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Mr. Sandman 02-12-2009 09:32 AM

What is your thought on this babe with 14 kids?

She just had octuplets, single mom, used fertility drugs, on state aid, the state will not disclose the cost but I know that the octuplets hospital stay costs will exceed 850K. This kind of thing happenens really often, not octuplets but insane cases where the public picks up the tab for a mom without a brain.
When I lived in Northen VA, and my son was born I happened to venture into the ICU and saw a crack baby alive and it weighed 1.2 #. One of the docs told me to keep this alive and to deal with the post problems throughout its early life will cost well over a million. The mom was on welfare and oh-yeah, this was her second crack baby, a year ago she did the same thing. WTF is wrong with society..someone should sterilize these people.

The Dad Fisherman 02-12-2009 09:41 AM

I was just reading this same article.

Probably one of the most irresponsible things I've read about recently.

Her Parents need a smack upside the head for enabling her all these years.....

RIJIMMY 02-12-2009 09:58 AM

<Insert Obama comment here>

Crafty Angler 02-12-2009 09:59 AM

The girl obviously has what are known as "issues" in today's lexicon of euphemisms.

I HATE eupemisms - it's a perversion of the language.

In the old days we would have just said she's a ****ing moron and leave it at that.

The sterilization thing is a very slippery slope, a little too much on the Dr Mengele side for me -

On the other hand, she's now created 8 lives - in addition to her other 6 children - that she can in no way support either financially or - given that spooky mess between her ears - emotionally.

Hard to think of something like a birth that should be a source of joy being a tragedy of sorts when you start to consider what those children will have to face in the future...:hs:

Bronko 02-12-2009 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 663784)
<Insert Obama comment here>


The Dad Fisherman 02-12-2009 10:19 AM

<Insert Schwarzeneggar Comment Here>

After All It Has Been The State That Has been Enabling Her All This Time

Mr. Sandman 02-12-2009 10:24 AM

IMO and again it is MO!!! I think that if you take public money in the form of welfare or some other assistance then before getting the check they implant a temporary birth control devise under your skin that prevents further pregnancy's while accepting other peoples $.. If it is removed, and you get pregnant the money stops and you loose your kid to adoption.

How can you allow a person without any means whatsoever and/or a drug dependency to continue to reproduce and demand the fiscal burden be picked up by "someone else". The 6 kids she has have big problems by anyone's standards, and then goes onto have 8 more which will also be a mess. This is disgusting IMO and a disrespects life by letting her extort society like this.

I think the parents gave up on her a long time ago, she just kept getting pregnant.

Raven 02-12-2009 10:31 AM


spence 02-12-2009 11:12 AM

I think she has mental issues.

FishermanTim 02-12-2009 11:20 AM

Remember, just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should do it!

If I had to put a label on this woman, I would summarize that she may have a form of "Munchausen by Proxy" where she craves, and MUST BE the center of attention.
Most of the more publicized cases involved mothers harming/killing their kids for the additional medical attention.
Who wants to bet that when the media stops calling, and the money is gone so will she, leaving her parents to care for her kids?
Any woman, ANYBODY, that willing continues to give birth without any means of support or income, should not be given "celebrity status" like this idiot was. Since she is not married, why not treat her like the social parriah that she really is?
Here's another point: If she sells her story, and gets, say $2 million, will she pay her hospital bills or try and skip out on the tab?
No need to answer, as I think we're all thinking the same.

Mr. Sandman 02-12-2009 11:22 AM

Raven, she is performing a form of mutilation on those kids. The contraceptive device is a simpleimplant under the skin on her arm and will last for something like 5 years. It is hardly mutilation of the mother and it can be reversed

At some point you need to say, she is taking the right away of her children to have some kind of a semi-functional life. Not to mention the cost to society.

spence 02-12-2009 11:35 AM

I think she has mental issues.

Swimmer 02-12-2009 11:53 AM

I think the doctor and the hospital bear a larger responsibility than the taxpayer does. She has obsessive issues with children like I have with late-night snacks, both equally foolish and immature. Thier is no valid reason for her having octuplets, none. And as far as a mother smoking crack while carrying a child, as soon as the child is born the mother should be sent to prison for a long time. I don't think thier is any more selfish action a woman could do than to ingest drugs or drink alcohol while pregnant.
That hospital should bear an equal burden financially as well as the docter who implantted those eggs. Both did what they did for the publicity and it is going to backfire on them.

The Dad Fisherman 02-12-2009 12:06 PM

What She NEEDS to do is Move out of her parents house, marry her no-load Boyfriend, Drop out of College (Sorry Sister, you got mouths to feed), get 2 jobs (as well as the boyfriend) and raise HER family that SHE wanted....and Suck it the f*** up.

FishermanTim 02-12-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 663826)
What She NEEDS to do is Move out of her parents house, marry her no-load Boyfriend, Drop out of College (Sorry Sister, you got mouths to feed), get 2 jobs (as well as the boyfriend) and raise HER family that SHE wanted....and Suck it the f*** up.


