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Jim in CT 10-10-2016 05:40 AM

How each candidate treats women
"Actions speak louder than words. Mr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.”-Juanita Brodderick.

I'm not defending Trump in any way, he is a world-class jerk. But is slut-shaming the victims of sexual assault, really a superior track record?

When you ignore her faults and focus on his, yeah, she looks better. A fair comparison of the morality of each, shows that both candidates are deeply lacking.

Raider Ronnie 10-10-2016 07:02 AM

Does anyone really think she doesn't talk the same way when the cameras are off or she's behind closed doors ???
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 10-10-2016 07:14 AM

Um. No
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie (Post 1110179)
Does anyone really think she doesn't talk the same way when the cameras are off or she's behind closed doors ???
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

99% of us engage in some kind of locker room talk at some point in our lives, conversations that we might not want broadcast to the world later on.

What Trump has done, goes a little beyond that (saying he can grope anyone he wants because of who he is). So he is a little worse.

What Bill Clinton did, was to act out on Trumps claims of what he thinks he can do, and that is 100 times worse. Almost none of us are accused by multiple women of assault. And the fact is, Bill Clinton remains enormously popular with the Democrats. They don't care how shabbily he treats women, they don't hold his abuse against him. And none of them can offer a syllable of explanation as to why that is.

Hilary Clinton lied to defend the serial predator she is married to. And she attacked the character of his victims. Now she is a self-proclaimed feminist champion?

So on this issue, most Democrats (not all) have one set of rules for Trump, and another, very different set of rules for anyone named Clinton (or Kennedy!!).

There is no low that they won't stoop to, and their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

wdmso 10-10-2016 07:40 AM

How each candidate treats women

another False equivalence from the right... Def : is a logical fallacy which describes a situation where there is a logical and apparent equivalence, but when in fact there is none.

Donald is more like Bill Clinton that much is certain

Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?

buckman 10-10-2016 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110182)

What Trump has done, goes a little beyond that (saying he can grope anyone he wants because of who he is). .

OK I'll say it because nobody else wants to, but doesn't that say a lot about how shallow and apparently slutty some women are ? We all know it's true ...
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110183)
How each candidate treats women

another False equivalence from the right... Def : is a logical fallacy which describes a situation where there is a logical and apparent equivalence, but when in fact there is none.

Donald is more like Bill Clinton that much is certain

Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?

"Donald is more like Bill Clinton that much is certain "

How many women have accused Donald Trump of assaulting and raping them, exactly?

"Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?"

A normal wife doesn't attack the accuser (more accurately, victim) and lie to defend the assaulter. My wife was captain of her college rugby team, and if I was serially unfaithful to her, and betrayed her and my kids like that, I'd be dead before I hit the ground.

You really appear to be one of those liberals, like Spence, who can't say anything bad about any Democrat, or anything good about any Republican.

You said Trump is like Clinton. Trump bragged that he can grope women. Clinton actually did that, and more. Is saying "I'll kill you", the same as actually killing someone?

"another False equivalence from the right"

The right isn't saying they are equivalent, we are saying Bill is much, much worse, and common sense suggests that is correct. You are making the false equivalent by saying that words and actions are equivalent. That's absurd.

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by buckman (Post 1110186)
OK I'll say it because nobody else wants to, but doesn't that say a lot about how shallow and apparently slutty some women are ? We all know it's true ...
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Of course, there are women who are groupies to the wealthy and famous. You think Trump's wife didn't care about his money? How many poor 70 year-olds do you suppose she has dated?

But that ain't the same as assault or rape, not by a long shot.

RIROCKHOUND 10-10-2016 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110194)

How many women have accused Donald Trump of assaulting and raping them, exactly?

There are several out there who have accused him, including his ex-wife.


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110194)
"Would any one's wife here run to the defense of an accuser ?"

A normal wife doesn't attack the accuser (more accurately, victim) and lie to defend the assaulter.


You may be right about defending the assaulter, but you think a 'normal wife' wouldn't be calling your mistress every name in the book, besides kicking the crap out of you? :smash:

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1110200)
There are several out there who have accused him, including his ex-wife.

You may be right about defending the assaulter, but you think a 'normal wife' wouldn't be calling your mistress every name in the book, besides kicking the crap out of you? :smash:

I can say this for an absolute certainty...if I was middle age and rich, and I left my wife for an intern, yes my wife would have some choice words for both me and the gold digger.

If 10 women came out at the same time, and accused me of assault, and one of rape, then my wife would correctly conclude that the problem was me, not them. And for damned sure, she wouldn't blame the Democrats for framing me.

