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Jim in CT 09-05-2012 07:14 PM

Democrats and the war on women
Bill Clinton is one of the premier speakers at the convention. Bill Clinton used a young woman's internal organs as an ashtray for his cigar.

Liberals are shrieking about a war on women,m and they honor Bill Clinton? If there is a war on women, Bill Clinton is the Audie Murphy of that conflict.

These people have no shame, and their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Unfreakinbelievable...

spence 09-05-2012 07:22 PM

Ashtray? The unconfirmed story I've heard is that she used his cigar to, um, pleasure herself.

While there are certainly ethical and marriage issues here, it sure doesn't sound like Monica wasn't a willing participant...quite willing in fact :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

zimmy 09-05-2012 07:53 PM

Man... I never heard the cigar was actually burning. He is a freak. On the other hand, I think Newt might give him a run for any awards or noteriety on that front.

Piscator 09-05-2012 07:57 PM

It was a Cuban cigar, he broke the law.

Honestly though, this whole Democrats are for woman and Republicans are against woman is a bunch of made up, phony BS that tries to confuse voters. Even ask that Indian dude Elizabeth Warren, he knows.

Jim in CT 09-05-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 957259)
Ashtray? The unconfirmed story I've heard is that she used his cigar to, um, pleasure herself.

While there are certainly ethical and marriage issues here, it sure doesn't sound like Monica wasn't a willing participant...quite willing in fact :hihi:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

And I guess you'll say Clinton also had a lot of respect for 2 other women in his life, his wife and his daughter...

Spence, i didn't say Clinton forced himself upon her. But he certainly degraded her. Point being, he has no moral authority to lecture me about how to treat women. Neither do the Democrats who put Clinton on a pedestal.

And how about the fact that the Dems honored Ted Kennedy at the convention? In the war on women, he may be the only politician with a confirmed kill, and he's worshipped by the side that claims to care bout women...

I don't understand how you make peace with these things Spence. I just don't get it. Although I've never heard you claim that buy into the liberal myth that conservatives don't like women, so maybe (hopefully) you see that for what it is.

PaulS 09-06-2012 06:59 AM

I thought the White House was a smoke free zone?

Keep trying though, it is always interesting to hear how the extreme think.

JohnnyD 09-06-2012 08:18 AM

I thought it's the Republicans declaring war on women. At least that's what Warren tells me on an hourly basis every single night all. night. long.

Jim in CT 09-06-2012 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 957299)
I thought the White House was a smoke free zone?

Keep trying though, it is always interesting to hear how the extreme think.

So Paul, you are denying that he inserted his cigar (lit or unlit) into Monica Lewinski?

I think the issue of whether or not the cigar was lit, is of zero consequence. What matters is that one of the 2 major political parties is so delusional and hypocritical, that they honor Bill Clinton and Ted Mekkendy, yet they act as though they own the franchise on women's rights.

I'm not an extremist Paul. I react to actual events in a way that reflects common sense and compassion, with a little Catholicism sprinkled in for good measure...

PaulS 09-06-2012 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 957319)
So Paul, you are denying that he inserted his cigar (lit or unlit) into Monica Lewinski?

Where did I say that?

I see a common theme here, you claim I stated something that I didn't.

So show me where I said that.

Jim in CT 09-06-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 957332)
Where did I say that?

I see a common theme here, you claim I stated something that I didn't.

So show me where I said that.

You said it was a smoke-free zone, and you told me to "keep trying". I took that to mean that you doubted my premise, sorry if I was mistaken...

PaulS 09-06-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 957341)
You said it was a smoke-free zone, and you told me to "keep trying". I took that to mean that you doubted my premise, sorry if I was mistaken...

Thank you.

And while I believe what happened was between 2 private individuals, his being married made the whole affair sleazy.

FishermanTim 09-06-2012 11:36 AM

Then to add insult to injury, he had the gall to pull that "What the definition of sex is" crap during his impeachment procedings.

What is REALLY disturbing about the Democrap's smear campaign ads this go'round is that they are the SAME ONES they used back in 2008!!!

SO, either they are too lazy and stupid to find some tangible item to rally against, or they're just trying to save their campaign funding to take with them when they lose!

Oh another thing....Menino apparently did it again!
We'll have to ask him who this Martha Luther King person is?????

spence 09-06-2012 12:11 PM

So Clinton speaks for 48 minutes at the Democratic convention, and despite his 65% approval rate upon leaving office still manages to bring the house down :hihi:

Bush's party address at the Republican convention by contrast...

Wait, did they forget to invite President Bush????? :devil2:


zimmy 09-07-2012 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyD (Post 957313)
At least that's what Warren tells me on an hourly basis every single night all. night. long.

You might think of throwing her (assuming you mean Elizabeth, otherwise...him) out of your bed. Waking you up hourly is unacceptable for any woman. :devil2:

Jenn 09-11-2012 05:46 PM

I am confused over this thread. Is this really about a whore, a sleazy ex president and a cigar? or is it about womens rights?

The good news is at least we have the right to VOTE!

Jim in CT 09-11-2012 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 958272)
I am confused over this thread. Is this really about a whore, a sleazy ex president and a cigar? or is it about womens rights?

The good news is at least we have the right to VOTE!

It was my thread, allow me to elucidate. If the Democrats want to honor Bill Clinton (who degrades women for his own jollies) and Ted Kennedy (who murders women) at their convention, then I don't see where they get off claiming that the other side is waging war on women. And I really don't see how half the country is that gullable that they accept from the Democrats that Republicans are waging war on women. That's what the thread is about. One more example of stunning liberal hypocrisy...

Fishpart 09-12-2012 07:16 AM

The Democrats are killing my woman and every other hard working woman trying to support a family. The choice to "fix" the economic problems with constant devaluation of the currency (rather than with financial policy) and inceasing prices on the items we need to live our daily lives that by some stroke of genius are not included in the inflation numbers...

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