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scottw 04-30-2008 05:33 AM

Can She Pull It Out?
stunning, but she's got a very legitimate argument that she's the most viable candidate for the general and a fresh endorsement from the NC gov. , won the most important general states and isn't alienating everyone around her, can she get the nom.? will the "SUPERIOR" delegates, the ENLIGHTENED members of the party dare to tell Obama,"ahhhh, we're CHANGIN"? FASCINATING ain't it?

Raven 04-30-2008 06:18 AM


JohnR 04-30-2008 06:56 AM

Shut up & Vote McCain :tooth:

As an independent I am probably voting McCain for several reasons;

Barak ain't there yet, needs more seasoning, and he'll probably gut the military. The executive decisions of the past few years, right or wrong, we need a strong and smart military and we can't gut it more.

Hilary I just don't like. Too many "nasties" over the years for me to like.

I think McCain has the most character out of the three, is probably the best leader. Leadership is something we've been sorely lacking for a while now. We need leaders.

I am also convinced (sadly) that the best thing for our country may be not to have one party control both Congress and the White House

Raven 04-30-2008 09:03 AM

my only wish is
that her Daddy had pulled out :bgi:

scottw 04-30-2008 09:17 AM


RIJIMMY 04-30-2008 09:27 AM

Personally, I think Hillary can get elected, I do not think Obama can. She is tough and will be able to stand up the Repub machine and the last few months have been to tough for Obama. Americans have enough doubt. I think he will be a vialbel candidate in teh future.
The dems have a real problem with the nomination. Either way they go - a large part of their base will be bitter at the decision. Just my take, but we have an extremely unpopular republican president, an unpopular war, a recession, record high gas prices and barring any major revelation on McCain, I'm 99.5% certain we will have a repub president for the next 4 years. That is pretty sad if teh dems cannot win in this environment. Its time to retink what their party stands for.....

Saltheart 04-30-2008 09:32 AM

I think she looks more likely every day obama argues with his pastor.:)

I am reserving my decision until i see who McCains running mate is. I think he's too old so his VP choice is very important.

Overall I'm very dismayed that these are the best the country can offer for candidates at this critical time in our history. where have our best and brightest gone?/ Oh yeah , the best and brightest now run other way when politics are mentioned. Too dirty , too distorted by media , no praise for success and someone looking into every pair of shorts you have worn to see if they are stained. Nope , politics is no place for the truly intelligent anymore.

zimmy 04-30-2008 11:37 AM

interestting... I think things will be ok with Obama or McCain and that is the first time in awhile where there isn't a big problem on one side. Also, last time it was Kerry/Bush and there isn't much worse than those options. I don't see Obama gutting the military any further. I really do not think he is stupid. The military has had its guts ripped apart the last few years and I don't think anyone is going to decrease it. I think the military will be better off in 4 years no matter who of the 3 get in. My Dad (who hasn't voted for a dem president since the 60's) was a big McCain supporter, but also told me recently that his runningmate will decide it for him. He is concerned about age and also thinks there may be something going on cognitively.

MrHunters 04-30-2008 11:47 AM

that question is wrong on so many levels :)

slapshot 04-30-2008 11:58 AM

I do believe she can pull it out. I have a feeling it may be bigger than mine as well.

I don't think either democrat candidate is viable. Reminds me of the last election....

mosholu 04-30-2008 12:15 PM

I was pro Obama but the more I see how he has handled certain issues I am convinced he is no different than any other politician. It would be nice that once before I die I would like to vote for a candidate I really support rather than the lesser of two evils.
Everyone has made some very good points. For McCain the VP choice will be critical because of his age. Voting for Obama is becoming more difficult everyday because it hard to know where the real guy is. Hillary for me is a non-starter.
I believe Saltheart has it right. It is hard to believe that this is the best the country can come up with but on the other hand if you are a highly qualified executive or academic would you put yourself and your family through the 16 month circus that these people have gone through. The primaries should be a four month season start to finish with cap on spending so whoever wins has some portion of his soul left.

RIJIMMY 04-30-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by mosholu (Post 586186)
II believe Saltheart has it right. It is hard to believe that this is the best the country can come up with but on the other hand if you are a highly qualified executive or academic would you put yourself and your family through the 16 month circus that these people have gone through. .

Isnt that exactly what Mitt Romeny was? I dont love the guy, but he was a self made executive with a history of getting things done.

EarnedStripes44 04-30-2008 02:54 PM

McCain is going to pick up where Bush left off. More jingoism, more tax cuts, more deficits, more recession, more constitutional perversion. McCain, of all candidates running, is least qualified to meet any of the challenges facing this nation.

"Im sorry to tell ya, but there is gonna be more war"
-John McCain

"Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war. "

RIJIMMY 04-30-2008 02:59 PM

I cant beleive you think there will be more constituional perversion under McCain than Obama or Clinton. Their entire campaigns are based on perverting the constitution. I guess I missed the ammendment on universal health care.

EarnedStripes44 04-30-2008 03:13 PM

On economics, he will be the Herbert Hoover of 21st century.

EarnedStripes44 04-30-2008 03:35 PM

On torture...

McCain voted against a torture ban in the senate. He must have really enjoyed his stay in Hanoi.

In the constitution there is something about "Cruel & Unusual Punishment" thereby protecting citizens of this country from such things. Bush has designated individuals, be they citizens or not, enemy combatants, voiding any subscription to rule of law. The McCain administration will only continue such absolutistic lawlessness, and reckless abandon for the document that fortified due process around your inalienable rights.