She obviously knew exactly who she married, so she could not possibly have been surprised when the Lewinsky story broke, That would be like me saying that I didn't think Trump had it in him to be crass.

I would say Hilary's slut-shaming of assault victims is at least as bad as Trump's locker room talk. The actions of Bill Clinton go way beyond Trump's vulgarity.

This is also the party that worshipped the Kennedys. If you aren't going to call out the Clintons and the Kennedys, you have no moral standing to criticize Trumps offensive words.

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1110200)
There are several out there who have accused him, including his ex-wife.

You may be right about defending the assaulter, but you think a 'normal wife' wouldn't be calling your mistress every name in the book, besides kicking the crap out of you? :smash:

Bryan, when the Lewinski story broke, Hilary said that Bill (the patron saint of infidelity) didn't do anything wrong. She said the GOP was framing him (when she said he was an innocent victim of the vast right wing conspiracy).

What do you think of that? If she knew she was full of it, that means she lied to all of us, right? And if she genuinely believed what she said, what in God's name does that say about her judgment?

Her and Trump are both extremely sleazy individuals. They both have a demonstrable track record of treating women like garbage. His words are a lot more crass and vulgar than hers. But she is, in a more eloquent way, just as insulting (the deplorables remark was a scripted speech, she sees nothing wrong with saying that). Let's agree they are both gross, stop talking about it, and talk about which one's policies are better for the country.

FishermanTim 10-10-2016 11:16 AM

I agree!

It almost seems like a diversionary tactic to keep people from really finding out what these POS politicians are really planning!

You know the tactic: Someone starts getting close to finding out that you plan on selling out the country BNIG TIME, so you start a slander campaign that will focus the attention on morals and prior improprieties and VIOLA' one focuses on your really plans!!!

Sadly, like so many other elections, it breaks down to the simple are voting for the lesser of two evils and hope that you don't get totally screwed by the results!

wdmso 10-10-2016 12:39 PM

They both have a demonstrable track record of treating women like garbage

again another false equivalency

Hillary comments are specific to singular women and specific events and know for years since the 90's.. at the time society did not see them as the same comment is seen to day 2016 .. but if she said the same today It would cause a fire storm..

Donalds latest comment are not Specific to a single women as were his Mr universe comments , they are general statement about Women in 2005 ... the general public was not aware of this position in 2005 but they are now 2016 and they see it in the light that society see's it by todays standards of decency and many take issue .. to locker room talk like that from a 60 year old

The bigger question I have is why theses issues were never exposed in the Republican primaries

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110217)
They both have a demonstrable track record of treating women like garbage

again another false equivalency

Hillary comments are specific to singular women and specific events and know for years since the 90's.. at the time society did not see them as the same comment is seen to day 2016 .. but if she said the same today It would cause a fire storm..

Donalds latest comment are not Specific to a single women as were his Mr universe comments , they are general statement about Women in 2005 ... the general public was not aware of this position in 2005 but they are now 2016 and they see it in the light that society see's it by todays standards of decency and many take issue .. to locker room talk like that from a 60 year old

The bigger question I have is why theses issues were never exposed in the Republican primaries

"Hillary comments are specific to singular women "

Women who are victims of sexual assault, at the hands of her husband. Why is it better to insult a specific women, than it is to say "I can grope whoever I want".

Trump made fat comments about a specific woman. Liberals attacked him for it, I dare you to find a liberal who said "well, as long as his comments were specific to a singular woman, that's OK."

"at the time society did not see them as the same comment is seen to day 2016 "

Assault victims? We didn't know that assault victims deserve compassion in 1999? I think you are stretching like a contortionist to defend her...

wdmso 10-10-2016 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110219)
"Hillary comments are specific to singular women "

Women who are victims of sexual assault, at the hands of her husband. Why is it better to insult a specific women, than it is to say "I can grope whoever I want".

Trump made fat comments about a specific woman. Liberals attacked him for it, I dare you to find a liberal who said "well, as long as his comments were specific to a singular woman, that's OK."

"at the time society did not see them as the same comment is seen to day 2016 "

Assault victims? We didn't know that assault victims deserve compassion in 1999? I think you are stretching like a contortionist to defend her...

“trailer-trash.”bimbo failed cabaret singer towards women making claims against her husband... I guess you dont see her as a victim of Bill's deceit either ??

