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BigFish 05-12-2009 10:05 PM

Have Your Head Examined!
Are you one of those jack asses that texts while you drive? If so, I would like to know what is so all fired friggin important that you need to text while behind the wheel??? I am betting I get nobody to own up to doing it?!:smash:

gone fishin 05-12-2009 11:26 PM

I saw a girl texting while driving the expressway through Beantown during rush hour. No excuse! I think if something is important use voice phone, why text, unless you want to write a letter.

Raven 05-13-2009 05:06 AM

i hate text messages via phone
i have never texted via phone
i will never send a text message via phone
i believe the technology will improve soon
and texting will become obsolete. i Hope!
but yeah i agree, the 18th guy just caught
texting his dumb girlfriend could not
realize that everyone else had crashed
while texting so he is even more stupid!

JohnnyD 05-13-2009 07:36 AM

I've done it. But I don't need to look at the phone when typing a message. I don't proof read them either.

Bishop169 05-13-2009 10:17 AM

I do it all the time when i feel its safe

better then people fighting with there other on the phone and not willing to put the phone down

GattaFish 05-13-2009 10:31 AM

Can't be worse than the lady I saw on the highway a while back,,, Smoking, Driving, and talking on her cell phone,,,, I am still trying to figure out how many hands she had,,,,:huh:

Backbeach Jake 05-13-2009 11:37 AM

One of the School Bus drivers in my town made channel 7 this morning. Wadda moron!

luds 05-13-2009 11:49 AM

Only at red lights or is it redlites? It's ok because i have a phone with a keyboard so it's quick. :kewl:

BigFish 05-13-2009 02:31 PM

Its is a head on collision!

Just saw a friggin woman in a small car, 2 small kids in the back in car seats, doing 40 while texting!!!???:tm:

The Dad Fisherman 05-13-2009 03:11 PM

Texting is the stupidest thing in the world.

You got a phone so...CALL....why do you need to text :huh:

You know why texting is so popular.....had one of my scouts enlighten me on why.

He Said "Because you can't make a Phone Call in Class"......How about, I don't know, Doing Your School Work while you're in class.

I'm with you Larry......stupidest thing around

PaulS 05-13-2009 03:28 PM

It's ok to do in the car but I hear its bad on the trolley.

BigFish 05-13-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 688203)
Texting is the stupidest thing in the world.

You got a phone so...CALL....why do you need to text :huh:

You know why texting is so popular.....had one of my scouts enlighten me on why.

He Said "Because you can't make a Phone Call in Class"......How about, I don't know, Doing Your School Work while you're in class.

I'm with you Larry......stupidest thing around

Never done it.....never will! Stupid is right!:hs:

Mike P 05-13-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 688203)
Texting is the stupidest thing in the world.

You got a phone so...CALL....why do you need to text :huh:

You know why texting is so popular.....had one of my scouts enlighten me on why.

He Said "Because you can't make a Phone Call in Class"......How about, I don't know, Doing Your School Work while you're in class.

I'm with you Larry......stupidest thing around

I agree. My fingers are way to big to use a phone to text. It's a freaking phone.

When I had a cell phone, the people I wanted to talk to were on speed dial, and caller ID screened my incominhg calls. I want to push more buttons than I absolutely have to like I want hemmoroids :doh:

Raider Ronnie 05-13-2009 04:34 PM

[QUOTE=The Dad Fisherman;688203]Texting is the stupidest thing in the world.

You got a phone so...CALL....why do you need to text :huh:

You know why texting is so popular.....had one of my scouts enlighten me on why.

He Said "Because you can't make a Phone Call in Class"......How about, I don't know, Doing Your School Work while you're in class.

Exactly why I won't get any of my kids phones !

FishermanTim 05-13-2009 05:24 PM

You give an "A" student a cellphone and texting plan and let him go to town and you can watch his IQ drop like a stone.
Think about it: You don't text anything grammatically correct, so you begin to associate that the entire English language. What you end up with is a generation of literary idiots that can't spell their own names without a keypad.
How long will it be before our beloved Websters Dictionary will be replaced with texting jargon and slang?

JohnnyD 05-13-2009 09:18 PM

All my texts involve correct grammar - punctuation and capitals included.

The piss-poor grammar is a result of Instant Messaging. Kids text messaging in class is no one's fault but their parents. People need to accept responsibility for their children.

Don't blame us because you old timers can't adjust to new technologies.

BigFish 05-13-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 688302)
All my texts involve correct grammar - punctuation and capitals included.

The piss-poor grammar is a result of Instant Messaging. Kids text messaging in class is no one's fault but their parents. People need to accept responsibility for their children.

Don't blame us because you old timers can't adjust to new technologies.

Head on collisions are not new technology.....they have been happening since the invention of the motor car.;)

JohnnyD 05-13-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 688303)
Head on collisions are not new technology.....they have been happening since the invention of the motor car.;)

I was talking more on the overall disdain you old timers have towards text messaging. :hihi:

Stupid people are going to cause accidents regardless of the technology.

Like the guy I saw commuting into Boston one morning with his laptop on the center console. He was looking down, working on the laptop more than he was looking at the road. Only reason it caught my eye was the bright white glow illuminating the inside of his car.

