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BigFish 07-01-2008 04:27 PM

One More Reason To Quit!
As if you needed another reason to quit smoking right? Lung cancer, Emphysema!? Now you get to pay $6.50 for a pack of coffin tacks! As if the first 2 reasons were not enough to quit!!:smash: So how many are gonna kick em'?

ProfessorM 07-01-2008 04:29 PM

I thought you were going to say fishing.
Glad I never started.

Raider Ronnie 07-01-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 601885)
As if you needed another reason to quit smoking right? Lung cancer, Emphysema!? Now you get to pay $6.50 for a pack of coffin tacks! As if the first 2 reasons were not enough to quit!!:smash: So how many are gonna kick em'?

"coffin tacks"
Never heard that one!
As for how to kick them,
I've never tried one in my life !

Flaptail 07-01-2008 04:43 PM

Never smoked butts in my life, maybe I should have for at least a few years then I would be maybe 6 feet instaed of 6'-6":eek5:

GattaFish 07-01-2008 05:14 PM

I am glad I never smoked,,, and I know it is very hard for some people to quit....

Years ago I could understand people smoking and not knowing what it will do to them,,, Thats what happened to my Grandmother. It was horrible to see here suffer.

These days,,, People know and just don't care that they will get cancer and SUFFER before they die.:skulz::skulz:

Backbeach Jake 07-01-2008 05:16 PM

15 years ago I was smoking 3 packs a day. Extrapolate today's prices over a year. OMG!!! You guys who never tried, my hat's off to ya. I needed the ordeal, I guess.
Gattafish, nicotine is an addictive drug that is intensified bu the tobacco companys. They want loyal customers to friggin stay loyal. Drug pushers, they are , and no more. The US government is a full partner in this tradgedy. They up the taxes, knowing that won't end the addiction. And they accept billions from big tobacco in the for of a settlement that was supposed to cover the health problems associated with smoking. What a farce. Then there are the subsidies to grow or not to grow, whatever the political climate is this week, does't matter the money flows and the customer dies after suffering a good long time.

GattaFish 07-01-2008 05:39 PM

BBJ... You are right... Some of the guys I was with in the Middle East were buying cigarettes for $13.50 U.S. a CARTON just the Last week.

A mere fraction of what they cost in the states. So some huge tax revenue for the state and local govts for sure.

likwid 07-01-2008 05:46 PM

Have a buddy hit the PX.
They're still cheap.

Raven 07-01-2008 05:58 PM

an insecticide for cotton
that's right... nicotinic acid is sprayed on cotton to kill the cotton boweeval
(Sorry forgot how to spell it) because that's the only
chemical strong enough that would actually kill them.

tobacco straight off the plant isn't so bad...
sure it still has nicotine contained in it...

but it's all the other chemicals they add
that causes more problems.

like the tiny blue rings on the cigarette paper
to make them burn uniformally for example.

one way to quit is to see how long
you can make one cigarette last..

that's lighting it just long enough to feel satisfied
then putting it out... there by reducing your
need or dependence for nicotine very slowly
until your down to one a day... and so on.

Rick Ackley 07-02-2008 06:35 AM

Fargin Gov't sends ya a stimulus check, and the next week starts taking it back at $1.50 a whack.

saltfly 07-02-2008 08:21 AM

11/2/1973 steaming out of chesapeake bay to the middle-east.$1.10 a carton outside 12 mile limit &$.45 in a cigarette machine[what's that!].One of the best things I ever did.

InTheHole 07-02-2008 08:31 AM

Never tried one, my father smoked when I was a kid and it used to gross me out, ashes and butts here and there, lighting up at the table when he was done eating...yuk.