.. I Grab them by the P u s s y or I moved on her like a bitch, or I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” “I did try and f--- her. She was married,”

yet you some how you can put these statements them in the same category that's amazing

I am far from defending her but theses things are not the same no matter how hard you try to say they are

Are these people also defending Hillary or do they see what I see?
Republicans Calling For Trump To Step Aside As Nominee

Sen. John Thune (South Dakota): Third highest ranking Republican in the Senate, previously said he would support the nominee
Sen. Mark Kirk (Illinois): Ran campaign ads distancing himself from Trump
Sen. Ben Sasse (Nebraska): Prominent "Never Trumper"
Sen. Deb Fischer (Nebraska): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia): Said the "appropriate next step may be for him to reexamine his candidacy;" Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Dan Sullivan (Alaska): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): Tweeted that Trump has "forfeited the right to be our party's nominee," Did not endorse Trump previously
Sen. Cory Gardner (Colorado): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Jeff Flake (Arizona): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Martha Roby (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Bradley Byrne (Alabama): Withdrew previous endorsement
Sen. Mike Lee (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Mia Love (Utah): Did not endorse Trump previously
Rep. Chris Stewart (Utah): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Barbara Comstock (Virginia)
Rep. Mike Coffman (Colorado)
Rep. Charlie Dent (Pennsylvania): Previously said he is not voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the general election
Rep. Patrick Meehan (Pennsylvania)
Rep. Ann Wagner (Missouri): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Rodney Davis (Illinois): Withdrew previous endorsement
Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan)
Rep. Justin Amash (Michigan)
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (Nebraska)
Rep. Frank LoBiondo (New Jersey): Said he will write in Mike Pence
Rep Scott Garrett (New Jersey): Withdrew previous endorsement
Gov. Dennis Daugaard (South Dakota): Withdrew previous endorsement
Joe Heck, Senate Candidate (Nevada): Is running for Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid's seat
Darryl Glenn, Senate Candidate (Colorado): Withdrew previous support
Carly Fiorina, former presidential candidate
George Pataki, former New York governor
Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor
Hugh Hewitt, conservative radio talk show host, previous Trump backer
Condoleeza Rice, former secretary of state: Wrote that as a Republican, she hopes "to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office in the greatest democracy on earth."

Jim in CT 10-10-2016 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110220)
“trailer-trash.”bimbo failed cabaret singer towards women making claims against her husband... I guess you dont see her as a victim of Bill's deceit either ??

.. I Grab them by the P u s s y or I moved on her like a bitch, or I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” “I did try and f--- her. She was married,”

yet you some how you can put these statements them in the same category that's amazing

I am far from defending her but theses things are not the same no matter how hard you try to say they are

Are these people also defending Hillary or do they see what I see?
Republicans Calling For Trump To Step Aside As Nominee

Sen. John Thune (South Dakota): Third highest ranking Republican in the Senate, previously said he would support the nominee
Sen. Mark Kirk (Illinois): Ran campaign ads distancing himself from Trump
Sen. Ben Sasse (Nebraska): Prominent "Never Trumper"

First, your list of prominent Republicans who are bashing Trump, proves my point, it doesn't prove your point. Republicans are willing to say out loud, that Trump is an ass, because he is. Where are the prominent Democrats telling Hilary that you don't attack the character of assault victims?

Making vulgar comments towards women in general (which I think?? is what Trump did) may be vulgar, but it's not as damaging as Hilary going on national television, pointing out specific women, and slut-shaming them. I don't see how anyone with a speck of intellectual honesty can disagree, but you are protecting your candidate no matter what. You would have me believe, that if Trump is secretly recorded saying "I can nail whoever I want", is MORE offensive to you, than Hilary going on national TV, naming your wife (who had been assaulted) by name, and calling her a slut? Seriously?

You also, as usual. dodged my questions, so here they are again, but let me tell you, it gets tiring when I address your points but you don't do the same.

"Hillary comments are specific to singular women "

OK, you are saying, incredibly, that insults directed at specific women are better than insults aimed at women in general. If that's true, how come liberals attacked Trump when he fat-shamed a specific woman who was in his beauty pageant? Using your logic, since that insult was aimed at a specific woman, it's not a big deal, right? Yet your side attacked him for it. Yet when Hilary makes attacks on specific women, you say it's no big deal. Sure looks like hypocrisy.

"at the time society did not see them as the same comment is seen to day 2016 "

Please show us some kind of evidence, ANY evidence, that in 1999, it was acceptable to attack the character of victims of rape and assault?

