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Old 09-05-2013, 05:15 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Can't the same arguement be made about Obamacare - that the right to quality healthcare is important to society (and I won't insult you by saying that if you don't think it is important to society, then you are cold hearted)?
Paul, the comparison to Obamacare may be flawed. In the case of vouchers, parents can elect to participate in the program if in their opinion, the public school is failing. Obamacare is forced upon us by force of law. Many people will be forced into Obamacare against their will.

I agree with you 100% that every American, every human being, has the right to healthcare. I disagree that Obamacare is the way to do it (though I don't claim to have a better answer). In the voucher program, few folks would disagree that the private schools offer a superior product, for less money, than the public schools.

And Obamacare will cost us an absolute fortune, whereas voucher programs necessarily reduce public spending. That's the beauty - the kids get a vastly superior education, and the towns have a net spending reduction. If that's not win-win, I don't know what is. But good luck trying to have a rational discussion on this subject with a teachers union.

Challenging points as usual...
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