(Remember that couple about a month or two back that had a kid out of wedlock? The hospital said "Either get married or pay up!"
The hospital should go after HER and the fertility clinic to pay the bills.
If she does get some book/movie deal, the hospital should be first in line with their bill saying "pay up suckah!

JohnnyD 02-12-2009 12:31 PM

This was my favorite:

"I would just ask people to consider her situation and she has been under a tremendous amount of pressure that no one could be prepared for,"
Exactly what situation of hers am I suppose to consider? That's she's a complete piece of S*&t. Couldn't support the 6 kids she had, yet decided having more was a good idea. Half of her kids have mental health issues, 2 of which are forms of autism which almost guarantees she a genetic disorder and she will yield more kids with mental health issues.

How about the fact that she's under the misconception that Student Loans will be enough to pay for 14 bastard children.

The situation I like to consider most is that in one breath she doesn't consider the state aid as welfare and states she won't be on it for long. Then in the next breath says she's getting a masters degree to be a councilor. REALLLY?!?! A councilor? The average councilor makes $40,000. It's almost impossible today to raise 2 kids on $40,000.

Ugh... I wish I hadn't read this post this morning. A POS like this really fires me up.

JohnnyD 02-12-2009 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 663830)

(Remember that couple about a month or two back that had a kid out of wedlock? The hospital said "Either get married or pay up!"
The hospital should go after HER and the fertility clinic to pay the bills.
If she does get some book/movie deal, the hospital should be first in line with their bill saying "pay up suckah!

You mean the State should be first in line. Because the hospital is petitioning the state to pay for the estimated $1.2 million it is going to cost to care for the 8 premature babies.

This is why the human race is flawed. We're the only damn creatures on the planet where natural selection is not allowed to take it's course. This POS of a woman shouldn't have made it past her 20s.

The Iceman 6 02-12-2009 12:45 PM

I just donated a bunch of money to her website.....NOT. I think she should have more kids, the sooner the better....

Gary 02-12-2009 06:05 PM

Retroactive Abortion for all 14 childern and the parents. Our tax dollars hard at work.

Jenn 02-12-2009 07:47 PM

and how the hell did she afford the invitro in the first place if she is so poor? I would hope state aid doesnt cover this....many hard working peoples insurance doesnt cover this and its not cheap! Someone needs to sew her up and shut the mill down!

Crafty Angler 02-12-2009 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 663965)
and how the hell did she afford the invitro in the first place if she is so poor? ... Someone needs to sew her up and shut the mill down!


Now that right there is funny - :hihi:

I think somebody just needs to tell her it's a uterus, not a clown car....

striprman 02-12-2009 08:10 PM

How long of a time until we will see "woman has 10..12...14... children, at once" ?

Slipknot 02-12-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 663965)
and how the hell did she afford the invitro in the first place if she is so poor? I would hope state aid doesnt cover this....many hard working peoples insurance doesnt cover this and its not cheap! Someone needs to sew her up and shut the mill down!

well she probably used her student loan money like she said she was using to live on now instead of going to college
:smash::wall: wtf

this country needs more psychiatrists apparently

Crafty Angler 02-13-2009 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Slipknot (Post 663991)
this country needs more psychiatrists apparently

I used to think so too, Bruce until I had a couple as clients...:hs:

At first I thought at least I could work out a barter arrangement ...:hihi:...until I realized they were even screwier than I was - :spin:

After talking with friends who work in medicine and law enforcement, they pretty much confirmed that they're all nuttier than squirrel poop - :spin:

Not to say there aren't some conditions that do require professional help - and this girl undoubtedly falls into that category - but I think in many cases people turn to them because they just don't have a good bartender to talk to -

I oughta know, I did it for 25 years, full and part fact, they used to call me Doctor...:gu:

Raven 02-13-2009 05:22 AM

she should sell the babies to japan

Jenn 02-13-2009 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Crafty Angler (Post 663968)

I think somebody just needs to tell her it's a uterus, not a clown car....

Now THATS funny!

The Dad Fisherman 02-13-2009 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 663965)
and how the hell did she afford the invitro in the first place if she is so poor? I would hope state aid doesnt cover this....many hard working peoples insurance doesnt cover this and its not cheap! Someone needs to sew her up and shut the mill down!

Cuz you know.....Having kids is easy on the Back

"Suleman has said she saved for the treatments by working double shifts and also used money from a disability award exceeding $165,000 that she received after an on-the-job back injury."

Tagger 02-13-2009 08:30 AM

No matter what the nutbag mother is, the kids are innocent . Wish them the best .. This world is tough enough .. The Doc that fertilized her should loose his license to practice .. He did all her kids .. He new what he was dealing with .

spence 02-13-2009 08:59 AM

While not terribly illicit, I wouldn't open this up at work.


Bronko 02-13-2009 09:02 AM

It needs to be sterilized.

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