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ecduzitgood 03-02-2009 03:56 PM

CBS did not stop him.
Did anyone see the article about CBS and Andy Rooney? I don't know how to post it but thought it was pretty good. Google "CBS did not stop him" and if you know how to post it please do so.

nightfighter 03-02-2009 04:02 PM

Andy Rooney said on "60 Minutes" a few weeks back:

I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of
anything except numbers. The only things I can
think of that are truly discriminatory are things like
the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine,
Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America.
Try to have things like the United Caucasian College Fund,
Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or
Miss White America; and see what happens...
Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.

Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing
makes you a killer. You can kill someone
with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying
to ban you from driving to the ball game.

I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason,
which is why there are no girls allowed.
Girls belong in the Girl Scouts!

I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong,
it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.

I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others
because they are different, weird, or tick me off.

When 70% of the people who get arrested
are black, in cities where 70% of the population
is black, that is not racial profiling; it is the
Law of Probability.

I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake,
a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room,
you must do it in English! As a matter of fact,
if you want to be an American citizen,
you should have to speak English!

My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you
can leave the countries you were born in to
come over and disrespect ours.

I think the police should have every right to shoot
your sorry bum if you threaten them after they
tell you to stop. If you can't understand the
word "freeze" or "stop" in English,
see the above lines.

I don't think just because you were not born
in this country, you are qualified for any
special loan programs, government sponsored
bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can
open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store,
or any other business.

We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries
and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms,
so that decades later they could come over here
and tell us our constitution is a living document;
and open to their interpretations.

I don't hate the rich . I don't pity the poor.

I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and
television. That doesn't stop you from watching them.

I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every
penny he made and continue to make more.
If it ticks you off, go and invent the next
operating system that's better,
and put your name on the building.

It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right,
but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid;
and smack their little behinds when
necessary, and say "NO!"

I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want
them, but please don't pretend they are a
political statement. And, please, stay home until
that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at
your ugly infected mouth as you
serve me French fries!

I am sick of "Political Correctness."
I know a lot of black people, and not a
single one of them was born in Africa; so
how can they be "African-Americans"?
Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around
saying I am a European-American because my
great, great, great, great, great, great
grandfather was from Europe
I am proud to be from America and nowhere else
And if you don't like my point of view, tough...


ecduzitgood 03-02-2009 04:37 PM

Thanks nightfighter
It would have taken me an hour to type that up.

nightfighter 03-02-2009 04:44 PM

copy and paste.....about 10 seconds.

Raven 03-02-2009 04:48 PM

and Power to the Geeks of S-B :smokin: ............who like Pink Floyd

and have a cat named Louie ....

JohnnyD 03-02-2009 07:40 PM

Now if only it were possible for mainstream America to accept those points. The first half dozen are fantastic. And I've had more than a few arguments with people and used almost the same exact words in the one about "Political Correctness"

joe the plumber 03-02-2009 07:56 PM

Did Rooney really say that on national tv?Did anyone actually see it?I had read this same thing last year.I think....
I thought it was dispelled as some kind of urban myth. I could be wrong.

RIJIMMY 03-03-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 670179)
Now if only it were possible for mainstream America to accept those points. The first half dozen are fantastic. And I've had more than a few arguments with people and used almost the same exact words in the one about "Political Correctness"

Johnny are you kidding me? How in gods name (oops sorry for the religious refernce) can you agree with that and BE A DEMOCRAT?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????
The opposite of those points are the rallying cry for the democrat base!

JohnnyD 03-03-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 670307)
Johnny are you kidding me? How in gods name (oops sorry for the religious refernce) can you agree with that and BE A DEMOCRAT?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????
The opposite of those points are the rallying cry for the democrat base!

I saw this coming from either you or buckman.

I say it all the time on here... while I argue mostly for the left, there's a large number of things I absolutely do not agree with. Where I disagree most with the Dems are on social issues.