BigFish 05-14-2009 04:18 AM "oldtimers" look at it like this.....if we have a beautiful custom fishing rod and reel.....why would we choose to spear the fish with a stick?! It is after all a phone???? Stupid people are the ones causing the accidents BY text messaging while operating any vehicle! Was the trolley driver NOT stupid??? Was that bus driver in Clinton NOT stupid??? Is anything that friggin important that people have to be not only text messaging but using the phone while driving??? I feel the same about talking on a cell while driving as I do about texting...its a hazard! Call me old!:jump1:

Raven 05-14-2009 05:14 AM

the line in the Sand has been drawn

The Dad Fisherman 05-14-2009 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 688302)
Don't blame us because you old timers can't adjust to new technologies.

No, I just wonder why you "Young'uns" are Dumb Enough to buy a perfectly sound communications Technology (Cell Phone) and actually PAY Extra Money every month for an Add-on that dumbs it down.....or are you guys actually Afraid to speak to another Human Being.

I could call her...but I'm paying an extra $29 a month for text so I'll type to her instead......makes perfect sense to me :rolleyes: OMG WTF did U C him ROTFLMAO fer sure

If you want to blow us away with New Technology send her a Friggin Holo-Message in 3-D.......then I'll be impressed.

fishaholic18 05-14-2009 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by BigFish (Post 688075)
Are you one of those jack asses that texts while you drive? If so, I would like to know what is so all fired friggin important that you need to text while behind the wheel??? I am betting I get nobody to own up to doing it?!:smash:


fishaholic18 05-14-2009 06:09 AM

Texting is the best thing they've come up with in a long time...Avoids getting tied up in a meaningless conversation.. Hence,,, saving time...Kinda like this site...I like it,,:btu:

JohnR 05-14-2009 06:46 AM


Couple years ago, this girl hit my truck with her jeep. She was texting while driving.

JD - us "old timers" usually see stupidity of doing something like texting while driving :lasso:

The only people that truly make out on texting are the phone companies. They charge X cents per text but it costs them near zero for the test to be made. Almost pure profit

fish4striper 05-14-2009 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 688302)

Don't blame us because you old timers can't adjust to new technologies.

haha my ole man has never even tried to go on a pc. Funny how I have to place an ad on craiglist for him.

the old timers don't need to txt to screw up, they just stop off at the bar for a few then get behind the wheel :whackin:

fishbones 05-14-2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by fish4striper (Post 688344)
haha my ole man has never even tried to go on a pc. Funny how I have to place an ad on craiglist for him.

the old timers don't need to txt to screw up, they just stop off at the bar for a few then get behind the wheel :whackin:

That's freakin enlightening. Old timers must be the only ones who drink and drive.You've never watched the news and seen idiotic kids wrapping their cars around telephone poles because they think it's cool to get wasted and then drag race their friends down a winding side street? What a stupid thing to write.

Texting while driving is dumb no matter how careful you are. You cannot be paying complete attention to the road and the cars around you if you're typing on a phone. And no, I'm not an old timer who doesn't know how to use a cell phone or computer.

Raven 05-14-2009 11:36 AM

you know whats coming don't ya
a day will come when the spouse will be calling you
while out fishing each time -> via text message
to buy a chocolate bar or milk on the way home.
yesterday in Brazil: after a soccer brawl they were talking about
implanting chips into rowdy soccer fans so they could keep
better track of them. :huh:

this is why i will continue to resist.

Bishop169 05-14-2009 03:39 PM

They have been talking about lo jacking repeat $ex offenders.

Some technology isn't bad.

Texting is great way to pas on information with out a drawn out conversation.. i.e. "be there in ten." "Did you want a large black no sugar?"......................

things of that nature are faster and easier to text takes 2 seconds to send and get a reply in about 15 seconds...

now calling people you have to go through nice stuff.
Ring ......ring...... ring
me "hi how are you? "
them "I'm good. What's up?"
me "I'm at dunkins would you like your normal coffee?"
.............(wait while they think)................................
Them "Sure do they have any corn muffins?"
me "let me check."
Guy behind me "Will this guy shut up! what an Idiot! talking on his cell in Dunkins! get a move on!"
Me " One sec bud some brainless idiot is giving me crap"
brainless idiot "What did you call me?"
...........Quick fight in the parking lot..........
Police officer " You should have just texted your friend and left everyone in peace."


FishermanTim 05-14-2009 04:05 PM

How about this scenario:

You're cruising down "whatever" street, texting your friends and
"WHAM!" you're dead because you didn't see that "flippin' greyhound bus that had the right of way.

Or another:

You're cruising down "whatever" street again and "WHAM!" you kill some little kid that was crossong the street, in a crosswalk!

Regardless of how "adept" we may consider ourselves, the laws of average will always win out.

Put the damn phone down and drive. If I wanted someone to see someone multitask on the highway, I'd start my own business and PAY THE DAMN IDIOT!

Grapenuts 05-14-2009 04:57 PM

you folks forget about the deaf...texting is their life line to others.

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