BigFish 07-02-2008 09:12 AM

On board with you ITH! My Mother smokes and has all my life! Worst thing ever was those hot summer days as a kid stuck in the car with her!!!! The after meal thing too......thats why I jam my pie hole so fast now is when I was a kid I had to eat quick so I could get away from the table before she lit up!!:yak4:

The Dad Fisherman 07-02-2008 09:17 AM

Smoke a pack a day at $6 a pack that equals $2190 a year....or 3 Van Staals....every year........or 540 gallons of Gas.

Glad I never started

FishermanTim 07-02-2008 10:59 AM

I smoked for a few years back when I was in high school.
I quit back in '79/80 when I was smoking a pack a week.
My father died from cancer (from smoking) and I've got 2 sisters and 3 brothers that STILL smoke even after seeing what it did to dad!

Anyway, I still use tobacco today, but it's chewing stuff..... and before you start harping on the dangers of using chew, let me clarify....I don't chew it, but use it to make a rather lethally effective bug spray.

See, I have some prized (to me) oriental lilies that would otherwise be decimated by these Asian Lily Leaf Beetles and their larva that defoliate all but the daylily variety of lilies. The beetles are shiny bllod red and will chew the leaves to pieces before mating and laying eggs.
The larva hatch and will then begin eating ALL the leaves (from underneath) until there is NOTHING left. What's really gross is that the larva cover themselve with their own feces, making them safe from predators. Since these beetles were "accidentally" released in Cambridge around 10-15 years back, there are no known checks to prevent the spread of these pests.
This is where the chewing tobacco comes in. I soak the tobacco leaves in water as if I were making tea, and strain the resulting brown liquid into a pump spray bottle, along with a little squirt of liquid dishwashing soap for good measure. Using 1 pouch of chew, I can usually get a half gallon of bug spray.
Because the strained liquid is nothing more than nicotine juice, I get to see up close what it does to the insects.

I can and usually does kill them in a matter of seconds.
If you spray the bugs directly, they WILL ingest it because of their nature to preen themselves. (Some of the various "bad bugs" I've sprayed have literally had their stomachs explode.
(If you've every chewed and accidentally swallowed the "juice", or know someone who has, you know that tobacco juice is indigestable because it contains mostly nicotine, which is a toxin. You know that whoever had the misfortune of ingesting tobacco/juice became sick moments after doing so. This is what it does to bugs, only much more intensely.

The only real warnings I have when using this stuff is as follow:
Don't spray on a breezy day, as it may/will come back in your face.
Don't spray on fruit/vegetables, as it will be absorbed by them.
Don't spray on everything, as it will kill EVERYTHING that ingests it. You don't want to kill beneficial insects as well.

Hooper 07-02-2008 11:06 AM

If you smoke, please try to quit for those who love you. I watched my Mom have a triple bypass, brain surgery to clip an aneursym, COPD (emphasyema) because of which she spent a week on a ventilator, and finally a 7 month diagnosis with small cell lung cancer before she died. It was awful seeing someone you love die so painfully.

Not unlike this, very much the same in fact:

Do whatever it takes to quit guys....

saltfly 07-02-2008 11:38 AM

thank you.RIP.

BigFish 07-02-2008 12:03 PM

No response from any current smokers??? Hmmmm........whats up with that?:hidin:

FishermanTim 07-02-2008 12:39 PM

They're probably heading to NH to stock up on cheaper smokes.

Bronko 07-02-2008 12:42 PM

Smoked a pack a day for 15 years. Quit 2 1/2 years ago cold turkey (with the help of bronchitis). Haven't touched on since, never will again.:wave:

Cranium 07-02-2008 05:31 PM

Can we hold an auction to help fund my smoking? This is one big motivation for me to quit. That and my 4yold yelling at me everyday.

BigFish 07-02-2008 06:57 PM it for your 4 year old.:(

stripersnipr 07-02-2008 08:02 PM

All I can say is that I hope every smoker in Mass goes out of state to buy their smokes and Deval has to hawk his Deville to pay the bills. Wonder what his next plan to rape the public will be.

teaser 07-03-2008 01:17 PM

Hey guys, I'm a smoker. I smoke 1 1/2 packs a day and have for 31 years, I am looking forward to quiting soon but not because of health reasons or price of butts ( I buy mine from N.H.) but because I'm just tired of smoking and being hooked on the nicotine. I have quit drinking 18 years ago and haven't been back to it since and I seen the savings there so I know I'll save more after I quit this too.

