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Old 06-05-2013, 01:44 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Ok, so you don't view saying that the jihadists would be pleased to having her in a position is an insult to her. I think most people would disagree.

How about M. Backman saying A. Weiner's wife had ties to Muslim extremists?

Or how about Breitbart News reporting that Hagel had not turned over documents on his sources of foreign funding b/c one of the group was called Friends of Hamas or Fox news and the Wash. times reporting essentially the same thing.

Or how about basically the whole Tea Party saying our Pres. was a Muslim and not born here?

Those weren't meant as insults?
"Ok, so you don't view saying that the jihadists would be pleased to having her in a position is an insult to her."

Not so fast, sir. I freely admit to insulting her. What I did not do, was insult her because of her politics, which is precisely what you suggested. I have zero knowledge of her personal political beliefs. I insulted her because if she insists on denying what everyone knows took place, she's unfit for such a complex, vital position.

"How about M. Backman saying A. Weiner's wife had ties to Muslim extremists?"

Bachman is a crackpot. And I have never said she was fit to be President or national security advisor. What does Bachman have to do with this, anyway?

"Or how about basically the whole Tea Party saying our Pres. was a Muslim and not born here? "

Now who is making stuff up? It's not "basically the whole tea party" who believes that, it's the kooks. Those who say that Obama is a Muslim, or not born here, are an embarassment. They don't represent anything resembling a majority of the tea party.

Paul, every group has its lunatic fringe. I have never denied that. Therefore, you aren't refuting anything I have ever said. Here's the one is saying that fringe Tea partiers who say Obama is a Muslim, should be the national security advisor. Ms Rice has the right to say whatever she wants, but if she is (as you seem to believe) as idiotic as the conservative "birthers", then you are proving my point that she's unfit. If Romney won the election, he would not have picked Donald Trump as his NSA. You're suggesting that since there are dumb conservatives out there, therefore it's OK for Obama to name her as NSA. Not a very compelling argument.

I see you conveniently chose not to respond to my Pearl Harbor analogy, so I'll assume you couldn't think of anything relevent, and that's why you posted examples (some made-up) of conservatives behaving poorly (feeding perfectlyu into my statement that liberals do precisely that, especially when they are coherent enough to realize they are losing the argument).

You didn't even try to refute my contentuion that she's unqualified. All you could do is say "so, there are crazy conservatives too". Obama didn't pick an unfit conservative to be national security advisor, he picked an unfit liberal (I presume she is a liberal).

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-05-2013 at 01:55 PM..
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