Lord almighty...

ecduzitgood 10-10-2016 05:50 PM

At least if Trump screws up he can be impeached, unlike the Democrats the Republicans won't protect him the way the Democrats protect Hillary.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 10-11-2016 03:15 AM

this is so true...if Trump were a democrat the dems would be be chiming

"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
"everyboby lies"
"if his wife doesn't care why is it any of your business?"
"he didn't have sexual relations with that woman"..he really didn't
"it might be unseemly but it's not illegal"

the conjured up lines and excuses would be endless....
we've heard all of it about countless democrats for years...

this is just too funny.......democrats suddenly have become nuns with amnesia....:scream:

as pointed out above...where are the democrats jumping ship from Hillary and the Clintons? there are decades of reasons and evidence...

lock step baby....hypocritical nuns with amnesia marching in lock step......scarier than even TRUMP

actually....Trump is decades of democrat politicians rolled up into a big ball...and democrats are offended?!@#??..baaaa haaaaa

Jim in CT 10-11-2016 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1110249)
this is so true...if Trump were a democrat the dems would be be chiming

this is just too funny.......democrats suddenly have become nuns with amnesia....:scream:

Thank you!

I am sure that the family of Mary Jo Kopechne takes great comfort in knowing that Democrat voters suddenly demand that their candidates treat women with the respect and compassion they deserve.

Democrats won't stand for mis-treatment of women? Tell that to Ted Kennedy! My side is waging 'war on women'? Ted Kennedy has the only confirmed kill in the war on women, he is the Audie Murphy of the war on women. And Democrats kept him in the Senate for 85 years.

Fly Rod 10-11-2016 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1110177)
"Actions speak louder than words. Mr. Trump may have said some bad words but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.”-Juanita Brodderick.

I'm not defending Trump in any way, he is a world-class jerk. But is slut-shaming the victims of sexual assault, really a superior track record?

When you ignore her faults and focus on his, yeah, she looks better. A fair comparison of the morality of each, shows that both candidates are deeply lacking.

Do not forget monica, she was only a 22 year old intern at the time that bill took advantage of.....he will have the run of the white house when hllary is away....:)

wdmso 10-13-2016 02:34 PM

Trump campaign rocked by new wave of sexual harassment allegations

should Hillary try to seat them in the front row in the next debate ?

Should Trump be admonished for attacking the accusers as liars ?

This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous. To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.

^^^ the Conspiracy theory excuse

Donald Trump’s Remarks Show He’s Mistaken on Sexual Assault in Military Sept 2016

“That’s more than victim blaming, and it misunderstands the historical role of women in the military,” said retired Col. Don Christensen, a former chief prosecutor of the Air Force.Donald Trump’s Remarks Show He’s Mistaken on Sexual Assault in Military

what's fair for one should be fair for the other dont you think

Jim in CT 10-13-2016 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110417)
Trump campaign rocked by new wave of sexual harassment allegations

should Hillary try to seat them in the front row in the next debate ?

Should Trump be admonished for attacking the accusers as liars ?

This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous. To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.

^^^ the Conspiracy theory excuse

Donald Trump’s Remarks Show He’s Mistaken on Sexual Assault in Military Sept 2016

“That’s more than victim blaming, and it misunderstands the historical role of women in the military,” said retired Col. Don Christensen, a former chief prosecutor of the Air Force.Donald Trump’s Remarks Show He’s Mistaken on Sexual Assault in Military

what's fair for one should be fair for the other dont you think

"should Hillary try to seat them in the front row in the next debate ?"


"Should Trump be admonished for attacking the accusers as liars ?"

Do we know for sure who is lying (I wouldn't bet one cent that Trump is being honest, but there's no DNA evidence like there was with Lewinski, nor is there evidence (that I know of) that Trump gave million dollar payoffs to keep accusers quiet (Clinton paid someone 850k). And no one accused him of rape that I know of. But if he did it, he's not much better than Bill.

"what's fair for one should be fair for the other dont you think"

Yes I do. You'd be hard-pressed to find situations where I applied a double standard. I'm extremely fair.

Back in 08, the NYT ran a front page story saying that the girl that John McCain adopted from Bangladesh, was his child from a mistress. That tells you everything you need to know about that rag. A guy who spent 4 years getting tortured in a POW camp, then had the empathy to adopt an orphan from Bangladesh, doesn't deserve better than that? You tell me?

I wouldn't put it past Trump for a second to grope, hell he said he could grab whoever he wanted. But the liberals that are attacking him over this, sure are silent about holding Hilary to the same standard. Lots of prominent Republicans in DC are distancing themselves form Trump. I don't recall many prominent Democrats similarly scolding the Clintons, and today obviously, few liberals hold it against him. If you give Bill a pass, don't tell me you're wetting the bed with outrage over Trump's lapses.

wdmso 10-14-2016 05:07 AM

its very simple Bill isn't running for POTUS Trump open the can or worms when he brought bill into the fray

Do we know for sure who is lying ..

