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Joe 10-26-2009 02:08 PM

Alaska State Troopers TV Show
So I'm watching that Alaska State Troopers show on tv last weekend. A trooper pulls over this car, and the trooper notices the smell of dope. The trooper asks about it, and they show him a bag with about 1/4 pound or more, and he takes it. Then asks if they have guns or any other drugs, and they say yes, they have a loaded Glock. He takes that. They say they have no more dope, just what they gave him. The trooper does not search the car.

The trooper then empties out the Glock and writes a "summons to appear" for the dope, and gives them their gun back - but not loaded. You don't need a license to carry a concealed weapon in Alaska.

The trooper said that if he took everybody he pulled over for dope down for an arrest - he'd do nothing else and he needs to be on patrol.

Cripes, if that happened around here they'd have five cop cars there and the people would do time. Weird how there is so much disparity in the laws of the states.

JohnnyD 10-26-2009 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 719710)
Cripes, if that happened around here they'd have five cop cars there and the people would do time. Weird how there is so much disparity in the laws of the states.

Or they acknowledge that possession of dope isn't really a bid deal and he has more important things to do. What else could there be to do in that state aside from getting sloshed or high?

Raven 10-26-2009 04:31 PM

but everyone has meat

Backbeach Jake 10-26-2009 04:36 PM

That's gotta be a very hard place to be a Statie. I can't imagine Winter patrols.

MarshCappa 10-26-2009 09:01 PM

The show is pretty interesting though. I like it. Very different perspective on things up there. I didn't realize how many native Alaskans were alcholics and how bad it was out there with that stuff. They learned all that from the white folks through the years and don't know how to socially drink. I was just going to dial up a couple of episodes On Demand because I have missed a few.

HESH2 10-27-2009 08:43 AM

in our nations largest state there are only 368 state troopers and some of them are also wildlife enforcement troopers.because of large areas they cover its not uncommon for the troopers to drive over 100 mph to get to a call.90% of alaskans are armed.

Islander77 10-28-2009 01:43 PM

Over ten years ago a group called NORM-L founded by Willie Nelson took the DEA to court over the classification of pot. It went to the top levels of the system in our country. The end result was the DEA said when they classified marijuna originally they did not have the technology available to prove that it was habit forming life threatening ada yada yada to be put on schedule 1, they would however develop this technology in the next 30 years.... Well they never did and still cant cause it is no were near as dangerous as even alcohol or tobacco products.... NORM-L won the case and the DEA was COURT ORDERED to de-classify it off schedule one..... To date they are still in direct standing of violating a court order. Again a perfect example of our government agencies not having to follow their own law. Now I know I am gonna get bashed on for this but heres the reality.. ! person I know M/S smoking helps him oh wait two one is well was a prominent lawyer in this area the other former boxer at golden gloves level, family member with emphysema/ COPD it helps more than you realize, another family member dying of tracheae cancer, one friend with glaucoma the list goes on... There is nothing wrong with the use of marijuana in non excessive use.. Majority of people dont get violent, derogatory, belligerent, or cause others death when smoking unlike alcohol, and if used in excess you dont OD like other drugs including alcohol and opiates. Just my two cents blast away oh and the whole memory loss thing is a load of crap, I was a straight a student in school were yes I smoked every day to keep calm, untill I dropped out when my daughter was conceived and went into working brainless jobs. I have no major memory issues like what every one else claims.

Raven 10-28-2009 01:53 PM

Amen on your perspective.

JohnnyD 10-28-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Islander77 (Post 720233)
Over ten years ago a group called NORM-L founded by Willie Nelson took the DEA to court over the classification of pot. It went to the top levels of the system in our country. The end result was the DEA said when they classified marijuna originally they did not have the technology available to prove that it was habit forming life threatening ada yada yada to be put on schedule 1, they would however develop this technology in the next 30 years.... Well they never did and still cant cause it is no were near as dangerous as even alcohol or tobacco products.... NORM-L won the case and the DEA was COURT ORDERED to de-classify it off schedule one..... To date they are still in direct standing of violating a court order. Again a perfect example of our government agencies not having to follow their own law. Now I know I am gonna get bashed on for this but heres the reality.. ! person I know M/S smoking helps him oh wait two one is well was a prominent lawyer in this area the other former boxer at golden gloves level, family member with emphysema/ COPD it helps more than you realize, another family member dying of tracheae cancer, one friend with glaucoma the list goes on... There is nothing wrong with the use of marijuana in non excessive use.. Majority of people dont get violent, derogatory, belligerent, or cause others death when smoking unlike alcohol, and if used in excess you dont OD like other drugs including alcohol and opiates. Just my two cents blast away oh and the whole memory loss thing is a load of crap, I was a straight a student in school were yes I smoked every day to keep calm, untill I dropped out when my daughter was conceived and went into working brainless jobs. I have no major memory issues like what every one else claims.

There is a lot of stigma, misinformation and ignorance that can be attributed to why people are anti-pot.

Making an association with drug cartels is one way the anti crowd try to further their agenda. Anything that falls into prohibition will be picked up by the black market - just look at alcohol. Prohibition in the 1920s gave rise to major organized crime syndicates. But, shortly after Prohibition was repealed, many of the syndicates lost their source of income or were forced to move onto something else that wasn't as easily to acquire as alcohol.

Same goes for pot. It is easily grown (hell, I've heard tomatoes are more difficult), and as such, easily attainable for any organized group. Legalize and regulate it to remove that revenue stream from these scum. It's a lot more difficult and takes a lot more knowledge/investment to make crack (coke has to be imported), cook up meth (high risk, relatively low reward) or distribute heroin (also has to be imported).

Joe 10-28-2009 02:46 PM

It seems like we're way over-policed to me.
I know our population is much more dense compared to Alaska, and I can understand the need to have an adequate number of first responders if a large-scale emergency were to occur, but near me (central RI) if I go one town over to pick up my son from school it's not uncommon to see four cops from three different towns over the course of a three-mile ride.

Islander77 10-28-2009 06:59 PM

Joe over-policed never... lmao ya think???? remember I am used to one or two lol... untill main land or summer, then more

JohnnyD... My grandfather played rum runner from Island to mainland during the prohibition during ww2.... I dont believe that pot is a billion dollar industry, I believe its much more than that if our government would legalize it they could tax it like ciggs and alcohol and make a butt ton of money off it... Was my two cents you mention the BIG 3 other drugs in this country Cack, Meth, And dope ALL THREE LEAD TO DEATH from drug OD or ways of getting money or the drug itsself... And for the record Meth is highly proffitable just not as much up here in the NorEast... But yet less than a mile from CHariho High School they busted a meth lab... hhmmmmmmmmm

Mike P 10-28-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by HESH2 (Post 719900)
in our nations largest state there are only 368 state troopers and some of them are also wildlife enforcement troopers.because of large areas they cover its not uncommon for the troopers to drive over 100 mph to get to a call.90% of alaskans are armed.

And I'll bet you that home burglaries are almost non-existent ;)

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