EarnedStripes44 04-30-2008 03:41 PM

McCain on the mortgage crisis...(1 of many, and often conflicting, point of views)

"Let me make it clear that in these challenging times, I am committed to using all the resources of this government and great nation to create opportunity and make sure that every deserving American has a good job and can achieve their American dream,"
-John McCain

Wow, he sounds remarkably liberal!!! Maybe I am giving him a bad rap.

mosholu 04-30-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 586227)
Isnt that exactly what Mitt Romeny was? I dont love the guy, but he was a self made executive with a history of getting things done.

Yes but he is a rare one. There a couple of takes on that. As a nation we rarely go for competence over vision. A candidate can be a great administrator etc. but if they do not light people up as a leader with a vision of where they want to take the country people will not vote for them. Romney was always going to have trouble with the Morman thing. It is not something people can identify with. Can you imagine what it would be like for him now if he was the prospective nominee with this thing in Texas. The second point is that oddly enough Americans do not like guys who have made a lot of money running for office. You can come from money that does not seem to be an issue but if you made it yourself in business it tends to irk people.

ProfessorM 04-30-2008 06:54 PM

thats what Bill said

Nebe 05-01-2008 05:50 AM

I was going to post the exact post that EarnedStripes44 posted... With Mccain, you can expect more of the same policies that we have seen with Bush.. in other words, our team would get a new coach, but keep the same players. To turn a bad team around and get it on the right track, you have to take a chance, and to do that sometimes you have to take a chance and replace the coach and most of the players that you know have not preformed well..

spence 05-01-2008 05:55 AM

I thought Hillary was dead long ago, and her run this last month was strong, but I still don't think she can do it. There is a chance she has earned a VP slot that she doesn't really want, but would take if offered.


Nebe 05-01-2008 06:11 AM

The question is this- Is this country ready to vote for a minority who seems to have the favor of the majority? Or will negativity, fear and pain, pave the way for McCain? :hihi:

FishHawk 05-01-2008 06:29 AM

Hillary has shown me host nasty and dirty politics can be. I will never vote for her. If she gets it she won't win the election. She's too polarizing. She has destroyed the Democratic party for her own ambitions. She'll do and say anything to get elected. She must be pissed that Obama ran for president. She thought she had a cake walk to the White House.
I'm not sure of McCain. He's caves into the party too much.

spence 05-01-2008 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by FishHawk (Post 586363)
Hillary has shown me host nasty and dirty politics can be. I will never vote for her. If she gets it she won't win the election. She's too polarizing. She has destroyed the Democratic party for her own ambitions. She'll do and say anything to get elected. She must be pissed that Obama ran for president. She thought she had a cake walk to the White House.

As nasty as the Clinton's can be I don't think they hold a candle to what we've seen from the RNC in the last few election cycles.

Yes, you hear the punditry bemoan, Kos and other left wing groups, but the simple fact is that they get very little press coverage and if it wasn't for GOP'ers trying to position them as the voice of the Democratic party most Americans wouldn't even know they existed.

And your analysis of Clinton hurting the Dems has one big flaw. If Hillary can get the nomination I think she stands a real chance of beating McCain, which would make her actions today appear brilliant.


afterhours 05-01-2008 06:42 AM

right or wrong i just don't see heartland america electing a minority with an islamic name or a woman with her baggage and ties as president. the person (whomever that may be) who would make the best president is too smart to take that job. says here that that mccain wins by default....

spence 05-01-2008 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by afterhours (Post 586367)
right or wrong i just don't see heartland america electing a minority with an islamic name or a woman with her baggage and ties as president. the person (whomever that may be) who would make the best president is too smart to take that job. says here that that mccain wins by default....

McCain has big problems. The Republican base isn't behind him and he's given the Dems plenty of fodder to go after. Flip flopping on taxes, 100 years in Iraq etc... etc...

Personal tangents like the Rev Wright or Vince Foster :rollem: are pithy compared to what people really care about.


RIJIMMY 05-01-2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 586370)

Personal tangents like the Rev Wright or Vince Foster :rollem: are pithy compared to what people really care about.


Spence, nothing you have said over the last 4-5 yrs has made me believe you have no clue as much as that last statement.

Jim's prediction - if Obama gets the nomination, he loses at least 40 states to McCain.

And to Nebe's point - the reality will be its because he is a junior senator, with questionable ties to a blatant racist (Wright), and Islamic name in a time of war against radical islam and who has extremly limited experience. But, for Nebe and the left, it will be because he is a minority and we are a racist countrty.

spence 05-01-2008 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 586381)
Spence, nothing you have said over the last 4-5 yrs has made me believe you have no clue as much as that last statement.

Strong words there boy, care to splain yoself?


Nebe 05-01-2008 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 586381)
But, for Nebe and the left, it will be because he is a minority and we are a racist countrty.

I agree. And it is sad. You know and getting to scottw's points about the values that this country were created on.. One of the biggest was the firm notion that this country had to have a separation of church and state, yet there are many that will only vote because of their religious beliefs.. McCain has the conservative Christian vote. Thats for certain.

however, that being said, I believe that when it all comes out in the wash, voters are going to be thinking about their financial future and even an idiot can see that the republican party has been looking out for the top 10% of this country's upper class and has done almost nothing to help out the lower class.

The Dad Fisherman 05-01-2008 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by slapshot (Post 586184)
I do believe she can pull it out. I have a feeling it may be bigger than mine as well.....

:rotfl: :biglaugh: thats a friggan riot

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