Hillary didn't now that either what she made her statements ,but she was attacked as if she did .. it was only after years did we find out the truth it was presented as shaming the victims

Trump has called them "horrible liars" and the media was colluding with rival Hillary Clinton.. these women have claimed these events in the open Names and Faces

he said this about Natasha Stoynoff Take a look. You take a look. Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don't think so, I don't think so."

and now the chickens have come home to roost

scottw 10-14-2016 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110452)

and now the chickens have come home to roost

don't confuse what you perceive as "defense of Trump" for lack of concern given the defensing of the indefensible we've seen from dems routinely over the years

that is indeed "chickens coming home to roost"...and apparently is causing some ruffled feathers.....

hopefully Hillary will have Trumps accusers sitting in the front row for the next debate and Trump will have Bill's son and his two grand kids in the front row as well

it would truly be a Jerry Springer event....who if you recall...was my choice to lead the country reflecting perfectly it's current state :hee:

Jim in CT 10-14-2016 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110452)
its very simple Bill isn't running for POTUS Trump open the can or worms when he brought bill into the fray

Do we know for sure who is lying ..

Hillary didn't now that either what she made her statements ,but she was attacked as if she did .. it was only after years did we find out the truth it was presented as shaming the victims

Trump has called them "horrible liars" and the media was colluding with rival Hillary Clinton.. these women have claimed these events in the open Names and Faces

he said this about Natasha Stoynoff Take a look. You take a look. Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don't think so, I don't think so."

and now the chickens have come home to roost

"its very simple Bill isn't running for POTUS"

I am aware of that. But the point, and it is a valid point, is this...if Democrats refuse to hold Bill Clinton accountable for what he did, it makes them glaring hypocrites to criticize Trump. Right or wrong? If Bill is viewed by Democrats as being a good President despite what he did (and Democrats overwhelmingly still approve of him), why does being crude to women make Trump unfit? If it's not a disqualifier for Bill, why is it an issue for Trump?

Can you do me a favor, and for once, just answer that question?

"Hillary didn't now that (that Bill was lying) either..."

Let's examine that. Hilary said that Bill was innocent, and that the vast right wing conspiracy was framing him. In other words, Hilary thought that Bill hadn't cheated on her (despite numerous claims in the past), but rather, the GOP was framing him.

WDMSO, she has never offered a speck of evidence to support that claim (because the media doesn't ask Democrats to substantiate such things).

Please tell me WZDMSO, what do you think of her claim that the GOP was framing Bill? She said that on national television. Do you think that was a rational thing to believe? What does that say about her judgment?

Raven 10-14-2016 09:57 AM

a vote for evil hillary means war with this guy

ecduzitgood 10-14-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 1110471)
a vote for evil hillary means war with this guy

It's a good thing we have young folks registered for the draft.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 10-14-2016 03:31 PM

Please tell me WZDMSO, what do you think of her claim that the GOP was framing Bill? She said that on national television. Do you think that was a rational thing to believe? What does that say about her judgment?
Today 08:58 AM

Id say based on the History of the republican party going after them and the Hate that resides here towards them reguardless of the facts presented

I would say its not hard to see why she would make that statement
and shows she is a rational thinker .. a bit paranoid but rational

Compared to this from Trump Who is not rational but paranoid and can again Shows his True Temperament

We just have women confirming that what he said he has done .. it seems he wasn't lying for once ..

“The Clintons and the corporate media are one in the same," Trump told hundreds of millennials at an invitation-only event in Columbus. "They collaborate and conspire together.”

or “The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism,” said the GOP nominee. “They’re a political special interest no different than any lobbyist or special entity with a total political agenda, and the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.”

Maybe Trump needs Bill Cosby as a running Mate .. so much for Freedom of the press

Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. this is from Kellyanne Conway campaign manager Tweet toward Hillary

Now Trump has called his accusers "horrible liars"

and Mike Pence says Donald Trump's campaign is working on producing evidence (Slut shaming??)

It Seems some one should have tried Trumps extreme Vetting on Him because seem this onion got more layers then expected

PaulS 10-14-2016 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1110488)
Id say based on the History of the republican party going after them and the Hate that resides here towards them reguardless of the facts presented

Judical Watch alone has sued Hillary 20 times.

I wonder how many more women will come out this weekend with stories of how Trump assaulted them.

scottw 10-14-2016 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1110494)

I wonder how many more women will come out this weekend with stories of how Trump assaulted them.

probably depends on how many hundred dollar bills the Clinton's and their co-conspirators drag through trailer parks this weekend :laugha:

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