

Crisis averted

Still waiting for Public Sound

TV still broken

Still Taxi tire marks in my yard

wtf... i need to go fishing

jbuck 10-13-2007 11:35 AM

I wonder if George has a part time job driving a taxi !

Swimmer 10-15-2007 06:12 PM

Brian, get the number of the cab and have the officer who responded the other night run the plate to get the insurance companies name. File claim against insurance company for lawn damage.

Call CC's main headquarters and tell them about the bull...t your getting from one of thier stores, and its subcontractors. Mention to them that your going to call help me firekin Hank on channel 7 thats broadcast to a couple of million dinnertime viewers. File claim against CC to get a new TV. It is extremely unreasonable that you should have to wait as long as you have.

thortum 11-12-2007 07:15 PM

Hey. BrianS. Whats up? The suspence is killing me!!! It's been a month. Finish the story, or has George already been over there, and do I have to call CSI from the TV show? :wall::smash:

BrianS 11-17-2007 09:15 PM

no george

other place came, took my TV for two weeks, and when we picked it up, it was still broken..

got on the phone with circuit city customer care - they told me since even though it was two different repair shops, their first visits were in the same month so they would need to send a THIRD repair shop out to verify it was broken... i called her a few choice words, then decided i needed to calm down so i told her i would be calling back.

i called back, they decided the TV could be replaced - finally - and the girl who i called the choice words to had started the process.

I had to spend an additional $500 for TV and wall shelf but I am now the proud owner of a 37" Vizio HD LCD.

HOWEVER.. its not done...

1. They told me I would get a refund for my remaining warantee on the old TV... Customer care told me to go to the store to fill out a form, the store had no idea what I was talking about and told me to call customer care... I did.. repeat... Only this time I got REALLY pissed with other customers arounds and DEMANDED they call customer care... She got on the phone, after 15 mins of them arguing, customer care wanted to talk to me... I spent $160 on the extended warantee, he told me that after 1. an administrative fee was taken out, and 2. The cost of the TV repair (which had to be WELL over $500), I would automatically get a check for the rest... I FLIPPED out in the store, told the guy I was sick of their %$%$%$%$, and to IMMEDIATELY fax me a copy of all these "rules" pertaining to the warantee they were pulling out of their ass.. He told me to find the three page phamplet in the store, I laughed, called him an assh**le, and told him NONE of that was in there.. He told me to stop swearing, it wasnt his fault.. I flipped again (in the middle of the store mind you) telling him that was the problem with their f'n company, noone gave a %$%$%$%$ about the customer at all.... He warned me again, and told me to ask for the 40 page manual that customer service had for the warantee, I DEMANDED the girl find it and she scrambled, We went back and forth for another minute, the guy finally warned me for a third time to calm down, so I told him to f' off and hung up.. I told the girl that I didnt need the manual, and left...

That was a week ago, I got a check for $25.00 in the mail yesterday to cover the remainder of my warantee... Go figure....


2. I noticed on the receipt the other day (purchased before the events of #1) that they charged me FULL price for the TV and didnt apply the credit.. I called the store immediately and it was supposedly fixed... Ill find out for sure in a day or so.


thortum 11-19-2007 08:09 PM

I think that I can see the STEAM coming out of your ears! Good luck with the new TV, and I'm glad George didn't come to visit. :happy:

tattoobob 11-19-2007 08:43 PM

After all the crap is finished I would call better business bureau and report George and his company, there is no way in Hell they should be treating people that way even if they are not directly working for you.
I would have let george show up at my house with my sons and brother waiting for him, he would be in for a big surprise.

sorry for all your head aches Brian

Gobi 11-20-2007 10:02 PM

Good thing I wasn't taking a drink or I would have blown it out my nose. LMAO


Originally Posted by jbuck (Post 531673)
I wonder if George has a part time job driving a taxi !

BrianS 11-21-2007 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by tattoobob (Post 541292)
After all the crap is finished I would call better business bureau and report George and his company, there is no way in Hell they should be treating people that way even if they are not directly working for you.
I would have let george show up at my house with my sons and brother waiting for him, he would be in for a big surprise.

sorry for all your head aches Brian

Its all part of the fun of being a consumer I suppose.

and I completely agree with your assesment, but I had my 14 month old home with me, that could of been an ugly scene. I actually called a friend to come over and wait for the fireworks, but he was half asleep and missed what I was asking... and by then, it was taken care of...

I got my refund
The new TV looks nice (early birthday I suppose)
and Football is REALLY pretty in highdef.

So its not all bad I suppose.

UserRemoved1 02-13-2008 11:22 AM

Hey Brian I read this and I dunno why but I thought of you :hee:

boot man 02-13-2008 12:08 PM

I refuse to shop at Best Buy for similar reasons. It killed me to spend a Xmas gift card with those good for nothing thieves.

BrianS 02-13-2008 01:45 PM


and I thought I was pissed off.. This guy really went for the jugular... I hope he does VERY well.

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