I applaud all who have not picked up the habit and don't make a big deal out of someone who does, the people who fry my a$$ though are the reformed smokers. To see how some people can become so 2 faced about it after they quit, acting like you're taking away their air and they're going to suffocate unless you put it out. I mean come on now, yeah you quit and good for you but some people like myself do enjoy it as much as some like beer and I for one don't tell anyone what they should do with their life and feel it should apply the same for them, it's my choice and that's that.

I have no problem not smoking around someone who it bothers and I have alot of friends that don't smoke and I always smoke away from them when I need to quench my thirst so to speak. Smoking is bad for you ... okay, what isn't nowadays? Food is bad, alcohol is bad, sex is bad, what's left that's good? Life is short enough without being able to live it the way you want, so if you don't smoke ... great , if you do ... great, it's always been your own decision.

I know nobody came off as the smoking police on this thread and I'm hoping no one takes what I posted as a rant, I just wanted to post as a smoker and say a few things along that line for those of us who do smoke. So if I offended anyone I apologize and it wasn't intentional, now it's time for a smoke. :smokin:

Tight lines.

chris L 07-03-2008 01:50 PM

as soon as all the people that ask me to stop , stop . then I will stop not until .

i enjoy smoking and have since 1971 . This is America ( prochoice )

I do understand why some people hate smoking . I dont understand reformed smokers . you did good for yourself now get off my back . Those that never started good for you , you made the right choice for you .

Have a nice 4th !
now I am going across the street for a cold beer and a smoke .

Grapenuts 07-03-2008 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by chris L (Post 602324)
as soon as all the people that ask me to stop , stop . then I will stop not until .

i enjoy smoking and have since 1971 . This is America ( prochoice )

I do understand why some people hate smoking . I dont understand reformed smokers . you did good for yourself now get off my back . Those that never started good for you , you made the right choice for you .

Have a nice 4th !
now I am going across the street for a cold beer and a smoke .


spence 07-03-2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by stripersnipr (Post 602156)
All I can say is that I hope every smoker in Mass goes out of state to buy their smokes and Deval has to hawk his Deville to pay the bills. Wonder what his next plan to rape the public will be.

As always you add tremendous value to the conversation :doh:


FishermanTim 07-03-2008 05:08 PM

I believe that it's your choice if you want to smoke. Heck I did years ago. But I also have a choice not to be clouded in second hand smoke if an alternative solution is available (like moving to another table at a bar/restaurant). I also have a choice to not want to listen to the gawd-awful "hack up a lung" coughing fits that are sure to come. (my late father had them and my youngest brother is following right in his steps), and finally, it is also my choice to not want to listen to smokers' regrets if/when they are diagnosed with a terminal ailment.
This is not meant to be a rant, but as we have probably all heard at one point in our lives: "What did you expect? You brought this on yourself!"

Anyway, I wish you all a safe and happy 4th of July holiday.
Let's not forget what the holiday actually stands for: OUR FREEDOM!

Tagger 07-03-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Backbeach Jake (Post 601907)
15 years ago I was smoking 3 packs a day.

same here .. 3 packs a day maybe 17 yrs. ago .. I didn't want to smoke ... quit about 10 times before I finally quit for good .. I've quit other stuff .. Nothing compares to nicotine addiction .. They say Heroin .. I believe them .. Best thing I ever did .. Good luck to you guys that drop the habit . Be strong ,, don't let your guard down .. its worth it .. :musc:

stripersnipr 07-03-2008 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 602386)
As always you add tremendous value to the conversation :doh:


STFU.........and go paint your nails.

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