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MarshCappa 09-09-2009 01:09 PM

Don't be Too Proud! Pull Over if You're Tired!
I had a major accident this weekend due to me be fatigued behind the wheel. I had a long day of work last Friday and didn't properly hydrate or nurish myself and fell asleep at the wheel, ran off the road and hit a tree head on coming back from the Cape. I was fortunate and walked away. The car is totaled but I'm fine. I spent the night in the hospital and everything checked out fine but it was quite scary. I had warning signs and thought I could manage through it but I should have pulled over even though I was just a few miles from my house. I had a client meetings in the morning(no breakfast just coffee) in Rockland then drove to Falmouth for another meeting in the afternoon(no lunch just water). I followed that up by walking 9 holes of golf(water) and had a couple of beers at 5:30pm. I then went off to the canal and fished instead of grabbing something too eat. The accident happened at 8:20pm. I was talking to my wife on the phone 10 minutes prior and she said I sounded tired. I told her I would be home in a few minutes. Right before the accident I had extreme nausea, sweating, and dizzyness. I fought it off and panicked myself to the point of blacking out and crashing on a side street in Duxbury. Fortunately I didn't hit anybody else or do any property damage other than my own car which can be replaced. I had .022 blood alchohol and low blood sugar and potassium with mild dehydration but it was enough combined with my anxiety to make me pass out. My plee to everyone that burns the candle at both ends and fishes long nights, etc is too please pull over if you get too tired on the road. You may not get a second chance. I don't want to bring people down with this thread but I hope it helps someone who drives a lot and maybe dosen't eat right and get enough rest. Take it easy! Thanks for reading this.

John Cap

Moses 09-09-2009 01:20 PM

Glad you are ok. That could have ended a lot worse for you and possibly others.

JohnnyD 09-09-2009 01:45 PM

I'm glad you're alright. A 6pm - 7am bender at the canal had me almost in that same position a couple weeks ago.

tynan19 09-09-2009 02:20 PM

Wow lucky to walk away from that one.

justplugit 09-09-2009 03:07 PM

Glad your OK, MC.

Good of you to share it. :)

Slingah 09-09-2009 05:26 PM

wow....glad your okay John...
I'll give you a ring tomorrow....

ProfessorM 09-09-2009 06:11 PM

Geez John. Glad you are ok. In that nice jeep, you can get another vehicle. I have done that many times and been lucky. Rest up and feel better and get some sleep.

MarshCappa 09-09-2009 07:37 PM

Thanks guys. To say that this whole thing has freaked me out is an understatement. I still have to f/u with my primary care. I was debating with myself on sharing this here but i know a lot of guys stay out late and pull all nighters with long drives so I figured it wouldn't hurt to share a little(or alot) of reality.

PaulS 09-10-2009 06:57 AM

you were lucky. Glad your ok and your right about the car - it is replacable.

FishermanTim 09-10-2009 10:12 AM

I wonder how many of us have had "close calls" of this nature, and just brushed it off as a "one-time" event, that it'll never happen again?
Since my one and ONLY close call, I have made it a point of keeping certain things in mind when fishing late.
1) I keep a case of water in my truck at all times. When it is low, I get another.
2) I like to have some kind of snack available as a "reward" for a good night of fishing, even if there are no fish. It usually consist of at least 1 apple, a soda and either Doritos or Cheetos.
3) I will give myself a deadline as to when to call it a night. Unlike my reckless years, I don't keep at it in the hopes that I'll magically hook into that lone cow passing by. I've learned when to say when.

I do use those "energy" drinks on rare occaisions, but only as a last resort. My choise is the "5 Hour Energy" drink. Again, I stress that this is ONLY a last resort. If I need this kind of help regularly, then I do need help, but not from a bottle!

I hope no one else has to learn the painful lesson Marsh has learned.
Having had my share of accidents, the stress they cause really bites.

Marsh, I'm glad your doing fine, and hopefully you can get back on the road soon.

Raven 09-10-2009 11:32 AM

glad your OK
it happens allot more than people will admit

thanks for the wake Up call via your message

i remember drifting off to sleep after so many
times trying to fight it

that i mowed down some 30 highway markers
before i woke back up....

again so glad you're ok john

Swimmer 09-10-2009 11:44 AM

Glad your O.K.

MarshCappa 09-10-2009 01:06 PM

Wreckage Photo's
2 Attachment(s)
Jeep makes them pretty tough. Nothing was scratched on the inside. Full Canopy airbags, and crumple zones to absorb the impact. I'm getting another Jeep(Commander) in the next couple of days. This car in the photo is a Compass.

Surfcastinglife 09-10-2009 02:30 PM

i had one last week coming back from fishing....i'd been up at 6;30 for work on friday, out with co-workers until 12;30 that night up at 4;00 to go fishing. on the way home down 95 S my father asleep in the passenger seat and his pal asleep in the back....dosed off going 70 awoken by the line on the side of the road(dunno what they are called??) that make tons of noise when you drive over them. if it weren't for them wouldve been a goner i think... i was the only one wearing a seatbelt

The Iceman 6 09-11-2009 07:48 AM

Glad you are OK

Swimmer 09-12-2009 10:28 AM

Rumble strip. Thats what they are thier for. Glad your o.k. also

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