Here's a few to rock your world:
-Minorities... I'm sick of "Minority Status" meaning "deserving of special treatment"
-Contrary to some thinking I'm on the side of taking everyone's guns away, I'm pro guns. In the other thread, I just don't believe there is a need/purpose for Assault Weapons in the hands of the public.
-Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts... Again with the special treatment. If women want to be treated as equals, then don't give me an attitude because I didn't open the door for you while my hands were full of shopping bags. (Was yelled at by a random woman for this.)
-I have gotten in numerous "heated discussions" with some of my more liberal friends about English as a national language - more than a few triggered by trips to either DDs, a gas station, or a mini mart. Someone moves here and they want to function in this society, learn English. When I call Customer Service I should not have to "Press 1 for English." There shouldn't be a need for the option. People that have lived here for more than a few years have no excuse.
-And I could go on for days about my opinion of Political Correctness. People of America are supposedly a bunch of cowards because we can't talk about race. However, being a white male, I can't talk about race without being a racist, I can't talk about women or I'm a sexist.

/end rant

Thanks Jimmy for getting me fired up.

RIJIMMY 03-03-2009 11:48 AM

cool, good rant, makes perfect sense

RIJIMMY 03-03-2009 11:58 AM

BTW - Rooney didnt say this, false report.. Isnt it intersting that response in the media is that this is "racist commnetary". whihc I now know will piss of Johnny as much as me!

buckman 03-03-2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 670342)
I saw this coming from either you or buckman.

I say it all the time on here... while I argue mostly for the left, there's a large number of things I absolutely do not agree with. Where I disagree most with the Dems are on social issues.

Here's a few to rock your world:
-Minorities... I'm sick of "Minority Status" meaning "deserving of special treatment"
-Contrary to some thinking I'm on the side of taking everyone's guns away, I'm pro guns. In the other thread, I just don't believe there is a need/purpose for Assault Weapons in the hands of the public.
-Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts... Again with the special treatment. If women want to be treated as equals, then don't give me an attitude because I didn't open the door for you while my hands were full of shopping bags. (Was yelled at by a random woman for this.)
-I have gotten in numerous "heated discussions" with some of my more liberal friends about English as a national language - more than a few triggered by trips to either DDs, a gas station, or a mini mart. Someone moves here and they want to function in this society, learn English. When I call Customer Service I should not have to "Press 1 for English." There shouldn't be a need for the option. People that have lived here for more than a few years have no excuse.
-And I could go on for days about my opinion of Political Correctness. People of America are supposedly a bunch of cowards because we can't talk about race. However, being a white male, I can't talk about race without being a racist, I can't talk about women or I'm a sexist.

/end rant

Thanks Jimmy for getting me fired up.

Did I hear my name mentioned?

So it's the " tax and spend" part, you agree with.

JohnnyD 03-03-2009 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 670352)
BTW - Rooney didnt say this, false report.. Isnt it intersting that response in the media is that this is "racist commnetary". whihc I now know will piss of Johnny as much as me!

Quite frankly, I don't care who said it. Whomever it was, I'd like to share a beer with them.

I'm willing to bet I'm one of, if not the youngest member active in the Political forum. I've been raised in this culture of entitlement, litigation, tolerance and what I feel is the destruction of individual responsibility. I need to thank my mother more often for - as a single mother - raising me with an ability to use common-sense, rational, self-disciple and responsibility.

Society has lost the ability to think reasonably. People only consider how someone else has insulted them or how they can exploit any given situation. It disgusts me that mainstream media still allows people like Al Sharpton and Ann Coulter to be perceived as credible.

A black person is shot by a cop, it must've been racism even though the cops had a gun pulled on him. Al Sharpton is on the front lines leading protests for the cops to be tried for murder - inciting hatred and adding to racial tension. Or Massachusetts being a "No-Fault State": a woman cheats on her husband, then files for divorce yet she gets the kids, the house and a nice alimony check from the man. Then I've heard "well she got what she deserved." Really now?

