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RIJIMMY 01-19-2010 03:12 PM

you have to hand it to the Democrats
they are very supportive and stick together during the tough times....

Precriminations: Dems, Expecting Loss, Lay Into Coakley | The Atlantic Wire

PaulS 01-19-2010 03:14 PM

I guess thats like running and disavowing any tie to the president (remember 2008).

RIJIMMY 01-19-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 740429)
I guess thats like running and disavowing any tie to the president (remember 2008).

political strategy is different than blaming.

what was coakley and the dems strategy? Its Teddy's seat! My ass it is.

PaulS 01-19-2010 03:24 PM

Any repub. who lost last election blamed it on Bush.

What does strategy have to do with blaming someone? If the repubs. where supportive and stuck together in 2008, they wouldn't have blamed Bush. - No difference.

Frankly, not being a resident, I don't know what her strategy was.

RIJIMMY 01-19-2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 740433)
Any repub. who lost last election blamed it on Bush.


wrong - if you said Palin, you may have a point.

PaulS 01-19-2010 03:52 PM

Then why did most Repub. try to down play their party affiliation.

I also heard that even many of Browns ads didn't list the party.

buckman 01-19-2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 740446)
Then why did most Repub. try to down play their party affiliation.

I also heard that even many of Browns ads didn't list the party.

If you don't know Brown is a Republican then you have to be stupid.

I didn't see many DEMOCRAT "marsha" Coakley ads either

JohnnyD 01-20-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 740428)
they are very supportive and stick together during the tough times....

Precriminations: Dems, Expecting Loss, Lay Into Coakley | The Atlantic Wire

Kind of like Palin being the scapegoat for McCain losing? This isn't a partisan issue, this is a pride and "Not my fault" issue.

buckman 01-20-2010 05:56 PM

With every thing they effed up in the last year did you really think they wouldn't eff this up too?

basswipe 01-20-2010 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 740446)
Then why did most Repub. try to down play their party affiliation.

I also heard that even many of Browns ads didn't list the party.

Every single one of his ads listed his political affiliation.

Btw the entire GOP was behind Brown all the way...ALL THE WAY.

basswipe 01-20-2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 740816)
Kind of like Palin being the scapegoat for McCain losing? This isn't a partisan issue, this is a pride and "Not my fault" issue.

Ya think?The DNC instantly distanced itself from Coakley in a heartbeat.

All that money thrown at her only to throw her under the bus when all was said and done.

spence 01-20-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 740880)
Every single one of his ads listed his political affiliation.

Just for the hell of it I went to his website.

I can't find a single mention of him running as a Republican on any page.


basswipe 01-20-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 740883)
Just for the hell of it I went to his website.

I can't find a single mention of him running as a Republican on any page.


Every single ad had him running as a Republican.Every one.All........Every TV ad,all his ads stated Republican!

Oh Spence do you honestly believe noboby who voted Brown knew he was a Republican?

spence 01-20-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 740885)
Every single ad had him running as a Republican.Every one.All........AD,all his ads stated Republican!

Oh Spence do you honestly believe noboby who voted Brown knew he was a Republican?

Just watched every ad on his website and not a single one mentioned his party. Perhaps the TV ads required the party to be mentioned by law.

I'm sure the voters new he wasn't a Dem, but is sure looks like he didn't run as a Republican.


scottw 01-20-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 740888)
Just watched every ad on his website and not a single one mentioned his party. Perhaps the TV ads required the party to be mentioned by law.

I'm sure the voters new he wasn't a Dem, but is sure looks like he didn't run as a Republican.


if it makes you happy, you can tell just yourself that he's not a republican...didn't run as a republican, will not sit with the republicans etc...etc...
but I think you are going way out on a limb to say that you are "sure that voters "new" that he wasn't a dem" :rotf2: maybe the voters got confused and voted for the wrong guy like the old farts in Fla. in 2000...YEAH...that explains everything...I'm sure there were lots of people in Mass that DIDN"T see or hear any of the Coakley ads:rotf2::rotf2:

spence 01-20-2010 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 740945)
if it makes you happy, you can tell just yourself that he's not a republican...didn't run as a republican, will not sit with the republicans etc...etc...
but I think you are going way out on a limb to say that you are "sure that voters "new" that he wasn't a dem" :rotf2: maybe the voters got confused and voted for the wrong guy like the old farts in Fla. in 2000...YEAH...that explains everything...I'm sure there were lots of people in Mass that DIDN"T see or hear any of the Coakley ads:rotf2::rotf2:

I've already made several posts where I've said I thought she ran a terrible campaign.