And the current state of the society makes me include this disclaimer: I'm not the least bit racist. I have, what I'd like to this is a diverse group of friends - men, women, black, white, asian, gay and straight. I've also had similar conversations like this with almost all of them and most agree with me. I'm blunt, they know that and respect it.

This is one of the very few areas of discussion that completely sets me off.

Now, I'm pissed.

JohnnyD 03-03-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 670381)
Did I hear my name mentioned?

So it's the " tax and spend" part, you agree with.

Don't you start with me.:smash::smash:

RIJIMMY 03-03-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 670392)
Now, I'm pissed.

I can feel your anger, it makes you stronger. Soon you will join us on the dark side.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 03:12 PM

I agree with some of that stuff on its face, but it highlights somethings that should be considered when reading Mr. Rooneys ruminations.

1. I understand you want a french fries instead of "papas fritas"; but is it too much to expect the employer to ensure that hirees are sufficiently proficient in english?

2. As far as BET is concerned, isnt it owned by whites, like most things marketed to blacks? And as a far as the term AFRICAN american, I'd rather it just be AMERICAN, because I'd argue that most aspects of black culture are nothing else but authentically american, and many of them would rather exclude that concept rather than embrace it. Its not like they can trace any lineage back to any particular region/kingdom/country in Africa without a DNA test - and that is not even 100%. Blues music ain't african and neither is fried chicken.

3. As far as women are concerned, mother is the word of god on the lips of all children, and should be treated as such. Its not like they invented Nuclear war. My sisters tell me men are idiots all the time, I don't agree, because our male centered culture has masterfully socialized them into subordination, so I understand if the "feminist" rub your rhubarb the wrong way.

4. And as far as minorities, loans and subsidies. There are Corporations out their who fish for subsidies like Herring and get them - ask just about any professional sport franchise. In fact, without gov't subsidies, some sports teams dont even turn a profit, yet the unconditional public patronage and private exaltation continues, at the expense of competition

I could go on, but I won't. To force PC on everyone else is unfair, but I'm not going to pick on the weakest kid in the class just because I don't like him or because everyone else is.

fishbones 03-03-2009 03:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by EarnedStripes44 (Post 670406)
I agree with some of that stuff on its face, but it highlights somethings that should be considered when reading Mr. Rooneys ruminations.

2. As far as BET is concerned, isnt it owned by whites, like most things marketed to blacks? And as a far as the term AFRICAN american, I'd rather it just be AMERICAN, because I'd argue that most aspects of black culture are nothing else but authentically american, and many of them would rather exclude that concept rather than embrace it. Its not like they can trace any lineage back to any particular region/kingdom/country in Africa without a DNA test - and that is not even 100%. Blues music ain't african and neither is fried chicken.

4. And as far as minorities, loans and subsidies. There are Corporations out their who fish for subsidies like Herring and get them - ask just about any professional sport franchise. In fact, without gov't subsidies, some sports teams dont even turn a profit, yet the unconditional public patronage and private exaltation continues, at the expense of competition

I could go on, but I won't. To force PC on everyone else is unfair, but I'm not going to pick on the weakest kid in the class just because I don't like him or because everyone else is.

BET is owned by an Bob Johnson, pictured below enjoying an evening out with his wife and some honkey who seems to be out of place. He also owns the CHarlotte Bobcats. I believe Master P. is starting another black television station soon too.

As for the loan companies, some of that "predatory lending" was brought about by pressure from minority groups. I'd be willing to bet that some of those companies knew that loans were going to be defaulted, but did them anyways so they wouldn't be harrassed anymore.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 670409)
As for the loan companies, some of that "predatory lending" was brought about by pressure from minority groups. I'd be willing to bet that some of those companies knew that loans were going to be defaulted, but did them anyways so they wouldn't be harrassed anymore.

Thanks for the BET photo op. You've always been one to keep my rants on an even keel when applicable.

And all of that rabid lending was brought on by an explosive surplus of mortgage backed securities that needed to be packaged and sold. More product than there were customers.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 03:42 PM they created customers....

fishbones 03-03-2009 03:57 PM

Are you absolving the "community groups" like ACORN from any blame? ACORN is a minority run organization, is it not?

Also, is ther no such thing as "buyer beware" anymore? I did a budget and figured out what I could afford for a mortgage before applying for one. And I added in costs for utilites, cable, groceries, gas, clothes, fishing gear, etc.... Then, I took a loan for about $100K less than I was approved for. Seeing as I'm not very smart, couldn't other people figure out that they shouldn't buy a house if they can't afford it?

And ES44, I wouldn't call most of your posts rants. They usually are well thought out and intelligent without being over the top. Now if you want to go back to the Micheal Vick threads, that might have been a little ranting.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 03:58 PM

Lets let this hit a little close to home; Bass Pro Shops gets cake from local governments. They leverage towns against each other in exchange for store location, wringing local treasuries for all types of goodies i.e. tax breaks and/or direct investment albeit cleverly shrouded & worded. The mom and pop bait shops get no such favoritism. That is not fair, and the superstore still gets built. And dont get me started on Cabelas....

I can't emphasize how much corporations and the rich are able to manipulate the rules of the game. Rules define the civilization. I don't hate the rich and I don't pity the poor....but fair gameplay is a non-negotiable prerequisite.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 670416)
Are you absolving the "community groups" like ACORN from any blame? ACORN is a minority run organization, is it not?

Also, is ther no such thing as "buyer beware" anymore? I did a budget and figured out what I could afford for a mortgage before applying for one. And I added in costs for utilites, cable, groceries, gas, clothes, fishing gear, etc.... Then, I took a loan for about $100K less than I was approved for. Seeing as I'm not very smart, couldn't other people figure out that they shouldn't buy a house if they can't afford it?

The show is bigger than "ACORN". I'm talking macro level supply side econ gone awry.

Maybe your smarter than you think. I'm sure you don't gamble either.

EarnedStripes44 03-03-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by fishbones (Post 670416)
And ES44, I wouldn't call most of your posts rants. They usually are well thought out and intelligent without being over the top. Now if you want to go back to the Micheal Vick threads, that might have been a little ranting.

Thats pretty funny!!!!

....unfortunately, I was a fan of Mike Vick:hidin: and I've been trying to live that down.

He's getting out of jail soon, but I but my dog got into trash awhile ago, and I used that #7 jersey to wipe up the oozing brown pools of liquid she left for me. Fitting tribute I'd say....

fishbones 03-03-2009 04:19 PM

I know ACORN is a very small player, but they are somewhat significant because of their political ties. And sure, the mortgage companies are to blame, but the people must share in it. The mortgage companies are being blasted while the citizens who took on a mortgage they couldn't pay are being helped by the government. For me, a lot of it goes back to personal responsibility. Don't buy crap you can't afford just because someone tells you it's a great deal. If you work hard and still can't afford a house, either rent or find a job that pays better. Not everyone can afford a house, plain and simple.

I'm willing to bet that Vick will be playing in the NFL next year. I guess that does make me a gambler. Oh well.

buckman 03-03-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by EarnedStripes44 (Post 670417)
Lets let this hit a little close to home; Bass Pro Shops gets cake from local governments. They leverage towns against each other in exchange for store location, wringing local treasuries for all types of goodies i.e. tax breaks and/or direct investment albeit cleverly shrouded & worded. The mom and pop bait shops get no such favoritism. That is not fair, and the superstore still gets built. And dont get me started on Cabelas....

They are able to do that because they bring in revenue to the community. In alot of cases it's the towns trying to extort a better deal from the developers. I'm all for mom and pop bait shops but they have little to no impact on the towns bottom line.

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