Your post is moot.


ecduzitgood 01-20-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 740888)
Just watched every ad on his website and not a single one mentioned his party. Perhaps the TV ads required the party to be mentioned by law.

I'm sure the voters new he wasn't a Dem, but is sure looks like he didn't run as a Republican.


The ad's Coackley ran were repeatedly mentioning he was a Republican, I guess both parties rely upon sheeple voting based upon affiliation more than ideology.

scottw 01-21-2010 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 740947)
I've already made several posts where I've said I thought she ran a terrible campaign.

Your post is moot.


but you still voted for her...:rotf2:

she didn't lose because she ran a terrible campaign unless you believe that a well run campaign would have masked who she really is...the people of Mass. recognized the fact that she is a mirror of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Frank dirt bag Progressive radical leadership that currently infects Washington and chose not to send another to further their destructive agenda....she felt comfortable enough in the bluest state and running for the sacred seat to let her true colors show quite profoundly...your whining is moot...:uhuh: but keep searching Scott Brown's website for something....anything...Spence Olbermann...the Progressives have sure developed a bad case of the nasties...

PaulS 01-21-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by basswipe (Post 740880)
Every single one of his ads listed his political affiliation.

Btw the entire GOP was behind Brown all the way...ALL THE WAY.

The report that I saw had some ads w/o the party listed and also his bus didn't have anything.

scottw 01-21-2010 08:16 AM

2 Attachment(s) doesn't say "democrat" anywhere...??? :rotf2:

fishbones 01-21-2010 10:37 AM

Wait a second!!!!!! Brown's a Republican???? If only there was media coverage of this campaign for the last couple of weeks, I could have been informed and known this!!!! Or if they would only list party affiliation it on the damn ballots!!!! I demand a new election!!!! This is an outrage!!!! Those Republicans bamboozled us again!!!! Next, someone's gonna tell me that the Kennedy who was running wasn't related to the Hyannisport Kennedy's.

buckman 01-21-2010 10:41 AM

I can't believe this is being discussed. Holy sh$t, I don't think anyone thought he was any thing but a horrible "Republican".
Maybe they will come up with a vaccine soon for "Republican" because the whole nation seems to be coming down with it.

FishermanTim 01-21-2010 11:04 AM

Now the president is claiming that Brown won because people were fed up with what's been going on for the past 8 years.....what th heck is he smoking?
The reason Brown (REPUBLICAN) won was because people were fed up with the REPUBLICAN president????

Then you have Duval Patrick comparing his run for governor to Brown's, saying that he was going "against the flow" and was a "longshot". He is full of crap! How could a Democrat, running in a Democratic state, backed by 85% of the senate be a longshot?

Talk about kissing major a$$ after a party defeat. I'm surprised that they haven't actually claimed that they were responsible for Scott Brown's win!

To coin a soon-to-be popular phrase: "Who's next?"

buckman 01-21-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by FishermanTim (Post 741073)
I'm surprised that they haven't actually claimed that they were responsible for Scott Brown's win!

I think they are:rotf2: They are just to proud to admit it

The Dad Fisherman 01-21-2010 11:42 AM

I think there were two reasons Brown won.......

One, The Obvious one, was that people are definitely fed up with whats going on in DC with the over the top spending and that people do realize the need for Balance.

and the other was because Coakley, being in a notoriously blue state, thought that this was going to be a Slam Dunk for her and didn't put forth any effort until her opponent started to gain Moe-Men-Tum.....and by then it was to late.

redlite 01-21-2010 11:47 AM

my boss's sister ran Cokely's campaign and even she said Cokely was an absolute clueless bafoon.

Fishpart 01-21-2010 12:16 PM

When the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for the state is not endorsed by the Police, I don't need to know anything else...

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